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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2018 12:02am-12:16am CET

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or sell off on financial markets while investors are trying to digest the fed's latest rate hike a government shutdown in washington becomes a very likely and frightening scenario u.s. stocks are now heading for their worst december since nineteen thirty one also on the show at his annual press conference russian president vladimir putin says incomes are rising but the supposedly positive trend has a long way to go to reach every russian else and india is faced with more than sixteen million tonnes of waste and being here one said he sets a landmark example of how to deal with rising piles of trash. i'm chris of coburn berlin good to have you with us stock prices on wall street have continued that down war trajectory following major losses on asian and
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european markets u.s. stocks are now on track for the worst december since the great depression investors are worried that rising interest rates and a possible government shutdown will act as a brake on the economy. well for more let's go directly to wall street and our correspondent against at some point the dow lost more than six hundred points on thursday what's been the word on the trading floor. and it's unbelievable if you're as you mentioned bloke that we might see the worst december since nineteen thirty one what happened to nine hundred thirty one big then the u.s. economy contracted by a good six percent unemployment rate so it's going to sixteen percent so we live in a different world today but then again we also have been up quite a bit in the past couple of years well i mean first of all the self already started on wednesday with the meeting of the federal reserve and then we did see some.
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pressure when news broke that u.s. president donald trump might not sign the spending bill on friday so that could mean a shutdown is looming a soul at some point blue chips were down by even almost seven hundred points and by the end of the day we still lost four hundred sixty now in the event of a government shutdown how do investors feel it will impact them. well i mean if you talk to investors and on traders here on wall street most people will tell you that it actually doesn't really matter that much at least to the economy at this point and usually also in the past that would have would not be the first shot that we've experienced year and usually stock prices really do not react to that much so that tells you a lot about the whole sentiment here on wall street that traders and investors are looking for any kind of reason to sell into this week stock market and then the holidays are coming up meant nobody really wants to have too high positions ahead
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of a couple of days off and then also we are talking about it for quite some time that next year we might be seeing some weaker global economic growth and hold the selling pressure already started a while ago and not just on wednesday on thursday against quarter of porting from new york cannes thank you. russia's president vladimir putin faced the world's media today has annual press conference comes at a time when his approval ratings are at historic lows after an unpopular pension reform social justice is an increasingly sore spot for many people in russia but mr putin says the russian economy is doing well and incomes are rising. we are registering a slight and yet positive trend towards the growth of real incomes the growth is going to be around two point five percent i do look this trend is going to persist because the real wages are growing. over the first months of this year it was seven
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point four percent it's going to be seven percent by the end of the year. now though the russian president claims real incomes are on the rise across russia the standard of living has been dropping consistently one politician decided to try and live off of the money many retirees have to make do with his experiments sparked a national debate but will his campaign really help russians living in poverty w.'s moscow correspondent emily sherman went to the city of serato off to find out. who would take the city. on that ankle is on a political diet for a whole month now the parliamentarian from south of has based his food budget on a local pensioners living wage spending just three thousand five hundred roubles or around forty six euros to. the communist party politician only buys the bare basics and says he's been hungry all month issue but i want to prove that living on three
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thousand five hundred roubles a month is impossible without a negative effect on your health and shoot. some accuse the politician of populism others here at south of market tank him and that includes pushing to double the living wage in russia his campaign has gotten a huge amount of media attention along with us a russian federal t.v. crew is also filming him preparing his rations but to bomb that ankle this is more than just p.r. and bigger than his health. i don't think that a month on this diet is enough to seriously damage a normal person's health in the long run of course i have worried about my health but what i see across the country scares me much more. documented the experiment on his video blog and also shows the debate that kicked it all off the top of slater minister and. insisted the living wage is enough to guarantee a balanced diet she was fired over the remarks in bonn during because argument has
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grown into a national debate even on state television. but the government including interim minister for labor says the living wage will stay the same for now. living wages substantiate it's based on statistical calculations and on the law of course we are striving to improve our approach in order to work out new more effective methods for calculating the living wage that work has begun and should be finished in two thousand and twenty. experiment has struck a chord beyond south of across russia the standard of living has been dropping consistently the government has made having poverty a goal for the next six years currently every eighth person lives under the poverty line which means they are in less than the living wage but i've talked to my sister going up prices for bread and milk are going up that the existence minimum is still tiny. i can hardly survive. only by the cheapest products on
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three thousand five hundred you can exist on the list. at his office at the do money. phone has hardly stopped ringing the communist politician is convinced his words about the living wage will be heard on a national level the only thing the government can control is the solidarity that unites us the government would rather lose a finger than a whole hand. on that and co is now preparing to take a draft bill to the russian duma. he wants his voice to be hard beyond the hallways of the local parliament. from russia to india and the city of rome which has a population of just under a million people which can be considered a small piece by indian standards now that might be one of the reasons why my ciro has the distinction of being one of the cleanest cities in the country no small feat in india which is struggling with sixty two million tons of waste every year volunteers and city employees pull together to keep my trash properly managed. the
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city of my sorrow is a mission of the break of dawn every day an army of civic workers has been going all out to reclaim their city's status as the cleanest city in the country. michiru was given the cleanest city award by the government two years in a row and then we came in third in twenty seventeen and this year we're eighth the whole administration all these workers all of us are trying very hard to go back to number one. but i have. my subaru produces about four hundred tons of waste every day fifty percent of this is treated accomplice plant well a quarter of it is processed by recycling units the national figures however aren't quite as impressive as india produces about sixty two million tons of waste every year one of the largest generators in the world well eighty two percent of it is
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collected only a quarter gets treated most of the waste invariably ends up in landfills and open dumpsites two decades ago the local government here decided to set up a zero waste management plant in the north. waste management plant was going to set the stage for the rest of the city. they always manage windows like norway's. for the integration so we had company money. my specific operation as you can see we have got rainy day waste collection segregation and we have also had missed we gave our venice to the public. about forty civic workers employed at the plant developing a detailed way segregation module has also created an opportunity for family employment for these workers most of whom were part of a large network of informal rock pickers the city corporation is now trying to bring more and more of them into their fold the city of my subaru it may or may not
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be awarded the cleanest city again next year but it's well on its way to achieving so much more in its endevor towards building a sustainable future. and finally we have this for you in scotland researchers have tested rare and collected old scotch whisky for their real age and they found out that about a third were fakes investigators use carbon dating to sample fifty five bottles of scotch spalt on the secondary market they discovered that twenty one of them were outright forgeries or at least not the still in the year declared they looked at the minutes levels of carbon absorbed during the making of whiskey to determine his age collectors see rare destinations as a good investment in october a bottle from nineteen twenty six was auctioned off for a record of one million dollars and i have a friend that will now very hastily check the contents of his in the cabinet that
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wraps up our show thanks for watching on crystal cove or evelyn see you back home all. right.
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the night is past and day approaches. we were led by vladimir the grey.


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