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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  December 22, 2018 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the. ban. this is good news coming to you live from london at odds of a building a worn out or shut down there's nothing we can do about that. a partial shutdown of the u.s. government could soon as strong and congress disagreeable finding a multibillion dollar border wall along mexico also coming up the start of the porter exposed before didn't do you think dramatic details to his book german journalist and a low cheers from dish peta has admitted to falsifying information bringing down
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his own career and tanisha would mean because the entire organization. and mission complete. the guest has been sharing his interest and experiences aboard the international space station and his plans for the future will bring you the latest . plague. i don't welcome i'm done with that thank you for their company. these scum dispatched the shutdown after lawmakers missed a deadline for approving a spending bill president donald trump and congress could not agree on the five billion dollar bill for a border war between the u.s. and mexico the democrats say they're more effective solutions to border security but trump refused to sign a bipartisan stopgap bill to avert the shutdown. it was
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one of donald trump's most divisive election promises a wall running the three thousand kilometer length of the border between the u.s. and mexico to keep illegal migrants out of america trump still insists the wall is needed to counter drug smuggling human trafficking and gang violence. our great country must have border security we don't want people coming in that aren't supposed to be here the only thing that's going to stop that is great border security with a wall or a slight bends or whatever you want to call it but we need a great barrier on his twitter feed trump says the fortification would be totally effective while at the same time beautiful but u.s. lawmakers are not convinced democrats and republicans fail to reach agreement on
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funding the government democrats held out against trump's demand for five billion dollars to pay for the wall and. do is. funding the. national security experts. unanimously say. around a quarter of the u.s. federal government has gone into shutdown the senate and house of representatives are due to reconvene at midday in washington in the hope of averting a full scale crisis over the holiday period. do you have news washington correspondent. to me more about the likelihood of a deal to avoid the shutdown. this is washington there's always a deal to be mates but it would be highly speculative on my part to say oh yeah there will be a deal today on saturday or to say no there won't be any deal possible at all
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what's really going on is that this is that we are in the waning hours of the waning days of a republican majority in the house they have him in the in the senate of course and they will have more for the more so in the senate next year when the democrats take the house after gaining forty seats in the midterm elections however this is the last chance for president trump to make good on a critical crucial and huge campaign promise that he will push for the wall that he will build the wall and the mexicans pay for it now that's off the table mates because they're not paying for it so he needs the money from congress and is the last chance for him with republican majority in the in congress in the house of representatives to get his money after that there's no chance of all and this is what it's all about. and that was stefan c. monson washington based on take a look at some other stories making news around the world a double car bombing in somalia's capital mogadishu has killed at least five people
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the first blast struck a checkpoint near the presidential palace the second came minutes later at a nearby intersection the islamist insurgent group al-shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attacks. colombian authorities say they've killed one of the country's most wanted fugitive police. known as culture was behind the killings of three journalists in march as well as a string of other deaths the former leftist rebel deserted the country's peace process and allegedly established a drug trafficking ring. yellow vests protestors in france have returned to the streets but in paris and other cities the numbers were shocked to down from a previous week's at a traffic blue kid in the south of the country one person was killed in a car accident president emanuel mccraw has made a series of concessions to quell weeks of violent anti-government protests.
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thousands of anti-government protest is of again taking the streets of gary in capital budapest it was the latest popular rally against the controversial reforms to leave the laws of the judiciary is also growing anger at corruption and prime minister viktor orban restrictions on media and academic freedom. a prize winning journalist at one of germany's leading news magazines has handed back a number of awards after it was revealed he faked elements of his stories class has admitted inventing entire passages and making up quotes dish spiegel fired him earlier this week management says it's looking into all of his work to establish the extent of his deception. class reload sears has won many awards for his detail rich report taj much of it about the united states it was the story of gale gladys a woman from missouri who traveled around the country witnessing executions.
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or the item about a citizens' militia guarding the border in arizona. but after doubts were raised by a colleague admitted that many details in these pieces were completely made up. for going the way he operates was really built he kept people updated about the research he was doing expect his editors about where he was being unsuccessful it was like he took everybody with him honestly set traps false picture was created and we didn't have the structures to detect it so a canon. spiegel sees itself as a standard bearer of tough and factual journalism now spiegel gate has prompted some serious soul searching the problem does not stop with desh beagle the zoo tortured site on newspapers also revealed the reporter faked parts of interviews. with him by and this is a one off case german journalism is in general of high quality but this one of k.
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should never have happened it's a disaster. we have to deal with this proactively we have to make clear sometimes we do make mistakes and sometimes there are even criminals among us as i think is the case here but we have to investigate it. well germany's news organizations fret about how to ensure this kind of fraud can't happen again some are calling it fake needs politicians from the far right do you have been quick to point out the failings at their spiegel and to suggest it's been unfairly critical of those on the right. the invented journalism of class may be a rare case but it's likely only to add to the skepticism of those who already believe that the mainstream media doesn't tell the truth. the german astronaut alexander guest has arrived home for the holidays and has just spoken about his latest adventures in space he came back to earth on thursday after spending more
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than six months at the international space station at a press conference in cologne guest said he's looking forward to celebrating christmas with his family but it will then be or rest and relaxation for the man known as astro alex it will take him by around six months to complete his hand and scientific analysis yes carried out some two hundred experiments in space he also became the first german to take command of the s i s. and to talk more about astra alex and his book i have meet me the suited derek williams from a science desk welcome derek now this was astro alex the man known as esther alex a second mission into space why did e.s.a. the european space agency choose him to command the mission i think for a variety of different reasons first of all he proved very competent and the first mission and second of all he's a very charismatic person and he's fantastic at public relations he was really
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really good on the first mission so putting him in basically in the commander's chair for the second half for the last three months of this latest six month mission was was i think both a political choice but also one that made a lot of sense let's take a look first at the last six months of the space mission that ended up with him coming back down three days ago. and that from space after spending months in zero gravity alexander gassed had to be helped out of the tiny so used capsule that ferry to him and his crew back to earth through to fifty years on the fifth feels like coming home although i am in kazakhstan in a place i haven't been to before it still feels like coming home. what's going on are you know. his fellow astronauts russian sergei procopio and american serina anon chancellor both seemed exhausted but all are said to be doing well. capsule was docked on to the international space station d.i.'s this which has been home to
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the astronauts for the past six and a half months despite several setbacks the crew performed dozens of scientific experiments on board and cares later became the first german to take over command of the i assess he used his unique perspective to offer insight on environmental issues via social media before he left the i assess dare send a message to future generations. looking down to earth i feel that i have to apologize. it looks like my generation is not going to leave the planet in the best condition. back on earth guess just ready to celebrate christmas with his family and remains determined to fight for the future of humankind. and did it you know you guessed all that did the elwood three three thousand times and you know he seemed to have
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a strong message you talked to him recently what do you say to you what wasn't recently was a couple of years ago i interviewed him for our science program right today and i was really very very struck by by his first of all as i said by his charisma but also by the fact that he's he seems really invested in promoting a message which is the message that many astronauts i spoke to several astronauts over the years that they all say first that there are a couple of different things that they all have in common the first thing that they say is that when you look down from space there are no nations and that's really striking for all of us who all of us have always only seen maps and all these colored blocks all over the maps and the second thing that they always mention is how fragile the earth seems from space is something that down here that we that we we have no concept of and there are things that you can see from space for example the wildfires in california that were caused caused by drought caused by climate change you can see deforestation in the rainforest you can see marine pollution there are these there are these really big issues that the astronauts and
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cosmonauts in the i s s have a view of that where that we're never going to have it and it's that message i think that he's trying to communicate that somber sound byte that we just heard where he's talking to his unborn grandchildren and saying i'm sorry but i feel like we're not doing enough to really to really help save the environment and we're not working enough on these these big problems and that's really a big message that i think he tries to to to transmit and derek you know we had that he was is looking forward to spending christmas with his family but after that he has a lot of what to do when he does i mean the scientific there are a huge number of scientific experiments go. not in the eye as all the time and they they were working more or less around the clock on them and so there's there's going to be the debriefing phase of those scientific experiments but astronauts themselves aurora ongoing scientific experiments of the physiology of being in space and and and also then as i said there's the public relations aspect of it for getting people interested in the space program because in the long run that will
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help promote funding and and other aspects of space exploration so he's got plenty on his plate in the coming months and years like. science says thank you very much . a millions of people in spain gathered together to watch the draw of spain's traditional christmas lottery it's known as the el gordo or the fact won a total of two point four billion euros up for grabs this time each ticket can win up to four hundred thousand euros apiece the draw takes place in the madrid opera house and schoolchildren call out the winning numbers the excitement even brought a one pupil to tear as as she read out or sang out a number on stage the highly anticipated tradition dates back more than two hundred yes. a recap of the top story that we're following for you a partial shutdown of the u.s. government kicks off kicks in after u.s. democrats refused to fund
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a multi-billion dollar wall doesn't trump promise to his voters on the us mexico border about a fourth of government agencies have been impacted housings of u.s. employees may have to work with doubt be on to the budget impasse is resolved. that's it for me and with that she might have come on and we'd be here with you at the top of the hour my back. take it personally are you ready with a little gender fifty to one story that makes the game so special. for all trees. take up more than football. where. when your family scattered across the. south we could.


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