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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2019 1:15pm-1:31pm CET

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the outskirts. of the if it's amazing to have all these people standing just white next to you have the stage it's fantastic isn't it not at all there's a barrier. so they can't climb but. you know it's not if if an audience would be intimidated i think you shouldn't be a performer you on folds only in front of the building. it's very boring to see
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you're dressed. but what makes somebody stand out is ultimately ultimately is the quality of the voice but what is the quality of the ways is it just what you're given by the guy upstairs or is it something that is a potential that you then develop and hone our let's go to this not. because i think that's what it really is and it's that and the personality behind the voice that is projected. to come on i'm not i'm not i'm not there i didn't think i was going to the opera world has a certain stake in his success you know all the big opera houses certainly do and you know you want somebody like that to succeed. at the peak of his success and his partner the opera director christiane a little live in munich. it's where he was born in his students' singing days the
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cafe louis told was a regular haunt. but for years he was a prophet without on a in his own city or his own opera house i sang a total of four performances for performances in fifteen years the mystery i mean there really missed it because i mean i dead did it in two thousand for me or a couple. of two thousand and six in at the met i mean it was it and along with already a lot scala and so on so i mean it's every major house yet known song they all realized except for me. you know early february his star status was recognized at the barbican center in london in what they called the cosman residency tool kestrel concerts a public discussion with young singers and first stop a song recital not very evening with his pianist doidge so you guys want to stretch where it is some stage of you just to sit down have a quick chat with your afternoon chair yeah you see i'm not in time to to reverse
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not for three hours i mean her voice went on. for the bar become and for him it was a high wire act especially since he'd been out of action for several months with a vocal injury. scenario. her. boss with the partnership of helmut deutsch on likes to switch from the heroic roles of grand opera to the intimacy of the song recital. these fantastic he's coming to now eat ass and can't sell that so there. he's popped it was the hands wonderful on stage that's like jesus christ i was thinking it's great excitement is actually has singing time yet. us there when you know yes. let me
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drop my pants are falling. but he never really took off for breakfast so still most everybody is waiting to see whether he still deserves that title the world's great set. for. earth oh. come oh and. our lord.
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the last time cost money and deutsche had performed together was in south america the previous oldest thought it was well talisman noticed a vocal problem. at first there was no cause for alarm but it turned out to be serious we had to reside in some paulo which was pretty well and very very good at the next one was in. lima and he didn't feel comfortable is it i don't want to see what's what's wrong and two days later it was but his eyes it was up again it was very very very good and then he burst out again and then his doctor found their reason for this bunch of beacher and imperiled saludos they stayed bail much a picture. after journeying to high altitude in the undies not you picture itself
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is two and a half thousand meters above sea level the trouble with his voice began it ruled out old performances for a period that in the end lasted five months it's very simple a tiny little blood vessel popped open and vocal chords vibrate so many times per minute and they touch each other each and every time and if something goes wrong there. it cannot heal on its own when you don't know it and you don't leave it alone meaning when you don't shut up completely. stepwise. it was not ok you have to rest three months it was ok two weeks maybe maybe a little bit more and then another two weeks and then three weeks and then you know
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. this was just. popping open several times and also there i was in singing at all just i'm too sick to dinner table and talk to friends and from one second to the other you think oh what happened was. so. it's just constantly. in this. treadmill waiting to finally find the exit. was.
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this. well the one positive thing obviously was i was home and i saw my kids much more than the last couple of years so i had brazil a nice side effect but still i prefer to have performed on this to. the past to the top hasn't been easy twenty years ago with a punishing show jewel is a young opera singer in germany he found he was horribly in trouble and lost confidence everything i even lost my was on stage during a performance i couldn't see going into to conduct a look at me like hey what's going on tonight. i can't i could. cause a month on the new teacher who showed him how to avoid vocal stress by relaxing the roots of his tongue and keeping his larynx down it was the making of him for the
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first time probably i had a reliable instrument even though it was still edgy and it was not round at all hi i could sing on and on and on and wouldn't get tired the day after the second vatican concert hall wagner he had the opportunity for some maintenance ok there is no easy answer to the shooter. or the straightest you feel the pull around the corner of the joe it's a nice to know you're too young for it but. it's incredibly physical and you know the muscular work is enormous like a sportsman as alert to any hint of a physical problem the next one is monday so i mean it's a quite some here i do though it's a little bit trickier but it's also where they're arriving and everything you only see is perceptive enough to realize that the larynx isn't moving as freely as he
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would like probably the best analogy is a sports car where the handbrake is on slightly and you're just not getting the performance you would expect out of the vehicle and also get you from a to b. but what you're expecting is something that is far more responsive and as soon as we release those tight muscles then the performance returns to the voice works wonderful or yeah as. his reward afternoon tea at his westminster hotel where he briefed his press agent thomas forked ahead of the third barbican event the following day. helper to shanghai was bad cough today i don't know why maybe i overdid it yesterday. but it's getting better but he's great that guy just great it . next afternoon was his conversation with students from the guild hall school of music but the morning brought unwelcome news for the audience. we were
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a little anxious about steaks we did wonder wednesday whether that was cold in the offing situ that's why they've been following his health online for what is assisting the state of the issue now is just to pray that eunice is well for the stars for our songs monday monday's concert was planned as the climax of the cult one season. the four last songs by lee called strauss are a cornerstone of the soprano repertoire nobody can remember them being tackled by a ten a before but at the start of the rehearsal on the saturday it became clear that cuff one's health was still in doubt. so i shall say hello from your nasa just send me an e-mail was a few marks which we can already put into scored on our parts i take press but he wants to go on so i think it's a good sign for tomorrow that he will be here at least. or yes or at least on monday even if.
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by the time y'all can read a ride on the monday the cold turned into bronchitis and the bronchitis want. to go. most difficult situation is for us inside if no i mean he is he so wanted to do it yeah she thought he might finally almost force himself today which was ok next time we have to be sure that he won't people i mean fans or or or you know three months later and fully recovered counseling was back in london for his big operatic challenge that is all telling us we would oh i don't. have intense rehearsal and a major psychological challenges one is a musical one guided by the conductor until a new partner and the director keith morning. are tellers spazz with his evil nemesis jago sung here by mark over tania. hammer just to
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paste the drama without too much happening too soon but it's a question that is loud ready which i think. for to david a needed. walk oh. yes there are slow was. going fine oh oh . the problem is early on if we get too physical too soon amen to that that's why. it's about your it's words at the moment yeah i think it's important to keep your own us stimulated musically dramatically because he can take that little bit of
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information and then build a house out of it she told people who see more and more of her shrewd. jago professes his loyalty. but also tell who has to decide whether he's friend or foe. well. i think jealousy is exactly what y'all go is planting and i'll tell those mind and
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let us see it work when you step by step by step the suggestion is that all tell is new wife is having an affair teller who is tall but demands proof. was. very good if you've done that you should know just as they will not come here and turn them around. she walks down stage looking beautiful so you and he just hold in there and if he tries to resist it you know just hold him and whisper all the shit into his ear. ok. that's right.


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