tv Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe Deutsche Welle January 9, 2019 1:30am-2:01am CET
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it is all happening which of going to come. during link to news from africa and the world. your link to exceptional stories and discussions in one welcome to the news african program and from foreign to me from the news of easy and why i would say de deputed comes from africa joined us on facebook at t w africa. are there welcome to your daily dose of european lifestyle and culture here. let's take a look at what's coming up. living legend led zeppelin guitarist jimmy page trends
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seventy five. sound sculpture tango these mechanical music machine overall. and also my abode suite take a closer look at the fine bizarre european cup. let's get cracking by celebrating the birthday of a living legend of rock music as the guitarist of led zeppelin jimmy page took the swinging sixties into the era of hog rock the band started rocking and nineteen sixty eight when jimmy page was working as a session musician musician in london alongside bassist john paul jones they were distant a singer and a drama and subsequently spent twelve years at the top of the charts since the band's breakup in one thousand nine hundred eighty jimmy page maintained his rock star status and at age seventy five he's still got it with no plans for retirement
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just yet. one of rock music's most famous guitar riffs. stairway to heaven was even voted as having the ultimate guitar solo of all time by readers of guitar magazine. rolling stone magazine ranked jimmy page third in the list of the one hundred best guitars to music history what he lacked in technical virtuosity page more than made up for with his unique sound some even credit him with having him think you are right. now the british musician is turning seventy five and for more than sixty years he's been involved in an intense relationship with his x. i had an infatuation with the town i wanted to have more of
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a love affair with. the passionate love of northern easy peasy one one. page got his first gets hard each well he found it when his family moved into a new house and he taught himself to play by practicing day and i wasn't like the regular cut kind of kid i guess i was a bit nerdy in that respect and i was in the habit of taking the kitten to school and you know sort of practicing when i wasn't yeah. it is early twenty's page worked as a session guitarist playing with eric clapton the kinks the who the yardbirds the rolling stones in one nine hundred sixty eight at the age of twenty four page founded led zeppelin he hired singer robert plant bases john paul jones and drummer john bonham in the years that followed led zeppelin would become one of the most influential and innovative bands in rock music.
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it often isn't a lot of each of those four guys is a genius and they fused in such a way that every aspects of their music profited they're an exceptional case and i can't think of another at least not any other rock band like them and the band recorded their first album in a matter of hours jimmy page wasn't just the group's main songwriter and producer he also covered all the costs for the studio recordings with the foundation of led zeppelin sound a fusion of hard rock blues and heavy metal. but it was with the release of their second album led zeppelin two in one nine hundred sixty nine the band's career really took off. they were superstars. as they move for the for the their lives were completely disconnected from riyadh.
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it all played out exclusively on stage in private jets hotel rooms at coke tables and with groupies etc the total rock star stereotype. but like many rock stars of that era led zeppelin paid a heavy price for this lifestyle and september one thousand nine hundred excessive alcohol consumption caused the death of their exceptional drummer john bonham. and for a time jimmy page was also addicted to heroin. after bonham's death the band called it quits led zeppelin released nine studio albums in total and sold some three hundred million records they feel huge stadiums and their spectacular concerts have become the stuff of legend the group is even reunited on rare occasions like for this london appearance in december two thousand and seven. page wrote music history with led zeppelin the band is his life's work and he tends to its legacy though
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he's done various projects since he's never quite a skit led zeppelin shadow it is passion for playing is as strong as ever. you won't get full attention. like a laser. cut. individually everyone every single person. even at seventy five you still can't get enough of playing the guitar so literate happy birthday to eve. now let's get our round up of the news in europe and eastern countries christmas celebrations quite differently warmed up in our express first but of cuteness overload. the baby polar bear. has opened its eyes for the first time zookeepers report
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that the couple's. getting more and more active in recent days it was born an addict is somebody but it's still not allowed out of the person that the keepers are monitoring it by camera only and do not go near it so as not to endanger its health it won't be known if the company's male or female until a veterinarian determines the gender about a month from now. or the doc's christians across eastern europe celebrated christmas on monday in serbia's capital belgrade patriarch be renamed celebrated with many of the faithful after the service a large christmas bread was blessed and old serbian tradition meant to bring good fortune for the coming year. in skopje to macedonia celebrated in the churches and on the streets. gets on and other cities in montenegro held christmas bonfires
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many orthodox churches go by the old julian calendar putting christmas thirteen days later than the holiday as observed by other christians. stressed out urbanites in st petersburg russia can turn to a new therapeutic treatment involving raccoon says. the program is quite popular both with local people and tourists they can play with the raccoons or feed them and altogether relaxing experience one hour of raccoon therapy costs between twenty five and forty years. after opening the show with some hard rock it's time now to get our groove on with a completely different take on music the swiss sculptor john tangle was a pioneer of so-called kinetic his creations move independently and even make their
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own sounds one of them called need to has now been restored so that one small creates uniquely intriguing sounds without without the help of a musician playing it. it's up and running again. swiss artist john tank lee's sound sculpture metal harmony too has been restored to its former glory after forty years of rattling and clattering the parts were worn and the sound was anything but impressive so wheels were set in motion to get the machine some much needed maintenance. kinetic art was tanned least trademark he saw movement as a metaphor for modern life as he explained back in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven with him with these machines i want to exemplify the new absurdity. a neverending futility which you could like into everyday life because you will think
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i will be getting it in my thoughts for you for. tandy created metal harmony two in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine the work now belongs to the emmanuel hoffman foundation its collection is overseen by shelley laga a research institution founded by our patron. i shall not restores pucca and. spent a year documenting repairing and where absolutely necessary replacing every little part is like this figurine from a donald duck comic after identifying its serial number they found a replacement on the internet the original is beyond repair try as she might the third restore can change that but shallow aims to restore the machine to its original state both visually and acoustically. we have a picture from. those photos. based on this color photograph we can recognize
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a few interesting things like for instance that the light bulb which has always been white for as long as i can remember was originally yellow just. it's a small change which has a big effect which the overstretched bungee cords were repaired rather than replaced and. i'm proud that the percussion hammond's once again strike the instruments with a certain tension and power in doing so they produce very different sounds to. the team even developed a technique to repair well worn metal parts by filling them with a synthetic material. even iron can show signs of wear not to mention softer materials. we couldn't find a replacement for the shoes. that's why we've tried to preserve it by giving it to
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metal soul. isn't the ties the metal so prevents it from bendy too much when it strikes the keenness. until he made a three d. scan of this object so that we could make a duplicate she liked it. but would it then still be an art work by john technique restoring his machines has proved more complicated than the swiss artist would have imagined. it's all very simple the motors are always the same the fastenings are all standard ones and easily replaced it's no problem. following it's restoration met a harmony two was delivered to the museum tangly in basel switzerland where the work is on permanent loan ten days long time assistant use of imhoff stopped by to see the machine being set up she helped to construct the artist's sound mixing
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machine. came off knew all about tangling idiosyncrasies should have never. mind where my work is made from garbage and it's garbage to me it's behind me and doesn't concern me anymore so the theft i think you just said that to provoke people a little. bit would tank lee approve of his machine getting a facelift because he'd be most pleased absolutely music to the restoration team's ears and all she. tanky enthusiastic around the world. definitely an acquired taste shall we say that music now i do know max we wonder what images come to mind when you think of the typical german someone who drives like a madman on the motorway or as we call it the outro bond or perhaps someone who loves drinking beer and eating sausages it's not all true the new face book series that
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so german takes a playful. back so. one two week cartoonist miguel friend them days pokes fun at. typically gemini idiosyncracies. so we'll beat the total german human. head on over to the c.w. or max facebook page. next up is today's installment of this week's series the call of the mountains you can catch up with yesterday's match the whole magic online but now we're off to the german austrian border to visit the pits it's germany's highest mountain and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year including myself on
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a clear day you can see a total of full countries from its peak and recently it's become quite a lot easier to get to the top. it's germany's highest mountain just under three thousand meters it's about average for the alps. the choke is also a popular tourist destination every year around five hundred thousand people visit the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking views. the trip to the summit is spectacular this new cable railway has been running since last december it covers a total of two thousand meters which is a record for this kind of transport. and there's just one support call of the trip to the top of the steam and the fastest.
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in the city but it's not so long and you can even see the station from here we're traveling at a forty six degree angle you won't see the summit until we get close to us at the station as glass panels from top to bottom see it was a four and when the weather is nice enough provide some spectacular views. for the last. your one on the bottom of the. there's not much to see when the weather's bad of course but the trip is still worth it as it is standard it was pretty scary at first because of the wind the wind you know when you're in that big cable car it's actually quite pleasant at some guns on the name it's a very beautiful. and we like it very much because it's so much big and you have the space below loads of people it's very impressive it's a very high. amazing amazing. just below the summit there's a ski area with twenty kilometers of ski raft that's not
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a lot by international standards but there is plenty of snow. visitors can stand tonight in the igloo village it's made of snow and is rebuilt every year from scratch sculptors create each individual room based on a specific theme. it's an unusual way to spend the night in freezing temperatures. he will not mention money it's really something special and he admitted in the middle of the night when things are quiet here on the mountain the guests and staff sometimes go sledding or hiking or do we also have germany's highest whirlpool and germany's highest sauna as far as elevation is concerned it's an exclusive experience the fight over much put it. but most overnight tourist a hand in the town of garmisch proppant cation population about twenty six thousand
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garmisch is one of germany's most popular ski resorts. just stamp side the town is pop not gorge which features cliffs that rise to a height of eighty meters the gorge is part of a protected nature preserve. the seven hundred metre long hiking trail follows the stream gorge for. by some unique winter landscapes like these gigantic icicles. another popular attraction is the olympic ski jumping site it's home to the annual competition known as the four hills tournament. the tower at the top of the jump is sixty meters high visitors can see what it's like for world class athletes to stand here before a jump. there's at least one person who travels up and down the troop ship insert every day letter carrier and gas powered now the snow no wind will keep him from
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the swift completion of his appointed rounds which includes opening germany's highest post office for the day. this is what each and every day it's a new experience you get to meet people from all over the world. in your car. stamps that are canceled here are marked with the spitz's elevation and zip code. in any kind of weather in any season of the year germany's highest peak and the scenery that surrounds it never seems to fascinate. before we present some fascinating cuisine
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a quick reminder of this week's competition lots of a summit series we want to see your experiences of hiking in the mountains one lucky participant will be paid to win an exclusive euro max wristwatch you can upload your pictures to our website at www dot com slash lifestyle now as promised we turn to a unique restaurant the ultimate in the finnish capital helsinki prides itself on sustainability and fact they use extremely local products there are plenty plants and vegetables cultivated in and around the restaurant with many ingredients growing right in front of the eyes of the guests so that's going to test. the dishes on the menu of the restaurant are often quite extraordinary. like a cricket taco or reindeer blood crap or scream but chef only elaine is determined to use only locally produced ingredients he grows many of them right in
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the restaurant. we have lots of ideas for what could be done here in the city be considered working with the hydroponic cultivation system growing crickets and lamps growing mushrooms and alkie then we gathered all the information together and got started. with hydroponic cultivation and water is almost all it takes to grow vegetables lettuce and herbs. from the roots or submerged any nutrient solution to provide optimal growing conditions for other plants are grown in a conventional way. in soil. i'd say about ten to twenty percent of what we use comes from our own production all the hooks for instance in general we are only using greedy and when we know where they come from even space agencies have expressed interest in these ere grown potatoes players to find with nutrients from achilles spray on missed also on the menu crickets their
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bread a nice fears. remark he says the restaurants concept has only positive aspects. of. the hydroponic cultivation system is great because it enables us to grow fresh herbs ourselves but what i also really like is our interior design. some of the restaurants furnishings came out of a three d. printer the patrons appreciate the spirit of innovation. the guy. that the question that got me interested in the ultimate level is what the food of the future needs to look like so it's sustainable for the coming generations the concept is great and the food tastes good too like the. good food and major social issues are brought together at the ultima restaurant in helsinki. we often present you the best architecture that europe has to offer in fact you can
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find plenty great examples on our you tube channel interior design but today we take a look at some of the most unique living spaces or disease that you may never have seen the like of before buildings that up bizarre here. by european houses you wouldn't think are inhabited. these concrete blocks has no windows is it a prison or a warehouse. nika it's a villa outside lisp in portugal the facade keeps out prying eyes it's number five in our ranking of homes you wouldn't think are inhabited but in the back there's plenty of plus the interior is bright airy and friendly. this may look like some kind of animal creeping along the forest floor maybe a giant snail but in fact it's
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a house it's number four of our houses you wouldn't expect to be inhabited by dutch architect had it built in sweetness a vacation home for his family. in fact it looks a little like a goblins house from a fairy tale. to the average apartment blocks in warsaw poland but we're not interested in them but rather what's in between it's another house no wider than two arms length it's in third place on our list of houses you wouldn't think anyone lives in. it gets rented out regularly but no one can stand it for any real stretch of time. whether claustrophobic or not anyone would start feeling walled in here. hear things grow and thrive and it's a green house after all and it's in second place among houses in europe you would
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hardly expect to make good homes planted among the grapes tomatoes and palm trees is a family the owners they decided to live in their place of work a garden center near dresden germany that sounds practical as long as they've worked out whose job it is to wash the windows. for this silo at the waterfront of the hague in the netherlands stores for the third new living ideas a father and daughter are planning to move in without money for a custom designed interior they'll have to use second hand furniture and their own . imagination it's in first place on our ranking of european houses you wouldn't think are inhabited not some money went into making the old silo or real home but the one hog makes it all worthwhile. some incredible ideas for now that's all we have time for we're back again tomorrow with more your remarks here on d w including
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a close look at some winter wonderland and. on the next edition of your own max in parts of europe winter is cold and dark which makes it fun popular with many but the season has its price sides too like snow covered country signs fresh clear air winter sports. and a cozy warm prior. to return next time on your own max.
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life i now fifteen minutes into the. hundreds of lives in life times. where i come from abroad your remains an important moonsault transmitting nuance and form ish and when i was young my country was drawing confidence the war throbbing of people most people would cars that are on drugs to see if. it was my job to touring one of the law to just say so i thought everyone in the town called police and tours again. nothing has been from incident my unknown codea in johnson
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more than the norm even stopped by us i was a twit and from. my choice being discarded because given their way toward transmittance patrols. men in the grass mom much and i will. get up. how do you want to. discover your concept discovered with the gulf spill. school a legend after one hundred lives the ideals of the fox house are more relevant today than they were a. hundred years ago visionaries reshaped things to evolve people are still desires and with shaping society x.
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. the powerhouse of man does crossover. with ideas that are part of our future. what makes the about education inspiring to the spirit. of some power the type of i. told her documentary starts in january thirteenth on w. . the suspect arrested for a mass data breach in germany has confessed to the place and twenty two year old student says he published the personal information of politicians and public figures out of anger at statements they've made he's cooperating with your thirty's and was released from custody.
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