tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle January 21, 2019 11:00am-11:31am CET
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one hundred so. terms and conditions. documentary on instagram. this is detail beauteous coming to you live from berlin trying to grip the brig's a deadlock british prime minister to resolve may propose to present a plan b. for leaving the european union but will it be enough to satisfy a deeply divided column and also coming up on the show it was one of the world's most of trysts of countries now his biggest found since it's changed to trade as
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the country's president visits germany restricted journalist who says he was tortured in prison for heroes such award extent has a country really changed course. and hopes for an end to nearly fifty years of congress to muslims in mindanao in southern philippines vote in a referendum on autonomy we talked with girls who've been fighting for their lives . hello and welcome i've never thought she it's yet another big day for briggs said today british prime minister is a may set to announce a plan before leaving the e.u. after lawmakers overwhelmingly rejected a deal with the e.u. last week and the prime minister's proposals today are expected to focus on winning more concessions from the e.u.
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in particular on the so-called irish backstop an insurance policy to avoid a hard border between northern ireland and the irish republic but the e.u. says this point is not up for negotiation. germany's fun mr moss also stressed the importance of the irish border issue. which a vicious it's important that the decision doesn't lead to a hard border between northern ireland and ireland because as we saw on the weekend that could put people on edge now. europe is a piece project that it can't take steps that would reignite previously resolve conflicts. it's a very sensitive issue and therefore i can't envision that there will be major changes to it during the talks. but the very latest i'm joined from london muddied the obvious mom to visit mother of the year kiran tourism is plan b. hinges on getting more concessions from brussels on the back stop what can you tell
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us. yeah her plan b. pretty much seems to be her plan a and many people here in london are quietly desperate about that fact because it seems to come from the little self-help books for politicians if you fail try again try harder and then maybe fail hard in the end because what she's going to do next week is then take this sort of revised original deal back to a problem and say if i could possibly gain more concessions from brussels would you then be willing to vote for it it's not quite conceivable how that is going to work out however trees a may is adamant she has tried or she has made the attempt to formally cross party talks last week said to four different sort of consensus she didn't budge on her red lines now we are exactly where we were
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a couple of weeks ago and she's just going to try again to sell whole deal when one britain's trade secretary liam fox claims remand parliamentarians are trying to hijack briggs said what does he lead that. that's quite clear what he means pete means the power struggle that is taking place behind us here in westminster because parliamentarians across the dividing political lines are trying to wrestle control from the government the cabinet is split at least four ways about how to proceed and what kind of breaks it ministers would wander into reason may is just stop and goes on doggedly she does what she does best she just carries on now a solution needs to be found so pelham and terence are trying to come up with the own amendments be able to make up their own legislative proposals and then vote on them in order to force the government into some sort of exit strategy be that maybe
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a second referendum be to take it take a node. off the table marched off to rex that everything is still in the game here and parliament really tries to assert of self because many people there think this is a moment of national crisis and what about outside parliament how divided our people here talking to there is there any consensus on what should happen next. people are deeply divided and it seems somehow that the country after almost two years of this debate is just sort of split right among the middle the latest polls last week showed that there was maybe we always have to be careful those polled maybe now a majority of fifty six. percent of britons to remain in the european union versus forty four to say to leave but that of course is not quite certain but if you talk to people here they are so fed up with the bickering that goes on amongst their
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politicians in government and also in parliament and they somehow really want this over with one way or the other it seems that many people would now just be grateful for any kind of solution that just stops this and lets british politics return to what really people really care about which is the health system this situation in schools and so on and so housing all of the normal things that voters usually really have on the top of the agenda it's certainly not breaks it bar a visit in the heart of london thank you very much. the president of us biggest shafqat a micio here is in berlin for talks today his visit comes at a time of change for the central asian country president. to power two years ago after the death of the country's long term autocratic leader he says he's committed to introducing liberal reforms and to open the doors to the rest of the wild but
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how much has changed did you have visitors to shatter visited as big a star and sent us to support. your zone after nineteen years behind bars around of his enjoying every moment of his newfound freedom. the fifty five year old journalist was jailed in the late ninety's for supporting a position petition resume rather is one of hundreds of who had to pay for their political with their freedom. i was tortured in prison. they always found reasons to punish me and came up with new ways to physically torture us political prisoners. we had to unload hot bricks from railway wagons yes the bricks are just come out of the oven and we had to load them into cars there. is one of at least sixteen political
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prisoners who've been released from prison in the last twenty years. the main reason i was freed was thanks to our current president it came down to his political commitment his will to personally stand up and behalf of the prisoners. the governments human rights envoy has also praised president shaft partners the u.s. he's promoted that his country is opening up he says that thanks to the president finally have an opportunity to defend their rights. not g.'s to them i wish it were this we used to receive two hundred complaints a year mostly last year we got nine hundred today we don't have a single political prisoner in our jails because the president personally monitors the situation we have changed as a country that the less than honest. a lot has changed in his biggest town in the
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last two years and the country is gradually opening up to the outside world but with people still detained on political charges in the country's prisons the rule of law still seems a long way off here in whose biggest human rights watch says there are still nearly a dozen incarcerated for their political views including priests soldiers and journalists but unlike the human rights organization the country's government doesn't consider them political prisoners. and yet change is tangible in its biggest on corrupt police are being openly criticised powerful intelligence officials ousted and travel regulations for citizens are being relaxed after four i hope there will be real reform and concrete results i want is back to stand to finally become a true democracy because the. other reforms are also taking place in this biggest
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unknown not just in human rights. central asia populist country seems to want to put an end to its all story tarion past. that we not being the opposite but some of the stories making news around the world israel's military says it struck iranian military targets inside syria the israel defense forces announced the operation on twitter bitches from within syria claim to show the country's and defenses repelling the attack it's highly unusual for israel to admit attacking targets inside syria. greek nationalist and patriotic groups have clashed with police in the capital athens tens of thousands took to the streets on sunday to protest against a deal aimed at settling a nearly three decades old name dispute with macedonia it would allow greece's northern neighbor to rename itself the republic of north macedonia.
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police in ireland have arrested two more suspects in connection with a car bomb attack in the city of london derry that brings the total number of arrests to four the bomb exploded outside the city's courthouse on saturday there were no casualties police say the attack may have been carried out by the dissident republican groups the new ira. muslims in the southern philippines have voted in a referendum that could grant them more autonomy is the culmination of a peace process aimed at ending decades of separatist violence some two point eight million people in the volatile mindanao region were asked if they back a plan by muslim separatists and the government to create a new self administered area of correspond vast and hard to travel to the region and sent us this report. abdul aziz. has been
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a muslim rebel for half his life. for him like for so many other men in this part of the country not becoming a fighter was never an option. join the rebels because of my religion but it's more than that i also saw the injustices and the oppression against my community that's why i decided to join. he and his comrades are part of an armed struggle between muslim insurgents and the philippine army that has marred this part of the country for fifty years. as in many areas of southern mindanao here in the village of two can only powell the majority of the population is muslim. in a country that otherwise is almost completely catholic.
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the main reason for the conflict is oppression we're defending our rights our land we feel that we're being occupied by outsiders nothing is ours they're taking away what's ours and they're not giving it back we always lose out this is our home and we have nothing. now many here have real hope that could finally change. in a referendum the people of muslim in the now are voting to ratify a law that would grant them more autonomy in return the rebels have to give up their fight. like these two gentlemen here many in this rebel camp have been fighters for all their lives often it's the only thing they learned how to do but if the autonomy law gets passed they'll have to take off their uniforms lay
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down their arms and start a new life as civilians the deal has been in the making for decades but in the end it took this man to make it happen internationally president. is notorious for his draconian war on drugs and his verbal outbreaks but he has been pushing hard for enhanced autonomy for the country's muslims. of the of. to many here in mindanao he's a beacon of hope for the city. take him by his word we trust him on television we see how he handles the drug problem in the philippines offenders are either killed or in prison that shows that he really means what he says. but all money. but success is not only in the hands of the president the new law for seems that muslim mindanao will be governed by the rebel
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leadership but feuds between powerful family clans rampant corruption and islamic terrorist groups could undermine the fragile peace deal. a peace many of abdul's comrades have sacrificed their lives for. yeah i don't want my children to experience what i've been through all i want for them is to get a good education to learn to read and write for fighters like me there is only violence and war i want my children to have a peaceful future. but abdul is also wary if the agreement fails he says everyone here is ready to go back to war. millions of stargazers go to crete overnight thanks to the eclipse it's being called the soup of blood wolf and while they've been nor reports of werewolves
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roaming around the streets the spectacle did bring out plenty of amateur astronomers. around the world people stayed up late or got up early for a chance to see a rare sight in the night sky for some lucky sky gazers the conditions were just right to catch the so-called super blood wolf moon. it's a total lunar eclipse and was visible with the naked eye where the skies were clear enough a total lunar eclipse happens when a full moon becomes completely blocked from sunlight by the earth the earth's shadow covers the moon obscuring it from view. until only a dim outline can be seen at all. as for the name a super moon happens when the moon is closest to the earth making it appear larger than usual a wolf moon is an ancient name for any moon in january it comes from traditional
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tribal naming systems and the blood moon comes from the red color. the blood moon aspect of this eclipse is actually what we call eclipses during to tallahassee the moon can take on a coppery red color and that's because some of the sunlight actually is filtered through the year satisfy year and bends and is able to hit the moon and it turns it kind of a coppery red and that's because the earth's atmosphere filters out the blue light it scatters it if you were on the moon you would be seeing all the sunrises and sunsets happening on earth once more than fifteen hundred people turned up at this observatory in california one of many popular viewing parties held down here on earth and people were in a celebrate tory mood. it's his birthday so it was a super special day they're also celebrating his birthday so it's special for more reasons than just the minutes on her birthday i said i'll give you the moon she took away. the entire transformation took about three and
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a half hours before the sun once again lit up the lunar surface and the moon began dropping into the horizon. if you missed the event you got a good ten years to prepare for this particular mix of celestial circumstances to come together once again. now for some stores in the industry it was back this weekend after the winter break shall kill season has suffered a stuttering start and they kicked off the new year with a difficult clash against wolves but coach dominico to disco is under great pressure and he made a huge cool pre-game which helped secure victory. a massive change the show could to start twenty nineteen captain ralph famine dropped for the first time in six seasons to many co to just go making a big call in a bid to revive his side's flailing season salman's replacement alexander his worth in the early stages and soon after shock had
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a penalty daniel caligiuri stepped up. one new push on. so far so good so to desk zero it wasn't a loss but many hitting the post held the stretch bets like cleaning up the scraps divorced products trustfulness they get gold shelters defense school bowl watching . one one and shelter searching for answers heading into the half time bright and they found one once again from caligiuri five dollars for the judgment to see let's see what the tree shall cause the result saying today's go live to fight another day. in sunday is another game had been visited near him back to secure coach father dies fiftieth win for the club and with the host struggling to keep their heads above water on the relegation battle but back and ensured a winning start to two thousand and nineteen. and new year brings new hope
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with the home fans cheering them on nuremberg want to define early and their win the streak but if your defense seems to invite your opponents to score it won't be easy time of the one to between davie selkie invader to be severe chand the bosnia made it one nil for berlin after fifteen minutes shortly before half time nuremberg struck back captain hano bat ends making it one off from close range the cellar dwellers spirits got a momentary boast of the foot after the race start herrick to show their class this time a base of each turn provider and andre duda finish the job to one time the slovak playmaker had a great first half of the season and looked better than ever against nuremberg twenty minutes later judah struck again his ninth goal of the campaign three one the final score when you score and also your team is winning and is so this feeling
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is like the. feeling from a happy happy end and i am i do it as brace helps had his chance. says for a spot in europe next season well nurnberg haven't tasted victory in thirteen outage. i'm pleased to welcome helen though with business to us and growing concern about the world's second largest economy that's right and we were talking about china and its growth rate has slipped to its lowest level in almost three decades fuelling concerns over a knock on effect on the global economy and prompting questions as well as to what is behind the slowdown and whether the rest of the world should be concerned. once upon a time chinese economic performance wasn't global news those days are long gone the country's growth rate now act as an indicator for the health of the entire world's economy no wonder then that this announcement was so hotly anticipated you know.
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according to preliminary estimates the total value of china's gross domestic product was ninety point zero three trillion you on that amounted to a six point six percent year on year increase that figure outstripped the anticipated goal. six point six per cent it may not sound too shabby but take a look at this a decade ago chinese economic growth was hovering around ten percent in the year since then it's slowed steadily and what's worrying investors is that no one knows when that decline is going to end. the reason for china's slowdown armada fold domestic issues like a slowing property market are putting pressure on growth but even more worrying to the global markets is the continuing trade dispute with the united states the two countries are currently holding a ninety day trade truce which their leaders agree to offer dining together at the g. twenty summit in argentina for further trade talks are set to take place next week
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but after months of volatility a resolution may still be far off a further escalation could have a dramatic impact on the chinese economy potentially setting in motion a decline in the rest of the world too. and i spoke to dr marcus well he's a senior economist and trade specialist at the university of st gallon and i offered him how the chinese government was dealing with this economic slowdown have put monetary and fiscal a stimulus into the country to force order and they will probably continue to do so the main question the key question is really whether. a country which has been doing free trade and free market economy for the last thirty years aligned with state controlled political system can succeed in continuing to do so i think the jury for the way the chinese government is actually running and managing its economy is due to be in the next ten years because we will see lower growth rates
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in china because the country is developing more and more so it's just normal that these expectations will just be slower i mean that is a fascinating question and as you say we have to bet potentially get used to slower growth from the world second largest economy but what with that then main is the potential of a knock on effect for an export that nation like germany for example it is actually important i mean take a company such as volkswagen that i think is up to forty percent of its revenues being directly and indirectly depending from from china even siemens is wrong ten percent of this so. it's very important for a country such as germany but since the quality and the way how the chinese economy shall develop in the next ten years will be changing it will open up advantages and challenges for countries such as germany take the electrified and autonomous car driving systems and china and that's the good thing it was a state owned state controlled country has basically ordered that it has to be
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changed and there are options and opportunities for these countries who can do so and china has never been good in inventing new things very good at copying intellectual capital so there are many many options and advantages for countries such as germany with its car industry with the u.s. and other parts of the industry so it's very important but there are a lot of opportunities all right there relatively optimistic view there of dr marcus fish from the university of sync allan thank you very much for your views this morning. and he billionaire is minted every two days while the poor just keep getting poorer that is according to a new report published by oxfam and on profit organization says the fortunes of the world's wealthiest rose by twelve percent last year while the poorest off of humanity three point eight billion people so wealth declined by eleven percent oxfam accuses governments of exacerbating the income gap by under taxing corporations in the wealthy while underfunding public services but some say the
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study and its methodology is controversial. according to the oxfam report the number of billionaires has doubled in the ten years since the financial crisis hit it also highlights that the twenty six wealthiest people on the planet known as much as the three point eight billion people who make up the poorer half of humanity. this is an acceptable and there are solutions and it's lucius lay in the hands of government to tax wealth to stop tax dollars change to plough the money into these pumping subs. give everyone a fair chance to be part of the global economy. oxfam publishes its inequality report every year shortly before the start of the world economic forum in davos it's an attempt to highlight the issue with the politicians and business heavyweights meeting up in the swiss resort but some economists have criticized the
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study for implying there are simple solutions to a complex problem other factors also play a major role in wealth inequality they say for example in the african nations that are home to some of the world's poorest they are unstable political systems a corrupt elite civil war and poor education structures continue to have an ongoing impact. and just a reminder now of the top story we're following for you british prime minister theresa may is due to unveil her so-called plan b. later today she's expected to set out how she plans to end the country's parliament . rejected the divorce deal last week. a new strong but plenty more coming up at the top of the hour of course you can always get the latest around the clock on our web site that is dot com and. get very sick.
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a lecture to one hundred gives the ideals of the boss a more relevant today than they were. a visionary things to come to boss people as a way of shaping. with ideas. powerhouse world this week on t w. hello and a very warm welcome to a brand new episode of eco africa states are in to find out why erosion isn't just a problem in africa but is also affecting europe and how into high alpine landscapes are changing because of climate change my name is felicia industry and
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