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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2019 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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this is g.w. news long before the british prime minister's back up plan for bragg said that many say sounds very familiar to resubmit presented her back to plan b. today parliament she insists there will be no delaying the date of britain's departure from the european union but can these new proposals satisfy the lawmakers who threw out her plan a also coming up as he stands president visits germany to show how his country is changing for the better we hear from and journalist who says he was jailed in
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tortured in his home country for years plus an iranian airliner loses its landing rights here in germany with berlin citing the same security concerns that were cited by washington d.c. years ago. and that spectacular moon last night did you see people are still talking about it it was a super blood wolf move turning blood red and even earning civil paul tell you why it happened and we'll tell you how it got that name. and bring golf it's good to have you with us today she came with plan b. britain's prime minister theresa may present in parliament with what's up. has to
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be an alternative plan for brakes that one that she hopes will win lawmakers support until recently was forced to amend her original deal to take britain out of the european union after a huge majority of parliamentarians rejected it last week. mr speaker turning to correct if it first you don't succeed theresa may had an uphill battle on her second go at selling her brags of clamming she's faced criticism for refusing to take a no deal bragg's it off the table but she said parliament held the key to solving the problem for the state money the right way to rule out no deal is for this house to approve a deal with the european. cassy that's is not this government is seeking to achieve the only other guaranteed way to avoid or no deal bret's it is to revoke article fifty which would mean staying in the e.u. one of the hardest issues to untangle has been the so-called irish backstop
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a deal to maintain an open border between northern ireland which is part of the united kingdom and the republic of ireland which is part of the e.u. may is facing opposition to the backstop within her own government but dublin says it's essential to maintain peace in northern ireland a car bomb exploded in the northern irish city of london derry over the weekend a possible warning from militant groups in the region. may says that she is looking for a solution with regard to the fact still despite the changes we have previously agreed there remain two core issues the fear that we could be trapped in it permanently and concerns over its potential impact on our union if northern ireland is treated differently from the rest of the u.k. so i will be talking to this week to colleagues in a way that can command the greatest possible support in the house and i will then take the conclusions of those discussions back to the e.u. . just who in the e.u.
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is willing to listen to those conclusions is an open question the block has ruled out further concessions to the u.k. and so far plan c. is nowhere in sight. down the alphabet slips spoil our correspondent barbara faisal she's standing by in london tonight good evening to you barbara you know today in parliament the opposition labor leader jeremy corbyn he called teresa mayes new plan for break it's groundhog day did she did she put forward anything new. she absolutely did not and you must admit brant it takes a certain amount of clue plotinus to take plan a that was roundly defeated by a palm and just a week ago blow the dust off that sort of like that in the mean time and say ok here it is this is the plan why don't you just vote for it and of course i will listen to you objections but what will i will do is those objections remains
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completely unclear i will take them two for also and but then we'll see what happens that's pretty much what she did and it's in a way it's admirable because of course theories are made does what she does best she just carries on and doesn't sit all through of left or right. who would you say she was trying to win over with her address in parliament today. that was completely clear i mean all this was just for her own party and for her coalition partner the northern irish do you feel the unionists there they are the ones who sort of really gave her this this incredible defeat last week and they are the ones who sort of she now tries to convince and it was a relatively weak because they their objections to the brics a deal of a series may go deeper than just the backstop and how many use britain might be stuck in it or not socketed in it but there is a large group in the tory amongst the tory hardline bricks and cheers who are now
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really fighting off aggressively for a hard bracks it because they think this would really give them what they want total in kinnear break from the european union what about outside parliament barbara i mean the people in the u.k. do we have any indication how they want to move forward on bricks and. i mean there is a strong movement for a second referendum even though you can't really say hall many of holliman terence would vote for it at this time at this point in time and there is of course if you look at the media here there is a rising despair that parliament and the government just running in circles like a cat chasing its own tail and i asked some people orlean the day here what they think this situation means for them and how they would like to solve it. i'd like is to remain. like another referendum well my preferred option
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when i vote was to stay in. i'm beginning to change my mind. so that's how i am now i feel i feel that things have taken place over the last couple of you know a couple of years really. beginning to change my mind but i much preferred option was to start with you. i really hope bricks and stuff i didn't vote because i don't care. i was going to get it done because it's the most drugged out thing i've lost he is. frankly as boring as the u.k. nationally it's so boring i don't really know what the european leaders will accept so it seems that it's sort of an embarrassing situation where i don't even know what they could go back to europe with than and have accepted on
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a say that stuff that's what i think yeah it's fascinating barbara there is you know the opinions are as varied and it's divided as the country so where does this all leave us is to resubmit you see any closer at the end of the day to delivering bricks. absolutely not and she still seems to be running down the clock she just increases pressure on palm and says look at the look at how time passes today it's only sixty seven days till bricks a day and so if you are responsible you just will have to say yes to the deal i mean that she that's what she repeats over and over again but that is not a solution now there is a power struggle behind the scenes and column and and to parliamentarian said trying to sort of grab the wheel in this and bringing amendments and changes in existing laws to force the government to sort of change course whether that will be successful it is a difficult thing to do under the british system of government and the sort of
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division of powers here and whether they will be successful is completely open but in brussels they really must be wringing their hands about the spectacle that law and london really gives these days because they can do anything they just sit there and wait whatever will come whatever will happen and we'll have to do the same it'll be interesting to see what happens next week on the twenty ninth of january if and when parliament does vote on this plan b. our barbara based on the stories force in london barbara as always thank you. well the israeli military says that its jets have struck iranian military targets in syria including it says facilities and an intelligence site now the announcement is a rare departure from israel's normally ambiguous statements concerning its activities in syria the strikes were in response to a walkout fired by your rainy and forces towards israel on sunday no doubt was
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itself a response to an earlier israeli air raid near damascus international airport. explosions in the skies over damascus on monday morning the syrian observatory for human rights says some syrians have been killed israel's military has confirmed that it targeted at radian and syrian positions including arsenals and training camps as seen in this footage. during a visit to chad yesterday israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu called it an early warning of a long term military strategy. it's one of the newly prominently pursue a policy of attacking iranian positions in syria and everyone tries to harness. the policy was developed after a drone attack on israel from an iranian position in syria in february last year in
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the months that followed israel bombarded hundreds of military bases arsenals and radar stations across syria the goal was to destroy the iranian infrastructure that as much as possible. israel increasingly views the expansion of iranian positions on the deployment of iranian revolutionary guards in syria as a direct threat to israel's security. after a rocket was fired over the golan heights israel has now warned of further counter attacks by syria syria's ally iran. well here are some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world russia has threatened retaliation after the e.u. slapped sanctions on its military intelligence chiefs over the nerve agent attack on a former russian double agent the targeted individuals are implicated in the attempted murder of sergei scribal and his daughter in the british tell of souls bury last
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year at least ten people have died after two cargo ships with indian and turkish sailors went up in flames near the crimean peninsula the blaze occurred at the mouth of the care straight between the black sea and the sea of. taxi drivers in madrid that go on strike and calling for stricter regulations against wide healing services like and kava fire which operate under different licenses they join drivers in barcelona you've been on strike since friday and today marched on the kettle on parliament. well the president of stanton has visited germany's chancellor here in berlin it's the first such visit in eighteen years now president chavez cut here's a yard you have says he wants to deepen ties with chancellor angela merkel and germany is visit comes at a time of change for the central asian country the president assumed power two
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years ago after the death of these beckon stands long term although crowding leader chancellor merkel commended the new president on recent political reforms and she mentioned increased military cooperation respect a stand shares a border with afghanistan. but how much has really changed in was back in stare in a moment we'll speak to a human rights campaigner but first we use your ear should reports from the capital tosh can't where he spoke with a journalist who spent nearly two decades in prison. so it really goes down after nineteen years behind bars yusuf around of enjoying every moment of his newfound freedom there are happening in the fifty five year old journalist was jailed in the late ninety's for supporting a new position petition raising the rod of is one of hundreds of those banks who had to pay for their political views with their freedom. i
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was tortured in prison. but they always found reasons to punish me and came up with new ways to physically torture us political prisoners. we had to unload hot bricks from railway wagons yes there are the bricks that just come out of the oven and we had to load them into cars if they're moving by the technician. rosina rato is one of at least sixteen political prisoners who've been released from prison in the last two years. the main reason i was freed was thanks to our current president. it came down to his political commitment his will to personally stand up and behalf of the prisoners. that the government's human rights envoy has also praised president shafqat museo if he's promoted that his country is opening up he says that thanks to the president
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finally have an opportunity to defend their rights. not g.'s to the rubbish as to what this we used to receive two hundred complaints a year most last year we got nine hundred today we don't have a single political prisoner in our jails because the president personally monitors the situation we have changed as a country and i know. a lot has changed in its biggest down in the last two years and the country is gradually opening up to the outside world but with people still detained on political charges in the country's prisons the rule of law still seems a long way off here in whose biggest. human rights watch says there are still nearly a dozen incarcerated for their political views including priests soldiers and journalists but unlike the human rights organization the country's government
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doesn't consider them political prisoners. and yet change is tangible it was based on corrupt police are being openly criticised powerful intelligence officials ousted and travel regulations for citizens are being relaxed after four i hope there will be real reform and concrete results i want is back to stand to finally become a true democracy because the. other reforms are also taking place in this biggest unknown not just in human rights. central asia smokes the populous country seems to want to put an end to its all story terry and passed. well millions of stargazers including my mother got a treat last night to a rare lunar eclipse known as a super blood war now there haven't been any reports of werewolves roaming the streets but the spectacle in the night sky did bring out plenty of amateur astronomers. around the world people stayed up late or got up
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early for a chance to see a rare sight in the night sky for some lucky sky gazers the conditions were just right to catch the so-called super blood wolf moon. it's a total lunar eclipse and was visible with the naked eye where the skies were clear enough. a total lunar eclipse happens when a full moon becomes completely blocked from sunlight by the earth the earth's shadow covers the moon obscuring it from view. until only a dim outline can be seen at all. as for the name a super moon happens when the moon is closest to the earth making it appear larger than usual a wolf moon is an ancient name for any moon in january it comes from traditional tribal naming systems and the blood moon comes from the red color.
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the blood moon aspect of this eclipse is actually what we call all eclipses during to tallaght the moon can take on a coppery red color and that's because some of the sunlight actually is filtered through the air satisfy year and bends and is able to hit the moon and it turns it kind of coppery red and that's because the earth's atmosphere filters out the blue light it scatters it if you were on the moon you'd be seeing all the sunrises and sunsets happening on earth once more than fifteen hundred people turned up at this observatory in california one of many popular viewing parties held down here on earth and people were in a celebratory mood. it's his birthday so it's a super special day they're also celebrating his birthday so it's special for more reasons than just the minutes on her birthday i said i'll give you the moon but she took it away. the entire transformation took about three and a half hours before the sun once again lit up the lunar surface and the moon began
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dropping into the horizon if you missed the event you've got a good ten years to prepare for this particular mix of celestial circumstances to come together once again. it's a sports news now the bundesliga was back this weekend after the winter break season was soft stuttering start you can say they kicked off the new year with a difficult clash against coach domenico to disco is under pressure and he made a huge call pre-game by switching goalkeepers it's a move which helped secure victory. a massive change the shell cut to stop twenty nineteen captain ralph femen drop for the first time in six seasons to many cut to desk making a big pool in a bid to revive his side's flailing ses and salmons replacement alexandra nubile showed his worth in the early stages and soon after shocking had a penalty daniel caligiuri stepped up. was neil so shocking so
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far so good for tesco it wasn't a loss that mimics many hitting the post while the spread specify cleaning up the scraps the full stomach youth products trustfulness league go shelf as defense school bowl watching. one one and shall because searching threats is heading into the hof time break and they found one once again from caligiuri was going for the judgment to seal its one keep three shell cup the result saying today's goes live to fight another day. and sunday's other game visited a nurnberg side struggling to keep their heads above water in the relegation battle berlin did not hold back in snowy conditions as they ensured a winning start to twenty nineteen. a new year brings new hope with the home fans cheering them on nuremberg wanted to finally end their winless streak but if
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your defense seems to invite your opponents to score it won't be easy i'm the one to between davey selkie invader to be severe jan the bosnia made it one nil for berlin after fifteen minutes shortly before half time nuremberg struck back captain hano berends making it one off from close range the cellar dwellers spirits got a momentary boost. but after the restart hair to show their class this time a beast of its turn provider and andre duda finished the job to one of the slovak playmaker had a great first half of the season and looked better than ever against nuremberg twenty minutes later due to strike again his ninth goal of the campaign three one the final score when you score and also your team is ringing and it's this feeling is like the. feeling from me. and i am good as brace helps
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had his chances for a spot in europe next season while nuremberg haven't tasted victory in thirteen outings. or stephen's here now and it's that time of year to head to the alps for the world economic forum but you wish you were there course i do but i'm happy here in berlin as well of course the big news today coming out of davos is that while there may be no immediate threat of recession the l. it for the global economy is worse than it has been for a long time according to international monetary fund chief christine lagarde speaking at the world economic forum in davos the i.m.f. now down its global growth projection for the year to three point five percent that's down from three point seven the united nations expects even lower growth cooling chinese economy is among the biggest global risks look are told a davos audience bragg's it could also cause turbulence. and speaking of china's economy the growth rate there has point in almost three decades fueling concerns it could slow the global economy down with it raising questions about
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what's really behind the slump and whether the rest of the world should start getting worried. once upon a time chinese economic performance wasn't global news those days are long gone the country's growth rate now act as an indicator for the health of the entire world's economy no wonder then that this a ninth month was so hotly anticipated. according to preliminary estimates the total value of china's g.d.p. was ninety point zero three trillion you won the samantha to a six point six percent year on increases that figure outstripped the anticipated goal to. six point six percent it may not sound too shabby but take a look at this a decade ago chinese economic growth was hovering around ten percent in the year since then it's slowed steadily and what's worrying investors is that no one knows
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when that decline is going to end the reasons for china's slowdown are manifold domestic issues like a slowing property market are putting pressure on growth. but even more worrying to the global markets is the continuing trade dispute with the united states the two countries are currently holding a ninety day truce which their leaders agreed to after dining together at the g. twenty summit in argentina. further trade talks are set to take place next week but after months of fala till a see a resolution may still be far off a further escalation could have a dramatic impact on the chinese economy potentially setting in motion a decline in the rest of the world to. four times a week a jetliner from iran's mohan air flies into germany no longer starting today berlin says iran uses the airline to transport military personnel and equipment to war
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zones in the middle east the u.s. has welcomed the move. the united states has imposed sanctions on mon air since the obama administration in twenty eleven saying the airline provided financial and other support to iran's islamic revolutionary guards and it's been pressing its european allies to follow suit ever since the german ban will now take immediate effect according to government spokesman stephan side but this is still does the fact is that it cannot be ruled out that this airline could be used to transport things into germany that could have a security impact and this specifically considering the recent backdrop of terrorist activity and intelligence of terrorist activities by iran in europe. for you to get on the. inside. is i but denied that the decision to ban one hundred air was the result of u.s. pressure but european countries have felt the pinch since u.s. president donald trump pulled washington out of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty
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last year many european countries have tried to maintain a business relationship with their run but now some might follow germany's lead. and let's say in europe where france is data watchdog has announced it will find u.s. tech giant google fifty million euros for breaching data consent regulations french authorities say google confused users about which services were available if they did not accept the company's complicated conditions of use google was accused of securing force content through these the pop up boxes is the largest find to date under the e.u. strict general data protection regulation better known as g.d.p. r. and his or one of the top stories we're following for you. british prime minister to raise the may has presented her backup plan for private rejecting calls for delays of britain's departure from the e.u. beyond the end of march she says she will hold more talks with her coalition
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partners and with the e.u. on the divorce deal. millions of people in the americas and in northern europe were able to view a total lunar eclipse the moon was fully obscure for about an hour before lighting up again a red glow. and you're watching the news from berlin after a short break friends will be back to take you through the day's news. i'm seeing beers in berlin thank you.
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donna. it's one of the kind of low flying. blind girls chamber orchestra learning to play an instrument as a blind person because it's a plane and possibly it's. the flying musicians the orchestra is the chance to meet a self-determined life and create audiences with them in. three thousand sixty minutes d.w. .
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where is home. when your family is scattered across the globe. with the kids if you didn't do it because it's a journey back to the roots as you get a minute of the. bush family from somalia lives around. one candidate urgent assistance. global family starts january twenty third t.w. . how did you. discover your concept discovered with the bomb house. school. off to one hundred gives the ideals of the fox i'm more relevant today than they were a hundred years ago missionaries from shaped things to come to ball in the past
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people understood designers and with shaping society. with ideas. powerhouse world this week on t w. last week british lawmakers shot down on her brakes at plan for taking the u.k. elves of the european union today to resume a return to parliament and presented her plan b. and like a badly wrapped read gifted christmas present as soon became clear to recent may had practically nothing new to give to anyone i'm burnt off in berlin this.


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