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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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generally t t w. w news live from britain on a collision course with brussels e.u. leaders insist they will not really goes to deal with the u.k. because of the british parliament votes to send the prime minister back to brussels to reopen talks so what options on the program it made look like a winter wonderland but the life threatening deep freeze gripping the american
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midwest is called antarctica bringing life to a standstill for tens of millions. the song saved her life. was forced to sing for the nazis now she sends for high school students and a history lesson. i'm filled girl welcome to the program britain and the european union appear to be heading for fresh confrontation british lawmakers last night voted to send the prime minister back to brussels to reopen talks on the terms of the u.k.'s withdrawal from the e.u. at issue is the so-called irish backstop this is the plan to avoid a hard border between northern ireland which is part of the u.k. and the republic of ireland but since a british decision a u.
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leaders have been queuing up to save the deal and the backstop cannot be changed. in a surprise move to find a group already made with a new british lawmakers to give the prime minister a mandate to return to the negotiating table terence nearly passed a government backed amendment to renegotiate the controversial irish backstop the us can buy as may some time but the challenges remain clear on a point there isn't it appetite for such a change in the negotiating it will not be i thought. i thought in contrast to a fortnight ago this house has made it clear what it needs to approve a withdrawal agreement chances of achieving that appear slim the e.u. says the backstop the plan to avoid a hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland isn't up for renegotiation the german foreign minister said berlin was willing to continue talks with britain but its position was clear. it is highly unlikely that the bracks
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agreement will be renegotiated let alone the backstop be put into question what we want to prevent everything that leads to a hard border between northern ireland the backstop is already a compromise e.u. leader john told you one that the vote in the british parliament to demand changes had increased the risk of a new deal breaks it that we've remained best and only view policy. through opinion is set so you know. we said so in december we said so after the first meeting you know for a vote in the commons in general. the. you know i was of comments yesterday do not change that we should all. renegotiate because we think he was bricks negotiator michelle bundy also defending the existing deal theresa may is poised to travel to brussels on what could be mission impossible she may come back
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with nothing new to offer parliament which means brics it goes back to square one again. straight to brussels where we joined max max always maintain that the deal they did with theresa may is the best and only one is there any chance or sign of it softening its stance. phil we've had. had the president of the e.u. commission speak this afternoon and also michelle the chief negotiator and both said basically the same thing they said that you withdraw all agreements so the divorce agreement in which we have the backstop enshrined will not be reopened not open for negotiating york or even added that island's border is a priority of the european union and we should try to make it a little more appetizing saying that the backstop was a solution that it was actually a positive thing and it wasn't supposed to be used it was just an insurance policy
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so we don't see any movement there but we're not at the end of this yet and of march is the brags that day twenty ninth of march and some here in brussels are speculating that maybe the european union at the end of this time won't be as unified as it has been in the past let's talk more than about this this. news been speaking with the u.k. former minister dominic rob he seemed a lot more optimistic about finding a way out of this backstop us well the idea is that we would use technology and decentralised crisis is to ensure that we respect the rules but that we don't have a hard road or an infrastructure at the border you know with the republic of ireland and michelle bonnie's very very clear that that can happen he said it could happen in a new deal soon all right so why shouldn't that be possible within two years so the question isn't whether this can be done on this question of the e.u. wanted so the bulls now in the e.u. cool and i would hope all german friends and all the u.n. european friends now grasp the opportunity to get this deal over the line so max
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hoffman dominic rob that makes it sound so simple even says the chief brant sadler goes signed up to the idea so why is this still a roadblock. can i just say one thing really nothing in this process has been simple the really isn't anything simpler what dominique rob is referring to you know technological solutions may be some kind of toll. that just doesn't work many experts have looked into it that's why that you tried to offer for example keeping more than an island in the customs union with the e.u. and effectively pushing the border between the u.k. and the e.u. out into the irish sea and having controls there as discreetly as possible but that the u.p.a. which is part of the government coalition of three some may will not have that then they also offered to keep the u.k. in a customs union the whole of the u.k. with the european union but that effectively defies the purpose of bragg's it so that's why the european union the backstop really is the only insurance policy that
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works everything else might sound simple when dominic rob says a bit if you ask for details and what it actually means nobody really has an answer to that so a commission president. has said a little earlier we are now closer to a chaotic no deal what plans to say you just the e.u. have to prevent that yes because after the votes on tuesday the no deal bragg's it remains the default option so if they don't come up with anything else an extension or a deal or something then then that's the default option that's why he's saying this and that's why the european union is preparing. smaller agreements for example for a residence so the student exchange program or for being sure to deliver medicine to the u.k. that is needed there or keeping planes in the air between the continent and the u.k. smaller agreements for that so in case there is a no deal bragg's it you know another not
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a big deal breaks it in this case you have all these smaller agreements that will keep the bare minimum of activity between those two parts so between the u.k. and the e.u. alive it will still be a deep plunge especially of course for the you kate. that's all from n n brussels thank you. if there is a maze bid to get a new deal from brussels fails what happens then the dublin correspondent to get mass has been speaking with the leader of the u.k.'s opposition liberal democrats vince cable his party wants another referendum since k.v. you've been really fighting for a second referendum do you see your hopes going up in smoke today no not at all i think it's as we say on the back burner at the moment but in two weeks' time the prime minister will come back i don't think they will have made much progress with your opinion it's possible but i wouldn't think so and then all of the options would then have to be reopened. and to the exit date the possibility of going to the country for a referendum it may be that the other options have been exhausted it's the only way
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that the government can get its deal forward by giving it to the public concern fifty fifty challenge she would win at the moment there's relatively little but it doesn't look like treason maze playing to the right of a party to the city is and maybe in the end she would prefer do you really question without it i don't think that will be allowed to happen i mean i know they're talking tough but actually the overwhelming majority of the house of commons say no to no deal half the cabinet say they will not allow it to happen so i think that option is being talked up to you know for bargaining purposes but surely the reality is that i don't think we're going there but what can the house of commons realistically do i mean how can you prevent. well i think in two weeks time the options will be clear if i don't it's possible that the government can make some progress with its proposal i think it's unlikely that it's possible but if they do then the options narrow and all of the issues we considered yesterday you
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know problem of taking back control possible an ingrate sick day and even going to the public with a referendum all those things come back into play are you afraid for your country margaret it's not the. i'm optimistic i think people here are basically good and rational and decent and there's a british characteristics and i think we will come through this all right is the same true for the prime minister yes i'm sure she i think at the end of the day she will see sense vince cable thank you very much for taking up now some of the other stories making news around the world german felice arrested three suspected islamic extremists on suspicion of plotting a bomb attack federal prosecutors say the man iraqi refugees were detained near the danish border and that they had not yet selected a time. two people have been killed in a grenade attack on a mosque in the southern philippines the explosion in zamboanga city comes just
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days after a cathedral bombing in nearby holo island left twenty one dead it also follows last week's referendum which overwhelmingly approved the creation of a mostly autonomous area in the region. the white house says president trump has reaffirmed u.s. support and runs when the self-proclaimed interim president the opposition leader. this happened apparently in a phone call comes a day after venezuela's supreme court a bad decision made of leaving the country present because my daughter who is under pressure after mr garrido called for nationwide boycotts. the u.s. and china to begin a new round of trade talks in washington the latest efforts to resolve a trade dispute that has disrupted business across the globe the u.s. accuses china of industrial espionage and unfairly using state subsidies. and staying in the u.s.
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the federal government went back to work on friday old beach temporarily after its longest shutdown i discuss the economy eleven billion dollars and the affected around eight hundred thousand federal employees. correspondents jeff and siemens that reports although they are back at work no way back to normal. has lost count of how many times he has walked his dog in the past five weeks the forty year old government employee used to take his border collie out three times a day since the shutdown his dog has been getting even more time out of the house there's little else to do. like other shutdowns i've been through start off with i have some extra time to get some affairs in order it was right before christmas so that was. the time but as things drew on finding things to do with my time. job or source of income was really challenging and
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actually became quite taxing for me three more has been working in the federal government for the last eleven years he's not allowed to tell us in which department or agency he works or what he does he says the shutdown has taught him an important lesson so i'm trying to look for another job. was completely unsuccessful but obviously since things have changed back to my my job now so i stop looking he's happy about being allowed to return to work but he's worried that it could be temporary. three weeks we may be back in the same situation. long term negative effects of the shutdown also been a major concern. so the. brain drain there are people that have been there for decades and the fact that i think now they will be if they're. pushing to get as early retirement as i can. this is
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mary here smith is an i.t. and cyber security expert for the internal revenue service or i.r.s. he's just a few months short of his sixtieth birthday and can look back on a career with the federal agency spending almost thirty two years a few weeks ago a smooth transition into retirement near but then in the shutdown and it changed everything. i don't want to do that anymore i've lost the passion not only for cyprus right he cybersecurity work for being a civil servant and he says he's not alone many others also intend to leave their government jobs shell shocked and bruised by the longest shutdown in u.s. history. there's going to be a brain drain well this shutdown will be the cause of senior officials are now concerned that a wave of retirements from frustrated and disgruntled employees could be about to
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hit the government they call it the washington tsunami. america's midwest is in the grip of a life threatening deep freeze known as the polar vortex weather cold antarctica has grounded flights to struck to travel important life to a standstill for tens of millions the polar vortex is a massive freezing at that nobody spins around the north pole but has slipped south once into the united states. it's one of the codice blasts of arctic air in recent memory tens of millions of people across the midwest and eastern states shivering through freezing winds and record low temperatures in some parts of the states are thought to be colder than the arctic circle right now it's definitely not the best time to be outside. a in a house. frigid i'm coming from texas so it's a big difference to you a few brave souls are embracing the deep freeze like this ice when service from
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minneapolis in the wind. but wind chills and the negative double digits are dangerous the extreme cold can cause frostbite in a matter of minutes and slippery roads continue to cause accidents. hundreds of flights have been canceled schools are closed and workers have been told to stay at home americans will have to do similar temperatures over the next few days because the co-chair must shows no sign of moving on just yet. to uganda where there is growing criticism of the country's social media tax which was introduced in july our latest figures suggest that the number of internet subscribers in the east african countries dropped by more than three million since its introduction there are also concerns of the taxes being used to control access to social media i was forced whiting can tell us more welcome alex so let's start
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with the but grounds of this you know what this was introduced by the parliament in the summer of the bequest of the veteran president president was a veiny and it followed a number of criticisms that he had made about social media and in an open letter to all ugandans explaining why they were introducing this tax he wrote social media chatting is a luxury by those who are enjoying themselves all those who are on malicious so as well as science in his critics it's also a way for the government to make some cash because they need it so how does it work well it's cool it's a tax on over the talks of his that that's anything from say listening to a voicemail message over the internet to accessing social media platforms facebook what instagram and it means that users have to pay two hundred whew ganton shillings a day in tax that's around about five cents five year a sense plus another one percent tax on the payment transaction itself not by not
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sound like a huge amount of money but for many people it is and in fact the african technology consulting company policy has been carrying out its own research and it found that for a quarter of people that they spoke to this was six percent of them monthly just on this tax alone ok so we can understand then why why the numbers of scrubs to be dropping what has been the reaction to this where there were protests at the time and those have now died down but that doesn't mean that ugandans aren't angry about this i've actually been in contact with a few advisors. she'll mediate today catch me marry message and she said the social media tax makes it difficult to communicate with loved ones people are only online when they finally manage to pay the tax which is periodic and others are getting around the tax by using a v.p.n. a virtual private network such as andrew and he says in my opinion this tax is nothing but
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a political move to try to at least punish the most critical segment the educated middle class and i will protest this tax for as long as i can according to the government's own communications commission the number of internet subscribers has actually dropped by three million and that was just between july when it was introduced and september so the figure now is probably even higher. events are being held around the world following international holocaust remembrance day on sunday but there are warnings that today's young people know less and less about the nazi era genocide of jews and other groups one of the people working to change that is ninety four year old esther besharam she was sent to the auschwitz nazi death camp as a teenager and survived thanks to her musical talent this is this song safe my lai hard years especially if it was.
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ninety four year old estefan or on a is singing a popular german wartime song bellamy. is a happy children but it brings back memories of her time in auschwitz back then s. to have to play bellamy on the accordion tradition for the concentration camp orchestra she was a talented musician but she had never held an accordion before. and i concentrated on the job at hand and told myself you can do this i knew if i didn't get accepted into the girls ok and i would have to do hard manual labor that would have been the end of me and. i was only eighteen years old when she was deported to auschwitz she had already been separated from her parents who were later murdered by the nazis. as part of the girl's orchestra esta played songs as the prisoners marched out to do their work.
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she also had to play when the trains arrived bringing thousands of people to the cast chambers. lips of us. that's the worth thing that has ever happened to me because i felt so hopeless i couldn't help these people i knew they were going to the best now. behind us did the s.s. soldiers with their rifles and. if we hadn't played then they would have shut us. up. more than a million jews were murdered in auschwitz as the bishop bronner escaped death but most of her peers didn't she feels it's her duty to tell young people what the nazis did she goes to schools reads from her memoirs and gives concerts she's backed up by a hip hop band called microphone matter here. concept was to bring memories a lawyer to compose rap music using personal letters and journals from former
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concentration camp prisoners was written. by using rap they hope to connect with today's young people here in a cohen high school they're getting a warm response. they've been sharing a stage for ten years now but the recent rise of right wing radicalism where is esther. my dream is that all nazis would just disappear and i always say i will sing until there are no more nazis left. than. even though she knows that may not be a realistic goal aesthetician run oh no not give up. efforts to free a bahraini footballer from a thai prison and picked up pace as he faces extradition back to bahrain to have
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him arrive he was detained more than two months ago while in holland on honeymoon in bangkok have been living as a refugee in australia since twenty fourteen when he asked for asylum there claiming he had been falsely imprisoned and tortured in his home country. more than sixty days after first being detained in thailand became al-arabiya remains in limbo separated from his wife unable to return to his adopted country astray and his job as a professional footballer. a ten year prison sentence awaits al-arabiya if he is extradited to bahrain even though he was playing in a televised football match when the alleged crime took place. activists have been tirelessly advocating for his release with former footballer craig foster meeting with faith and top officials this week bahrain only in the last few days have escalated this issue and. clearly stated their intention in
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a brazen fashion. to contravene the international human rights of the right be on shoes day the asian football confederation weighed into the issue asking thailand's prime minister in an open letter to ensure mr al arabiya is returned safely to a stray leah governing body faith has also called for the players release we agreed that this is now become an emergency situation we want to say progress along with this week given the immediacy of the situation and we continue to call for. trial end and to the prime minister. to release immediately. these international human rights with al-arabiya having spent two months in detention foster said he wants the case resolved before friday. there's been a breakthrough in the search for time football and merely an asylum investigators
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have found two seat cushions they believe to be from the plane he was traveling in when he vanished on the twenty first of january players and fans of cardiff city who had just signed him paid tribute to their premier league game against arsenal. transfer three to five no just days before he went missing. last year's marcel here has stopped his alpine skiing snipe trace again his victory in this spectacle that takes place in his home country also means he's likely to win his eighth successive overall world cup title this year. the lights were on in shuttling austria and the home favorite marcel here show who was already leading after his first run had one objective to win his tenth victory of the season and he had some fifty thousand fans behind him. the austrian who is the current giant
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slalom and combined champion managed the fastest time one point two one seconds ahead of frenchman alexis pan to haul. it was a perfect run and paid well so crazy to say here i mean this year's crowd was amazing once again and thank you for another incredible race. it was here shows sixty eight world cup win keeping him a top of this season standings he's also a clear favorite for the bi annual world championships coming up next tonight's. top story at this hour a new leaders have insisted they will not be to go to the press it deal with the u.k. assist by the british prime minister the parliamentary seat freshly dosage. this is the news live from baghdad coming up next in the news africa jail for the opposition leader and rubber bullets for protesters as cameras lead
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a hold. on dissent. jazzmaster. second passes on the groups to a new generation. of get you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that's the don't talk of the day.
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crimes against humanity. civilians become witnesses. there are recorded images travel around the globe just social media. digital investigators combed through the flood of images. find sources from try to reconstruct what happened. truth to start feb fifteenth on t w. this is the news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes opposition davis behind bars protests the breaks we take a look at the deep in a musical crisis in canada. and and ebola america healthy baby is born to a mother being treated for the fires that's the first. i
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