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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2019 2:00pm-2:30pm CET

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lamaist. starts the camera he takes to w. . this is the news coming to you live from berlin u.s. president dollar trump delivers this to defeat an address he calls for national unity but also hits out as his opponents. and economic varicose take you places in the united states and the only thing that could stop. our foolish wars
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politics or ridiculous partisan investigations. we'll have analysis of donald trump's address also coming up. here on the wrong track european regulators block the merger of the really operations of germany siemens and france is strong. plus this young nigerian boy has vowed the arts world in gotham it is rare talent now is hoping to go global you can find out why drawing helped to kill his pain. hello and welcome i'm under that shima u.s. president donald trump has given a wide ranging state of the union address calling on americans to unite and politicians to start working together across party lines on foreign policy he
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announced a new summit with north korean leader kim jong un in three weeks his address was delayed by over a month because of the dispute over his controversial border wall. that is just. the president of the united states. fighting for his second annual address the high temple of american politics for a stitch of the union that's a week behind sched jewel such as the roller coaster of donald trump's presidency on the agenda and the sprawling speech economic boom border walls and matters of war and peace if i had not been elected president of the united states we would right now in my opinion be in a major war with north korea. my relationship with kim jong un is a good one chairman kim and i will meet again on february twenty seventh
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and twenty eighth in vietnam. the news will surely dominate the headlines but trump soon turned to the issue which almost saw the showdown in congress called his controversial plans to build a wall on the mexico border. in the past most of the people in this room voted for a wall. but the proper wall never got built i will get it built. in their official response the democrats called trump's decision to shut down the government over the wall disk race and happy lunar new year i'm stacy abrams the shutdown was a stunt engineered by the president of the united states one that defied every tenet of fairness and abandoned not just our people but our values.
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facing a divided congress for the first time the president called for compromise and cooperation before attacking an f.b.i. investigation into his campaign links to russia amid the divisions there were flashes of unity was donald trump looked out on a pool of democratic female congress women dressed in the white of the suffragette movement. you know like this i had exactly one surgery after congress passed the constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote we also have more women serving in congress then that any time the. harmony at last but in this deeply polarized cauldron of politics for how long.
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means snatch is a member of parliament and he's a social democrat spokesman on german parliament a committee of foreign affairs welcomes welcoming smith on germany is a close ally of the us what do you make of the vision outlined by donald trump in the state of the union address. well it was once again genuine trump speech we had both a kind of storm of drama we've seen the last two years so the one hand it was a call for bipartisanship and national unity and on the other hand he lashed out to his political opponents once again so there's not much change to see. the dark come once again stress that he once took and what he called the endless of gone war does the go jim governments welcome that prospect and if the americans go with the germans follow suit well developed so many effort to reaching.
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a sustainable peace agreement in afghanistan including the taliban so i hope the ongoing talks will result in this lasting peace agreement and of course once all the nato troops pull out of ghana stands afghanistan drum troops will eventually pull out also. it's really we will have to see what the concrete terms of the agreement are and there's one principle which is true to all of us we got in into afghanistan to go and we gonna pull out to get the like you were doing was barely mentioned in dollar terms of wide ranging speech what do you make of that well europe is not of interest to him it seems to me and so he's concentrating more on domestic policy issues
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and there is still a problem to solve otherwise real we might have another shutdown in washington so i understand that he was focusing on domestic affairs but in a wider divide the fact that he doesn't seem to be interested in europe as you said . well we got to you used to that and for us the principal. part is congress and especially the senate because the senate has to rectify and the agreements with foreign powers and the senate is a very steadfast partner or few rope and the start first supporter of nato and this gives us some reassurance that germany's foreign minister heikal moscow is in washington for a nato meeting reports in the media say that he'll announce defense spending increases is that much to please donald trump was always complain bitterly that
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europeans are not paying enough well it's not to please donald trump it's because our all armed forces need more investment and no more support we are here for outdated. weaponry outdated equipment and so forth some years germany has increased its spending on defense and we will continue to do that but do you think jim lee will ever make the two percent of nato commitment by two thousand and twenty four. well that's not the important thing the important thing is to have. enough investment in all of our primary systems and in our army in general and as our tax increases rise we are going to have also rising investment in to our army but it's all about building up sufficient military capacities it's not about reaching. a numerical goal so be two percent be nine point eight percent
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fos the important thing is to have to deliver as germany the capacities needed by nato right and the expertise spokesperson on and german parliamentary committee for foreign affairs thank you for talking to d.w. thank you. let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world a service is underway in the eastern german city of why mark to market a hundred years since the draft of the country's first democratic constitution german chancellor angela merkel is among hundreds of guests the weimar constitution was drafted in nineteen nineteen a year before germany's first parliament was elected. macedonia has signed an access and protocol with nato as being the country a major step towards joining the military alliance macedonia as foreign minister
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and nato secretary general of the document signing ceremony the move comes after the resolution of the name dispute with greece. a russian quarter sentence a danish jehovah's witness to six years in jail dennis christiansen it was found guilty of organizing the activities of a banned extremist group after the religion was banned in russia he denies the allegations the danish government escort on russia to respect freedom of religion. tire parties have said that a refugee footballer fighting extradition to the could remain in jail until august while his case is decided. was arrested in thailand in november by visiting from australia where he has refugee status he could face a long jail term if extradited to behaving. the catholic church has been hit by yet another abuse scandal for the first time pope francis has the
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knowledge the thai ranking members of the clergy have sexually abused and raped nuns francis admitted suspending priests and bishops for abusing women and promised to do more to get the problem up to now the vatican has done almost nothing to address the crimes campaigners say the reports are protected by a culture of silence and secrecy. nuns throughout the world abused and even held as sexual slaves by priests and bishops faced with a growing international outcry about the latest scandal to rock the catholic church the pope could no longer remain silent. on the mistreatment of women is a problem. i would dare to say that humanity has not yet matured warning. women are second class citizens that's where it starts. it is
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a cultural problem. problem or. a cultural problem that the holy see itself isn't immune to the vatican has reportedly long known about nuns being sexually abused by priests and done next to nothing to address the matter it was first publicly acknowledged as a structural issue by the vatican magazine women church world. basically the church has a great tradition and habit of not seeing women at things they don't exist they don't count then this is a mentality that is resistant to all changes with and there's another problem many of these women have been forced to have abortions with money from the church bishops and priests have paid that this is a very bad thing for a church that fights abortion and this is dramatic that. last year various media outlets in clerical women's organizations denounced the culture of silence and
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secrecy that prevented nuns from speaking out. what if an abused nun goes to her superior and says that she has suffered abuse she will be told to shut up because if you don't this bishop will turn against us the noise. the power that these bishops and priests have has become truly dreadful for madeline i mean. the consequences have been too difficult for them from unwanted sexual advances by clergymen. i can't sell you this doesn't happen in my house it's true. something will be done yes you do have the will yes. but it's a pass that we've been on for quite some time. the pope has asked the faithful to pray for progress on the issue but many want to see action now not just words.
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the european commission has blocked a planned time between german engineering giant siemens and france's arched arm on the two companies were said to march their real business is to enable them to take on bigger foreign drivers in a rare move the e.u. antitrust office rejected the plan or what it calls serious competition concerns. has now announced that the planned merger has been scrapped. or investigations show that the merger would significantly reduce competition in several signalling markets and for very high speed trains. the merged company wouldn't become by so far the largest than europe and in some sickening markets there would be no competition that. these two companies had planned to share a single track on the left is the i.c.e. from siemens and on the right the french t.g.v. train from i'll stop the german and french corporations as well as their government
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are on board with the merger together they want to stand up to the chinese industry leader and that is c r r c with an estimated annual turnover of twenty four billion euros togethers evens and house them would have achieved just over half that figure the canadian train manufacturer bum body is lagging far behind siemens and alstom warned of the overwhelming chinese competitor c r r c but in vain the state controlled supply of trains in china c r c has more than ninety percent of its activities incites china it has less success outside its markets for. the stockers bottom line it's a no from brussels to both france and germany. but he has business is very fun joins me. next what has been the reaction to the news this.
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the chief executive of siemens was very quick to react ok he said that this isn't proves that europe urgently needs structural reform in the way it shapes its industrial future in a globally connected world so not very positive reaction here also from the few you parliamentarians we have heard of so far they're calling this an own goal we don't have the french finance minister already anticipating this decision in the last day said this is an economic mistake serving the interests of china. is very for the e.u. and just office in three decades is banned destine touchy why did officials veto this particular. what we already heard from the commission would come commission of a stock or that two sectors were are going to be negatively affected in the eyes of the e.u. commission in the future that is the first of course signalling systems and they
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also call this a security concern and that's why also one of the reasons why they blocked the merger and then very high speed trains and they believe that. some of the unions merging here would basically eliminate the european competition that's very important because that's of course what the e.u. commission is in charge of making sure that there is competition in the european union not on the global level here and that's what she said also repeatedly saying that the two companies had the chance to give remedies that actually work but they failed to do so in the eyes of the e.u. commission and actually mentioned china one brussels be criticised for leaving chinese dominance in the way of this sector unchallenged. already happening at the moment and this is not the first time it is happening because we have many examples in the last years where the chinese are moving in towards the european union getting ever closer for example they're operating in many countries on the balkans serbia that is not part of the european union and where the chinese are taking over
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a large part of the business they've also started the initiative i'm sure you're familiar with which is called the new silk road that will also affect the european union and they have been acquiring technology also technological stew skills and knowledge from the western world some say they've been stealing. that knowledge without the european union really be able to do anything about it so what some are calling for here is a common industrial policy to defend the interests of the european union and that so far has not happened max of money in brussels thank you very much british prime minister's emmy's meeting northern ireland's five main political parties as she seeks to break the deadlock over the thames of britain's exit from the european union. focused on arrangements for the irish the issue remains the biggest obstacle to the british bottom and ratifying. but even as those talks
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grind on the european union insists it may not reopen the existing brics a de revealing mounting frustration over the impasse you've been council president done on disk had this to say by the way you know. what that special place in the looks like for those who promoted it without even a sketch of a plan how to cut rates safely. thank you. so that's. joining me now is. a forest of whiting a welcome alex even for a man like donald to school is very blunt and honest these were very strong comments from the council president very strong and also only did he say this in front of the cameras but he then promptly tweeted it just to make sure that he got his message home and i think it does show a real frustration at the moment within the e.u.
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in the twenty seven other members of the you that at the moment there is still no deal that has been signed off in the british parliament the u.k. is jus to leave the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march at the moment it looks like there will be a no deal brecht's it on the possibility of one which was called cause havoc not only in the u.k. but also across many countries within the e.u. and that is what he's a very. angry about i think it's quite clear that he's angry about that so he's pointing the finger at those cities who said things like they could the u.k. could have their cake and eat it i'm talking there about the former foreign secretary boris johnson he was one of the lead leaders of the practic campaign don't. you know a lot of reaction to his comments some good some not so good nigel for raj you may remember him you say you're a skeptic m.e.p. and he used to lead the u.k. independence party that called for this referendum and he has tweeted often breaks it we will be free of unelected arrogant bullies like you and run our own country
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it sounds more like heaven to me. so of all of the words this is up to there but all these comments coming just did before to reserve heads to brussels that doesn't all go well for the talks does it no it doesn't and clearly these on our on diplomatic words that have been said i don't want to she's in northern ireland at the moment as you said are trying to persuade particularly these unionist m.p.'s the d u p ten of those and. he's who prop up her own government trying to get them on board to support she has promised parliament that she's going to try to persuade the e.u. to change the so-called backstop which would prevent a hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland now already we've had the d.p. arlene foster the leader of the party saying that that backstop has to be completely removed i think it's pretty young unlikely that that is going to happen
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so to reason they have to go there tomorrow almost with a begging bowl and looks pretty clear at the moment that the e.u. is not going to give very much more ground particularly not to get on side those bricks it is those you're a skeptic m.p.'s on in her party and from northern ireland party to support to say what the moment as i say it does still look like that there is going to be no deal on the twenty ninth of march more like mission impossible. and thank you very much for your assessment. turning ninety nine due to a young boy has taken the country's arch world by storm trivia older voters scream has been drawing since he was three he shot to fame after he sketched a portrait of a french president in london mccraw his life changed after that did w.'s flourish. with him and found he has big plans for the future. every detail matters where reese cairenes aim is to make this joint look like
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a high definition photograph at just twelve years of age karim is the youngest realism artist in nigeria his drawings are usually inspired by his environment and his family sure grew to survive he says the moment he saw this image he knew he wanted to use it. was constantly. close eyes. and. words. seizure is the name of kareem's latest joy he started drawing comics when he was just three years old he needs are joining the i you're with the arts academy and out school that started as
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a makeshift learning center for children in this poor legal us neighborhood tutors helps him to improve his talent within weeks after posting his first joint online he same spread all over the internet especially after you drew a portrait of french president manuel macron last year this is the reverse of the we haven't really seen the rule this is. i think this is the beginning of a blow so for example. why reece karim's rare talent has brought fortune to his family in his parents' proudly display his accolades his mother says she'd always encourage her son to follow his passion for art but she never expected this level of success. i didn't think you'd be an artist who. he recognized by important people at this stage i just decided not to stop him from drawing because you never
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know what path a child will follow in the future. after his big break with president on the karim family was invited to move to a new apartment while the reese was transferred to a better school as a gift from the government according to an official statement the government's intention is to make sure the boy isn't the best environment to not show his talents meanwhile the art academy where why reece got his start now has a far more studio that's more conducive for young students to learn arts. because i didn't notice. the roots of fruit it feels to. be. a good tool. if. you know. why resteal comes to the akademi every
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weekend and when he's not showing he's learning new techniques from our textbooks he says arts has always been a way for him to escape hard times that's. good. just. i just. say why reece is now well known locally but he wants to keep improving until he becomes a global star. like . nigeria's own new natto vinci that's what my rescreen aims to be by the time he's fifteen.
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it watching the diving news coming up on news asia outrage over india's plans to smoke the pot to citizenship for except for muslims we have a special report. that's coming up indeed have been used in asia next.
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to. get ready for something new being used asia stories from across the region stories that. join us for the new show the user ship. the so here's what's coming up on the going to sleep a few sentences here. as costs i can look up what all that means for the table of
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course. the moon does legal every weekend here on w. . her first day of school in the jungle. first the clueless and. then doris green the moment arrives. join the ring a tank on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. tour on the reputation returns home on d w dot com bring a tang's. with him had a big gun because on players with the highest high you know if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on the train i would not have put myself in my parish so you know how dangerous the god of the game with the going to get a flavor would. love one to the other one of the would be to give them i have serious
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problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. want to know their story for migrants terrified and reliable information for margaret's . this is the dub the news coming up in the program is india discriminating against muslim refugees a new brand of our citizenship the most persecuted refuse but not this their most of their lives your rights plus the faults i've brought to a model of a teenage major box on trolls a spotlight on their views of the rest of what goes walking.


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