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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 7, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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this is deja news coming to you live from berlin tourism a horse what she calls a true boss stalks me. in brussels the result of pressure talk again about britain's future relationship with european union but you could again broussard any more tinkering with the brakes a deal a move that could spell trouble for me at home also coming up a tense standoff over humanitarian aid at the venezuelan border self-proclaimed interim president one why do because of the military to defy orders not to allow
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the foreign aid into the country we underscore correspondent what's at stake. plus the curtain goes up this see on this is bullying film festival and d. dubius finest film laughs. that's right the starting gun had just been fired of one of the biggest film festivals in the world we just got a sneak preview of tonight's opening movie we'll be telling you about that and about some of the celebrities we're expecting on the red carpet behind. having a very warm welcome to you i'm on with that she. was forty nine days to go to bragg's at the european union has again told british prime minister to resign may it bring not renegotiate the door deal between the two sides may have. in brussels seeking
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concessions on the backing of britain's spondon meant she and european commission president told you because spoke for some ninety minutes they described their discussions as robust but constructive and have agreed to court for the talks this month. a keeping track of those talks in brussels we have visit our correspondent there barbara starr we heard the talks will robust but constructive what do you read into that. but you know i'm ready to diplomatic speak robust means that everybody really spoke their mind and it was a hard talk during this meeting between theresa may and threes in may and. also did you watch the greeting i mean hugo who loves to hug and kiss people and he just extended his hand this was the stiff official sort of meeting type that he usually never shows so the reason may go up there for
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a few treatment here today in brussels because everybody's quite fed up with this turn and turn and turn around the same in every same demands from london please open there was droll agreement and again the answer was for him no but the interesting thing is barbara bush is unlikely to hold other talks so we're talking actually help the situation resolved the problem. further talks means of course that the e.u. will not take the blame if bracks it goes wrong i mean they're quite certain they will hold talks to the last hour off the twenty eighth of march if necessary and all of a say yes dear ruling to talk we're willing to engage so there will be a meeting between chief negotiator michel barnier next monday was his british counterpart and there is supposed to be another meeting between john close to reason may before the end of the month whether all this will yield anything is another question because in on the european side it is quite clear they are not
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going to blink at this point in time because they can see a majority for anything in british parliament yet and one would have been so many twists and turns in this drags at sangatte and you followed a lot of those twists and turns where do you see this heading now. this is heading for prolongation i'm rita because we are forty nine days before breakfast you know how all of this world is it would couldn't even be possible for british lawmakers to sort of past the whole legal side of this which is huge and complicated it is just not doable and even though london doesn't admit it yet it seems the only viable solution if there is going to be another meeting between john clued younger and treason may at the end of this month you know will be four weeks away from her exit what then so no there is really no chance they could finish in time and they will in the end have to come back to presence and says sorry about this we didn't manage to get it done and to reason it may will once more have to come back cap in
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hand to brussels but the interesting stuff now happens in london because the labor party has last night made the proposal to reason may for a very very soft brakes and promised all the labor votes for that now she really is in a bind because the you can say listen to reason there is a majority though not for your breaks it but for eight kind of breaks it why don't you consider that so who would want to be interested may shoes these days nobody emerita laura visit in brussels thank you very much for that assessment. turning now to venezuela's political crisis in a tense standoff over a convoy of humanitarian aid stranded at the country's border visitors government led by nicolas maduro has ordered the army not to allow it into the country the aid has been organized by the united states and venezuela's opposition who want to see . power with the aid gone we're stranded at the border now where is it is military
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has to choose whether to obey the government's orders or to let the aid get in we have this report. venezuelan soldiers keep watch at the barricades on the t.n.t. this bridge border crossing president nicolas maduro has called aid supplies offered by the united states a form of foreign intervention he's ordered the soldiers to turn the assistance of way. but the soldiers have also been given another order by one opposition leader who last month declared himself venezuela's interim president. i give a direct order to the armed forces being allowed the necessary humanitarian aide to enter to take care of your family. that is put the focus on the military personnel at the border and their commanders which president while they obey. pedestrian bridges at the border remain open venezuelans can still cross to buy goods they
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can't get at home but many who have no money to go shopping in neighboring colombia don't understand where the aid shipments are being stopped. i am asking you to please open the border. and let the food pass. me. see if like you say you really love been a swale or if you really feel something inside of you me if you love your family your children and you should do love them then you need to love us venezuelans as well i am asking you please open the border midst of a juror so that i. do or has dismissed the us aid offer as a political show in the capital caracas supporters signed a petition that's to be sent to washington telling donald trump to keep his hands off of venezuela. make him or not we want to see if got our rights and
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interests because external forces are attempting to scenes our national wealth i. had a military rally on wednesday when they were called on troops to show patriotism and unite against the us. by the us empire by the president of the united states of america mr donald trump. that's your term. for now the border troops still appear to be following the orders of nicolas maduro there are concerns this aid standoff could escalate. and he obviously. has just returned from the region and joins me now in the studio . what are you hearing from the border about this standoff well the blockade remains what we know is about the convoy with the aid has arrived at the border we
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haven't received footage of this yet but it left the capital the. capital of colombia and it has arrived at the border so the need for this blockade to end is becoming more urgent by the hour what we also know is that last night apparently passengers flying with a ton of humanitarian aid was able to sneak in to venezuela from puerto rico which according to the secretary of state is a secret mission from puerto rico interesting though this standoff over the humanitarian need taking center stage in this political crisis in venezuela what is at stake for the two leaders well for the self-proclaimed interim president why though it's some sort of a test for the military to see how loyal they are to the opposition he has told them not to fight the opposition to just let the humanitarian and in that could even help their own families the families of the military and for my little we just
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saw it in the report it's like a pretty rude to military intervention and he has been repeating that. is intending to do this and this it apparently has been sent by the united states is that correct. that is correct apparently so why is the u.s. getting so directly involved in this issue right now at this point because usually the people of the country look quite suspicious about u.s. intentions how do they feel about the u.s. is position in this crisis right now when we saw the lady complaining about this intervention which she called it herself but there are also people waiting for the aid because it's very urgent what isn't clear is why the u.s. is doing this now they could have done it before and it was also surprising for many people that the international community also the e.u. so quickly accepted. fishel president and recognized him today there's
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a meeting in montevideo in europe by where countries from the you are from latin america and europe are meeting russia was not invited they have complained about it and the region is already volatile and this is becoming the center of the fight between russia and the united states as well and that's what makes it so complicated to freely. the scholars fallen a pleasure to have you with us. let me now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world rescuers in the turkish city of istanbul are still battling to free people trapped in the rubble of wednesday's building collapse crews have managed to pull at least thirteen survivors from the building debris including a five year old girl three people have been found dead. investigators have recovered an unidentified body from the wreckage of the plane carrying footballer. and pilot david bits and the wreckage was found near the island of guernsey in the english channel following the plane's disappearance on the twenty first of january
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that weather has hampered attempts to pull the plane's debris assure. the austrian government has been ordered to pay more than a million euros to the full owner of the house where it was born the government bought the building at a knockdown price using a compulsory purchase order but a court has ruled that the owner had been significantly underpaid. german chancellor angela merkel has responded to criticism about her country's building of a new pipeline for the russian gas called nord stream to make insisted the pipeline would not undermine europe's energy security. could come dependent on russia because of this gas pipeline i say no if we diversify at the same time. germany will expand its gas terminals with regard to liquefied gas. that means that we
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don't want to make ourselves dependent on russia and that any circumstances. but russia was a source of gas during the cold war and it will remain so today without us entering into one sided dependants. chancellor mackey was reacting to a call from the u.s. ambassador in berlin richard grinnell to abandon the north stream to find plan project the pipeline will run from russia under the baltic sea and supply gas directly to germany it's set to go into operation later this year in an opinion piece written for richard grinnell along with two other u.s. ambassadors in europe said the project would drastically increase russia's energy leverage and would pose a security threat to the e.u. and the whole of the west rebel have previously threatened german companies involved in the construction of the pipeline with sanctions and for more on the story and we're joined by a political correspondent hans brand he's at our parliamentary sunni's welcome hans
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and the question people here are asking walked agenda does the u.s. ambassador richard grinnell have here in germany. well on the face of it obviously he's talking about the concern about the european union the union union security in other words the dependence of the european union and germany especially on russian gas which will be increased by this new additional pipeline we have to say that there is an existing pipeline there already that is already supplying gas through the baltic sea to germany and that's a concern about security is in fact a concern that is shared by large parts of the european union by the european parliament by the commission and by many states in europe especially those that are closer to russia the ones that are in eastern europe but we have to say as well that behind all of this there is an agenda that concerns united states commercial interests as well and this is a charge that through germany is leveling at grinnell and at the usa they are
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saying that the united states are now becoming an exporter of natural gas have become so in recent years and they're looking to export this gas to europe as well so in some sense richard grinnell is also. promoting united states commercial interests here in europe. appears to be quite a controversial figure here hons doesn't. yes indeed he is how can one say well something like a donald trump here in germany somebody who for the american president. cuts a figure that is very similar to the one that on from cuts in the united states going out as brash he does not stick to diplomatic protocol he interferes in a sense in the affairs of the country where he is being hosted where he is a guest in a sense for instance by threatening german companies involved in this pipeline project with sanctions he has also said that he wants to promote the interests of
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right wing populist parties in europe including the right wing populist here in germany so he's being very undiplomatic in many of his stances huns bronte dumbass political correspondent thank you very much staying in jim in the country's antitrust watched august cracking down on facebook moving to the strictest social media john's ability to collect data and the country authorities say it cannot gather information from touch sites without use a consent law evidence that facebook's business model could be and it's fact. it is a long awaited decision three years that's how long it took germany's federal cartel office to decide to clamp down on facebook's data collection the question was whether obtaining data from activity on social media widgets on third party sites could be considered anti-competitive behavior is being used as a given is. the whole conclusion is that facebook can still collect data on its
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platform invited. facebook facebook can also continue to gather data on its other services like what's up or instagram or on third party sites. but they may in the future collect such days out only with a user's explicit consent the moon dust and. indy's it's. very clear i'd. like in most countries facebook is the leading social media network in germany it has more than thirty million users and the second most popular social network instagram with some seventeen million users is now also owned by facebook that leaves the competition far behind. the decision to restrict facebook's data collection in germany is the latest in a long line of walls for the company that began with a major privacies gondolas last year since then authorities around the world have
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been turning the heat up on the tech firm facebook has already responded to the move by german authorities saying it to appeal the decision. the billion a is back the sixty nine but in international film festival kicks off today and i'm joined by shah the chosen pill and david leavitt's down at the red carpet i mean saying the injustice you do the money now is also only especially but what's special about this is money not. well of course if you're talking to people representing that the festival itself they would say the films this is the first be celebrated for the cinema that it brings here but one thing i'd really like to zoom in on is the number of female directors represented at this year's festival not just in the competition where there are seven but in the festival that are being screened as a whole and this festival really has made itself about diversity and inclusive easy and it really is trying to show that with the number of women who are directing
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films in this that's what they thought and also the women on the jury four hundred films in total estival of them one hundred ninety one directed by women and of course the jury is headed by a woman not just any woman but one of the greatest stars of european cinema juliette binoche herself quite a diverse jury she's got zander with her one of germany's biggest stars and sebastian lelio who just won last year's oscar for best foreign film for his movie a fantastic woman yeah that's right but we can't talk about women in film of them without talking about the me too movement the movement that exploded about a year and a half ago largely apologizing to the troublesome actions of the producer rather harvey weinstein now julia not been our studio. the head of the jury that he has what extensively with weinstein and of course she was also a question about it just a short time ago at the press conference. he could see had
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problems. as a producer he was wonderful most of the time. and i think it was a great producer and that we can forget even though it's been difficult for direct some directors and actors and specially actresses i want to see peace to his mind and let justice do what he needs to do. you know you also just had a preview of tonight's opening film the kindness of strangers now with down to any spoilers tell us we'll. how do you suppose it's going to be talk well i'm rita you know we have one of the best jobs in the world we actually got a sneak preview of this we're not allowed to tell you that much because tonight it's a world premiere so we can't give you our opinion just yet what we can tell you right now is a very tribal i'm going to do what i can tell you is this is the story of many people living on the edge who come to help each other out during one very cold
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winter in new york city that's right it's all about the kindness of strangers is that as the film suggested this is a theme that the director danish director regularly deals with she is critically acclaimed she's been nominated three academy awards so she's not just big demo she's big around the world so it's extremely exciting that she is opening the festival this year i would say this movie is a little bit like love actually with a lot more drama i love mean that sounds great. i'm saying the film tomorrow and the talking about looking ahead what are you both most looking forward to was a really eclectic set of films that are in the competition this year seventeen films are competing and of course it wouldn't be the balun all or if a lot of them didn't conceive themselves with with very political themes so that's very exciting but of course david there are other things we look out the stars we're looking for. there's going to be a lot of. opening night is
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a star studded exactly we're also expecting christian bale as well huge hollywood star i had i couldn't get through this. live without mentioning him i'm very. close to look forward to. and david leavitt's at the london film festival all the read call for good fun. to something completely different the future of us is pristine it's free it is on shaky ground yet again australia's quantas airlines has cancelled an order for eight of the super jumbos the airlines are reportedly also plans to the same that the plane was was billed as a great way for caris of dramatically increased passenger numbers and into a class bus and or less half a billion dollars each few. it's the largest passenger plane in the world the a three eighty is the pride and joy of the european aircraft group air bus but
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as orders for the a three eighty kept plummeting the group was forced to reduce annual production from thirty to just eight aircraft this year and those eight have yet to be delivered quantas dropping the planes represents a four billion u.s. dollars loss for the european aircraft manufacturer and it's raised doubts about the future of the a three eighty itself the australian airline ordered the jets in two thousand and six but since then they've switched to lighter more fuel efficient passenger jets a worldwide trend the a three eighty is too heavy and uses too much jet fuel which wouldn't be as much of a problem if fuel prices had gone down but instead they've almost doubled since twenty sixteen. so it's not surprising that another major airbus customer is taking off to the dubai airline emirates allegedly wants to cancel its existing orders for fifty three units at least in part that could mean the end of the world's largest
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passenger aircraft. news now from the want of fortune alexander chef and has been elected president of european football's governing body for another four years chevron was the only candidate for the post and secured his second term as you may first annual meeting in ville he vowed that no breakaway super league involving europe's elite clubs under kissed any such league would be a direct threats the champions league. club competition. the former asian cup victory cutter's national football team has skyrocketed up the fifa would rankings moving nearly forty places to fifty fifth they were considered a dark horse by many at the continental championship but had a remarkable run saudi arabia iraq and south korea on their way to the final where they stand for time champions japan. it's why to boost ahead of
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next two major tournaments the copa america this june followed of course by the two thousand and twenty two. which they host for the first time. in europe's leagues meanwhile manchester city have returned to the top of england's premier league after beating everton goes from and monica airport and gabriele his us give the visitors a tuna victory a week ago says he will fight points behind liverpool and now they've moved ahead of their title rivals on goal difference though they have played one game. coach pep squad aeolus says his side will fight until the end so the reality. we could have been one month. for six seven this could be said. you know what is the lesson. that was pep
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guardiola in the gym but i mean it came through a rollercoaster match with advancing to the fourth round with a three two win kingsley called long headed by ends when a after a glaring error from homeless allowed to take the tie into extra time elsewhere there were narrow wins for oxford and leipzig shall be disallowed off for one that match was overshadowed by news of the death of. shockers legendary for general manager he was seventy four years old. don't forget you can all risk news on the go just done the app for all from the apple store that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as pushed of occasions for any breaking news you can also use a digital via to send us photos and videos. there was a need of news coming up indeed news asia although he was in the glass is doing new
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very such shows at least one third when measured by the end of the century the author of that study tells us how to keep going back to reach it. doesn't know coming up on d.-day i've been using i'm a touch enough that it's a big company. and .
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organized crime in the nursing profession. nurses from boss me are highly skilled so they have a good reputation strong here. but not all the nurses have been hit by a france travel. to nursing school diplomas are being sold on the black market and it's impossible to top the forgeries from the real thing. sixty minutes.
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gemini with w. at any time. playing the names. of the crowd. to sing along to is to come from super. interactive exercises. everything is online. interactive in german to frame. up to date. highlights. program. w dot com highlights. look closely. carefully. through least to.
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discover. the and. subscribe to the documentary to. this is. coming up in the program talk warning. a new study says. by the end of the century best case scenario we look at the folks that are nearly two billion people plus. why vietnam but a meeting between donald trump and. the on soft is a write off of the history books. play.


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