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tv   DW News - Asia  Deutsche Welle  February 8, 2019 2:30pm-2:45pm CET

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i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live they're. going to. continue their story. and reliable information. coming up in the program the royal who wants to be prime minister. of thailand. into the. decades of practice why did she do it. the chinese screenwriter who. is determined to take down what many have described as china. and from the hills to the high rises. streets and growing numbers.
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about their peak problem. i'm british. it's good to have you with us we begin with news that's come as a political earthquake in thailand a royal standing for elections the thai king sister princess will stand for prime minister in the upcoming march and actions this is a first in thailand where royals do not get involved in politics the announcement is even more surprising considering she's standing for a party that's aligned to former prime ministers. and. both. a daring political power play that fusel coming clutching the official application paper as the leader of the thai rak such
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a party entered the election commission with an unprecedented nominee for prime minister no one less than the thai king's oldest sister princess in ball rights. and one of the members have a voice a name and be aubrey that this is the most important name god could be in down here and he did leave for iraq sidetrack we all agreed you know. so i think that this is he would be to go home country that i believe that you know this is a base that. we want to be. more we're going to be a good situation right now. for princess her role status is complicated she officially renounced her title in nineteen seventy two when she married an american despite a divorce in ninety ninety eight who formally taught was never restored but she still regarded as royalty by the thai people. and the princess is better known for his show business career than her interest in politics she's been
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a singer an actor and a talk show host but how will the real candidate fare in the rough and tumble of an election and he's about it are we have a plan for the campaign we're going to go i have to campaign but. according to you could you get her dealing with her then i think depends on you know you know we have to ask it again you know if it's obvious or. friday's announcement sets up another battle between thailand's military and the powerful shinawatra denah city the political force behind the nomination. the power struggle between shinawatra is populous redshirt movement and the military backed royalist an urban elite has marred thailand with more than a decade of violence political instability and division a role candidate in the shinawatra camp could send a shockwave through those loyalties. the princess's my opponent would be the leader of the military junta prime minister. he also announced his candidacy on friday.
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so thailand effectively enters unchartered waters. caught up with political analysts. in bangkok. this is the first time since thailand became of constitutional monarchy eighty six years ago that a close member of the royal family runs for political office what do you make of that. i think that people today are still. shocked and digesting about the announcement that the princess the only elder sister of his majesty the king has joined one political party as a contender for the prime ministership this is something that we've never had before normally we've had some minor royals in politics. you know even. highness but not to this extent the sister of the reigning king at the same time she also officially technically a commoner because she has she gave up royal status in back in one nine hundred
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seventy two when she married an american and yet to thai people. with the royal kind of reference and a lot of foreigners all foreign friends call her princess nevertheless with the new king she also will be most likely elevated because you know once the new king is crowned he will become a sister of a king and she may be given the title back. so a lot of changes in store for thailand i think for politics the type all it takes this is a profound development because the electoral really is different now you have. a party. that she represents now suddenly overnight it has shot up from nowhere to be a most recognized party maybe even a leading contender to win the election now can you explain what this means for
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thai politics than. for type takes in the last two decades you know people have seen thailand has been stuck a lot of turmoil. yellow shirts red shirts protest polarization and tucks in. two military coups one judicial coup so very unstable in thailand volatile for thai politics now. we're seeing something we've never seen before. what thailand has been searching for is that it's a balance a balance between. a monarchy system you know constitution monarchy with the monarchy has at the center of thai society but also some kind of a democratic system because people want to have a voice they want to have represented representation they would have a electoral system to represent them so i think that balance thailand has not found and this development today the big question for me is that will it lead
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to an opportunity a window to rebalance type of big game big advantage for tax in the tax decide right but the other side they may not be satisfied so they also have to be included somehow. post political analyst to iraq speaking to don't know correspondent boston halted in bangkok next to china where we encounter a familiar script or young woman lands a prestigious internship in a big company who works with an entertainment icon who then sexually assaults and she was forced to shut up well george didn't the twenty five year old chinese friend has spoken out saying this is what happened to her china's state broadcaster c.c.t.v. she accused this man iconic ju-ju him of sexual assault since allegations last year joe has been slapped with
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a lawsuit and has been targeted on social media but she's also become a symbol for china's fledgling need to move want our correspondent material read job in beijing. when i was young posted on china's social network wave or last summer her accusation hit like a bombshell she said she had been sexually harassed four years ago by a famous t.v. anchor her post was quickly censored but it was already too late his story had already been shared widely so the news show that a lot of women who were opposed to this article wrote that it reminded them of their own experiences. i felt very sad but was also moved. in twenty fourteen then a drama student had been intern in china's state broadcaster c.c.t.v. one day she was asked to come to the dressing room of popular show host drew to it
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is there she says he forcibly tried to kiss her and grope her she managed to escape . what then you know show her family so at first i didn't want anybody to know i'd been molested which i felt this was embarrassing humiliating. i also thought that if anybody knew about this story none of the c.c.t.v. employees would take my side and i thought they would stand with him. track of a trojan that gave her. the anchor has denied the accusations and filed a lawsuit against her he's demanding the will and eighty five thousand euros for damaging his reputation joe shoshana's feeling the pressure. to share sang the ones. i feel like a vessel that quickly fills up with all kinds of emotions. most of the time i'm so
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busy that i manage to keep it together but sometimes you can't suppress these feelings anymore that's when i break down. joe has become a leading voice of china's more but persistent me to movement many women have sought her advice she has offered to hope some of them with filing complaints at the police but she says what china really needs is an open discussion about the issue. so her record you know when it becomes known that a woman has been assaulted people will say she has been stained even the media use this word the woman is considered dirty. in the eyes of the public women are supposed to be pure. and a woman who has been sexually harassed is suddenly seen as a strange and sick person. and as for job she's
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fighting back after the presenter jews should have a different mission she's bringing her own case to court she's demanding compensation for sexual harassment to hong kong now whether you're out of the big celebrations of being marred by a peculiar or. wild boars and their own entry in some parts of the city that's left a city divided on how to deal with. hong kong a city famous for its hustle and bustle and neon lights not the kind of place you might expect to see this unbeknown to many the lush green hills above hong kong skyscrapers are alive with swine and those boards are getting increasingly brazen. sometimes wild boars go to the barbecue area to look for food and if you leave them alone they'll pick up fruits and get some drinks. but if people feed them regularly it will affect their natural ecology. is
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a really long time. three years hong kong authorities have been trying to stabilize the pig population through licensed hunting and other means but with no natural predators numbers keep rising the eurasian wild pig is the largest mammal in hong kong often growing to over two hundred kilos but not everyone is bothered by them. and we each have our own living space if they don't attack us then i think we should respect that living space that we can save this belongs to humans or to other animals. we should respect each other so i don't think it's a problem. but others would like to see the moved on. if you and. i don't mind relocating them but we should euthanize them. your move. so far relocation hasn't kept them away for now and mammal will have to learn to
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co-exist. of course there's more online. isha we'll see you next time. earth mock poem two moons of species. a whole book worth saving and. the good news those are big changes and most start with small steps. bloodiest tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world model news that could turn the good news drainage solutions and reforestation. to create interactive content teaching the next generation doesn't buy the book attention. good news and all channels available to inspire people to take action and more determined to build something here for the next generation the
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idea is fi environment series of global three thousand on t.w. and online. lemur. germany's fink tech darling takes on the financial times wire card considers a lawsuit against the paper its reports about shady money transfers in asia cause the company's share to plunge off financially correspondent as the latest. also on the show forty years on not from iran's revolution what effect have decades of economic sanctions left on everyday life in tehran. fellow i want to jones and berlin good to have you with us and in a moment we'll get the latest business news from asia but first an update on a highly controversial gas pipeline project that runs from russia to germany the
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e.u. has been divided in its support for the project which critics say would make the bloc too dependent on russian gas germany however stressed the project economic benefits now ahead of a crucial e.u. decision on a new directive that would impact the so-called nor to stream to project france and germany submitted a draft compromise on the issue which the e.u. has just adopted in a moment we'll get some insight into that quite complex story but first this report six hundred kilometers of the nord stream to pipeline have already been installed but the political problem surrounding it has still yet to be resolved this week for .


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