tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle February 12, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CET
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playing in the palestinian territories one of the highest in the world. to make the best of the situation. in thailand the facing deportation to refugees football team has made it. very international so fast. with details on the latest content just. the competition is at the berlin international film. picks for you of two world premiers will they make. welcome to the program. but as well as opposition is renewing its push to bring in humanitarian aid from neighboring countries in defiance of the government and
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military the country suffering from shortages of medicine and basic supplies one hundred tons of usa is way to neighboring colombia the president nicolas maduro has ordered the military to block the surprise from entering venezuela describing the aid as a trojan horse part of a u.s. plot to overthrow him the country's opposition leader on self-proclaimed president has repeatedly called on the military to switch sides and did so again speaking to d.w. news it's a glider told us president should stop putting people's needs first and made some serious accusations against the moderate government that we will always appeal to the conscience of the armed forces ask that they pick the constitutional side we have been very clear with the armed forces that they have to allow humanitarian aid to enter and whoever blocks it will be tried for human rights violations what's happening in venezuela could be considered a silent genocide when you have hundreds of thousands who've died because of
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a shortage of food and medicine and this regime hasn't protected people's right to life this regime is responsible for direct deaths like in the case of the special forces that killed more than seventy people in a week for protesting and for indirect efforts because they're not doing anything to solve the food and medicine crisis that. conducted that interview with. joins us from caracas welcome osco what was your impression of one is he confident that he can win this power struggle. well they are very confident they know the risks that they think they say the time plays against motherwell at this point he says the parents struggle is one of the same and that it has taken venezuelan people twenty years of struggle. following the constitution following the laws of peaceful protesting and they plan to continue so they say
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this has reached a point of no return for the opposition and he is sure that time is playing against a man who don't mean whatever case he may take against the opposition at this point you know we're still pictures of trucks gathering at the border ways that aid was the situation that now the board of columbia. well it's a tense situation he said in the interview that tension is because we head to the border bit because of the tension of the armed forces and he said during the interview there's a lot of fear within the armed forces because a lot of them that have had suspicion of uprising against motherwell have been imprisoned and are being tortured a lot of the officers and officials jones he says that a lot of the military armed forces are there in fear of what that may happen to them if they do not follow orders and he says that there is where the tension lies
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however and he did say that they managed to get some small portion of that humanitarian aid to cuttack does he promoted that yesterday as a big trials that they've got a small portion but he says that a lot more and that that humanitarian corridor work should be opened. a job and of course is one of the countries that has like knowledge want why don't as interim head states jim the president trying to help the steinmeyer as missing in neighboring colombia at the moment let's hear what he had to say then it's really. it's now he haven't done it for years of all talk honestly and mismanagement so i'm under the venezuela is on the edge of the big bang caught on the brink of bankruptcy. the situation is catastrophic for the population. and aid is not allowed in by the monroe government doing the nonetheless.
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that's why we have to hope the presidential election will soon be held in venezuela and then it's a loss that's an oscar shankar in caracas that nicolas maduro has consistently said no to new presidential elections any sign of that changing. now there's no sign of an changing in fact a lot of. times we've seen him recently for the media is conducting military exercises. asking the people that support him to defend the country. with a very belligerent rhetoric in his discourse however he has started up trying to reactivate the health system and then as well as trying to get the medicine that they can't get to the hospitals that are. suffering from destroyed or of not
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only medicine but also actual implements to do their work so he's been reactivating this which gives you an idea of the situation and that this aligning crisis if humanitarian crisis is getting to the people and the government is stepping it up now to contradict these accusations that they've been neglecting so we can see how powerful the message of the opposition has been discussed lanka in caracas thank you. now to spain we have a trial of a twelve cuts on the separatist leaders has begun the defendants have been charged for their role in the twenty seventeen independence referendum ruled illegal by the country's supreme court some face decades in prison if found guilty of the valley and supporters and opponents of cattle and independents gases gathered outside the
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court who fled the region after holding the independence vote speaking today in berlin he said spanish democracy was on trial the trial. that has started in missouri this morning is a test for the whole judiciary spanish system. and therefore is a stress test for the spanish democracy because the judiciary system is one of the bases of the rule of law in our democracies. so for that all democritus around the world must be inspired by the catalan struggle for democracy. former president colors pushed him out now to some of the other stories making news around the world british prime minister theresa may has asked for more type of talks with the european union to renegotiate theory and she told lawmakers she can still reach a deal and even a block of lawmakers could support so far a deal has failed to get out of the circle of friends to leave i think you are on
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the twenty ninth of march. the seventeen people have died in the fire zone to tell you india's capital delhi most was sleeping when the blaze broke out early on tuesday morning rescue teams to save thirty five the disaster has raised questions about poor safety standards and the lack of government regulation. of the palestinian territory of gaza has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world more than seventy percent of young people are without work the w.'s tiny kraemer has been talking to young gazans determined to make a living. it might not be his dream job but it's better than having no work at all. now he helps out in his uncle's carpentry shop have a new job in gaza is precious for a young person like him. the only economic situation today is tough but if you lose your job you won't find an alternative but i don't want to
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give up polo animal who. the twenty nine year old used to work for an ngo but lost his job recently with ethan employment at seventy percent the law says the situation for the young is desperate. if the situation doesn't get better there won't be any future for young people in gaza and all of them will try to live. tight travel restrictions mean many of his generation have never been outside gaza . israel and egypt have sealed off the hamas controlled territory for more than twelve years. those restrictions have led to trying to build a future in the virtual world. here the borders which have been closed for half her life don't matter she's trying to establish herself in online marketing. when at seventy some young people give up after graduation they just hang their certificates on the wall others refuse to accept this reality and keep trying to
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spite all the difficult circumstances we're not trying to invest in digital media a lot robert says she won't give up despite her home being a place where conflict can erupt at any time that they see if you lose hope you lose life in gas no matter how hard life is the only thing we have is hope. for most young people in gaza crossing borders is not an option online or in real life hope may well remain the only thing they have to cling to for a long time to come. let's get more from iran's new special coordinator for the middle east jamie mcgoldrick welcome to let's start with hope looking at it from our side it doesn't look hopeful that i have to be optimistic how optimistic are you are you hopeful well i'm hopeful that something will be a peace process that works and right now is that possible to think there's going to be some solution to this of intra palestinian conflict and the israeli palestinian
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conflict as a result of that there's a blockade there that prevents people coming going goods coming from and you have this massive unemployment issue as mentioned your piece by stanley seventy percent that's seven a ten under theft is don't work so it's given the impending threat of being bombed or that the biggest thing that would make the biggest difference to people's employment prospects is what well i think if you create jobs and create purchasing power people can't afford things anymore people can't afford a water for example can't afford to pay for schools and for hospitals and that's why the international community is providing humanitarian assistance and that's being cut now with all the funding because of come from various places including the u.s. owner of the biggest agency they are providing for a million refugees has no longer got the money they got last year for the americans and so we're facing funding cuts as well so it's a very fragile environment so day to day life than this it's hard not just hard for
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everyone yeah fifty percent of people are unemployed i mean people can't afford to pay for things fifty three percent of everyone have blood and then you have the ability to move back and forth in and of gaza's very virtually impossible trade back and forth fishing the production sector doesn't work either so the prospects for anybody there those really young graduates you saw there the hope for palestine . that goes the palace thing goes if you can't provide them with jobs and opportunities in the future what's it going to be like you can't keep people in that situation and not contained in that environment and give them no prospects of the young people looking for jobs looking for a future and it doesn't exist and gaza right now. but of an earlier question about what what one thing would make the biggest difference let's talk about being closure the that happened. partly because of the as you say the into palestinian. conflict. when that happened how did life change when the enclosure happened but i
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think what happened was many people who were. gaza who had the labor in various parts of israel for example and there was trade back and forth it was business men importing exports and there was industrial zones where people had jobs producing in manufacturing goods right now if you wanted to make chairs or funded for example you can import the would be you can import the solvent to build the wood so the whole thing is in a very constrained environment and it's not a productive sector is not a place where you can actually and you know develop in such a way as i would see in the case of gas in the last ten years there's been development regression and they've gone back in time rather than going forwards in time and so there was talk of one stage of being in direct talks between israel and hamas where the i mean talks are still going on in different levels i mean unfortunately the kind of stalled for the meantime the biggest issue right now as they get people through this very difficult period of time which is you say in your piece shows that the importance of employment important giving people the future and not just the youth but many people in the society have to be given some
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sense that is something better than they have right now because what they have right now is pretty miserable and it's not something that changes in the just gets gradually worse the health systems the water sanitation systems the cuts the humanitarian assistance there is no prospect on the horizon which looked positive once you know the. now republicans and democrats in the united states have reached a tentative agreement on border security to prevent another government shutdown the dealing kluge nearly one point four billion dollars for new barriers along the us mexico border just a fraction of the amount president trump wanted to build his wall given that it's not clear whether he will sign the deal. wrong. there was no escaping the message at this rally in el paso texas president or not trump has promised to build a wall on the us mexico border and despite a political backlash he says it has still happened resetting the say setting the
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table we're doing whatever we have to do the walls being built it will continue its going at a rapid pace the rio grande copper go check of. what trump was on stage a tentative agreement was being thrashed out in washington the deal between republicans and democrats will fund fifty five miles of new fencing in the rio grande valley to prevent migrants crossing over from mexico but it's far less than trump wanted and has been agreed only to avoid another government shutdown this is very difficult one because the issue is so important and we all said that we did not want to shut down the government we want to reach an agreement. back in el paso one trump was delighting his people across the street a protest rally was being staying just. only. former
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democratic congressman betterer rule is not only against trump school but he's also a potential rival in next year's u.s. presidential election. we stand for america and we stand against. while the war continues to divide the u.s. it looks set to play an even more prominent role in the twenty twenty election. secretary-general has a warned against a new nuclear arms race following this month's collapse of a cold war era pact between. russia and the united states against stoltenberg said the alliance will respond to what he called the russian's violation of the i.n.f. treaty which bans the development of possession of intermediate range nuclear missiles the treaty is the focus of this week's meeting of nato defense ministers is the stoltenberg russia to return to compliance moscow continues to develop and
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deploy several but valiance of the s s c eight. despite the efforts of the united states all the nato allies over many years to encourage their show to return to compliance we all know that that is only respected by one side cannot keep us safe. and sixty nine in international film festival has reached its halfway point w.'s i'm in a safe and david leavitt's are down at the red carpet in downtown and welcome both what's going on. thank you. hey feel we're outside the world premiere of i was at home but by german director i'm going to shine like she's part of what's called the berlin school of this group of filmmakers that emerged at the early ninety's right after the fall of the berlin wall and brought german center cinema to international
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acclaim now she's probably the most obscure most art house of them this was a hard film to watch for me if it had a plot and i don't know if i would describe it as such but it had a plot it comes out very small pieces we see a young boy come home after an unexplained absence he's covered in dirt we never find out what happened to him but it could be explained by the death of his father which we find out later in the story really a snapshot of a family who's going through a rough period there's moments of joy in bonding the mother with her children there's also some rough patches some outbreaks but really it's hard to follow i would say as a plot yeah that's because there's very little dialogue the camera barely moves i'm going to have to be real with you phil at some point about half the people around us dozed off now i mean i stayed awake but i have to tell you this is a movie that i would recommend really only into film theory nerd but i wouldn't call myself a film nerd i did appreciate it though there was scenes in the film that somehow i
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had never seen something like that before i got something out of it critics have called her work more as a like a painting than a film you can take it for what it is. you disagree there and congratulations on staying awake while says that's a look forward to today. well there is an italian film puranas by up and coming director cloud jova naisi takes us into that could be any more different from the german film takes us into the hearts of chaotic naples italy we see the story of young boys thirteen fourteen fifteen who get involved in organized crime yeah and most of them are not even actors or rather they weren't actors until they got cast in this film these are locals they look the part they feel the part and the main character fifteen year old nicola is very smart he's very ambitious he's the kind of kid who under different circumstances probably would turn out to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon but no his main ambition is to take over the mafia to protect his
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turf and to protect his momma from other mafias and this really straddles childhood and manhood on the one hand he is still young enough that he's fighting with his little brother over who finishes the snacks and on the other hand he is a hardened criminal who is able to shoot someone point blank it's really an intense look at innocence getting its first taste of power and of course there's also a love story at the heart of it. really is a compelling film i haven't seen anything yet but that looks like it might take one of the top prizes because this is after all a competition. yeah we've we've got our eyes on a few one of them is system crashers this is a breakouts debut film by the north i think should another german director it's about an emotionally disturbed violence nine year old who gets shipped from one foster home to another and about the caregivers who tried to save her very
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compelling debut and i think that that will mean a lot to the jury there's also out stealing horses a film by acclaimed norwegian director hans peter mullan starring still in scars court it's all you could want in the region film lots of silence a lot of snow takes us into the story of an older man who who. one solitude to escape his past but he learns pretty quickly you can't do that. another very strong film very stoic people but it really goes to the heart of their emotional reality even if they're not saying very much like that so i don't i'm out in search of a bit of peace and quiet i can identify with that i mean as if david leavitt's thank you so much. refugee football hockey ips back with his family in australia after being detained in thailand for more than two months he'd been facing extradition to his native brain where he faced a long prison sentence on what human rights groups say was
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a trumped up charge arriving at melbourne airport he received a hero's welcome. back ayman al arabiya his nightmare is finally over. on tuesday he made his emotional return to australia i. just i would defend the oyster oh yeah amazing to see all these people here they're all you'd be. is the world to me and i just know what they think they're all of. the bahraini football is back in his adopted home after three long months spent in a tight jail he was arrested in november while on his honeymoon in bangkok on an interpol warrants for his arrest. in his native bahrain had been convicted of vandalizing a police station even though he was playing in a televised football match when the alleged offenses took place. al-arabiya is released much to form a footballer craig foster led
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a campaign to pressure the bahraini government i think what's occurred over the last almost three months to fight incredibly hard for not just the young player who . virtually no one knew but a refugee who was under our protection and who we felt that all of us needed to step forward and protect to see him back here on home soil to die speaks volumes about the character the values and the pride that we have as australians al-arabiya fled bahrain on political grounds in twenty fourteen and was granted refugee status by australia his family feared extradition would result in his torture and possibly death at the hands of far range justice system. now back in australia he's safe from persecution. as the club. fired back coach. the team languished at the bottom of the table called the took over in march twenty seventh when you were in the second division they climbed to
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the top division of the end of last season but this time has been a much tougher call for someone twelve points so far but only thirteen matches. left to save the season club's club has both coach cold and sporting director and dresser. of a knockout stage of europe's top football tournament the champions league gets underway this week with three points league club still left in the competition meanwhile english side manchester united still have a shot of the continent's biggest prize they face french champions perry signs on the tonight in the first leg of their round of sixteen coach are they going to solve shock i won the champions league with united as a player back in one thousand nine hundred ninety and he's confident this current team is peaking at the right time we're given us the best possible opportunity on the way we've gone into this game because we're confident we've found. what i know i've found out what team we have we look at looking like it seem if there was ever
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a chance or any time to go into big games like this it's now for us. former england goalkeeper of world cup winner gordon banks has passed away at the age of eighty while he tried to keep bowlers and it's only ever world cup trophy that defeated west germany four two in the final and also the nineteen seventy world cup where he made a save against percipient striker but many consider to be the greatest of all time . top story at best outfit as well an opposition leader one. of the country's military must allow humanitarian aid into the country will face trial he says three hundred thousand people could die president refused to allow to be at eight and it would be a pretext for a farmer in faith. coming up next a review of a much thanks tried to. get the latest news and information on our website. i'm
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once upon a time there was a young girl. with a burning ambition. to become a conductor. i was a very curious child and very excited and in love with music and that i would go to concerts with my parents and always. here and for being on stage the musicians and being part of that magic it wasn't difficult for the first girl she was told jump because conductor but this girl had other ideas and one day. really did become a world famous come. along that i. love
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