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tv   DW News - Africa  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2019 6:02am-6:15am CET

6:02 am
this is the news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes the elusive preacha ports until the black panther sightings have long been rumored in kenya now scientists have confirmed the animals present with a series of great images. and the calls from candidates will meet the nigerian teacher running for president and find out why he's saying if you cation is his priority. then love is in the end but it's good valentine's day and national chocolate did we also people which of the two they prefer to celebrate well. i'm a fan of chuck leaves and. i'm christine one girl welcome to news africa i'm glad you're tuned in for
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a lot of people the term black panther may conjure up images of the film of the same name now images of the animal itself creating headlines the elusive black panther has long been the subject of campfire stories in africa sightings are rare and it's even rarer to capture one on camera emerging from the darkness a black panther scientists say this is the first verifiable sighting of the animal in africa for more than one hundred years the photos have an almost mythical and fable captured by a wildlife photographer he says motion sensitive cameras after hearing a black panther had been spotted in the area this particular panther is actually a leopard it's black fur is caused by a gene mutation calls melanism the opposite of albinism and in from ed light the leopard sports a clear to see. little more than ten percent of the world's lappets a black the subspecies is actually far more common in asia so this icing in africa
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respects no civil so the fact that we have more than one black leopard confirmed in this area is really important because it suggests the leopards in this region maybe we need special genetically we don't see black leopards anywhere further south of kenya we've only seen them here in kenya and we've had reports an ethiopian so this is just that there's a lot of conservation value here and protecting what may be a very special subspecies of africa for some seeing a black cat is a sign of bad luck but many here this creature is the stuff of legend now that legend has become a lot more real ok so we're all making a big fuss now of the fact if it was actually first spotted a year ago and it was off to a local conservationists was doing some research and village just told him that they'd seen the animal ok so that conservationists is ambrose he told a lie and he joins me now from nairobi hi ambrose welcome to d.w.
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news africa so you were talking to a community about living with wildlife and they told you that they'd seen the animal what else did they say so the local communities there was doing some community interest because the communities are owned. little human experience. so that people under the hill there's no you don't know about it on the sea that you know there's a there's a block you know going to living out at a place called. conservancy and they you know i just didn't just to do one of their robot to do i was going to. do that nobody should ask their permission and again their stories storm a comment ups and the day's torment come out of a few months so you go. you got the back up and as far as as as i've read to the lip it has actually been posing trouble in the community they called it a castle can i write. but not the actually the blood just
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been spotted the people say that normally a local community say that they'll do their de blah blah but there is just living around. me no part that is real if you have a politician or. the cops and the you know maybe both of you got. a calculus and lot of people are making a big fuss about this this animal it's all over social media are you surprised by that what do you make of the reaction that people have had to seeing the black if it. so you know i can see and it does all over the world and everybody is that getting attention about. how we see the people in all the world can get the attention of the conservation of the species in this in this world in this planet that we are on because. i'm surprised seeing that they would only tell you about this like nobody ever going to get that attention to who are expected of a conservation we can able to come and visit disconfirmation areas like summer summer was over the lake other places that he did it is well rated for publishers
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of conservation with a species personal or uni i came from one of the community. so i am just a minister of conservation to the hundred people on the other student those who did get a lot of support from people like i'm if you will of so if people can get attention and say that yeah then they are. great you know to interact ok ambrose it'll do lie in the role of a ten year holding the force of conservation if it's happening there thank you and good catch. what a fun story ok so our next one is nigeria's youngest ever presidential hopeful harry is that would be ok if a five year old through these hats in the ring off to the infamous knots too young to run bill was signed into law. is making education his focus.
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on the election campaign trail in nigeria's capital she q who is visiting a private school he's the youngest ever nigerian presidential candidate and education is his central theme. until we start to fix education it will be difficult to fix any other sectors in our nation ok who lived in the u.s. where he worked as a mathematics lecturer he's calling for thirty five percent of the country's budget to go to what education. becomes of the school's principal surprised to see a politician who understands education. the school receives no state support and is financed by fees affordable only to those earning good money. to government i don't think they have interests in to look into question because of the quality of we don't see how. many of them don't know the cinnabon to do cation
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. and them they don't see indication as something that would bring money to them so that's why i don't know funding education like the political failures of the past few decades can be seen three hours drive from object a state funded school in ca northern nigeria where you work feel the need. that have collapsed the classrooms have needed desks nor chess. opportunities fourteen years old himself a student but currently responsible for his whole class. i take care of them because i. i'm old and i want to help my brothers and sisters like this the teachers aren't here again that's why i'm doing it and to. here they are no books joggers chalk up to it's only learning eight zero with.
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this nine o'clock in the morning and only now the first teacher has shown up and social the school has eight hundred students and only four teachers. haasan sons go to school here affect their father reduced daily the teachers are poorly paid he says no one would want to teach at such a school. no homos and like children should become doctors or soldiers they should have a worthwhile job and a good future that's my dream but i love the circumstances nothing will come of it . if he had enough money of the motorbike taxi driver says he would have long ago sent his children to private school the ruling party of president who has been in power for four years and the federal state of the commissioner of education has shifted the blame for the educational situation onto previous governments
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seventy percent of teachers where i'm qualified more than twenty thousand teachers have been let go because they couldn't reach all right. most of. the. budget requests for it. he. states spends a third of its budget on education but at the federal level education spending makes up only seven percent of the budget the issue plays hardly any role and president who hours election campaign. to change that but he and his small party are struggling to be taken seriously in nigeria in spite of a minimal campaign budget he wants to lay down the marker. it's the hope the passion the vision the puppet that we as young people bring to the table starting
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to change this narrative that we're not good enough that we're not ready for the fight to be think it's very evident that we have a whole lot more to offer to our generation and the generations coming after us and the people who've been there for me says it's a simple equation if nigeria with its booming population no longer invests in education the next crisis will not be far away that he says is something every politician should understand so you can see the work. now that entire stay is a big deal in god but the day is also about chocolate in two thousand and five the country declared the forty three national chocolate day the idea was that it coincided with valentine's day to boost the domestic consumption of chocolate made in god so we took our cameras to the streets and people if they choose chocolate or love between love and chocolates i choose. i believe
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can't be life with what's going to be. take the first chocolates because. i'm a fan of chocolates and. i'm not so sure about love i prefer valentine's day it's a sure thing came love is something special and of course it can be a surprise to anyone one immediately but i believe that this is very easy to shop. if there is a positive id set aside for it so be celebrated in the most grandly i think that's also me days my baby you know. what i mean i really love chocolate and promotes chocolate and. like one of my
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countrymen exploits it it's good by going to be i really like i think that the and i'm doing that because they find the. so i think. for us to sort of say i would have to push him to. specifically for me and i think that. having a spot on the to celebrate not to enjoy fun with friends and family took. a small preferred about to me because i funked up for love and i'm saying. ok and that's it from the news africa. story is on the way of science and i'll face kate now because it's not just valentine's day and got to leave you with images of people sharing and chocolates.
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it's time for berlin sixty nine film festival. to give you the lowdown on all the stars movie and gossip. girl enough twenty nineteen every day on the to. play it's time to take one step further and sixteen blocks of. time to search the are no longer for the troops. targeted to overcome down dreams and connect a little it's time for g.w. . coming up ahead minds.


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