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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 20, 2019 2:00pm-2:30pm CET

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the at. the bow as. this is deja news coming to you live from berlin the women fleeing abuse at home who says they are still not safe in germany saudi women seeking asylum here say they're still being threatened by their families and indeed exclusive they say the country's embassy in berlin is complicit also coming out in paris and other friends
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cities thousands joined rallies against anti semitism the protests come after a spike in incidents targeting the country's jewish community. and fans pay tribute to fashion icon karl lagerfeld who died in paris of the age of eighty five one of his fellow german designers a get a year old joins me to discuss his legacy. was . unknown welcome i'm on with a good to have your company. well you may remember the case of the saudi teenager who locked herself in an airport hotel room last month to escape her family. was ultimately given asylum in canada sadly she is not the only woman from the ultra conservative islamic kingdom who has fled for her life
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a number of saudi women have come to germany to seek asylum but they say they have been threatened by their families and their tour to simply they believe the saudi embassy here is helping them. they fled from saudi arabia to germany here they hope for safety and freedom but these women still live under threat from their families. to her to i thought i was safe that the psychological warfare the violence and oppression would be over but i still feel like they could get me. the women offer to talk to us only on condition of anonymity we have changed their names and voices. say shortly after arriving in germany they received threatening messages from their families. i know my family knew i was in germany in one city all of that info so there threatened me with my location can animate and i am sure that through their connections with the saudi
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embassy and through the saudi embassies connections and it spies that are everywhere they can get information but i do not know the kind of information and what they know exactly in my heart of know he used to me a tin man mark to use. some activists claim that the cases of murder and russia are part of a wider pattern. people are followed we have people breaking into the perp months and the families back home always know exactly what is happening these patterns are repeating themselves. we just ask ourselves does every family do this individual pay someone here in germany. that would take a huge effort or could someone else be behind us and the suspicion is of course that maybe the saudi embassy is the one starting all this. we spoke to several parties dealing with saudis seeking asylum abroad they suggested that the saudi embassy could be directly or indirectly involved trying to get refugees to return
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we reached out multiple times to the embassy in berlin efforts to contact them over the phone and via e-mail came to nothing. but still the question why would saudi authorities help families trace women who flee abroad. underside to a good concentration it's citizens government their mana key the king their absolute in return they tell the men that they can have complete control over their women so when a saudi woman needs her family this article which is will go out of their way to ensure that she has returned because not doing so means that people themselves may start to question why their own beauty and to the king and why they don't have their own by. turning back is impossible they fear they might be tortured or even killed. joining me now is a correspondence under peterson who had to search that story welcome sondre not
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this human are living in fear of these of their lives have the has anyone thought of going to the german authorities for protection read it they did it let's start with us here we of course contect at the ministry of the interior and berlin and they said they have no knowledge of anything going on in that century reception center in and hold well all asylum seekers from from saudi arabia they have to go to and we then contacted the ministry of the interior of that particular federal state and they said. yes they have knowledge and let me quote it's a well known problem procedures and appropriate measures are in place and then when we are so what are these procedures and appropriate measures we didn't get any further on so to our request for you know please give us an answer because we really would like to know and also that was one of the women that we basically spoke to intensively we went to the police station with her when she actually fight
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a complaint ok so how odd then these women staying safe. it's different for each and every individual case because what can you to know and i'm rita is that you know when the asylum requests as process they have to stay in this state in sex and sex and the on hold and then after that let's say they are granted right of residence they have to stay there that's a legal requirement for three years only then are they free to you know to move elsewhere and they're only very few exceptions from the roots of course these women try and get that exception from the rule but as long as that is not granted they are all you know concentrated in this state and so that makes it rather easy to find them and to spy on them and they all basically know rate at the same to us and they don't know each other and not all of them know each other is that they felt in specially in that central reception center in where they are it's their reference point they felt spied upon by fellow refugees and the allegation here is that the
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embassy is involved because information get that there ended up with a family in saudi arabia so how does that happen now these women obviously they scared to speak in public but they spoke exclusively to d.w. what this is about the specific circumstances to why they're fleeing their homeland again individual reasons but they did side for instance domestic abuse they didn't side to the feeling of oppression because as you know every woman in saudi arabia needs legal guardian you know if they want to study if they want to go to the doctor is that if they want to study they need male consent and in one particular case there was a threat of a forced marriage and that's then when this woman decided to flee and to come abroad and to stay in germany right saudi arabia's off a strong on women's rights sunapee just and thank you very much for those insights . three members of britain's ruling conservative party have resigned their joining
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the newly formed independent group in a joint letter and m.p.'s on assume the allen and set of worlds to blame prime minister is a mishandling of briggs' it for their decision all three campaign to remain in the e.u. they're joining italy were m.p.'s who quit their party to launch the independent group earlier this week prime minister to resign a has said she is saddened by their decision. country and joining me now live from london is our correspondent big it must be good why is this happening now well as you have explained on rita they are following labor m.p.'s and similar to what's happened in the labor party these. days have been very unhappy with the reserve mase brags of policy for sometimes they've been fighting in the campaign for people's votes for a referendum on the deal on tourism a steal for
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a second referendum on bragg's it and they say that they cannot support the government's policy mostly also for for economic reasons they fear that tourism is driving the country towards a cliff edge and possibly a no deal bread and this is for them irresponsible and they just feel that the conservative party doesn't represent their own values anymore and as such i think they're trying to get off the ground in new party that's more to the center of british politics so possibly a new party there not a new party to set ok so a new party maybe in the offing but are we seeing a major realignment of british politics given that some members of the labor party also left and now we have some members of the conservative party leaving. well listen both parties we have a lot of m.p.'s and i guess all two party members but they are maybe not as prominent in their voices as the m.p.'s we have a lot of m.p.'s who are unhappy with the way that our party is going in the labor
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party the m.p.'s have been complaining often shift to the left to the extreme left is what they're complaining and the conservative party as we've seen now they mostly about the bricks of policies but also they're complaining that the party in the government is too much in the hands of those on the right of the party of the g they're called who are very much advocating breaks it at any cost even if it's an old you know do bradford and they just fit firmly believe that there is something missing in the center ground of british politics they say that politics is broken and that they feel that they have to just create a new movement and what they're hoping for would be that others will join you would join them other m.p.'s from all sides of the house of commons even the liberal democrats i think they're hoping would cooperate with them but also of course members so i think what they are hoping to create is a new party within the next weeks and months and what could all of this big mean
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for brics it. first of all it means that to reason may has an even fin i'm a charity and the house of commons majority was already wafer thin and she could only have it with the help of the d. the northern irish party but now with three less conservative m.p.'s possibly voting with the opposition it's it's an impossibly small small for this really does get off the ground and that has to happen quite quickly because pregnant is scheduled for the end of march is just a few weeks time but if it does happen then she will be pressured by more employees just to not let a no deal break that happen and there is a crunch moment already next week when we know that several m.p.'s are going to table motion and they're trying to force the government to actually rule out a no deal bragg's and this is what many in the country and also what business is really fearing that britain is just going to leave the you without
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a proper plan so lots happening there in london biggest mass thank you very much for that update. thousands of people in france of taking to the streets to protest against a rise in anti semitic attacks now this comes after dozens of graves vandalized at the jewish cemetery president in modern mccraw describe the incident as an attack on the nation france is home to the largest jewish population among nations i can outpouring of solidarity on paris's plus still a republic. thousands of purchase just turned out to express their support for france's jews. but their anger magnified by yet another desecration of a jewish cemetery. the these were just one of dozens of demonstrations nationwide in response to
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a search and ties semitic hate crimes of. the fighting that anti semitic actions are on the rise it's something that strikes fear that brings back bad memories we want to show younger generations and there's another path to take them up on. this is what feud the outrage the jewish cemetery in the village of quite some time in eastern france they faced with swastikas and other anti-semitic graffiti french president and went away mcallen has vowed to bring the vandals to justice and once more to stop anti-semitism in its tracks. a group of individuals full of hate has unfortunately done what others have done before for too many years what. i'm here to express for solidarity of a whole nation. complete determination in fighting anti semitism whatever it takes. this was the second time
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a jewish cemetery has been desecrated in recent months and fronts in december nearly forty graves and a holocaust memorial were vandalized in the same region. it is attacks like these that brought people together. not only ordinary citizens but also top politicians and religious leaders i don't. they wanted to send a clear message they've had enough. let me now being updated with some of the stories making news around the blood saudi arabia's crown prince is in delhi for talks with indian leaders following his visit to pakistan saudi officials say muhammad bin said amman hopes to play a diplomatic role and deescalating the situation between the two neighbors tensions have fled after last week's attack and indian. authorities say a man who was caught in an avalanche of the service says died from his injuries the
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french national was one of four ski is rescued after being swept away by snow at a resort on tuesday a friend has emerged of the moment the avalon struck turning out russia where president vladimir putin has made a fin leverage threats towards the united states in a state of the nation address putin said russia or to sponsor any u.s. deployment of short or intimidated range nuclear weapons in europe by targeting not only the countries where the a station but the united states itself but why do you take a combative tone with the west protein reached out to russians with promises of improved living conditions. it's one of the most important domestic political events for the russian president in his fifteenth state of the nation address but a mere putin promised
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a raft of measures to improve economic and social conditions for his people above all families should benefit putin promised them tax breaks as well as better child care. but. thanks to the many years of joint efforts and the successes we have achieved as a result we can now heavily invest in our country. people should already notice how things are getting better. the russians are certainly hoping things will improve incomes have fallen since two thousand and thirteen putin's popularity has cratered there have been protests against pension reforms that raise the retirement age then there's foreign policy putin sees the us withdrawal from the i.n.f. treaty as russia's most crucial issue. russia does not want to be the first to place these missiles in europe. reduced and stationed in europe and the u.s. has not denied doing this. that would intensify the international security
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situation. once again cast himself as the country's patriarch appealing for the solidarity of the russian people in difficult political times. now correspondent in moscow our until tonight was fun and present through a speech just a short while ago i asked him whether it could help fourteen win back dribbling support in russia russian people are used to the government making large economic promises and promises regarding helping them lowering their taxes increasing social spending but the real question remains to be seen i mean how much help is actually going to rhyme the doorstep at the end of each month i mean we really don't know i mean a lot of these social spending programs that president putin suggested cost an incredible amount of money and right now it's really not entirely certain where that money was actually come from so it really just kind of remains to be seen how much money the support programs will actually bring into the economy and how much of it will be
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felt by your average everyday russian on the street. that was out until to in moscow attributes have been pouring in full con lagerfeld influential fashion designer and the creative head of the fashion house should now he dies in paris at the age of eighty five during a korea spanning nearly seventy s. the hamburg born designer was not the most well known names in the modern fashion was famous for his designs as well as his personality. on. her. call lagerfeld in one of his final public appearances last november the star of paris his christmas lights set a mini. fame that he gained over a lifetime of pioneering and the wall of fashion it takes something special to stand out. and the legend of like a failed. in fashion week the duchess of cornwall joined
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others in paying her respects to fashion royalty. right on the. outside to. his presence is everywhere and thoughts about what his death will mean for sure now. how do i know what i don't know what i should say but it's. we were missing him yeah keep it up keep it classy we close as we were the classic chanel. cape eclipse and you had to be like an extra star oprah. you have but you know pretty sad news for you it's already close friends of. benetton the struggling italian brand that could do with like a phelps midas touch remembered him too as they showed off their latest collection . is what i will keep very close to mark hasse is the example of
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a mom who knew how to be an extraordinary artistic director just it it's a father of all artistic directors just. many will try but you will leave a legacy like col lagerfeld. and for more on karl lagerfeld legacy i am very pleased to welcome a.j. to europe she herself is a fashion and jewelry designer welcome to you play you've met on lagerfeld many times what are your plans to be collections of the men the last time i met him was that his show that he had of his pictures that he took of scat for the car company open and nobody could sort of show himself as flamboyantly as he did you know when he was around you felt like the king of everything's in the room and there was like a whisper around her. because the whole into raj you know trying to make sure that
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he was happy and. he was very very intelligent and he flamboyant is a good way to describe you know that is public image but how different was his public image from the man you met in private if you. think about his roots back and good old hamburg you know him because a very conservative and industry city and he came from quite a wealthy home and he seemed to have been what today would be called a. child he wanted to draw all the time he didn't want to play with other kids so you see that sometimes you should leave very creative people alone and not make them change otherwise before we won't have another collage of one day so he was always seeking attention he always wanted to be in the public eye is what you're saying yeah but i believe he was probably a much more intelligent that he showed you know because he was reading all the time
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he spoke seven languages and one time he said that he was speaking way faster than his brain was sort of formulating the words sometimes the stuff he said was very very provocative. in controvert yes sometimes he didn't like fat people and unlike old people than he didn't like this and that you know because he was such an amazing creative mind he was allowed to do that imagine somebody else would do that today that you know you yourself are a famous fashion designer what do you think made your fence fashions so unique but he had this amazing sense of how he could sort of keep this branch and now totally up to snuff totally modern and fresh so he invited young talents all the time to be on stage and to wear his creations so there was an edge to the brand kept
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a very young and fresh because if you imagine how old the brand. was and how much of it but it still desiring these bags that's really have those things you know apart from his fashion he was such an amazing personality everybody felt that they knew him but. plea in private he was a very quiet denver clues if man well obviously if you know a lot about the world and especially a lot about the fashion industry it maybe makes you want to be alone sometimes because you have to do if you have to do this vanities all the time you maybe sometimes also deal with not only the good part of people but also with the vain difficult part so it's very clear that an artist you maybe then want to be reclusive alone and in peace and he had very close friends of monte carlo. i guess felt at home very much. there will never be anybody like him again gosh this so
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many and it talks about him people talk about what he said what he did what is your favorite recollection of can not defend well i like the way he was sort of. controlling this whole industry and how he was sort of making bad jokes at the same time he was sort of dissing everybody but making everybody for love with him at the same time yes he said he was controversial he once described a french president as an embassy but i think that's people love to discuss it with your members and yet are you thank you so much for how you want to do that view and sharing your thoughts with the excellent. turning now to sport and to the champions league knockout stages and we were all hoping for a dramatic clash between two great clamps liverpool and by munich it was liverpool hosting by an in the first offer to leg match of but in the end defense was the winner. liverpool pressured by in munich from the get go it paid off the english site were creating them more and the better of their chances but
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liverpool's dominant display lacked the killer touch your money with perhaps the best chance of the game but he couldn't quite get his footing right by and absorbed all the pressure adopting a more defensive approach it was effective liverpool where unable to break down by ends defense with both sides shouting each other down this one ended in a goalless draw but if the first leg is anything to go by it certainly sets up an exciting return leg in munich. now by minix defensive approach to liverpool coach juergen klopp by surprise club was known for doing is homework on his opponents in advance of each match a lot of situations i didn't see in all the games when we've been we've watched munich. stayed in pretty much. every defendant on the wing new to situations like that. we didn't score but we
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didn't concede we're at home now and i think the home game is an advantage it will play in front of seventy five thousand fans who want to go through just like a pool and we know if we concede a goal then we have to win but we know at this level they're a very small differences. so the two coaches talking then of the other big match of the evening also looked like it would produce lots of goals but despite barcelona's trente five shots against little they couldn't find the net the french side doing the same in the second goalless draw of the night. he watching the news coming up ahead indeed news is. how hong kong neighborhoods deal with the hordes of selfie take us inside each of that was faked must have shocked. and angry protests in india after last week's deadly attack in kashmir we look at the threat of violence against this meeting muslims and how some indians are
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offering those under threat a safe haven. well that is low coming up indeed every news is your followed by deducting news. business news. to. get.
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to. our digital maurier's. for women for internet activists one mission the battle for freedom and dignity. against repression and filings leave to close the powers of social media. their messages are spreading like wildfire the social media spectacle critical to the towns of. the streets. more changing the world to. digital. storage
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market being. doubled. we make up oh but we want tons of office conduct budget but we are the civil servants . they want to shape the continent's future to. be part of the dumpsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. the seventy seven percent. platform for shark. six hundred begin to. turn the. other stuff. i know curves will be good morning stephanie. the party shuttle missions from around the world. love.
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every week to w. . this is d w news asia coming on the program violent protests over last week's kashmir attack kashmiris worry as anger spills out onto the streets you look at the rising tensions and how some indians are trying to counter the hatred plus india's the become the richer country it's a bigger democracy should act quickly think about the. pakistan's bilawal bhutto zardari calls on india to extend the hand of peace over kashmir more of that interview later in the show.


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