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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2019 9:00am-9:30am CET

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this is the news coming to you live from berlin and pope francis outlines new steps to combat the sexual abuse of children in the catholic church the move comes as the crisis summit in groups caring testimony from people because lives were shattered after being raped and attacked by members of the. force are coming up then israel and president nicolas maduro orders the closure office country's wardo with brazil his aim is to block the deliveries the manageress aid which he says is accountable
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for a u.s. invasion plus. israel is on its route to. look nation to land a spacecraft on the moon and really go to jerusalem to find out why. i don't have a warm welcome to you on the. week's start indra where people who were very to attack by members of the catholic clergy have been addressing a summit at the vatican pope francis called the ford a gathering to try to tackle the crisis in the gulf in the church after a spate of new scandals over the past year the pontiff a score for new measures to fight abuse the survivors according for more they want abusers to be expelled from the church. people are rightly it's uncharted
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territory for the one hundred ninety heads of bishops conferences and religious orders present here. they were summoned to the vatican to publicly address the child abuse crisis within the catholic church it's a meeting marked by shame cardinal law is taken as a filipino even broke into tears the wont of the recent cries carried the memory of illicit suffering. but they also carry the memory of our weakness and so full. regret alone can change decades of systematic sexual abuse. and hope francis made it clear to the priests that he won't let them off easy he says but at the center of the holy people of god looking at us and do not expect from us simple and predictable condemnations but concrete and effective measures for.
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survivors when the pope to quickly follow his words with deeds. zero tolerance for any priest that has sexually assaulted a child around the world written into a universal church law because it's not universal church law right now it's not their law pope francis could do it he could do it by monday morning he's the only one that can do it. minor changes to canon law i expect that as an outcome more consequential demands such as making it ever acquirement to report suspected abuse of priests to the police are unlikely to be met but some remain hopeful emphasizing that the status quo is simply not an option. there needs to be conscious concrete changes why wouldn't it be optimistic and so do we want an organization that is going to continue to allow the rape of children and the where bishops are not held accountable. to lead you to maybe listening to the emotional testimonies from
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victims in the upcoming days will convince church leaders to make the necessary changes. not only of the still to fall but what's an who heads an organization has been victims of sex abuse by catholic priests he told us that significant action was needed to bring about real change i was sexually abused as a young man in the religious life but i was also sexually abused by clergy as a child and so it has affected every aspect of my why. i am in my forty third year of psychotherapy attempting to recover from the ravages of sexual abuse that lasted from the ages of approximately three to the age of thirty and i was abused not only as a child but also as a young man in a religious order of men and i was propositioned in the seminary when i was preparing to become
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a priest and so this dysfunctional culture of the catholic church has to be reversed and if pope francis doesn't take significant action to reverse it then the church will continue on its downward spiral are you pope francis siding with victims or are you not you have to make a preferential option for victims and you have to then race expectations for this summit to say no child in this church will ever be unsafe again and if this summit does not create substantive changes in the way the church operates then the pope probably will be called to resign. that was robert hooke. new jersey he is a former priest as you heard he is a survivor of sexual abuse but the. turning now to kenya and gay and lesbian
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activists there had been anxiously waiting for a ruling from the country's high court today on whether to decriminalize homosexuality but the court has deferred to seedings until may the twenty fourth because of what the judge scored a heavy caseload under the current homo sexual acts can be punished with long jail terms for the a joint from kenya by correspondent melanie cura. melody i believe you're standing outside the courthouse in nairobi now we just heard this highly anticipated call gruelling has been postponed due to what they're describing as a heavy caseload to know is that the real reason or what lies behind disposable income and. it could be the real reason so the judge has been citing many challenges he has been saying the sheer amount of documents is just too tall he even joked about it being taller than himself he also said that two out of the three judges who are running on this case
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a currently out of town this could be the court's stalling that's true but it could also really be the share amount of work that they still need to work through but for many activists here this has been a huge disappointment to many of them were hoping for this monumental ruling to take place and i met one of the people for whom repeal one sixty two would really change everything look. just because. if it weren't for marrying with he would have a hard time. i'm guessing what she's been through mary identifies as a lesbian that is why has step father cost her out into the street when she was still a child that is why she was attacked by a group of men as a teenager and infected with hiv be. it took.
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all of about. and then after. i had to pull of my own. thank you. and then even killed most of those because they have done. work over there so i know i was pregnant. and and i'm so thankful group who make clothes so when ten years ago. i can see the mom. has something. to give me for. my son christopher has given mary strength and pacing prejudice and along with it criminalizes mary's very identity. in kenya it's not illegal to be gay but it is against the law to act on it in practice this means that in so many cases like that of mary as u.t.i.
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q couples have had their relationships repressed by the state and given the widespread disapproval of homosexuality they face constant discrimination and the threat of violence in their community kitchen window. is really did. because they're bringing a woman on their way god group to adam and eve not adam and steve. it's not accepted. we can't do that and never learned with that use of behavior be created selves although they are born like that so i don't know i see it is i'm not good news court. because i'm still a teen she's encountered hasn't broken marriage spirit. give yourself. a minute this. you need. to because all the different in those and make me. who are low. i don't know what these hold would hold dear. mary hopes that soon
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she won't have to see imprisonment for loving women and that one day in kenya she might be able to marry the woman he loves. the mum mum will be. to. so many as we saw on your report mary is going through of a tough time what is the public perception of the case in kenya is there lot of public debate about the subject. richard there's a lot of public debate especially when it comes to the local media or in big cities like nairobi it is because we have such a large queue community here which has been fighting to be classified as equal citizens for years now but then if you look at the rural areas which are still very
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traditional very very christian for them there is not that much to be discussed many people there see it as an african the whole concept of same sex intimacy and many don't question you are just essentially a left over from the colonial era rather than a truly african law as they call it so what is in your view of the chances of the judges relives appeals section one sixty two of the penal code and decriminalize same sex relations when they make a ruling now in may. the chances are fifty fifty. welcome to set that they are cautiously optimistic because i have some some precedents in the past here for example where examinations of the nation have now been forbidden they were used to examine to find out whether on mount a man engaged in anal sex this is now illegal and this has given hope to so many people here and the activists have told me as well as mary that they will really
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not stop fighting until one day they can really love the people they want to love freely. in nairobi thank you very much. they've been having you up to date some other stories making news around the the united states says it plans to keep a small unit of around two hundred troops in syria respond to an international stabilizing force in december that from ministration announced it would pull out of over two thousand troops from the region a decision that shocked us and eyes and military command is. india says it's building dams to stop its share of waters from the indus river from flowing into pakistan controlled kashmir this will follows the terrorist attack in did you last week that left more than forty indian security personnel dead.
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demonstrators in baton slava have mocked one year since the murder of slovak. activists feel see more shot dead in february two thousand and eighteen shortly before which was to publish a report on alleged government corruption the killings and exclusive reports on mass protests leading the country's prime minister to step down. then is the impreza nicolas maduro has begun sealing his country's borders to block the delivery of humanitarian aid he says aid convoys are a cover for an invasion by for. foreign troops the move comes as mother or spouse struggled with opposition media one guy escalates and later today the battle with fido is set to become a battle of music as groups from rival camps play concerts at the border with colombia the billionaire businessman richard branson is sponsoring the live aid
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style show on the colombian side of the front. british billionaire richard branson has big plans for the colombian border town of cocoa. he says his goal is to raise money for food and medical supplies and ultimately get it across the border to venezuela. meanwhile the everyday struggle for locals goes on many cross the border here regularly to pick up desperately needed supplies there hoping to see change soon big airplane will said leave it we want to be free we want to be able to cross the border we want freedom and the government to fall. it's what we all want i got an election so we can have a new president identity and don't look at him and everyone obviously and. some however of lost all hope and they're taking extreme measures describing how it feels to be leaving their country for good. we think.
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right now i'm sad. this is degrading for a human being and about a very degrading with any and the. president nicolas maduro is also taking extreme measures he sees any attempt to bring an i.e.d. as a pretext for military intervention on thursday he closed the country's border with brazil and said he was also considering closing the frontier with colombia. all see i thought they were from a complete closure of the border with colombia i'm considering that. if it's best for a man to be prepared it's even better for a nation to be prepared to go by that. that could make things tricky for opposition leader and self-proclaimed president one quite though he left his home in caracas on thursday to make the i don't call him a journey to the colombian border he and thousands of his supporters are promising to bring usaid into the country but he's not yet explained how they plan to do it.
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meanwhile back at the border just across the river from president. in his own concert on venezuelan soil. and for more we're joined by jennifer coming again sourness the venezuelan journalist from the news welcome jennifer a kind of battle of the bands the shaping up on venezuela's border with colombia what does each side hope to achieve with the concepts well each concert has a different goal richard branson's concert is meant to be a drive for to get more aid for venezuela to get more funds it is an entirely humanitarian operation but it also is loosely tied with the opposition of course it does stand up for the people of venezuela that are suffering but for for sure oh this is just to show that he can also have a concert that he can rile people up that he also has an international presence that is backing him although of course it looks like there may be more artists on
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the colombian side and actually the venezuelan government is not produced any details about who's performing are what is happening so we will find out as centrally today that nicholas modernist government has been preventing aid from entering venezuela they've now shut the border with brazil of war so in fact is that going to have on the humanitarian situation that is. well let's face it the room has full control here on whether to let this aid flow or not but it will also come down to the people on the ground the soldiers that are going to patrol this border on both sides in colombia and in brazil and whether they will allow it and that is the play that the opposition is making the opposition is hoping that the people on the ground the humans on the ground will turn and will say now they will think there's some desperation our country and we have the key here that we can do it but so far it is difficult it's difficult because they will also be under
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pressure to stay loyal to mother or. the one declared himself interim president last month he's received support from some of the army generals several diplomats who support does he really have in the country now. well we must say that guy though has received far more international support than he has domestically domestically the needle has not moved much as of as of now most of these military defectors that have occurred have been military attaché is abroad and so it's been difficult the top brass is has not moved and the bottom ranks have there's been not a lot of that a lot of movement there either so at the moment we can say that my room has has held things in place but this is the key to this weekend tomorrow will be a big test for those lower ranks and so we shall see it's a gamble and it's gamble it's a gamble that the opposition is definitely willing to take but it has been
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a month so what what is going to happen it's remains unclear but i think there are a can still be hopeful that he will be able to control things going forward to live a defeated situation jennifer coming to gonzales thank you very much for your assessment. israel is on its way to become only the fourth nation to achieve a controller landing on the moon the better sheet unmanned spacecraft was noyce into orbit by a rocket at cape canaveral space station in florida on testing night the israeli robotic land is due to land on the moon after a journey of six point five million kilometers the u.s. russia and china have also landed spacecraft on the move. from on the story let me i have with me in the studio. strong science desk welcome leah and from jerusalem we have a correspondent tanya crema to unelect me start with you this is an unusual mission
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why does israel want to go to the moon and that as a fourth country. well i mean let me tell you there was from the first of all a huge sigh of relief that the mission went well for people watching you know overnight. seeing this little spacecraft hitching a ride on the falcon x. rocket and then separating making first contact to earth this well it's now over to around earth of course it has been said this is an historical moment for. a project of national pride but it was really a project on a private initiative of two young israelis who said you want to make this possible to land on the moon i've been working on this for many years with a big team now and they've been saying you know we want to make it possible we want to sew the technology to make it possible to explore the moon and maybe also other planets and to so this technology is one of the smallest and lightest spacecraft
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also one of the cheapest missions and as you said of course it would make is about the first country to make a controlled landing of the moon if all goes well all right as we heard from tanya this much excitement in israel about this mission and they describe it as a matter of national pride but a part of this mission is largely privately funded how common is that in space travel it seems to become common practice now i mean there have been argued big companies like space x. are arianespace that have launched rockets and to space on a regular basis and also the spanish now this low number lander has been flying is flying now with a fuckin nine rocket by space x. but the big change in space flight is now that this is the first privately almost a privately funded lunar mission so far only big space agencies with a good state funding could go there could make it to the moon so this is this is new and this could be a maybe a prototype for private lunar missions for the future the county attorney to you
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know everything about this mission is highly symbolic even the cargo on the you know monty and what's in there. yeah that's right i mean it. carries a lot of items for example a prayer that you say before you travel the bible also the national anthem but also a description of the team behind the whole project about the spacecraft but also some drawings of children because the scientists spent around here in israel talking to a lot of schoolkids about the project and we understand that at the first thing a spacecraft will do is to take a selfie with the israeli flack on the lunar surface and sending dr picture back to earth but all of this will stay on the moon maybe for future generations to pick it up again because the space profile come back to earth although a highly symbolically a what other scientific gains of this mission the any there's small ones it seems
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to be that this is smart demonstration of we can we can go to the movie can go to space like more technical demonstration let's say and the center of a compartment is important it's not. i mean it's quite small lender so it doesn't carry in can't carry a lot of big payload so not many scientific instruments but of course if you let it go with it want to take pictures once take videos and a selfie of course. and then add ones to measure them a kinetic field of the moon that has been done before but they say they want to have more accurate data but what seems to be more important to the developers is that they want to create something like the apollo effect which was created after the apollo landings the first landings. so they went to schools they talk to students and they want to promote signs among the new generation and when is the landing expected to take place is expected for april now but it's been
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a really hopes that they will be the first ones because there's another mission that starts from india soon and they could land before before the israeli mission so it's a big. competition out there it's a new race into space and is to the moon i would say yes. thank you very much and johnny a cream i'm sure not of excitement in israel thank you very much for bringing us up to date from jerusalem. now to some sports and football's european league and the last match is in the round of. two gentlemen going to stick a team so games on thursday night i'm tucked frank foot beat the ukrainian club down the ets sébastien their score twice in a convincing four one victory and after a draw in the first leg frankfurt advances in the last sixteen meanwhile by a leave a cause and have been knocked out by. after a scoreless draw in the first leg a one hour draw on thursday sees
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a russian side go through because of the away golds. now brick dancing is going a little big at least if the organizers of the two thousand and twenty four games in paris get they have a. way to do it not they hope that making the downscale my medal winning spokesman had goose the games appeal and attract a new audience there's already a competitive edge to break dancing as well as the dunces cooled them back to us and now they my favorite to win a gold medal for them it's. my. right and i'm or in for it if you've just joined us let me bring you up to date the top stories at the following for you pope francis is outlined new steps to combat the sexual abuse of children in the catholic church the move comes as a crisis summit in britain anticipate second date. but survivors say the pope has not gone far enough they've won the first feast to be expelled from the challenge.
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and venezuelan president nicolas maduro has closed the country's border with visit he says he could also see in the border with colombia as he attempts to stop any foreign aid from entering the country. next they have business news with stephen beardsley and stephen does a company a german company which is much in the eyes off the press why a cod now it's in the news for the wrong reasons that's right this was a company that was just celebrated months ago back in september when it entered the docks which is germany's ship listing and now of course it's under fire for possible scandals in singapore branch and among its top executives so its stock price taking a tumble in recent weeks and that's had some ripple effects that we're going to look at because that is want to stories but deutsche telekom has reason to be pleased well they would seem to have reason to be pleased projecting
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a regular profits in the years ahead but they also have some big complaints about germany's five g. rollout and their part in it right stephen busy you becoming. up with business news just in a short while you're watching the devil news biz just stay with us stephen we'll be with you shortly.
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one million tons of sound odd mistake everything in its path looking at me consequences substantiating a global menace. once they start there's no stopping them. the storm in forty five minutes on d w.
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i'm not laughing at that well i guess sometimes i am but i stand. nothing which has happened before jeremy thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in his thinking comes from countries that i not. needed change from take his grandmother day out to eat it's all about a new i might show join me to meet the jetman fun beat up you. post. there are digital more years. for women for internet activists one mission the battle for freedom and dignity. against repression and filings they deploy the powers of social media. their messages are spreading like wildfire
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a social media spectacle critical to the boat and thousands of. cars. on the streets and the women who work on changing the world to. digital. starts marching on to w. . it was celebrated just months ago as the daring newcomer in germany's musty blue chip index now payment services services provider wire card is fighting for its reputation amid claims of wrongdoing at its highest level we'll fill you in on the details. and the tortured telecom projects regular profit the years ahead.


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