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tv   DW News - News  Deutsche Welle  February 28, 2019 7:00am-7:31am CET

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how long will they be able to play. with. the game but you know the investigation starting march eighteenth on d.w. . this is t w news coming to you live from berlin donald trump and kim jong un tried to find a roadmap to peace on the korean peninsula the korean north korean and u.s. leaders reached the decisive juncture in their true day summit in vietnam but say they have a great rift for can they seal an historic deal. in
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while half a world away former right hand man makes explosive allegations about his former boss. he is a racist. he's a congressman. and he's a sheet. tax lawyer michael cohen tells a congressional committee the president is a serial felon lawmakers listening to his testimony pledge that this is just the start of their investigation. then pakistan and india try to ease tensions after claiming that they shot down each other's aircraft over the disputed region of kashmir. hello i'm terry martin welcome to the program it's day two of the highly anticipated summit between u.s. president. and north korean leader kim jong il and expectations were low going into
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the summit the talks have so far focused on confidence building measures our correspondent is covering the summit for us and joins us now from hanoi buston what's happening there today. well right now they're having lunch so that's going to go on for another hour on the on the schedule it's labeled as a working lunch and then after that this is the interesting part that's what everyone here is waiting for that's when the agreement is supposed to be signed and of course everyone wants to know what is in that agreement is it going to be more substantial than what what came out of a singapore summit in june of last year and and of course let me tell you a little story about what happened earlier today when when they when the two were having extended bilateral meetings and reporters were allowed in for the beginning of those meetings and then they asked him to learn
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a question and they asked him if he was ready to denuclearize and then he said well if i wasn't i wouldn't be here and then they asked him if he was if he was ready to take concrete steps towards that you nuclearization and then he said that's what we're discussing right now and i think that's interesting in several different ways because for one i think you have to remember that you're dealing with the leader of one of the most if not be most secluded countries in the world and he's not used to dealing with media let alone international media and definitely not impromptu and then he just brushes off these questions like any any western politician would and secondly i think it raises the question if really everything was worked out by the negotiations in advance before the summit or if there were really things of substance that they were still discussing in these meetings today and that maybe we're going to know more about that when we see what is actually in that agreement that they're going to sign after lunch very interesting indeed bustin will be coming back to you in the hours ahead for further updates our correspondent bustin
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heartache there in hanoi. well first let's catch up on what's happened there in hand over the past couple of days i'll be joined by an expert on north korean affairs let's look back on the events at the summit so far. the initial smiles faded quickly. u.s. president donald trump knows the pressure is on to deliver results at his second meeting with north korea's authoritarian leader yet trump made it clear early on that he's not in a rush. thank you very much we're going to get a bad week is not that important to the trump suggested that this two day summit was just as much about building report with kim jong un as it was about concrete negotiation or a lot of good ideas being brought about i think very importantly the relationship is just very strong and when you have a good relationship
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a lot of good things happen. jim answered a question from a foreign journalist something he's never been known to do he agreed with trump in a round about way that the talks were going well. but i wouldn't think that that i would go. cold. but. from what i feel right now i don't have a good result. for the u.s. progress would mean securing a major concession from north korea like a clear schedule for dismantling its nuclear arsenal or a proposal for a peace treaty to formally end the korean war. north korea in turn is seeking an end to sanctions which have stunted its struggling economy jim also wants reassurance that the u.s. will not pursue regime change a policy openly discussed by trump's close advisors. for now kim's nuclear arsenal is the best guarantee that that won't happen. while few observers expect him to
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ditch is nuclear deterrence any time soon anything short of a concrete agreement coming from the summit would be seen as anticlimactic don't you. think well joining me now for some analysis is bad bag-o. he's a senior fellow focusing on korean affairs among other things at the german council on foreign relations good morning to you. first of all what do you think is actually being achieved at this summit. well both sides have come back together they have negotiated over several months several consultations what they want to do where they want to go and i think just bringing this process on to track to to discuss what has to be done next how do they put up a process that will lead to peace process but also at the end to do new cruise asian is a very big success is not exactly what many commentators both expect at the big
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success but it's a big sense that it is a process so there's more steps ahead obviously where do you see this going from here what steps in your opinion need to be taken next in order to advance the negotiations that donald trump and kim jong un have embarked on well first of all both leaders need to take away so the tone of drum roll need some kind of wording what the final goal is in terms of the nuclear situation the need to have a common understanding what that means and consumer needs some kind of sanctions relief that you can take home he has changed the propaganda way from both villages towards the u.s. to what's become a make opening and development and he needs to have some results there then of course we will have to see they will have some agreements on missing and action remains a world perhaps agree on from the korean war of the korean war they were paps.
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go on the normalization know if the relation between the u.s. and north korea perhaps open the a zone offices and there were perhaps be also symbolic gestures such and all four agreements which will not have any legal consequences but it's groups go to him and to demonstrate that both sides wields or go on with this process the way washington at least has portraying these talks the goal from washington's perspective is the dean nuclear. zation of the korean peninsula is that a realistic expectation well it is a realistic expectations but not at this stage first the security of the whole region but also north korea needs to be guaranteed so it needs to know is not only need the u.s. and north korea but also the involvement of china japan and south korea and that is a very tricky process where we don't know what the individual steps are that can
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build that trust that is needed but if that is happening i think at the end of the day they will also have to have the denuclearization. is the korean peninsula in your opinion a safer place today than it was before donald trump took office the chilliest before donald trump took office talks did not take place for many years there was strong sanctions regime which north korea managed to evade and there was a big uncertainty about what's going to happen now after the escalation in the rhetorical escalations off to two thousand and seventeen over much better situation because both sides talk and they actually want to get somewhere. bent back a thank you so much spent back as a senior fellow at the german council on foreign relations.
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and we're going to return now to our correspondent in hanoi. boston hot ticket however i'm told is not available at this particular moment so we'll have to wait until next hour so moving right along it is day two of the anticipated summit will be bringing you updates over the coming hours moving on to washington the man who once said he would take a bullet for donald trump fired off one damning indictment after another against the u.s. president at a hearing that took place in washington trump's former fixer and personal lawyer michael cohen spent more than seven hours testifying before a house oversight committee an explosive performance he said the president had prior knowledge of the leaked e-mails from the democratic party during the two thousand and sixteen presidential campaign he also said that trump instructed him to break campaign finance laws committee chair a lie
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a larger cummings later told reporters that it appeared trump had committed a crime while in office. do you believe that the president committed a crime while in office. based on what looking it did. and listening to. mr cohen it appears that he did. well let's get the latest now from washington our correspondent stefan siemens is standing by there for stuff and how damaging is michael cohen's testimony for the president. well it depends on who you ask if you ask republicans and for example all those republicans who were who were also members of the committee. to which mr cohen testified today there was no harm done at all because mr cohen they portrayed mr cohen themselves as a or himself as
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a flawed character and a crook who can't be trusted in whatever he said if you ask democrats there are some makes you say like this is the beginning of the dawning impeachment of president trump and they're more even who say well you know we kind of knew already that this president is a using a term here mr cohen used to be a crook and a racist and a con man we were in a very popular washington pop and this pop has a watch party this is a big thing in washington and maybe we can listen all in and see what people in washington think about what they saw yesterday. duffy's i respond just a stone's throw from capitol hill and known locally as the go to venue for so-called watch parties when big political events happen here in washington the public testimony of president trump's former personal lawyer michael cohen brings
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such an event even if it's branded to political theater it almost certainly guarantees a relatively full house at duffy's it's kind of unique it's kind of special it's washington d.c. the main thing you know we work for the government we want to see how the government works when there's a little crisis going on this is almost like a sporting event. that i don't think it really translates anywhere else in the world my husband i actually having a great day so we both played hooky from or can we have a babysitter for our daughter so that we did. enjoy this is that right we're not all but most of the dolphins who agreed to talk to us despite being employed by the federal government agree on one thing after listening to hours of testimony and then you just listen to what cohen said if you believe him fine if you don't you don't but he deserves to be speak because he was an eyewitness. a criminal who is telling the truth has got nothing. he was kind of
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a doofus but he's telling what we all know has happened and he's giving it into a narrative. that's on the record that we can understand. the political divide seems to deepen yet again in washington and also as the entire country seems still far from unified nobody here really expects positive change anytime soon and with that they could be many more watch parties and irish pop in the future. i can imagine are quite a few watch parties going on in washington so stephanie many obviously was widely watched in washington but will it really sway voters on how they see outside of the capital. i don't think it will sway any voters who voted for trump in two thousand and sixteen in the majority trumps base is firm. not movable in their opinion and conviction that donald trump is the best thing
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that ever happened to america however there's also a growing some say majority. to the left of this of this base mr trump this so-called resistance even even mr cowen is called or is. mentioned as being part of the resistance and this resistance or this democratic the left turn listening. crowd is convinced that this is the beginning of the end for mr trump and that is they should invite like this but as you heard in the piece there is no way to say if this unifies the country one way or another it doesn't seem to be the case that all the political rifts and trench war here in washington and across the country is quite a life polarization continues in washington stuff and siemens our washington correspondent thank you so much for now. and we've got some further
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developments coming out of hanoi where that u.s. north korea summit is taking place our correspondent boston heartache is standing by for us and we hear there's been a change of plans what's happening. absolutely terry there's been an interesting turn of events just a minute ago we said that the two were having lunch now we're hearing that apparently that's not the case with white house press secretary sara sanders said apparently that the two are still negotiating and that those negotiations will wrap up within the next thirty or forty five minutes and that president all trump will then head back to the hotel directly so it appears that there might not be a signing ceremony an agreement signing ceremony after all also because the press conference that was scheduled for four pm local time has been moved up to two pm so something's definitely up something's definitely not going as planned and we're all
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sitting tight waiting to see what that might be terry so the suspense continues in hanoi it will certainly be coming back to you soon. there for us in hanoi. a sketch up on some other stories making headlines around the world today thousands of supporters of the embattled venezuelan president nicolas maduro have taken to the streets of the capital caracas they were protesting threats of foreign military intervention in the crisis written nation opposition efforts to bring in humanitarian aid have been thwarted by government security forces. british lawmakers have approved measures that could result in a delay to bragg's it be on the march twenty ninth that line m.p.'s voted to approve prime minister teresa mayes new plan for leaving the e.u. includes an option for parliament to vote on extending the current deadline which
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would give him a more time to try to negotiate an agreement with e.u. leaders. egyptian state television says at least twenty people were killed and forty wounded after a fire broke out at cairo's main train station the fate the fire was reportedly set off by the train's fuel tank which exploded when the train crashed into a barrier. the european union has urged india and pakistan to exercise the utmost restraint after the latest outbreak of violence over disputed territory of kashmir the e.u. warned that the conflict could lead to serious and dangerous consequences for the two countries and the wider region on wednesday india and pakistan both claim to have shot down each other's fighter jets. many details surrounding the latest skirmishes between india and pakistan remain unclear but
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nevertheless pakistan says it took down two indian fighter jets. two indian air force planes once again entered pakistan while crossing the line of control. pakistani air force was ready they took them on there was an engagement. and as a result both the indian planes were shot down. the incident is the latest in a series of events in the contested kashmir region the area has been central to the dispute between the two countries for decades by some estimates it's the world's most militarized zone a stair down zone between two nuclear neighbors. the latest escalation began two weeks ago when forty indian paramilitary police were killed by a suicide bomber and. according to the indian government its war planes retaliated this week by striking a training camp near the pakistani town of balakot killing quote a large number of militants delis says that launched the airstrikes against the
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group jaish e mohammed after it got hold of intelligence that the group was planning further attacks the like of continually putin of pakistan they cannot deny this. and this isn't going to get information. or that it gets into. them if indeed he said it could be an event with pakistan's claim it shot down two indian war planes tensions have escalated even further pakistan's prime minister imran khan is calling for talks with india. and. i want to ask a question of the indian government. that considering the nature of the weapons that both of us now for can we afford any miscalculation should we not think at this moment that if the situation escalates then where will it go it will not be in my control or narendra modi's control. calls for deescalation a resoundingly from around the world with germany the u.s. and the u.k.
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all appealing for restraint. another doping scandal has hit the sporting world this time nordic skiing is under scrutiny after police made several arrests in germany and austria the raid focused in part on the austrian town of safed where the nordic ski world championships are currently taking place. a house used to peace and quiet in the austrian alps is now at the center of a police bust here police arrested seven people among them five athletes. austrian police are working together with german authorities in a sting centered on an international doping ring whose backers are believed to come from germany. and start the motor of the meaning public prosecutor is bringing charges against four german citizens on suspicion of using doping methods for a bit and by the anti doping law. the athletes are alleged to have practiced blood
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doping which involves blood being removed from the body and later reinjected shortly before competition boosting delivery of oxygen to cells police say on wednesday they caught two austrian athletes red handed or forty's there say the doping network originated in germany they believe it operates around the world. at the same time as the bust in austria police in germany searched nine buildings in the town of effort including the practice of sports medicine specialist mark s. who was arrested along with an assistant police believe he is a leading figure in the doping network. at the dubai duty free tennis championships a polish underdog. stunt top seed canucks decore to reach the quarterfinals. converted six out of seven break points to beat his japanese opponent seven pipeline of seven six two in a little over two hours the major upset is the first top ten victory of his career
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for the world number seventy seven. thank. well motor sports is generally a male domain but i want to introduce you to susan. africa's number one woman in racing she's battling men in a sport they call their own last year she became the first woman to win a national rally title in africa. motor sport funds in uganda will do anything to cheer their teams i think i dream the lean sport has a big following among both men and women i thought things look quite different in a corporate. via just over fifty licensed drivers international rally championship . almost exclusively men but the phrase one woman who runs the base.
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when i had just stepped in little did they know that these of course i was young by then and that this young lady it would come up to challenge man everybody despised me that is a lady the speeds. whatever over. mistakes in the national championship are high and susan more often gets nervous when her rivals are on the truck. and fast so you become. yes. but let our own when you get to the tat when i get to the stats and i drop all the fia. it is not easy. how could driver knows how to give someone a boast when the competition is stiff. so i also tend to be more in such a moment when she feels likely to be depressed that the guy's
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a fast on high and there is still i know we are fast. the team structure just seems to be playing golf when she sits there. she's known to have funds can be and. in twenty living mortgage surprised me when she won uganda's national rally championship. she wanted to get in last year the only african woman if a twitch of such risk. to myself oh no i. myself. to have funds and especially to women who want is an icon of empowerment. p.s. she is a rifle to be a great cook we are ready to outstrip the competition how we. just remind her the top story we're following for you here today on the news there's been a dramatic change of plans at the summit between don't trump and kim jong un and
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paranoid trump aides now refused to say if a joint signing ceremony will take place as planned the two leaders have been holding talks on the future of north korea's nuclear program. t w business is up next here so watch out for us well we're looking at turkey excuse me the economic situation is not getting any better there is an e.u. delegation there to talk economics and trade look at this a new trend among the super rich having a yacht is not enough these days you have to own a super falls hydrofoil to impress your fellow colleagues so terry that and much more in just a few minutes of state should you give me a ride in yours i will if i get my business you don't forget you can always get the news on the go just download from google play or from the apple store that will
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give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news and also use the d w m to send us photos and big. so i'm sorry largely been watching v.w. news all the back of the top the hour which is much more of course you get all this news information talk about websites interviewed off call let's watch. the flop.
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the biggest. nights in belgrade are more people are angry. or upset about serbia's pocket most concerning the government corruption and the book
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the traditional. marketing. m. sixteen. they are digital more years. for women for internet activists one mission. the battle for freedom and dignity. courageous and determined they campaign for women's rights. and for peace. they mobilize against femicide or compulsory veils. their messages are spreading like.
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social media is critical critical to the food and sense of. mind on the streets our rights are not a major discussion. they are women more changing the world reading. digital. starts marching on g.w. . as turkey's economy teaches before local elections in march president avalon sets up government controlled markets and blames foreignness for his country's for decrement even as he turns to the e.u. for help. also on the show when cars turn into.


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