tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle February 28, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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this is. a political bombshell in israel benjamin netanyahu is charged with bribery and fraud making him the first sitting prime minister of israel to be charged with . netanyahu was accusing his political enemies of conducting an on witch hunt just weeks before parliamentary elections we'll take you to jerusalem for the latest also coming up tonight sometimes you have to walk the words of u.s. president after he cut short today his annoying summit with kim jong il.
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for this particular visit we decided that we had to walk. through what happens. says he ended the talks after the north korean leader offered only partial denuclearization in return for an end to all sanctions north korea says that is not what happened. plus pakistan tries to ease tensions over kashmir prime minister. offering to release a captured indian. i'm good to have you with us tonight israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was accusing his political opponents of an unprecedented which follows a decision by israeli justice authorities to indict the prime minister. on
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corruption charges in a defiant reaction to that decision that yahoo said that he will remain prime minister for quote many more years the decision to charge netanyahu follows more than two years of investigations into allegations of bribery thawed and breach of trust is marie separate cases and it comes just weeks before new elections to the israeli parliament the knesset. our correspondent on ukraine where she joins us now from jerusalem good evening to you. you know he reacted to this move bear in a very defiant way what more can you tell us you know it was quite an and passionate statement he said he wanted to oncet to this announcement by the attorney general right away and he said what he had said all along that this is a move to a topple the his government to move pressure by the left wing and in order to install what he called
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a left wing government he also cost. supports by his writing a coalition his others also crisis own party put out a statement saying this is political persecution dela criticize also the timing of this decision so shortly six weeks before the elections to the sketch of four april now of course no surprise and from one left england sent to the head of the labor party out of court on mr netanyahu to resign because it would be unfit to do that again from to come to me and tell you these charges are serious we're talking about bribery talking about fraud what's the story behind these charts. yeah that's right i mean this a decision was long evades it by the attorney general that based on nothing in this to gauge by the israeli police they investigated for almost a two years and then they had recommitted last year to. indicts mr
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netanyahu in all three cases maybe i propose to have a look at the backgrounds these cases here in this report. so minimal benjamin netanyahu has been israel's prime minister for ten years he's hoping to get reelected in april but now his political future is in doubt. last year a special police unit investigated allegations of suspected bribery it recommended netanyahu be indicted in three cases these are known as case one thousand netanyahu and his family are suspected of receiving gifts from business friends. case two thousand covers allegations that netanyahu attempted to influence the publisher of a daily newspaper to gain more positive coverage and case four thousand further allegations of quid pro quo for regulatory favors for israel's largest
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telecommunications firm that also in exchange for friendly media coverage netanyahu has built his political career on the image of being israel's mr security a month before the indictment polls suggested that he was still the favorite for prime minister for many israelis. however in recent days he's facing strong competition from a new candidate former army chief benny gantz and you center right party alliance with yere luck be it the blue and white list netanyahu argues that a pre-election indictment could influence the outcome of the vote he himself has denied all accusations. we have this is a very controversial move by the attorney general and it comes very close to these parliamentary elections and how is this going to affect the elections. this is actually the big question here that's being discussed his father i mean among the good acts that they have been to schools of thought some will say it that it
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might be unfair to release this decision so shortly before the elections but we understand from the attorney general also you released. fifty seven pages to you know lay out why you came to this decision that it is important to him that the public isn't forms that everybody see cookies for the know now of course it is not the question will it sway some votes this off the rightwing block of netanyahu was writing coalition to the new center right to sort and the report at the sewer lines they're called blue and white they've been had it too had exit with netanyahu will defeat soon quite strong in the polls and it's so the question you know it's all about getting a coalition in israel so every vote now comes of course for the to quit and it's also a question of all the allies of misfits you know will actually stand by him having said that i talked to a couple of you could support us they sent to me you know the polls have set you
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know he is the best prime minister we had and they would actually supports him even more because they also say this is politically motivated so i think we see the next one complain it will be all about you know about this indicts indictment an indictment that will lead to mudslinging in the campaign for sure tanya kramer on the story for us tonight from israel tanya thank you. u.s. president double drop the north korean leader kim jong un have ended their highly anticipated summit in vietnam early and with no agreement mr trump says talks broke down after he refused to lift all economic sanctions against pyongyang in exchange for only partial denuclearization. that was no lunch and no signing ceremony instead president trump's motorcade headed away from the summit venue after talks broke off prematurely. the hanoi meeting was the second he's had with kim jong un after a summit in singapore last year critics called that won big on style and low on
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substance so this time donald trump was under pressure to deliver results a clear timetable from pyongyang for dismantling its nuclear program for example from the outset he made it clear that he wasn't going to be rushed. very very much for giving that we need is not that important to be. funded perhaps the most public commitment to international demands yet a comment from north korea's kim jong un when asked whether he was ready to did new clear ice. you know filled with your generosity and if i'm not really sure that i won't be here right it is. that it would be the best ever remember it but with pyongyang pressing its own demands president trump was left to explain why the talks fell apart so basically they wanted the sanctions lifted. in their
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entirety and we couldn't do that. they were willing to denuclearize portion of the areas that we wanted but we couldn't give up all of the sanctions for that so we continue to work and we'll see but we had to walk away from that particular suggestion we had to walk away from it it was a dispiriting end to a much more wanted meeting with the sanctions and she's still far from resolved it appears the road to disarming north korea will be a long one. and for more on this now we want to take the story to washington d.c. i'm joined by doug bondo from the cato institute that's a think tank in the u.s. capital mr i know it's good to have you on the program i want to ask you about what has happened to this evening we know that the u.s. president says that these talks in hanoi broke down because north korea wanted all economic sanctions lifted north korea in the last couple of hours has said that is not the king says that kim asked only for partial sanctions relief so
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what are we supposed to make of this well this is a major difference and it makes a lot of difference in the issue because a position of saying partial elimination of nuclear weapons in exchange for partial lifting of sanctions makes sense to ask for all sanctions off you know clearly would be a stretch for the united states we need to have clarity here and understand the parties not understand each other or somebody telling a fifth to try to justify their position. what do you think this abrupt ending of the talks says about u.s. president donald trump's approach at the art of the deal this top down approach has it failed i mean is it time to get back to the working groups and the wonga or more methodical and more patient process that we've seen in the past. well those
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are obviously necessary if you're going to flush out any agreement the critical thing is to have the top people ready to make a deal and send their people out there i'll give the president this credit that he's probably quieted some of his critics in america so if he comes up with a deal now he can tell them look i walked away from one i was tough that might help him in the long term as long as the u.s. goes back and works with north korea and when you think about the prospects of a third some it's happening i think it's you know it certainly could happen you know the chinese have had for him clearly like summits i think the president does as well i suspect they won't do another one until they have a deal locked in so they know what they're going to do they have something to sign and then the some it's going to be a celebration of the signing as opposed to a broken agreement like this one yeah well it will be interesting to see when that third some it does indeed take place doug bondo with the kiddo institute in
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washington d.c. mr brando we appreciate your insights tonight thank you. here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world double trump's former lawyer michael cohen is testifying before congress for thursday this time behind closed doors he's giving evidence to look how investigating russia's interference in the twenty six thousand presidential election on wednesday when made damning allegations against the u.s. president accusing him of breaking the law trump has rejected cohen's testimony calling it just law but it's one of those opposition leader one says he'll return to venezuela by monday despite threats from nicolas maduro the government why do with speaking after talks in brasilia with e.u. ambassadors and brazil's president also model. is seeking support for his bid to oust. macky sall has been reelected president of senegal for a second term of figures released by the country's national vote counting
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commission sure that it's all one sunday's first round right if we can get more than fifty percent of the vote has closed its rival former prime minister addresses that took just over twenty percent. pakistan's prime minister says they captured indian fire department will be released tomorrow on march first iran caught and told a joint session of parliament today that the move to release wing commander. of the indian air force is a gesture of peace on tensions between the two nuclear armed neighbors sword after each carried out air strikes against the other over the disputed region of kashmir . god is great and long live the pakistan army these soldiers and local villages behind them lies the wretches of an indian fighter jet shot down by pakistan's military on wednesday in the pakistan how to
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area of kashmir an indian pilot survived but with captured his outlook you know talking to i was with the colleagues and we call the name pilot but you know it's not just his pistol and identity documents it's just a moment as soon as pakistani army soldiers arrived we handed him over to them by writing. among them to prove it pakistan released video of the man they claim is the pilot. the decision to arrest and told him has incensed india. protests demanding the wing commanders release have been held across the country has become the face of simmering tensions between the rival powers as the disputed kashmir region has again brought the nucleus states to the brink of war. the latest escalation began two weeks ago when forty indian police were killed
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by pakistan based militants in a part of india controlled kashmir. on thursday pakistan's prime minister told parliament the indian pilot would be freed and those thought the pilot of the indian pilot is in our custody we will release him as a peace gesture and return him to india for the ok although welcomed by the indian military the country is still on high alert i wish to assure the nation that we are fully prepared. and in a heightened state of readiness to this point any provocation by pakistan. which hotline is on both sides of the border calling for a tough response the real challenge will be trying to keep the peace. all right to lebanon now where an activist group is naming and shaming employers and accuses of abusing domestic workers is called this is lebanon and it is active across social
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media for the record but she was here to tell us more to deceive the region so let's get this straight now the group says it wants to end what it calls slaves like conditions for foreign workers living in lebanon so what's what's the truth here i mean there's this system still in place in lebanon and in other middle eastern countries it's called and it's a sponsorship system through which migrant workers are recruits working to the country in the country usually as housekeepers cleaners caretakers and this system binds them completely to their employer the employer is responsible for their reason for their legal status in the country and the result is that many migrant workers are reporting abuse and this ranges from not being paid to physical abuse sexual abuse sometimes they have their passport confiscated and they can't even come to their they can't they can't leave the country without the
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permission of the employer they can even talk to their families sometimes and we can actually take a listen to some of these migrant workers accounts. this is a. couple. this through of two of the most. well. you might need to get oh goodness. so according to the human rights watch there's about two hundred fifty thousand for in the mystic workers in living in lebanon working under the system and the number is much bigger if you look at the entire region i mean there's videos there are disturbing this group this is lebanon i mean how was it surviving this horrible situation well they're taking quite a radical approach when
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a case of abuse is reported to them they first tried to get in touch with the lawyer they tried to persuade them to let's say a the worker or give them back their passports and the message there is that if you don't do that will expose you online and they actually really do and we can take a look at an example here they published the picture of these couple these employers link to their facebook profile there's even their phone number there so really it's really naming and shaming and of course sometimes our prominent lebanese families they don't want this kind of exposure of course and the founder of the group he's going to depend we talked to him he told us that in about fifty percent of the cases and they're able to resolve the situation by just talking to the to the employers that doesn't always work but they've been able to help quite a lot of people get them back to their countries in some cases and in some cases
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these were people who were enslaved for years their families even thought they were dead amazing i mean i mean this is an extreme situation these people are in but naming and shaming is also a medic street solution why why why are we seeing that instead of just going to the authorities room and reporting these these crimes why are they doing that and i am sure a lot of them have tried that i mean i can take the case of the founder of the group dipendra oprah. south he was in lebanon he was abused for five years by his employer and he tried many times to report that to the authorities and this is actually how things backfired against him when he tried to report things you know what i didn't know was didn't you know police and the employer was living in front of me in this big a deal for you know forty in front of me and i was i was a local but a. process which is absolutely nothing here and then and then and
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then you know consequently i spend six months in detention center and all the prattle i was given to the my employer the statement. it was only to me or don't you know the statement i don't know whether that i got it thanks a lot or a bit better than because i cannot understand that he's not into the back of it oh horrible yeah and i mean according to this report into other reports it's hard if not impossible to really get justice through the normal channels social media is helping of course it's not a solution until the system is changed yeah i mean it's also just harder and measure that you've got someone in your house working for you and you're treating them that way i mean it's just not to me that if you have to have all exactly that he has always we appreciate your reporting thank you to the german empire controlled much of the maybe up around the turn of the twentieth century and
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murdered up to one hundred thousand inhabitants it's all things considered the first genocide of the twentieth century were to looted artifacts belonging to a hero of the resistance against germany colonial rule were returned to namibia in the ceremony today and maybe as vice president said the return of the ardennes symbolizes improving ties with germany but some think the gesture doesn't go far enough. the bible and the whip a freedom fighter into the fifth boy finally returning home and being delivered to the elders of his hometown. the items were handed over by the out minister of the german state of button food and book as part of a ceremony to remember the horrors of the colonial war hundreds attended the ceremony. certainly then. summoned him in. and then. instead of being.
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handed a convict boy it was a devout christian his bible and went to the most likely taken during a raid on his home by german troops and somehow they wound up and stood guts lyndon museum. for years germany has been negotiating unsuccessfully with namibia and then effort to make amends for its actions during the country's colonial war the numerous members of the boys ethnic group the nama had rejected the return of the bible as long as germany refused to pay any reparations is dismissed it's important not to expect gratitude because after so many years when finally taking steps to come to terms with our colonial past. the village elders decided to take custody of the bible in the wick even though they don't believe that this is the end of the matter. or you may not have noticed it but there is
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a new space rate to be the first to build a new telecoms infrastructure in the skies and the first six satellites just been deployed from a watch site in french guiana it's part of a new low cost method of bringing high speed internet to even the most remote areas of the world using mini satellites which orbit much closer to the earth then normal settle. three two one and lift off me arianna space has six one web satellites on board the pioneering venture has financial backing from some powerful players air bus cola and the virgin group and it has big plans to bring the internet to those regions in the world that have scant or even no access to it there are in mexico hundred twenty thousand schools that don't have contacted me and if you are going
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to have a child who's going to be a participant in the modern economy and have opportunities they have to be connected it's not a choice anymore conic to these in this city and so just imagine twelve years of schooling without contacting me this is twelve years of schooling with connectivity it's a total difference in the outlook one website plan is to launch twenty soyuz rockets per month each with dozens of satellites on board until there are two thousand satellites orbiting the earth will do this at an altitude of just one thousand kilometers the concept is convincing and it's attracting all the players too including space x. for now though one with this leading the way that gave us the three. principle comparisons which is. also plans to put a large network up we think our network is going to be
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a better network and it's going to it's going to happen quick and has been having said all that there will be enormous demand network enormous demand for our network and we can both live alongside each other asked for the satellites once their work is done they'll reenter the earth's atmosphere and burn up turning not into space debris but manmade falling stars. our sports news now premier league football club have fired their coach claudio ranieri with the battle against relegation looking increasingly bleak for them only hired the italian coach back in november but a terrible reforms told the one the club when just five points in twelve matches and they are currently ten points from safety is best known for leading leicester city unlikely premier league title back in two thousand and sixty. germany's have signed a sponsorship deal with english premier league champions manchester city starting
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next season man city will wear the company's apparel after years of playing in nike and ten year deal is said to be worth seven hundred fifty million euros more than twice as much as ninety had been paying the team it also includes sister clubs in australia spain euro why in china the deal is most important has a chance to stay relevant in the english football league after losing its previous sponsorship of arsenal to local. well the german city of cologne is kicked off the first of five days of carnival festivities. the massive street festival sees hundreds of thousands of people dressing up in all sorts of costumes and kissing a lot first date was known as vibe or the women's carnival runnable itself is celebrated in germany's predominantly catholic west and south.
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of the top stories we're following for you israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is to be charged with bribery and fraud after a two year investigation that yassmin says the allegations are politically motivated he says he plans to stay in the decision to indict them comes just weeks ahead of the country's parliamentary elections. you do these live from berlin after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day stick around for that.
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curious minds. do it yourself networkers. so subscribers don't miss out. on. what's the connection between bread. ambiguity and. the no guilt man test e.w. correspondent and avid baker crap. turn. and let's go about recipes for success strategies that make a difference. baking bread. on g.w. . players. table. in the poker game of power and money the competition is fierce as most important natural resource bluffing betting checking. will be able to play
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and who will win this do you believe that renewable energy will play an important role in the future. the cool game a geo political system starting wars heating on t.w. . kids look at. me. who's telling the truth u.s. president donald trump cunt short his summit in vietnam with north korean leader kim jong un today he says kim wanted all sanctions lifted kim's people say they only wanted partial relief on trump is headed back to the u.s. capitol where a political firestorm rages his former attorney has accused him of crimes committed before and after trump became u.s. president tonight from hawaii to washington the question following the president who's telling the truth i'm burnt often burly.
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