tv DW News - News Deutsche Welle March 5, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm CET
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i am. this is deja news coming to you live from berlin a breakthrough in the fight against hiv for only the second time ever and hiv positive patient is in sustained remission from the virus that causes aids it raises hopes that the disease good one did be cured also coming up to shine a warns of tough times ahead as its economy slows down at the opening of the country's the legislative assembly in beijing the prime minister says china is
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facing many challenges including a will grieve and complicated environment. and the champions league daughter need a miracle tonight still looking for a big win at home against england so i thought of them with their star player how we came to this game besides school moves on to the quarterfinals. of a warm welcome to you i'm under toci ma we begin with a breakthrough in the treatment of hiv for only the second time ever doctors say and hiv positive patient has been cleared off the virus that causes aids this new case raises hopes that the disease which are fakes almost thirty seven million people worldwide might one day be cured. it's the second time someone has
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been shown to be free of the virus under stem cell transplant therapy a cure for the pathogen that can cause aids research as a caution. so we were now eighteen months in and we're confident that this will be a long term remission but it's too early to say whether this is a cure. the treatment works by transplanting cells from people who was naturally immune to each of the two infected patients but finding a donor who has a gene that makes them immune is like finding a needle in a haystack more than ten years ago to a few brown also know when a bone marrow transplant and was cured of hiv yes i'm advised i'm going public. i would say take your time if you if you want to become public. it's very useful for science and for giving hope to. people. to people would be with a k. v.
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some researchers have hailed a new development but others emphasize that the procedure has little to offer to the almost forty million people living with hiv aids that in itself is it is not a treatment that one would want to give to somebody he was living with hiv on the current medicines and is very healthy patients have a normal life expectancy and we would never want to give somebody treatment that could potentially threaten for now drawbacks of the treatment mean the search for a cure to hiv is set to continue. this articulate some other stories making news around the was a french president a modern look cruel is calling for a far reaching reform of the european union and warning of the dangers of nationalism is an open letter in newspapers across the e.u. just three months before european elections mccraw says briggs it symbolizes europe's failure to respond to the needs of its peak. at least twenty one people have been injured in after two affronted coalition collision between two passenger
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trains in the southern czech republic the crash took place outside the main station in a board. police are investigating whether a technical malfunction or human error was to blame. germany's former foreign minister klaus kinkel has died he was eighty two he was a veteran member of the business friendly f.t.p. . also has a number of other ministerial posts on the chance to head north to code that will be stored. here in germany some syrian refugees are refusing to make appointments at the embassy because they fear they will be forced to provide information about opposition activists are told they also by the very tip still in the war zone could be harmed but it means they can't get the paperwork they need to stay on in germany did obvious alex mans spoke to one refugee who says his family could be in danger
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i think we're having some technical problems that we hope to get that report to you shortly. ok i think we're having a technical issues getting that report as we bring it to you perhaps later in the program let's some move on to china where the economy is taking center stage at the annual meeting of the national people's congress around three thousand delegates from across the country i'm beijing for the two week event at the opening session china's premier kit lead the growth target to its lowest in nearly three decades we have the analysis on what this means for the world's second largest economy but first this report for you beijing's new airport it's said to be the world's largest
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when it opens later this year china's leadership often uses political advances an occasion to flaunt its successes to the media. and it's a welcome distraction china's economy is burdened with the consequences of its trade dispute with the u.s. municipalities and state run companies are struggling under high levels of debt addressing china's national people's congress premier league chang issued a warning. well. we face a complex and serious situation as well as challenges foreseeable and otherwise that are greater in number and in size. we also announced market reforms aimed at leveling the playing field for chinese and foreign companies this is a bid to diffuse u.s. complaints has made delegates more optimistic that the trade dispute with the u.s. could soon be resolved the only issue is that you and the u.s. is starting to get used to each other i think there is growing trust between the
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people and the governments of both countries. china has announced a further increase in defense spending up seven point five percent on the previous year with this china hopes to strengthen its military allowing its troops to train under more realistic conditions. and force them out of this i'm joined by maximillian ken friend from the marketo institute for chinese studies welcome max now how important is this national people's congress because the same national people's congress last year abolished presidential terms making being president for life well i think most of the decisions are taken behind the scenes obviously but what the congress really accomplishes is that it's publicise these big decisions so as you just said last year we saw the abolishment of the presidential times so this is a big thing that you're informing everyone off and i think we see similar things this year china at the moment is facing for china serious economic problems we heard the
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chinese premier talk about the challenges it's facing and what that last growth rate projected. how much of a problem is that for china and does a tough political implications to a thing i think is very natural for a country versus been growing for a long time to slowly slow down and this is what we've been seeing that china was growing at a double digits in the past but now it's to slow down a little bit this long term project. there is not so worrying but there's also a cyclical component where the business cycle is tightening in a way which is difficult particularly and most of this has been the result not the trade war although that is beginning to show more and the data these days particularly with regards to purchasing managers' index where you can see that new exports orders have been falling but the main cause of the slowdown has been the chinese government's own deal leveraging campaign would have been trying to reduce prices access to credit to try to get control of the chinese of the financial
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system and this is particularly hurt the private enterprises which have curtailed their investments so we see a slowdown in growth a cyclical slowdown in growth for the internet and see a growing at six point six percent but that for china of course is very low you also mentioned the trade dispute the trade dispute with the united states is also seems to be to some extent weighing on the economy let's first take a listen to what the chinese premier had to say about that. we will continue to push for trade talks with the u.s. china two years to the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation when development and we'll continue to advocate fair consultations to solve trade disputes we will earnestly carry out the promises we make and will resolutely protect our legitimate rights and interests. so mixed miss is that one point we will get the promises we make that the same time we will protect our interests what do you make of that statement and i think it's very natural for
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a premier to say that a country will protect its interests but in this trade negotiation i think what we are seeing is a little bit of give from the from the chinese side to have agreed to buy more u.s. agriculture products they are making investment. a little bit easier fruit new regulations and such even including ip rights. so there is a bit of a give there but let's talk a little bit about defense spending on maximillian not john has announced an increase of seven well point five percent which is high but not as high as last it was eight point zero one percent what kind of signal is china giving by this high percentage on defense spending but this is a lower increased in the than has been seen in previous years. i would say that it shows what i've seen when i've been looking at military spending in china is that there's been a tendency to trying to reform the armed services they do sing into libya try to
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make it more effective so perhaps it's sort of a cost cutting mechanism what they're trying to make it more efficient. right maximilian can flow from the market to unstick for chinese studies thank you very much fail and that is. now returning to our previous story in germany some sitting refugees are refusing to make appointments at the embassy because they fear that they will be forced to provide information about opposition activists at home and they also wired the genitive still in the war zone could be harmed but it means that the congo if the paperwork they need to stay on in germany did obvious spoke to one refugee who says his family could be in danger. and there is always a lot going on in this syrian family small apartment where now they're allowed to say where exactly they live in germany nor what their real names are the father is afraid of the regime in syria from which the family fled in two thousand and seventeen. i am wanted for military service and so it won't be
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safe in syria it's difficult very difficult to get through a. club. the father says that people who flee from military service in syria are thrown in jail we'll call him amin he says he has seen too much fighting and dying in his hometown of dares or images of the place bring trauma flooding back. i remember what happened in syria the shelling how i would see children dying when bombs were dropped on day or is or. how we would get the children out from underneath the rubble what. these images remind me of horrible things from the past and how my children would hide under the stairs or in cabinets when they would see a plane in the sky ready to drop bombs with them. my children had witnessed horrible things. but i mean was unable to show the german authorities any draft order he tells us it was lost while he was fleeing syria as well as his
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own passport both reasons why his application for asylum was turned down he and his family are now only allowed to stay in germany as war refugees until the fighting in syria and german authorities want i mean to get valid syrian passports for his family at the syrian embassy for which they would grant him a longer residence permit and german travel documents but refuses. and of up in the us i cannot go to the embassy even if there is no immediate danger i'm wanted for conscription with and i can't go because it would endanger the lives of my family. each day hundreds of people come to the syrian embassy in berlin to apply for travel documents many of them are war refugees without asylum like i mean known as people with subsidiary protection and german legal ease many lawyers feel that a visit to the embassy is reasonable for this group though our new me here won't go there. i do not believe that someone who has subsidiary protection needs to have
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any worries he is not being persecuted himself instead he has been taken in because there is civil war in syria. in syria. but many who come here are still afraid they are also worried about loved ones in their home country especially if they belong to the opposition according to syrian human rights lawyer anwar boney he says syrian intelligence tries to get information about opponents of the regime during people's visits to the embassy and those who refuse no passport read the people. knows. about. who. sent this information to the security in syria so it's a problem for. them since it's appropriate for their presence in syria under the regime controlled so is the embassy doing the syrian intelligence
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agencies billing we confront the embassy had with the accusations in berlin he dismisses them health them at morton slowly because any syrian who has been here claimed he has been questioned about anything beyond his passport matters. oh we do not do that and you know we've been here claim he has been questioned about anything beyond his passport matters. oh we do not do that and. we do not gather any line and personal information and we only want documents that are necessary for determining identity of house. amine doesn't believe a word and he does not want contact to syrian authorities at all nor does he want to apply for passports or other documents for himself and his family even if that means massive disadvantages such as when looking for work in germany or travelling . i wouldn't know what to do and that's why the german authorities won't renew my
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residency or give me a german travel documents i would still not go to the embassy. and that's why i'm means family's future in germany is uncertain their biggest fear is having to go back to syria when the fighting ends there and the old rulers are still likely to be in charge. and joining me now is on but need a sit in human rights lawyer we saw in our report welcome mr advani now a very difficult situation from what we're hearing with some syrian refugees but a senior member of the embassy the syrian embassy static already denied that syrians and people were being targeted in the manner that our report is saying what is your response to that if for sure the consul will deny there have this inside prosy it's true but the danger will be from formation from the embassy
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who took it from there if you just sent it to syria because many of syrians outside syria the. regime don't know what out of this maybe in lebanon maybe in maybe inside syria and outside their control but when they know this people generally they to position against them or european because their activity and say why they are on their way from syria to the west and that's very dangerous for the regime then why would the embassy try and get intelligence from refugees living here just you if you went and asking for a passport you gives them information you are in german and you asking for asylum beside there is many security inside. deal with people who did was come to a city and ask from them for a mission about their situations
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a mix themself and the people and take on so formation from them we know two of them they still sitting in a sea and did with refuses to come to the sea and take from them for a mission about their situation about what they do what they want to do and like that and sent all this information to the syrians. you know you just says obama indecision prison mr advani you were tortured and assisted in prison in your assessment how dangerous is the situation for these refugees who are trying to get their people but done innocent embassy but a lot of it about the implications about their parents in syria who under control is that he she or. most of the site that it's safe if you funding and the crimes the syrians must they go to the sea they must too big to the syrian government for that passport and it's very very expensive
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passport two hundred fifty dollars or eight hundred fifty eight hundred dollars so they funding the people who killed the who. pushed them outside syria who destroyed their home they must to funding that and they have been money they must to pay for it of them and so the year money. fund think that the crimes in syria that we have to leave udev a difficult situation on a bunny a sit in human rights lawyer thank you very much for coming in thank you. now tensions speech last week after pakistan shot down an indian air force fighter jet and captured its pilot wing commander of the nun then was subsequently returned to india where he came home to here is but in his unique gunslinger style in the stock that's now become the object of fascination for the country and many men going in
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for this unique look. taught me what they're about he may have been shot down and captured but this fighter pilot is now flying high as india's new national hero and his macho mustache has become a star. now men who want to be just like him only half to get entrenched. here in bangalore but whiskered fans are lining up for the abi non-dance special. that's got his face a similar mindset when it turns my look inspired me why do you like him yeah i do twice the faces because you see you hear oh yeah he is he's my hero.
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i've been and. still the best i've got doing all these things because in that place so that he was gone that he came back from park is that so that's why we talked about all these things. the pilot's dear sweet fans now paying their respects to his close shave with danger. taller short fat or thin in india being undone can make anyone feel like a hero. ok now follow sport and some startling news from the german national football team coach who occupied live for the future with three of his long time regulus live has informed. lots and general butting that they will no longer play
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a role in the squad with germany preparing for a clash with on march the twentieth the move indicates intends to make a radical changes after his team's debacle at the word cup in france. with me in the studio is tom good noise from v.w. sports of welcome tom pretty shocking announcement from what i can see but i'm not the expert what do you make of this certainly but i think it looks to me as if you are in need of is basically finally producing the kind of clean break with the past that he announced after the world cup campaign last summer. a big problem for germany at the world cup was essentially complacency because the players that won the world cup when you were in love back in two thousand and fourteen but i think it's fair to say he was a bit over lyon on the. recent history for germany they kept their places in the saw it despite occasional or even regular underwhelming performances at the expense of younger talent still of course is
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a surprise because these are three massive names in german football but for the national squad and of course the binary still the german champions. you know quite radical is that he's not phasing them out gently he's essentially just dumping them . is still twenty nine bulleting and who is a thirty years old so they're approaching the end of their careers but they're not there yet but yeah it's a very strong statement and it basically says doesn't matter who you are nobody has any total meant to play mascotte gosh strong words and i'm sure they'll be a lot of chatter on this but let's move on to the these other big news the champions the why this is down to the return of the round of sixteen europe's top clubs even for the quarter finals don't. quite a number of fields the german clubs are still in the running dortmund is facing elimination if they don't win their match today. they have got a very steep hill to climb in their targets they lost three nil in the first leg couple of weeks ago in london that means of course they failed to get an away goal
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so it's taught in school even once tonight the headline is basically game over for dortmund unfortunately something else which makes it very difficult to envisage dillman coming through is their form they you have of just they want to think just one in seven of their last games in all competitions their last loss was against our top in the definitely a stronger side than them i think it's possibly a relief for dortmund actually if they get dumped out of the champions league they might not like to hear me say that then means that they can focus on the bonus league. where they're under increasing pressure as we know from by munich like i said they're definitely looking at it as if it's going to be a relief for them to go out tonight we can take a look and see actually how they've been preparing for tonight's clash. dortmund are about to face their toughest test and what is being an increasingly dramatic and difficult season if they're to come through their champions league tie with tottenham they'll need big performances from every one of their star players foremost among them marco royce who's returning from injury.
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but it's really important that we believe in ourselves we need a top performance we have to be at our best. and when i get a golden of course it's going to be very difficult but the whole team and everyone around us delays we can do it and we have to keep the faith. tottenham have their own returning star in striker harry kane spurs managed to defeat dortmund three nil in the first like without the england international they'll be even more deadly with him back in the squad tottenham know they're in control now but they won't be sitting back on defense. in the first leg we need to forgive. the start of the game you know that it would live in. we must to be able to see if we must fight from the beginning dortmund then will have to be at their best if their defense can shut out tottenham and their attack
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can produce goals that they could still be in with a chance. with a chance that sounds good but i think what they need is american and i hope they get it's yeah well i mean of course anybody is in with a charles nothing is decided the last two months of minutes possibly even one hundred twenty possibly then a penalty shoot out to still be played. and of course there's that in with a competition is football anything can happen but you know like i was saying before and doesn't really speak for bruce you don't win at the moment the aggregate score they've got three nil lead to come back from they have to school for and keep a clean sheet against assad that's massive that's a really tough. toss obviously in tottenham off in the premier league for a reason because they're very good side and even recent history spurs played dortmund in the group stage of the champions league last season and beat them both times at home and away so they can they know they know what they're doing when they come to your dome and yeah i think they really are a miracle. by because of
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a video of a dortmund fado going i have to get. thank you very much for coming in to fill in the analysis on that game. let me out of money at the top story that we're following feel this being a breakthrough in the fight against hiv for only the second time ever an hiv positive patient is sustained remission from the lies that causes aids it's raise hopes of a disease called one day. that's a tsunami of a. cut .
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a drop. good god great story quite a bit too real for someone morris hanover sure got one some. points in the bag. ok moving away from a geisha. tell me. what's coming up in the book is so much movement to get this thing family maintains its whole life you want to go it's time to take a look a little bit means for the type of what's. going to sleep every weekend here on t w.
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