tv Quadriga Deutsche Welle March 7, 2019 8:30pm-9:01pm CET
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and slave in colombia legally and illegally. her body. was returned to venezuela. visit friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know where i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that matters. made for minds. about a very warm welcome indeed to quadriga coming to you from the heart of burlington this week to mark international women's day the focus is on women in power take angle americal germany's chancellor for over thirteen years and for many the most powerful woman in the world women are also on the advance in many other countries in the u.s. they're calling for a different kind of politics on the streets and in congress women are also for
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instance making their presence felt in the tunisian parliament and young activists like sweden's greater toolbag and pakistan's malawi yousafzai are having a real impact so question on quadriga this week is women in power the better politicians and to discuss that question i'm joined here in the studio by soraya sarhaddi nelson an american journalist who directs the u.s. national public radio bureau here in berlin she believes that women are politically more powerful than ever before but still face great obstacles also with us is an acoa both foreign correspondent for spiegel magazine she argues that women are gaining influence globally as entrepreneurs politicians and activists but when people are seeking refuge in war zones women are always some the first victims and a warm welcome to the current taylor who is among other things an advisor on human
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rights for a german member of parliament karen saying that one hundred years after the introduction of women's suffrage in germany the proportion. women in politics is still below fifty percent we need a quota she say so that we do not have to wait another hundred years for our current you are not doing and i would like to stay with you international women's day why is it important why is it still important. it's in part of in so many ways for us you already mentioned my statement we need parity in every parliament i would say in the world not only in germany that's one thing but we also need to focus on the struggles women face every day we have women out off being out off social security being out of financial security we have sexualized violence the mix of domestic violence these topics which touch women specifically and we don't talk about them enough despite all that soraya you say that women are
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more powerful than they have ever been before how does that manifest itself well in the united states so we've just had a historic congressional election in which almost twenty four percent of the house of representatives is now. basically made up of women you have twenty five women senators and even so it really shines a light on how far behind the united states is in many ways because it's not even the average if you look at the entire program tree rank rankings of women make up but having said that there's a lot of discussion about women who are going to be running in the twenty twenty alexion i mean there's a lot more focus on women in power the obstacles again are very great though when you look at the averages and where women actually do stand in the power structure and susan of the i saw one headline of her blog which had a headline which i think is symptomatic of what you're saying here that it said we've come a long way but there's still no fully long way to go what's the good news and what's the bad for you as a as
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a roving correspondent i see that i mean there is definitely a mom to for women in a globalized world because they could reach out to opportunities with that which they didn't have before and also a lot of. governments which we would consider as conservative or maybe even ultra conservative let's let's for instance referred to because of the rabia they on the stand that. their economy would work so much better if they involve more women and provide them with more chances so there is definitely a potential and and an acknowledgement of that of that flag and that's that's that's the good thing turn you're nodding. yeah i was nodding because i agree to the to the chances women have to globalization due to the digitalisation as well and i believe that a lot of movements which have started from the ground a lot of grassroots movement use it to tools of the. social media and
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digitalization as such in order to get their voices heard because again if we look at the parliaments we see that women still a minority even though a lot of parliament a lot of parties and a lot of governments for now also have a woman standing at the front but if we look at the second the third and even the fostering where we still talk about that isn't the citron making and of our policy making we are like and knocking a lot of women so i guess these new tools need to be used more in a more efficient and more powerful way for women to unite internationally and to move the to move the outrage which started from the street to move them towards apartments so that they can be heard and it's interesting to look to the. website from the international women's day and they say we're entering an exciting period of history where the world expects a balance and there's a lot of talk about gender balance how important is or is does that signify that we've moved into a new phase in the debate because the gender balance doesn't sound like seven ism.
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yeah their word feminism i mean i would call myself a feminist i have no problem with saying about but i do understand that out of people maybe also the younger generation has a problem with that label but if we talk about gender equality it's it's just it's basically what a feminist fight for so. for now seeing that the debate has evolved yeah i would totally agree but if we look at the facts if we look at the german bunds talk for example we have a only thirty percent off the taliban terry and women and we have even declined from been lost in the just age and so in this sense we are talking about it even more but the results haven't changed and. the world bank report says there's only six countries worldwide sweden belgium france denmark latvia looks and full equal rights angry does that make you feel. i'm
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a journalist i don't have feelings i mean it is surprising it was that report was eye opening because it also talked about only ten countries actually having gender equality or equal rights on the books which i thought it would be more than that i was surprised to see germany was thirty one. in america sixty five i think which is even more shocking and i think disappointing as a woman but i think if you if you look at what's happening i mean people are standing up and speaking about it more that's not that's the change that i've noticed i mean whether it's the need to have movement whether it's debates about who is at the top certainly are are very. colorful shall we say president that we have at the moment the united states that has really forced the debate certainly to american society you're hearing people are thinking a lot more about that gender equality and i agree that not attaching a feminist label to it i think has made it more palatable maybe for generations you know across the generations whether it's younger or older and it's not
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a problem that we're focusing too much on something binary men and women i'm not good not focusing on class for example race i think there are there are a lot more factors in there and this is why i even like to say are women in power you know the premise here of what we're talking about are women in power is a better to have women in power or better to have men power i just think it is sort of defines men and women as opposites which which we're not i mean again that's just sort of feeds into why. that has has gone on but having said that i mean obviously people are looking to see women leaders like america and others has that made germany a better place for example you know the countries that have them and that is how men and women are both looking i think at whether or not it's a good thing to push for this gender equality in power because very thoughtful. i was i was thinking about what you just said about mrs merkel i mean there is this old phrase don't tell show and she is one of the perfect examples for that she tried to not provoke anybody and at the same time she has achieved
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a couple of things which the social democrats always called for and never really achieved so interesting only it's one of the factors for success is that she would not address things in a confrontational. debate in the society which is actually a very difficult thing to say because i mean certainly we we all appreciate the freedoms we have in a democracy in one of the core elements is that we discuss things as they are and remain them as they are and so. she her success was definitely to not raise these issues and i'm sure she is she has nothing against homosexuals but she never really made it a point or she has nothing against any kind of minorities or whatever. because she was feeling mainly with the angry white man she also had to please those and
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you can see the row of angry white man who are not in power anymore who she worked with because she just silently found a way to push that aside yeah so. if you if you. one of our i mean you should write a book if you want to if you want to make this a point but don't tell ope. in politics i think that that's the that's the thing you learned from that looking after that fascinating facts and sort of the role of i'm going to matalin the last eight years in office really really interesting let's talk specifically about women in power including on three women we have hero who have all been faced with the challenge of making a fresh start after them male pre discusses that quite simply mess things up. back when germany's capital was in bonn until a magical was called cohen's girl she served the powerful chancellor helmut kohl and says environment minister when kohl stepped down and c.d.u.
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party chair following a scandal machall took the reins of power and in two thousand and five became german chancellor she's enjoyed international influence ever since. two recent may also stepped into the breach when a man failed british prime minister david cameron initiated and lost the back seat referendum and resigned may took over the office in two thousand and sixteen although many opposed by accident first she still had to manage her country's exit from the e.u. . after sexual assault allegations ousted then i.m.f. head dominique strauss kahn christine legarde stepped into the breach for the past eight years she has steered the i.m.f. with a competent steady hand she's maintained a clear position including donald trump can it be that women only get to positions of power after men have found. some sort of i would you like to pick up on that question. it's interesting because
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there's no doubt that these women didn't necessarily come at a high time in their various countries situations and there's no doubt i mean it was interesting it was a harvard business review study that showed that countries with leaders that were women that were diverse actually did better economically one could say germany was one of those i mean there has been great economic growth under the at the time of merkel if you want to say it's because she was a woman leader or because of what purposes and that's obviously a matter of debate for for many people for her opponents and for her supporters but but yeah it does seem that you know that women have to take advantage of the opportunities as they get them the opportunities to vote. some leaders are still very difficult as well from well americal may like god part of a generation of female leaders who who had to play the game according to men's rules and slowly bend and change those rules but they couldn't rewrite them in the
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way that perhaps young the younger generation of politicians might begin to do so now well again i mean i've only in terms of my coverage of merkel i would say you know for six years for n.p.r. i was the bureau chief here and it was clear that she didn't define it that way she just used i mean she didn't say ok we're going to play by men's rules we're going to do we're going to redefine about women's rights she played by merkel's rules i mean that record that was that meant very thoughtful consideration and not just immediately jumping at something being very cool and calm because emotion leaders who are emotional or women leaders who express any kind of anger or rage or things that we might see in male leaders it's you get pinned for more for it when you're a woman leader so i can't i wouldn't i mean yes i guess that means maybe they were playing by the men's rules but i i don't see it quite as that i just see it as a sort of redefining it but not doing it in a very aggressive manner turn the question we're addressing today's do women do politics differently do women do politics better than men maybe it's
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a cliche question i'm not sure but it's an important one i think for the transition phase that we're perhaps in exactly cos we're in that transition transition phase i would still say it's an important question even though it's case a pinpointing women against men and opening up to different groups and i wouldn't want to answer the question if women are the better petitions i don't expect women to be the better petitions what i expect is that women get fifty percent of the power that's the first deal if there's a trial maybe a stimulus program so you know ironically or maybe because if men are bad politicians we never pin point they have genda of being the reason why they are bad politicians why should we do that with women so that's what i. what i want to say is going to do expect different politics from women do you have higher standards different standards or different standards i think they have different topics in mind i mean they know for instance the difficulty to. to have a family and have
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a career at the same time and at the same time if they if they focus on that they won't be very successful because again it's something which is such a major point that changes society if you want to equalize that. that you would not be successful by provoking half of the heart of your country or maybe thirty percent of the country so i think it's a very delicate and i think it's a good good thing that you mentioned that we are going to insist transition phase. in this transition phase women cannot really show perfectly what they really have in mind what they really would like to. create in a society differently than a man but they have to fulfill the expectations of all these white men and do it quite similar as they're free to sensors and at the same time they need to add something and push it into erection attract women as well so it's really
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a difficult task if you talk about the leaders we see in your friends but i think we're definitely moving into another into another sphere because also these hierarchies do not exist. as they existed like thirty years before and i think we are also moving into a direction that hierarchies do not do that are not sustainable as much as we have seen them in the last fifty years if i might add i wouldn't completely agree because in the past we've seen women vote whether stable vote test they voted for the left in the last elections in germany but also in the u.s. we've seen women are not satisfied with what their regular parties offer them anymore they want. they are subject to topics in the center of the parties so i believe the parties have to really open and openly say what they are actually
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offering women and you mentioned social security you mentioned security for families these subjects which have been hidden in the past by the regular parties regular parties i'd say so and you have other parties for example in germany now. turning to watts women and saying we are your party also funding a new kind of feminism so i guess the danger here is that the old parties lose the women by kind of hiding their agenda and not really turning towards the women so i'd really like to make that difference here but i just wonder if you have any sense of this on something like a global battle between men and women because we're seeing more and more sort of strong men as it were in verse government leaders we're seeing the the kind of politics the populous politics the you were just talking about this seems to be excessive a real action by men trying to sort of keep control over women to sort of alaska kind of attack well i don't i'm not even sure i would even call it
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a last gasp it could take much longer than that i certainly see that sort of development i would say more strongly maybe in afghanistan than the middle east saudi arabia the emirates on one hand they claim to be promoting women's rights on the other hand you had this for example. the united arab emirates earlier i guess was in january had a celebration or they wanted to give awards for gender equality that they were doing but only had men at this event and only men were being there for it it was but is this sort sort of shows the dichotomy it does seem that men are getting stronger or really tried to clasp or claim to that power we're seeing examples in afghanistan right now with the taliban deal that would be a real issue for women's rights a real blow if in fact this negotiation. steel comes to being that there's a peace deal in which women were not a part of all the afghan government was not. ok one trend that we've been seeing is for young women and girls to courageously take their own future into their own
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hands and do what they can to bring about change let's just take a look for example so they're. leaving us so. change to make you can change your community and educate girls that's malala yousafzai is message the young pakistani activist risked her life for her convictions in two thousand and twelve she was targeted by the taliban and shot on a bus on the way to school but she survived ever since then malala has continued her tireless campaign for girls' education. i'm not leaving until i see you. see. i want. this dramatic cry for help via twitter from a hotel room in bangkok made her half mohammed world famous in the end canada granted her asylum half fled from her family in saudi arabia she felt threatened and restricted by the stern rules governing women's behavior there. i want you to
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panic. swedish student activists greater to investigate spoke at the world economic forum in davos her sit down strikes protesting in action on climate change are a wake up call for politicians and inspire other students to protest courageous young women will they change the world. susana willing to change the world as young women most likely yes most likely yes and i think there are topics which are not focusing on. gender. issues i mean climate change for instance is something which will let us forget everything else i mean and everybody will fight for it at the same time and this this this young girl has a very impressive personality at the same time people like young ladies like.
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there's one. thing which should be mentioned behind especially in islamic countries behind. outspoken women there's always a great. father are men behind these women because otherwise they would not be allowed to so i mean this this saudi lady she escaped from she's the only one who did this without any support but. has obviously a supportive family in my that has a supportive family and this other lady this other lady is. she she fled from have a family to be true to to live a life which she is seeking and i think yes young women will find their voice and will find their way in there will definitely. change the world yes i would say education has a lot to do with that more than a muslim countries at least a supportive family as simple as necessary for example the woman that i'm writing
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about who's going to climb the highest mountain in afghanistan first afghan woman did that she she her parents support her you know support her being part of this american program that allowed her to do this but but having said that i think education is more important i mean because i read in khandahar there was a young woman who fled her family because her family wanted to kill her because she wouldn't get married because she had gone to school she had taste in school she wanted to be a journalist and she was fleeing from house to house to be able to go to school that's one of power and bravery and just sort of resolve like we see with malala and women like that i mean to me it seems education is sort of a cork opponent that in turn. we saw greta being point for a sixteen year old i phone quite militant saying it would do that she specifically said i want them to feel fear talking about the politicians do we need to be more militant still because you know as we said at the beginning of the program they've been waiting one hundred years sort of thing like full equality. i think we need to
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be more outspoken i wouldn't call great a minute ten for saying it was angry to. me that that's just the truth because if you say i understand the girl said you know it's. a very yes it's for me it's just something we all know that climate change is going to change the world as we know it and we all know that we had to react yesterday and tomorrow she's just bold enough to skip school face the criticism of angry white men in this case and to be bold enough and say as it is so i believe maybe if people stopped listening to head that's the way to go yeah. would you expect from men. that's a lot of like what do you mean it's not a loaded question. if you can point to. comes to power we mean women being in power yeah i mean we just who we just agreed that
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there is something like a global confrontation between men and women what you want i do i don't see it that way i see it i mean i guess for me it's the younger generation i look at my son for example who speaks about women completely differently than even my husband who is actually i would argue a feminist you know it's it just seems that there's more of a cohesiveness and i don't even think the younger generation has three looks and says you're a girl and i'm a guy i think that's maybe our generation that still says or you know our generation is still in charge so they're going downstairs that is interesting and helpful. to them. i think there is a group which we should we do which we should have a diode which was a image a minority of whites of a white elite especially men who are now losing. power and opportunities and everything but they're still extremely powerful and so the leverage they have also on. women who tried to change the world is
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quite quite big and this is a confrontational situation which we will have to deal with in the future yeah i mean. for me it's yes one thing it's about education but it's also about the way we talk to our children it's about the way which which example we get to our children because these structures will not change by themselves i don't believe that we need to give the frame and actually say it as it is that we live in this somehow sexist society and that we need to change that ok thank you all for being here today. rather than a very interesting discussion of women in power the better politicians will be i think the answer to that is no for very very different men and women thanks for joining us of enjoy the show as much as i these come back next week and so on bye bye.
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to take one step further. than face. time a year of just such the young up. and fight for the truth. is hard to overcome boundaries and connection to. its time for dublin. and he ws coming up ahead. finds. germany state by state. the most colorful. the liveliest. the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com.
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this is the w. news life from germany jails child pornography those full man receive sentences of up to ten years of operation one of the world's biggest child abuse platforms on the top and also on the program germany's ambassador expelled from venezuela for backing opposition leader plan why don't the self-proclaimed interim president also has the support of ecuador the country's vice president tells. us is life a state really as harmful as its makers say we may soon find out and a new.
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