tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle March 9, 2019 8:15pm-9:00pm CET
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all four d. news right now we'll have more news for you coming up at the top of the hour but up next our documentary film on israeli soldier a murderer or hero. thanks for joining us for. floods have taken everything. now despair please god. climate refugees on the day. they seek shelter. but. the floods. starts. d.w. .
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the palestinian city of hebron in the west bank it's months twenty four to twenty sixteen a day that will polarize israel for a long time to come. and . look at least once a soldier as this was the first time itself in this area one of the terrorists were shoved into q one. also but he wasn't killed. within minutes an israeli ambulance arrived stopped next to the man in the black jacket during the interview a shrug. some are joined by her soldiered. talking his rifle. when i saw him take
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a few steps towards the palestinian. fire just one shot. if you hate the moment later i understood that i just filmed a murder on it because right before the palestinian had been a life. show you measure it all up i just i yeah i think it deems frank he shouldn't gave this terrorist a chance to try to kill people dina understand it's something we're going to change . music system using the army most of the israelis to keep to the place that they like to take feeds me but that is to blood this was nothing in the future to be that in the fall the laws of many cities in israel east today i'm
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a sure you will. what it all saw you told me because you gave me all the interview. is that on his side he reacted and he did exactly what he thought he was supposed to do as an i.d.f. soldier facing what he said what he felt to terrorists one of them still of all one of them something still alive one of them carrying a bomb and a knife this is what he thought happened. and that's why he reacted like you reacted. you can't walk around in hebron like you can tell of your fear is always in the air at night you hear gunfire and explosions. when you're
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stationed here your gun is always loaded. tensions are high you're in constant danger. everyone is particularly on edge until remade and. there are more confrontations here between jews and palestinians than anywhere else. it's a very stressful place. hebron is the largest city in the israeli occupied west bank more than two hundred thousand palestinians live hit it's the only palestinian city that has a jewish settlement in its center is high i live in tunis to live in this to mean life for palestinians here is hard on her checkpoints and surveillance cameras everywhere the have death on up all humanity can be a list of banned things as long. as taking home
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a washing machine or refrigerator or even a knife is almost unthinkable in a measure to defend it's a key there i would be to have a i mean should we have most of the young son man back man i know fully in command i want freedom for the city of hebron. i want to jewish settlements in the city center and surrounding hills to disappear. as you value i want an end to the israeli occupation and i want to live in freedom like people in other countries live and i have the right of getting the link i mean. it's all the basic human rights of anyone and helps you weren't convinced except then someone will tell you if you didn't use. in terms we see here. some eight hundred fifty jewish settlers live in the heart of hebron. violent
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confrontations between jewish and palestinian residents are a frequent occurrence. little of the patriarchs believed to be the burial place of abraham isaac jacob and their wives it's like we're two jews christians and muslims every. year around six hundred fifty israeli soldiers are stationed here to protect the jewish settlers and the holy sites. their ranks once included come back medic l.r. as area. we have a strong army that has to be strong and has to guard our borders and our civilians and of seven sons and from the other hand has to stay very ethical has to act according to the law has to or to act according to the international eyes. looking at him and it's difficult i think that in hebrew and you get really
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israeli racism in an auction in the movie you expression. if you go in the old city of hebron you see the transfer he sees souls and of apartments and shops totally empty abandoned you ask yourself where are those people and then you see the setlist their father brutally shin the least racist the worst of the worst of the settlements and then you get the whole story i'm not sure you've seen this neighborhood and you understand all those people will force in a brutal way to leave their all to leave their shores only so the settlers will be able to take over if you can the whole story. to show you this now. you can see this in that all things listed just allowed to be ninety seven percent
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of the city is close friends you know many years if i come to your apartment or house. and take over by force only three percent of your house only three percent and then i want to live in peace in this reprocessing would you call or would you accept i'll come with guns with machine guns and takes only through busy. well doesn't mean all the stripper says. the palestinians only think the palestinians and jews have nothing to do there if it's holy for the jews they are most welcome to visit there too. cool to pray that it will be walls but it doesn't belong to be private but a sting as you leave that for the gates. just such as live in an area that accounts for about three percent of the city's surface area
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. to protect the status twenty percent of the city is under full israeli military control. the remainder is under the administration of the palestinian authority. headed students in hebron regularly vent their frustration at friday demonstrations hoping to catch the attention of the regional and world media. outlets. no longer can. give me. sound. set for. that. national scene. yeah playing. stand.
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up to his stature ballo. demanded that. followed. her. all. the. i mean the full of twenty fifteen and spring twenty sixteen israel and the west bank so a space of almost weekly palestinian knife attacks against israeli jews. you can imagine in two thousand and fifteen we had almost fifty stepping up its. many palestinians justified the attacks as a legitimate response to israel's military occupation.
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i am personally not sleeping in a fair even though it's dangerous around. yes all me and soldiers to but that's just from those terrorist fortunately people in israel i just fear from terror and driving. going to the streets. going to moving to a restaurant. this is a very bad situation feel coming out of a terror attack in tel aviv israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu fell to unleash a harsh offensive against what he called palestinian islamic terrorists and. with methodical determination we will prove that terror does not pay and we will defeat it you know. something true to me to look around me really.
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big everything's ok. you know when i was in the army but they not in the army more on the limited terrorists and extremists will not achieve anything we will prosecute them and we will be victorious and it's up to eat the swallow a little thing that i grew up watching listening area i saw. very. nice. feeling left in tel aviv i felt that there were thoughts all the time and the palestinians as well as conflict both sides of the conflict are terrible israel is always right is being can exist and danger is totally situated life into the v.v. is secure as life is in believe let's face it until can also take place in berlin
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as you know so let's cut the book there are some feelers and one should be sensitive to them but there is also a lot of money police in those fears. should watch and so today we will decide on a series of vigorous steps in our fight against the sources of terrorism and incitement and shipped off they will be implemented as quickly as possible. israel will settle its accounts with the murderers those who attempt murder and all those who assisted of course. especially in the months leading up to the. incident the messaging from top ministers top political officials and religious officials in the government was that it's. to
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execute someone who is suspected of a terror attack those politicians you know were not brought to trial ellora's area was brought to trial the slowest foot soldier or the person who pulled the trigger but the people who allowed him to feel empowered to do what he did never had to answer certainly not in the israeli court of opinion. because florida. the whole thing happened in the morning of pooling which is a very happy holiday may be the happiest holiday. in judaism and as
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well and it's from one side it's very very happy and from the other side. there are. braving accidents. before. in the history demolished him it's a commitment to never forget that day but then sometimes i would hear him say i talk to get up in the morning and pray times i love when you sat down with his siblings he came to us and said he was leaving for work and asked if we needed anything we said no we don't need anything and told him to stay safe and he was going to install furniture in l. as a rio. he picked up his young colleague ramsey august while we can watch. it took the shortcut through teller maida. i was sitting at home that morning drinking coffee with my wife. and suddenly we
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heard shots nearby beauty i ran outside my wife our camera. going to. come out oh well when we got out onto the street i turned my camera. there was a man in a dark jacket and black pants lying on the ground but. this good. question had. another round and a gray jacket lay near it it's like any blood was streaming from his face and body . because settlers were standing around him taking pictures. so i realized he must be a palestinian. state me what's happened there that i was fair and i took pictures of what's happening because i'm falling here on the on the fork
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organization that t.p.s. it's like those embassy to get information. over there and they said. it was one soldier. and two till. just when i was still there were warnings that the i.d.f. got before there's something about the. told me that i think maybe a few days before maybe a week before they already got a warm. hot. warning that something is about to happen. much more i'm going to join a group of soldiers marched up to the young man in the black jacket. i know he too was a palestinian when i saw a soldier start to kick him be it moved. so clearly he was to life or. death measure i'll update on yeah. he. had sustained multiple gunshot wounds
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bus according to the autopsy report none of the six shots to his stomach shoulder and lower body with fatal. but. it just sort of what my wife started screaming that's unjust he's alive help him call an ambulance. that's when the soldiers noticed us and ordered us to leave . sheridan. look at that it looked like there was no doubt. that it. i quickly looked for a new vantage point and climbed onto the roof of a nearby house and. well what about the first thing i saw when i turned my camera back on it was an israeli soldier shoving away a knife with his four here it's a kenyan fish. fish.
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iller is the area arrived at the scene about six minutes after the incident. woke up. he felt and he heard something was going on we came to the floor a few minutes after everything happened after the. storm. you can say terrorists came. well tied to. the heart to kill. those well soldiers over there. it was getting lots. of what happened. within minutes an israeli ambulance arrived. and stopped next to the man in the black jacket.
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but a soldier directed to the third casualty had to see to a wounded israeli soldier. if we should monkey. but by your leave in a second israeli ambulance arrived to attend to the so that you know what do you know medical assistance was only provided to the israeli soldier. first aid was not administered to the young palestinian in the black jacket but if it's the knee let the cat you have to educate us what. you have i was conscious he moved his injuries were evidently not life threatening
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of your vision then. it's. then i heard a soldier cocking his rifle about to become i looked through the finder of my camera because i was afraid he was going to fire at me. and i saw the soldier take a few steps towards the palestinian. that he fired just one shot look away maybe stuff up he shot the young palestinian fatah shot a flag in the head it was mobbed. thank
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you. what they are where at the heart of what. i would but by no means that he tried to get out shown any sign of aggression towards the settlers or the soldiers or you well like you he was wounded and incapacitated who do you feel ficus son was the hostile rage of rio's a zionist mindset that led him to kill a friend called it lucky as are many years of the to be done. and or using no. as i understand it is a believe came to be sick interest hundred bomb during the two years of the. process itself he always said that he was sure that there was
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a bomb there but i wasn't. i think you didn't frank shouldn't gave this terrorist a chance to try to kill people again. he shook his head of us today with the pain i feel i wouldn't wish on anyone so good for film i saw the pictures of him lying on the ground and how they killed him how they shot him in the head since his killing the days pass. and we're patient in the loss of one or had it in your. photograph is on my nightstand so he's the last thing i see before i fall
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asleep and the first one i wake up for when i go to the kitchen or the living room i see his photos so his image remains before my eyes. you need something to feel your side of you nothing more and nothing less so nothing can replace him but the photos remind me that he is here. they want to take the connection and so israel is a criminal but the real story is the claim alone the kids in the murdered this is the story. it's the result of the incessant harassment people here face. the young men can't bear it and. maybe found ways to deal with it but the young men can't or. they took the route through teller made up because they were going to work to work they were planning to stab anyone the soldiers provoked them and
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that's why the incident happened they claim he wanted to stab someone that's absurd i don't believe it. and we don't believe he would do such a thing was totally normal he spoke with us and then he left the house and everything was just as it always was. they aren't trying to play on two. ways in one hand to keep until just supporting to place some reason to the families of the terrorists according to how many people they more than i mean the others. to let you know of all what they do in. the palestinian authority pay stipends to palestinian prisoners in israel their families and the families of palestinians wounded or killed in clashes with israelis. these really defense ministry estimates about seven percent of the palestinian authority is annual budget is
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dedicated to what israel calls terrorist pensions. the al sharif family says it received the equivalent of three hundred fifty euros. i don't know what the money is for maybe it's a gesture of solidarity from the palestinian people or compensation for the loss of a son. but money can't rectify such as with. what is a home with god nothing can replace him or compensate for losing him should both of them fit in. so often those stories aren't even reported on or the you know the smallest reference in the media most marginal reference and they quickly for the headlines so because this was filmed because all of a sudden there's
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a whistleblower who's putting it out there in the world. the government needed to respond to the army needed to respond to it and they had no choice essentially but to put him through the legal process. sounds like. today the military prosecution provides they indict meant to the military court. we sing that we will be able to release the soldier from these open detention because not only that he didn't do anything wrong. or criminal offense but he acted as we expect from a combat soldier to act when he see. terrorists
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who might be a suicide bomber in many of the persecution was there. there was eleven minutes between. when he tried to kill we twenty murdered soldier. you know who or shot him. in the main argue was the terrorist. was in dangerous anymore. the connection between the military justice system. and it just is the same like the condition between military orchestra and music both cygnus introduced in both the jokes. trial lasted more than ten months it ignited intense media interest at home and abroad.
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we all want to put anything on. the lips of a traditional only on the best detail yet it was just a show trial for the media israel wanted to prove that it's democratic and holds its soldiers accountable. i was. told me that he was heard from that because i was in the i.d.f. we were in the agony of most israelis have to do in the idea of all doing the i.d.f. one of the first things that they tell you is that now your commanders are like your mother and father even when you make mistakes so both felt abandoned
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he felt abandoned i think that's lossage she still loves it. it's wrong it's a free one so separate our society like it was all the stuff it's generally full of twenty seventeen years the military court is due to deliver its verdict. or as arias supporters rally outside. that was not enough and it was think this is remember core is a group of him where we're through with the work you do is people always real think and all the jewish people all over israel think that the north korea is a hero. they were supposed to do. it for hiring go overseas and there we think. they want to be mason from of the.
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year one of our live for good reasons will have a lot of us here might just all of us beginning and meet all these great people want to get the are going to i mean we've got eighteen now we have a kid i mean i don't soldiers are fighting just like you quite innocent but it's ok i mean i didn't imply i'm going to tell him to shoot to kill yourself and yet you have been what you are but i guess that your job is to get a d.v.d. of that movie night and what he did with a full steam couple shows all your judges decided that this was an unjustified shooting and sanctioned by the military as rules of engagement. this is not a happy day for ice cream so i must say lawyer nassau we would have preferred that this didn't happen of a mouse in our saw but the deed was done. and the offense was severe. shock but the this is why it had to be brought to trial i thought that being the verdict is important clear decisive and speaks for itself. the middle bill about
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it's much. lower as the area was sentenced to eighteen months in prison and to most it from sergeant to private in a short time later the army chief of staff reduced the sentence to fourteen months the president rejected requests for a pardon knowing the lawyer. usually state courts. fortunately it's what the course says. but i. don't agree with. it think it was wrong will be the outcome if it was i would have been put a senior nobody can deny that the. punishment would be told to me told a different. i . was sick. because of this whole circus the entire world will say that israeli
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army is full of murderers giving the world license to call us murderers. but i guess my god if a soldier knows he could be charged with manslaughter think twice next time. and that will cost soldiers their lives but i am sure fairly big parts of the public saw him. as a hero or just not a hero. in this complex reality that's something that is not outrageous but it's not. a realistic he's got a little look here all or well call it that the people of israel support was the people of israel stand behind you know that the people of israel never abandon their soldiers who fought in the past not now not in
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the future you are not alone i thought you were right. i and my colleague dan cohen. also investigative journalist we went out to these demonstrations in support of laura zaria what we encountered there. it was the full fury of people who felt that they had been wronged by the government a little bit well i'll tell you one thing the israeli army is without a doubt the most moral army in the world what does that tell you. that you are want the people of the most they want to be able to say they're the most moral you can have people saying i want a hand that it was right what this soldier did or as area and that he should have
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the right and then all israeli soldiers should have the right to do what he did and at the same time they will say that israel's most moral army in the world that's more ality than it's moral to shoot someone who is a suspected terrorist even if he is immobile and incapacitated. they will simultaneously hold those views and not feel any need to we can solve them with one another i think it will if you like i'm proud that you're here today to support the family where is charlie the last father the people of israel stand behind you have the people of israel are at your side was me was. was where is all shrug the lord's mother russia look here the people of israel stand by was a new vision we're going to have
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a sane nation everyone is here. we are a strong people and we will not let anyone run us over was thinking christ things that his parents told me and sold all those that he had and our friends. in high school are trying to so all the time that they're a normal family normative family and they are. i met. two very very nice people. i i was i. of all the institutions in israeli society the army is the one is the most treasured by the people people have a lot of very low opinion of the clear set of the government of the supreme court
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and other israeli institutions but they have a very high opinion of the army with the army does sacrosanct people identify with it we think we have we as a country. took tend to the soldiers don't stand in from those cruel terrible terrorists to protect us and we should support him. survey showed about two thirds of israeli jews justified as darrius action as self-defense. among eighteen to twenty four year olds eighty four percent backed as arya. was by no means a conversation between two groups the. group was the
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vast majority of the population and the group that wanted him to face justice for his actions was a very marginal group of people a family told me that. the games were friends during those two and a half years many supporters making their friends people supported the family without knowing. i can't tell you that these loud voices are of flexion of big parts of these early society i can tell you that they were loud and happy and the family was. for happiness when he came back. and you write a story i was released early for good behavior after serving nine months of his jail to. have this impression after twenty
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six months of suffering and unbelievable nightmare that i wish i no i don't mean not even my worst enemy. today we have cause for great celebration. was my life i turned my light returns home. that yes. it's fantastic after two years almost two and a half years to be back in hebron. when i thought i was waiting the whole time to come back here to revisit the site and to thank everyone here truly i'm at a loss for words thank you so much for everything i mean i thought that was
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a. good thing to get the form and one of the things that was important for him to bring sweets kind of good news to the soldiers in hong and he told me that. the got a command not to speak to him so they turned back some of. them back to him and told him. we did exactly what you were supposed to do. we believe you we support you but they turned their back to him so their commanders couldn't see it or they were not supposed to talk to him so he left the suites with the jewish population of one. and i asked them to give it to the soldiers afterwards after he was gone.
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to understand the sums he's very secure this is certainly. believe it during those times notice. creating any kind of sympathy he may be feeling terrible terrorists but he's helpless and i instill that israeli society doesn't see any problem in shooting him then the problem is those are for his very societies for resided case . to some separation between. right political view and one. political view. but. i hope to finish. the governess for me and not all the palestinians see the racism very clearly. there is a difference between proceedings against a palestinian and proceedings against a soldier who killed a palestinian but that this thing i think all the men together that took this story
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and to take those tories instilling that's right. it's easy i'll. come on this well you know israel claims to be a democracy but a democratic rule of law only applies to them not to us in the us they pretend to treat us democratically but in reality they don't see it. coming and i miss my son i think of him but he's not here it's the hardest thing bearing these moments over and over again. i can't tell you what will happen to him i can tell you that after i. after the interview was published i started hearing voices that surprise me with several he will go to politics i will see it coming. it will surprise us all as well as for surprises. eller is the area and his family declined requests for an interview. the israeli army also refused to comment on the case.
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staying up to date don't miss our highlights. program online d.w. dot com highlights. the players. tango. and the state. patrol. in a good game of power and money the competition is fierce close most important natural resource bluffing and betting checking how long will they be able to play and who will win this two we believe that renewable energy will play an important role in the future. but you look at the list starting monday morning.
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this is news live from berlin dr protests and. opposition supporters clashed with police in caracas venting their anger over a nationwide blackout and calling for president to resign but his supporters are also rallying against what they say is foreign intervention in venezuela's players also coming off germany's two biggest banks could soon become one for reportedly greece to merger talks with troubled rival.
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