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tv   Arts.21  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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the app takes place personally. with all the wonderful people in stories that make the game so special. for all true friends my. boy that's what. was found. young filmmakers worldwide are grappling with their realities by researching questioning what they seek to expose social ills resistance using the power of film we meet up with five filmmakers from seems include poverty social unrest.
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alienation from nature and the legacy of war. uses his camera to fight suppression of the past he wants to wake up his home country mozambique i know he's crazy to think that images can change people but i believe so either way as a would be doing this american director said young confront systemic racism in the u.s. . our government should never be against its people or governments and her be treating its people as enemy combatants. coming from the natural world this is a topic that occupies. me come from the chair and when we die we go back to nature. lebanese cameramen christopher alone and german film editor constantine voc collaborated on a haunting film about child poverty in lebanon. seeing those things on set every
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day that's what makes you want to make that movie because it's something that the world doesn't see or doesn't want to see. resistance young filmmakers aiming to change the world in our arts twenty one special. we met up with five film activists at barely know my talents twenty nineteen the platform for young filmmaking talent at the berlin film festival the belly nelly i. you know does so cos it is from mozambique he was born in the capital my puto a bitter civil war raged in mozambique for nearly sixteen years starting in the late one nine hundred seventy s. two opposing political groups the mozambique liberation front and the mozambique a national resistance fought for power hundreds of thousands of people were killed i. also was a child at the time back of the days we used to spend the summer in my
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grandmother's feel a chance i remember being awake in the middle of the night. you know in the heat or bombings in god and gunshots all over in and i asked my grandmother why are these this noise and she said it's only fireworks a peace accord was signed in one thousand nine hundred two but the history of the bloody period has not been dealt with instead it has been repressed that's one of the demons corsa confronts in his films. west and somebody comes from we convene them. to. see if they have been. seized i mean that changed if they get. more space to move. who left the fleet up it. just means
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the old. piling on of the dead tell no tales it's a short film which is basically a story of. anti euro weise going back to use home village to encounter as himself with his memory or to listen to stories of the old jamba a storyteller but finds him deaf and. in newt mean and then he realized he has no one else to tell him stories with. mission. and spirit there's the young adult studies
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a lot of fun. together. it's more of a metaphor in how people or how the storytellers are kind of missing or disappearing and in african societies would we have mostly the storytellers the people who pass memories through generations which generations and it's also a way to revive. distribution of telling stories around the campfire which is getting lost in mozambique. from mozambique to the brazilian jungle this is the setting of eloise to leo's animated film. this theme is respect for nature the rhythm of life everything is part of
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a cycle he wants to stop the elders stories from disappearing from collective memory delay who was born in peru uses his drawings to pose key questions this doesn't point to one emissions nation it's in your head and i think that triggers many things in the audience you know hop are real subject in front of the comma. it's about the cycle of life and the perception of that. indigenous girl who must understand. her grandfather.
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in an ancient ritual the grandfather will make his way into the next world playing the flute he will die but can't accept this feels the flute. most of the films that i do revolve around death and the reason is that we don't pay enough attention to nature i think to the earth itself i think the earth is a character in everything in everything we do the nature of the place we leave the air we breathe and i am not a documentary filmmaker so i wanted to do it you know passionate way. in the course of the short film learns to accept the cycle of life.
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music plays a major role in way of giants. musician ttyl arose and agreed to work on the project. is improvised sounds give the film its atmospheric soundtrack. i explained what the film was about and he was very moved because he's sixty something years old and he had just had a child so he was very moved because he identified with the grandfather of the film and then he performed the trucks and kind of did very organically. and it was to me it was award winning film has been shown at some one hundred fifty
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festivals worldwide. we forget that we come from nature and then when we die we go back to nature and i wanted to show the. you know i've pointed to cutaway in a scenario where we are really close to nature so i chose an indigenous stripe living amongst giant trees to reproduce send and represented something growing in the place of the person who dies. was with the death of your grandfather and his transformation into a tree of life and death merge into a harmonious circle of nature. yun
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finds her themes in the here and now the american filmmakers work is driven by rage and resistance. she grew up in los angeles and her childhood was characterized early on by a sense of differences of exclusion and insurmountable barrier. when i was about eight or nine they started to see some of the problems that exist in american society and i was really confusing curious you know why were all the black people in one area and why people in a different area and why don't all the black people you know work at the grocery store or not at the bank and you know these kind of questions came into my mind at a really early. lead down like right.
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when you. are there are twenty fourteen demonstrators and police faced off in the streets of ferguson missouri. was. michael brown jr was killed. he was eighteen years old and he was gunned down by a police officer cars. i know you. and i get out there and it's just i mean total chaos the police had you know huge rifles that they were shooting rubber bullets and tear gas and pepper spray and people are running and protesting in their tanks tear gas and a few people with rubber. says
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she couldn't help but be affected by the growing tensions while filming. she aims to reveal systemic racism in the u.s. so her documentary is intentionally one sided yet it also shows the power of peaceful protest one of the scenes from whose streets that sticks in my mind the most is the night when it was announced that darren wilson would not be indicted for killing mike brown jr our investigation has been completed the grand jury german that no probable cause exists to file any charges. on each of the five like . no one had any paper by that point in the system but how were people going to react were there going to be riots or was it going to be peaceful protesting. from the first day that we felt we realized that this was something that this was important and that we had to keep going. to fix
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our starting. point. there are a lot of questions about why we were out there and rapper trying to educate her on how things have never been right for black folks in america and that their example and this is what we have to do. the director got close to the activists showing us their daily lives and how unsettled they were by the situation in the u.s. the documentary received much attention after premiering at the sundance film festival in two thousand and seventeen. i want her to think for herself to resist and participate in democracy that is right. and they cannot be taken away. we have not as a country responded to the horrors of our history and as a result those ideologies have continued to live underground and now they're starting to come to the surface with
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a president who is sympathetic to them and you know people who have been having to kind of claw their way up from the by. now at a point where it's still a struggle but we have enough of a voice that we can speak for ourselves. but what about those who can't yet speak for themselves who are too young and vulnerable the oscar nominated feature film comparing them focuses on children who are struggling just to survive living in poverty in the slums of beirut. german editor constantine bock and lebanese cameraman christopher own had a major influence on the film's look we caught up with him at barely knowledge talents. comparing him shows us children with no childhood it's the life story of twelve year old zane. all the fees over. the look i don't want any good to see. it living
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let me. join us for sure. it was hard for you but. i think you know now. what do you get. on with a nothing. it's. a boy who wishes he'd never been born but he's not alone the filmmakers spent three years doing research for this film and children suffering was omnipresent it was the moment when you realize that the fiction that we're doing that the reality is surpassing the fiction that we're doing and that made everyone realize how important this fictionalized version that we're creating here is and that these topics do need to be talked about.
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you would see those goods on the streets everywhere you would see families also between lanes and like on the highway you're just just. ignore them you just treat them like their moods or. like ghosts that don't exist but they're everywhere. in the film scenes only close relationship is with his eleven year old sister then his parents sell her off to a grown man for a few chickens saying runs away the start of an odyssey into the unknown. he finds a home with right heel and ethiopian woman living illegally in lebanon with her baby on us there's a life on the run without papers or rights. but it's not the story which makes comparing them so unusual it's how director nineteen labaki enter cameramen christopher own tell it in a way that's wrought direct and real much a shot from a child's perspective i had developed. which would have the
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camera lower. so i would hold that. my ways but the camera would be even lower but still i had to need and a lot of times the camera had to be almost over like p.v. was on to meters over the floor. for director love a key it was important that the story be as authentic as possible the actors all amateurs cast on the street essentially play themselves in real life zane fled syria with his family the story was changed in the making that's why the dean wanted to have me editing on sat next to her to influence to see the film come to life in real time because it was shot chronologically and we could decide we had the freedom to decide on a day to day basis what are we going to shoot next. the shoot took six months and produced more than five hundred hours of material in twenty eighteen comparing them
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did viewed at cannes where it won the jury prize this year it was nominated for an oscar as best foreign language film. in the film zane cares for heels baby un us their interaction is very moving. but for christopher alone and constantine book awards are so important they want to change things. it's easy to blame people but it's much harder to understand why they act the way that they act what is wrong with the system that makes them act this way how were they brought up to act in this way and that's something that was very important to us in the film to. to not easily point fingers and to blame his parents in the story for example but to make people understand that this is part of a bigger issue and it's first and foremost a structural problem. in a jail so costs are also shows why people act the way they do he hopes his films
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will find an audience in his homeland that mozambicans will be ready to remember their past. i'm not a political filmmaker because you know your first mission it's to tell a story that you are passionate about what of course i realize that my films are always related to. come one team which which is memory and collective memory in. specific my country mozambique this was also the implied theme of his first feature length documentary a memory in three acts here eye witnesses recall history that doesn't appear in mozambique and schoolbooks.
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in the d.c. i don't. say she should i do with the. them i. sure i see with. elements of our colonial history that people tend to be. and i was able to awake. and bring them into the story a film. school very much more vital to be that i've been to is that they think is the big one. and though i switched my size around one. of the grandmothers in. a memory in three acts has been screened at festivals worldwide and showered with
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prizes but curses greatest wish has yet to come true. is that i made this film for its mozambique in they didn't see the film yet i don't have cinema showed a film like america marshall screening but i really really really want the people who was to make to see that film in the way i want to have the feedbacks because i believe it's very important film to show it there and i'm working on that i will try even if i just need to show it like an outdoor cinema horse and make some on the ground screening. elouise still doesn't face such distribution issues the peruvian lives and works in brazil unlike mozambique brazil has plenty of cinemas. way of giants is a short that runs just twelve minutes julio is now preparing to make his first animated feature but is struggling to find financing partly due to brazil's recent
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change of government. situation in brazil is a little bit tricky we have a new government who uses far right so we are not sure what is going on nobody really knows what's going on and it's kind of like a wild card and one of the first things the president did was close the ministry of culture or among other things. but lucky for us the film business is very strong so i don't think it's something that is just going to do and even if they tried to do that i'm sure we were reverted we would fight for it. so fully on plans to keep fighting to the success of who's street has only strengthened her conviction since donald trump took office she's spoken out against sexism as well i started to really notice the difference in the way that men and women are treated in the things that we have
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access to in the culture and hearing all the stories from women about assault and how common it is and even realizing situations that i've been in that have been extremely uncomfortable that i didn't even know that i should be able to speak up for myself because no one had ever taught me you know how to set those boundaries or taught me that i was right to feel uncomfortable. or next project will be a feature she worked on the idea while taking part in berlin talent it's about a young woman who gives motivational speeches during the apocalypse and the idea came to me because i feel like it's sort of my story in a way after doing who's streets and going around the country speaking about the film during this trump. i find myself having to dig deep to find what is hoped for and where the possibilities when people were feeling so frustrated and so afraid and so down about the political landscape and so that inspired me to think
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you know what if we took this to the extreme. constantine bach and christopher alone didn't win an oscar but comparing them has made a real impact and for them that's better than any award. refugees you know has a promising future u.n.h.c.r. resettlement program has found him and his family a new home in norway. since parents him and his three siblings are living in hammerfest in the north of norway now and he's going it's incredible he's going to school for the first time in his life he's learning norwegian he has a passport i mean he's registered for the first time in his life he has a birth certificate that he didn't have before. so our five filmmakers plan to keep on making films that could change the world. i don't
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propose to offer answers but i'm not trying to teach anyone anything i'm just trying to be brave enough to let people see the questions that i'm asking and the things that i'm grappling with. we make films because we want them to resonate with people whatever that resonance is. always a good moment when a nation and nation he said it's a craft. i believe. one hour of these stand in the field in the cinema and watch a film. i mean film that really matters sweet hopes or. you know a piece of true it that we'll we will take home and we will reflect. on tomorrow.
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they might not look at advertising. but they're very popular with your mate. c.q. come. through a sea creatures are found in southern madagascar. according to strict ecological origination. thank you see. the tonight show. thirty minutes does.
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not go out and they will not succeed in dividing us out not succeed in taking the people off the streets because we are tired of just dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters. made for minds. what's the connection between bread flour and the european you. know guilt mantis d.w. correspondent and avid baker crap. turn to state and local about the recipes for success and strategies that make a difference. baking bread. on g.w.
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. sarno just couldn't get this song out of his head. musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. and found that deep in the rainforest in central africa. the biochar people. did nothing else. and would like to look at least a little befuddled. why anyone. money legal costs he was so fascinated by their culture that he stayed close. only a promise to. leave the jungle and return to the concrete and glass jungle but. the result reverse culture shock. the prize winning documentary from the forest starts people first on t.w.
10:00 pm
. this is news live from berlin rival protests in venezuela opposition supporters clashed with police in caracas venting their anger over a nation wide blackout and calling for president bud drove to resign but his supporters are also rallying against what they say for its foreign intervention in venezuela's us players also coming up germany's two biggest banks could soon become one larger bank's board reportedly agrees to merger talks with troubled rival after years of losses for.


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