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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2019 7:30am-8:01am CET

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yes you know i mean in your minutes i'm going yes. what i'm presenting is you know what i'm with what i'm for consider an operative term. here. but a car going on where they're being funded. by martin this is my crazy coffin for my last year and. what a way to go bury it and cuff and in the shape of a beer bottle and with that welcome to the cork edition of your mac's let me colin
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allman fellow don't worry it's not just about confidence today for example we also have. the perfect weekend to talk your next to bottom maggy bleak and. delicious sports is just an excuse for you your taste buds to test. but first to england for most of us the topic of death is a pretty serious matter but in nottingham kicking the bucket can be amusing accompany their makes crazy custom made coffins for your final resting place from a skateboard a racing car to. anything goes because hey it's your funeral. the owner of this beer bottle on wheels is a man with a thirst for life yet he's more ready for death than most because this is the vehicle martin brunch wyler plans to take to meet his maker.
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but strange but now it's very comfortable you know it's i know it it probably it probably seems. i don't know spooky for some people but it doesn't but doesn't worry me i think you know it's it's something that will happen to everybody so you have to just. it's a reality you just take the rough with the smooth. gear has played a major role in his life he owns a brewery on the isle of man thirty years ago his brother built him the perfect car by converting an old tony into a beer bottle on wheels it's famous on the island then brunch wyler heard about a company that produces custom made coffins. it is a work of art and i feel very proud to have this is by its by far of the i love i love the fly things as well so. it's not like
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luxury. he had his custom coffin made six years ago. you can see it's been made by a craftsman all the individual little details of the world. everything really these little with screen wipers the mirrors i love that. it's all being painted by . the unusual coffin was crafted in nottingham here coffin manufacturer vic fern has created several hundred unique designs under the name crazy coffins together with his colleagues john voce designs and builds these models which are bound to turn heads at the cemetery this is going to be an airplane a handmade original like this costs between one thousand and thirty five hundred euros i think the most technical one is the rolls royce.
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because obviously all like even the mood gods we had to make foremost to to bend the ply round and cramp them in the glue them and then when the glue would drop we could take them off the foremost so a lot of work went into that. in the store room there are copies as well as original models waiting to be used the coffins help mourners identify what the dearly departed loved most in life or what his or her unfulfilled dream was. that guy awarded this was a big but poor fan football club. is very much a lawyer and he's been on quite a few exhibitions with this. but not every coffin has an amusing story sometimes the coffin makers get choked up especially when it comes to children.
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was a young child's musical instrument. and then you know that the child has suddenly passed away and we didn't have very long to make. it it's quite sad. john goes has yet to make a coffin for himself but he does have an idea in mind. if i could maybe one day probably be a ferrari racing call i mean to for henri's. but yeah maybe one day maybe one day i could make myself on the phone. but first martin branch wilder was hesitant to tell his wife about his funeral plans but then he created an exhibition about his brewery wanted to exhibit the coffin. my wife doesn't like it she thinks she thinks it's morbid she doesn't like to think about these things i like to think that when i do go they'll be
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a bit for everybody. knows so i'll make sure that there's plenty of beer available but i just think it's nice if we could. just make it is as easy going as possible he's made his final arrangements but martin hopes to be around for a long one here so for now the beer coffin is for demonstration purposes only. so what would your special coffin look like we want to know just go to our facebook page and take part in our survey now one weekend quite a short period of time to discover a european city what all its facets but most visitors are on a tight schedule so it's good to know before hand for to do and if you're a max report a maggot lee will show you how to have the perfect weekend this time around she's and proc to cavil off the czech republic even when it's cold the city has
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a lot to offer and meghan also found out why froch is considered the beer capital of europe. hello and welcome to my perfect weekend in prague. and it begins on the charles bridge the most photographed landmark in prague this ancient structure connects the castle side with the old town the czech capital lies on the banks of the vault top of the river . my first excursion is a boat ride on the river. from here visitors can enjoy excellent use of the charles bridge and prague castle. captain gabrielle bashi not only knows the city well he also knows his boat equally as well what's so special about it. it's one of the u.s. boats which are which the owner of the company builds it's really believe me
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the bend is the roofs inside a boat tour is my activity tip for a weekend in prague thank you very much it was a lot of fun. next time make my way over to the old town a unesco world heritage site since one nine hundred ninety two. on the main square you'll find an astronomical clock that dates back to fourteen ten large crowds gather to watch the procession of the apostles at the top of every hour. i've now climb nearly seventy meters to the top of the old town tower in my reward is panoramic views of the city including the impressive fourteenth century gothic teen cathedral. i really enjoy progs a lively atmosphere especially here in the old town square. statues that honor
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progs historic figures can be found throughout the city like this eleven meter tall tribute to the right. franz kafka it has forty two moving parts they're constantly in motion so it's difficult to take photographs. my culture to is a museum dedicated to the czech artist alphonse mohan is best known for his stylized and decorative theatrical posters of french stage actress sarah bernhardt . all this walking around has made me quite hungry lumen v.q. restaurant is popular with tourists and locals it's even got its own microbrewery manager of latin america and show is proud of his country's beer tradition. i seem to be on board with some like in germany oh and that's quite a statement. for which each person on the chosen probably
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suits if you drink more use my own dishes how many types of your do you have here just moments or ten are i certainly can't try all ten so i think i'll limit myself to just three. but. now it's time to try some of that hearty check cuisine the portions are huge i'm having roast duck three kinds of dumplings and another beer this is definitely my colon area to prague really be able to sleep well tonight. day two begins as sanch of emperor charles the fourth to trade as the founder of the city's university my tour guide points out that charles also had the bridge built that was later named after him. and these windows represent a darker chapter of progs history to get into the prague defenestration mark the beginning of the protestant bohemian revolt against the catholic caps. it also
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marked the beginning of the thirty years war in sixteen eighteen zero zero zero zero zero for the. i have seen prague castle from a distance and now it's time to head up there but why walk when i can travel in style i'm a really nice horse power hi lucy what have we got here this all time for all the yelling but all right sounds good let's go do. this district on the reverse left banke is called a stronger or lesser town we drive through the old brick streets towards the castle i could write around like this for hours but we arrive at our destination in fifteen minutes to. prague castle is the largest castle complex of its kind and today it's the official residence of the czech president. visitors can walk through a series of inner court yarns to arrive at same view this cathedral.
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numerous bohemian kings have been crowned here. not far away is one of proms most popular streets the gold lame name for the goldsmith's who once lived here. my must see sights are the charles bridge and prague cast. giving crystal is famous around the world american designer karen feldman has been working in prague since nine hundred ninety four for innovative designs and popular throughout europe what makes bohemian crystal really unique is their talent for engraving so lots of countries can flow they can cut but the czechs have the best and grey verse in the world my shopping trip for a great souvenir is bohemian christophe. i've had a busy day so now it's time to relax here in prague you can not only drink beer you
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can bathe in it. even hold the beer on side of the. and i'm also going to put it inside to make sure you can smell it if you want to it's a combination of eastwood's by sugar and a little bit of carbs which is basically the same mixture that we use for brewing the beer so there's no alcohol but you can drink beer if you want to hear about it is my specialty of and it's a relaxing way to top off a weekend. delicious or disgusting that has a lot of where you are in different parts of the will different things are considered tasty the surprising things people eat can be seen and moamar in sweden in a place called the disgusting food you instead of financial and steak and you will get a vomit back because if you're feeling brave you can taste the exhibits yourself so
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it might be a good idea to have this back and. and. later every visitor to the disgusting food museum reacts this way but exactly what triggers someone's gag reflex varies from person to person. and. in the sweetest city of the museum exhibits eighty two disgusting dishes from around the world including twenty six from europe such as maggot infested italian cheese. juice scottish haggis and chinese my swine. to taste a ghastly and often post the real thing out. there is fruit bats and salty licorice from sweden. who want people to think why it's my favorite food here it shouldn't be here it's not disgusting but everything is normal for someone
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all right we're going to open. a filipino egg where the duck fetus inside so if you got there around a bit we're going to open it then you will get to know a little bit more about their. system a duck egg that you're mature for this version of between five and seven days so it's mostly going to be a joke and then a very small foetus usually you eat this in the dark because people want to eat it they don't want to see what it is who would like to be first seriously it's not about. this there we go. oh sure the good taste tests are a major part of the museum's concept. here people are trying an icelandic specialty . or for a minute shark. will slip and they actually urinate through their skin so the flesh is full of eureka acid so you have to bury it for three months to make it ferment
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and to get rid of the euro gusset so once is fermented this is safe to eat if you eat it without fermenting as poisonous that is it's most poisonous it is more guns so goes like you're right. you. know. i don't know. if this is so. much milder than what i expected actually. very like you know. i just moved. yes just like just smoothes. fried fish. the disgusting food museum in maleness aims to help visitors overcome food prejudices and learn more about nutrition. and the museum in southern sweden certainly hold some surprises in store. i was mostly surprised to see one of my favorites turned this from my hometown there but someone will find it so disgusted because for me that's and it's amazing that it was not so much about to
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taste or to smell but some times like that seal that if it hurts in a sale and then you like the way you make something that's the way tastes are so now i've learned a couple of things upon your own country but i didn't know what system my sister told me that. in every market they so this frock jewels had no idea her sister. and visitors who possibly acquired a taste for bug tag or for a minute shark can even take some home with them. for once not and his own hosiery part of this journey. if you want to know how acts of primo business of vive the disgusting foot museum after tasting the dishes just go to our you tube channel you tube dot com flash the w u r m x there you will find plenty more crazy reports from all over europe can you guess what instrument this is.
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actually. not an ordinary one of bars mockin stuck out from northern germany was planning on building something called a different the result was an instrument of quite spectacular proportions. many guitar sounded good tell giant get made entirely of stainless steel and brass it's almost two and a half meters tall and weighs fifty seven kilos monson staccato is the man who built it. in for the experience and i wanted to experiment and see how much of a difference the size would make what would a guitar that big sound like from some of. the time guitar doesn't just require lots of cleaning and polishing it's also challenging to use you need a lot and
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a wrench to chin it. just making the instrument took full months. first i drew up a plan and i got a guitar measured it and decided to build it one to two point four and reproduce it to scale later. then came the top parts which thickness do i use for the ribs you could make how do i attach the strings. do you to it sonny is it takes at least two musicians to play the john could tell. most of it's fun. but a big challenge to the distances are long and it's hard on your fingers because you have to exert lots of pressure it's just different welcome of us. transposing the guitar into the studio is also a major undertaking martin still got normally makes when. the time to turn is
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a one off piece. to create it he sought advice won't you tell me but he still faced huge challenges like the welding scenes which had to be exact as to hearing the first sound was such a joyful moment a feeling of wow what is this how amazing. in the studio the huge guitar really comes into its. digital is the individual sounds so he can play around with them later on the computer. the bass the duration of the vibrations when you hit a string. vibrates a long time and that is such
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a cool feeling. one thing's for certain mountains took up the giant guitar gives new meaning to the top heavy metal. now too so to roll and all that it'll you can enjoy the mountains in many different ways skiing is of course just first thing that comes to mind but how about a visit to the loo in a brand new museum. at an altitude of over two thousand meters you will have breath taking views of the surroundings as well. jumping into the abyss of conquering this summer. scaling the sheer cliff face. they're all snapshots of the breathtakingly beautiful void of the mountains the new looming museum on the corner clouds peek in south a roll presents the history of mountain photography the museum purchased on the
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edge of the high plateau giving visitors a panoramic view of the dolemite and similar town alps the conflicts was recently named the most popular alpine ski resort of the twenty eight hundred one thousand winter season. sound to rolling architect galahad machination turned the old cable car station into a cutting edge museum with its own restaurant. it up with enough of you i was actually quite restrained with the architecture i made him so what was there and simplify the form of what the dance there was to be that i was consciously trying to restore these original forms that are typical of our alpine regions i don't think the complots can handle anything else. inside our magnificent vistas and spectacular displays the mirror room brings out the colors and structures of the mountains and repeating images.
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this is a hands on experience. a giant iris diaphragm and the station's former boarding area serves as a projection screen. the exhibit includes photos from around the world. such as mount fuji in japan. mount kilimanjaro in tanzania. glacier bay national park in alaska and mount kyle in to bet where people have a very unique relationship with the mountain as museum director to. adams explains it down there. and in other cultures mountains are very important because they possess a certain sanctity and i think they're often equated with god's. man callison tube it for example is a very well known peak reachable by pilgrimage tracks our idea was simply to collect these sacred mountains they rolled over from national geographic's archives
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and to display them here on panels and after that he and senior. in europe mountain hikers began taking cameras along in the mid nineteenth century one was of course was a lot of friends who climbed one blown with his brother in hundred sixty two back then mountain photographers had to carry heavy equipment and then have the hordes come out there has to take along a wooden camera and make the exposures and glass plates they took the chemicals with them as well as a tarp to set up a makeshift darkroom in common are so then of course there was the tripod they had to lug about two hundred fifty kilos up the mountain and that's been a victim. by the late one thousand nine hundred stem out is where attracting hikers in freighter numbers but mass tourism really hit in the one nine hundred fifty s. . most travelers feel that local dishes are part of the experience the alp in the restaurant inside the museum serves up cuisine in every sense
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typical of the region is barley result oil and alpine pasture cheese. the mountains can be experienced with all the senses on south heroes corn plants in a feast for eyes and palate surrounded by a vast panoramic view. was all for now but do check us out online you will find lots of reports plus information on how to win our xclusive euro max watch thanks for joining in and. and see you again next week all the best from me and the rest of the team. and. probably better.
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early on is a place for a party girl. really is a. her advice for shopping in queens. for a living is a magnet for working women. berlin is shaped by powerful women in. berlin is female. coming up w.
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golf life. silky skills. devastating counterattacks. phone trouble power. now for most of the fun trojans. the women's game is growing for the moment but some men still don't take them seriously when will own prejudices finally be overcome. in thirty minutes on d w. o. i'm not going to think. well i guess sometimes i am but less than nothing when that mean think stevens or gem a culture of looking at the stereotypes clad beginning of think the future of the country that i now long time. needed to take for this drama day out
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to me it's all that a new i'm rachel join me to meet the gentleman from d.w. . post. what's the connection between bread. and the european. nose guild montas e.w. correspondent and avid baker crop. cousteau and let's go about recipes for success and strategies that make a difference. baking bread. d.w. . an extravagant venue. and to those who really know their stuff.
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with me and to finish. the party and chat with musicians from around the world. make grooves every week double. venezuelan opposition leader want to i don't have caught on citizens across the country to travel to the capital caracas to step up pressure against socialist president nicolas maduro a massive power outage has heightened tensions in the country majoris supporters also took to the streets for a rival rally in the capital. fourteen people have been killed in a plane crash in colombia according to the country's savoy the ation agency the d.c. three.


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