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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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this is deja vu news live from berlin investigators find both black boxes from the crash ethiopian airlines flight they could provide answers to why the aircraft went down killing all one hundred fifty seven people on board the weather was clear the plane was new so what went wrong. also coming up venezuela's catastrophic blackout reports of a spike in looting and people dying in hospitals without electricity tempers are flaring as the country enters its fourth day of a power outage. plus a new opera gets provocative in more ways than one this updated very classic takes
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on europe's refugee crisis but the director missed opening day he was stuck in moscow and not by choice. i'm sumi so much gunboats good to have you with us both black boxes from an ethiopian airlines flight that crashed outside addis ababa on sunday morning has been located the boeing seven thirty seven x. eight jet went down six minutes after taking off bound for nairobi all one hundred fifty seven people on board were killed the crash has raised concerns over the safety of the seven thirty seven model involved a new design for boeing. after daybreak red cross workers retrieve the personal items of those on board the flight. while investigators recover the wreckage. a large crater marks the
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spot of impact a cattle farmer who was heading to the field witnessed the crash. i heard this big noise. the village said it was a plane crash and we rushed to the site. it was so much smoke that we couldn't even see the plane parts of it were does integrating and exploding so we couldn't get any closer. ethiopian authorities are leading the search aided by the u.s. kenya and others as the country held a day of mourning the airline announced they were grounding their seven three seven max fleet other countries are following suit because the same boeing model crashed just five months ago in indonesia. the victims of sunday's accident include people from thirty five countries in nairobi the united nations environment assembly paid tribute to their colleagues who died on the way to the conference. to be more.
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let us be free. to travel and work far from their homes and local ones who have made a bet the place to live there you know that nation's ofis at nairobi is ready to support all dispatch by this tragedy the crash has affected people across the world and they are hoping the investigation will tell them why their loved ones didn't make it home. our correspondent melanie credible is following the story for us from nairobi she has more information about the victims of yesterday's plane crash. this is the nairobi where flight three hundred two was expected to arrive yesterday morning this is about family friends and colleagues have been waiting for hours for their loved ones for a plane which never arrived and everyone has asked the question how could this have happened if you have been atlantis one of the biggest carious here in africa it's
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widely respected but reliability poured safety but only in the region but around the globe there are concerns growing however that something could be wrong with the plane model the boeing seven thirty seven next eight had only been purchased by. four months ago it is a brand new model that has only been delivered wild wide three hundred times but it is the second time in six months it has been involved in a major plane crash the last crash last year of the indonesian coast also just a few minutes after takeoff so the similarities a striking but of course it's too early yet to say who or what is to be blamed for this tragic incident. our correspondent melanie cried to ball there we have our aviation expert christopher coke here with us in studio now hi chris we mentioned that the two black boxes have now been located what are investigators looking to glean from that said it's two black boxes not one so first we have the voice
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recorder from the flight deck which records everything that's being said inside the cockpit. should be fairly easy to to analyze and secondly there's the flight data recorder which records hundreds of sets of data from from the moment the plane takes off so speed altitude training so. you know that might be more difficult to analyze because first needs to be determined which is still usable from from the recorder and once you have it it needs to be analyzed if it adds up to the picture that it seems to be and if this picture is. plausible of what happened on this on this tragic flight so i'm guessing if you're looking for a time frame couple of weeks tell us more about this plane max a boeing seven thirty seven max what can you tell us about the this model well it's hard to under state the importance of the seven three seven max for boeing it is
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a new generation of boeing's very successful seven three seven serious which has been around for over fifty years throughout the world flown flown by by many carriers by many airlines now the seven three seven max features a new engine type which is supposed to be more fuel efficient which is very important to airlines this is these these days and it has a backlog of five over five thousand orders with boeing so there's no other airplane that is in such high demand when it comes to boeing and what it has to store what countries companies are worth leasing china indonesia all announcing that they're going to to ground these boeing jets what does that mean for manufacturers it is no doubt a difficult time for boeing i mean any crash involving deaths obviously is but the question arising now whether this is a reoccurring problem with this with this fatal outcome is certainly
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a real crisis for boeing and you have to understand it is a really tough decision for airlines to ground the jet because obviously that means losing revenue but ultimately it is a decision whether over over passenger safety so the issue here must be really pressing for airlines to take that step and so far strangely enough or interesting enough has instructed his customers so the airlines not to change anything on how they handle the play so they say there's no new instructions no new manual just keep on doing what you're doing we stand by our product but if investigation shows that there's something systematically wrong with the seven three seven max serious boeing would have a real problem at their hands all right our aviation expert christopher koper thank you for your analysis. let's catch up now on some other stories making news around the world iran's president hassan rouhani has started a three day visit to neighboring iraq his first official visit as president he was
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accompanied by a high ranking delegation iran has emerged as an ally of iraq since the u.s. invasion that toppled the rocky dictator saddam hussein. japan is marking the eighth anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that struck its northeast in two thousand and eleven officials and members of the imperial family attended a memorial service in tokyo the disaster killed more than eighteen thousand people and caused a nuclear meltdown at the fukushima power station. spain has been marking the fifteenth anniversary of the terror attacks that killed one hundred ninety three people in the capital madrid prime minister pedro sanchez and city officials later rethought a memorial on march eleventh two thousand and four bombs planted by al qaeda terrorists exploded on four crowded commuter trains. a new report released today by the stockholm peace research institute or sipri says that global arms sales have grown markedly in the last five years the us the world's biggest weapons exporter has been a key driver of that growth it provides at least ninety eight countries with combat
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aircraft short range cruise and ballistic missiles and guided by. a study of global arms over the five years came from the us. russia takes second place with one fifth of global arms deliveries that's even though russia's weapons exports have declined the result of lower demand from india and venezuela says sipri from sin gemini come in third and fourth respectively german ships and submarines of particularly popular with south korea greece and israel. china too is a big player when it comes to arms exports it takes fifth place. meanwhile saudi arabia topped the list of imposes its imports of increased by one hundred ninety two percent over the five years may need you to the conflict with iran and the war in yemen. venezuela's opposition leader one guy though says he will ask lawmakers
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to declare a state of alarm that would authorize the delivery of international aid as a catastrophic power blackout has paralyzed the country the people of that as well are struggling to cope as police arrest an increasing number of people looting. shops in the venezuelan capital smashed up and picked clean of their contents. at this supermarket in south eastern caracas people accused of taking food including pasta rice and tomato sauce were among those later arrested by security forces for looting. scenes of desperation like this are becoming more commonplace in the crisis hit south american nation. compounded by a day's long power outage. mean that was. medicines were already in short supply now reports that the blackout has led to
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patients dying in hospitals also fueling rising anger at the government's inaction was that let me say a miniseries is in venezuela has a first and last name and it's nicolas maduro it's time to understand that the humanitarian crisis is not political it's social venezuelan's a dying because there are no solutions or why some sort meanwhile those fortunate enough to get power from a generator of finding new uses for their refrigerators. they move and they may have a refrigerator where was storing food but it can also fit medicines there are many people who need to store them at least as far as insulin is concerned i mean i can only saline i know. but many businesses have been without power for days with their fridges off food is rotting on the shelves forcing many shop owners to cut the losses they are living with again i'm giving this all away yesterday i gave away pizza today i'll give all this to the kids on the street i need to know that it.
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has the crippling blackouts drags on so does the blame game between the opposition and the president over his weigh ins can do now is wait for good news for. now to the day that shattered the small town of vincent and in southwestern germany ten years ago today a seventeen year old gunman stormed into his former high school and started shooting at students and teachers he killed fifteen people before eventually turning the gun on himself it was a rare and shocking act of violence here in germany which has seen three maskell shootings since the one nine hundred sixty s. many relatives and survivors of benenden are calling for tougher gun control for them a decade later the emotional scars remain. visiting the place where her daughter was gunned down ten years ago is still incredibly difficult for gisela meyer the day she heard the news of her daughter's death in the high school her life changed forever. if my world just fell apart if it pulled the ground out from under my feet
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i absolutely couldn't grasp what happened and it took months for him to understand that she was done so if i kept resisting the very thought of it could be up to. her daughter nino was one of fifteen victims that a gunman shot at the school and during his askey. she was a student teacher in the school and buried under twenty fifth birthday. the seventeen year old shooter had stolen his father's gun from an unlocked bedroom cabinet in the end he killed himself. today this memorial room pays tribute to those who lost their lives in this former classroom the gunman shot the students at random. gisela meyers active in the against violence in schools foundation to prevent such acts from ever happening again. one small step forward
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a stricter laws on private individuals storing firearms. trauma counselor i'll bet b. singer was one of the first on the scene after the shooting he helps students who had lived through the horrific experience process their emotions. i tried to talk with them so they could process what they went through. lead and i had to that's a principle of trauma counseling high's is also encourage people to express their feelings because it's far more harmful to suppress them to let them cry and scream if they need to realize we see those winds. in the decades since the shooting security measures in the school have been stepped up doors are more difficult to open from the outside and teachers try to identify challenging students early on. so much for example we have a school social worker who is deeply involved in a school. project name but social cohesion and getting along with others. relatives of the victims try somehow to go on with their lives. meyer has finally managed to
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find some inner peace. to top this point child the shooter came across as a monster but he was really just a young boy full of it because he didn't have the life that other said that image of him really helps me understand what made him commit such an evil as. this memorial called the broken ring symbolizes the suffering in winnenden a brutal cut a contemplate of place and the shadow of a fateful day. an indonesian woman held on suspicion of killing the half brother of north korean leader kim jong un has been freed after charges were dropped since the ice show was accused of poisoning kim jong nam with a nerve agent at kuala lumpur airport two years ago but another suspect from vietnam is still on trial. relief.
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even a smile city ayesha is finally a free woman often murder charges against her unexpectedly dropped. they have to feel so happy. i didn't expected. today is my freedom day the way. it was. the engine the shim was one of two women held on suspicion of killing came jong nam this strange tough brother of the north korean leader kim jong un. c.c.t.v. footage from february twenty seven teen shows him a kuala lumpur international airport in malaysia at this point it's alleged the women smeared the deadly nerve agent x. three on his face. here he's seen describing to security guards want happened and is a schoolteacher to the medical clinic at the airport just minutes later he collapsed
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he died on the way to hospital. the city i show has always denied murder claiming she and another woman were tricked into carrying the nerve agent by north korean spies part of a prank for a reality t.v. show we stew truly believe she's really a scapegoat and she's innocent. there was no direct evidence that she had played anything on you don't know the fact that those that will follow you not have to be in the city i shall vote for don t. one of the other person accused of kim jong un's assassination no such reprieve the vietnamese seen here on the left is sent to be traumatized that she has not also been freed. it's still unclear why c t i sure has been released but having faced execution she can now enjoy getting hand life back.
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earlier i talked to our correspondent boss and heartache who is following the story from bangkok i asked him what was behind the decision to release the defendant now . well it seems to me what's behind that decision is a letter by the indonesian government to the malaysian attorney general weighing in on city isis behalf saying you see thought she was part of a reality show she was playing a prank also citing the long standing and good relations between the two countries and placing the blame squarely on north korea saying that the north korean intelligence services made. their tool and that's why they are asking the malaysian attorney general to reconsider which he apparently did because the charges were dropped she wasn't acquitted but she was released what that means is that the trial could be taken up again if new evidence were to emerge for example but she is
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allowed to travel to indonesia so it seems to be that's it for her so we but as we saw another descent and a woman from vietnam is still in custody why was she not for a. very good question and also a question that her lawyers are asking as well saying they are they're requesting that the charges against her be dropped as well because she was charged using the same evidence and they're saying that following the principle of equality the charges against her should should be dropped as well and it's not only them saying that it's also her father in vietnam has spoken out and he said he doesn't understand it either why was the indonesian suspect released he asked and not his daughter so those are questions that are better still up in the air and we'll have to see how the malaysian authorities are going to deal with this if they're going to drop the charges against her as well so far they haven't. yes and heartache for us there in bangkok now the east german city of ken metz made international
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headlines last year after a series of far right demonstrations now the city is back in the spotlight after football fans held a demonstration in memory of a man who was a known neo nazi and will again. rest in peace tommy read the banner behind which some four thousand spectators devoted a moment of silence to a recently deceased local fun thomas hallow was responsible for stadium security in kenneth's until two thousand and six he was also a known neo nazi and the founder of the group who now an abbreviation that stands for hooligans nazis racists the group has operated openly inside the stadium in the past. i. can strike a daniel from celebrated his goal on saturday by sprinting to the bench and holding aloft a t. shirt bearing the slogan support your local who was the motif is a favorite of the far right in germany. the club has fined for on but defended the
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pre-match moments of silence claiming it was in no way an indorsement of thomas howlers views or behaviors but the local authority in chemist's owner of the stadium in which saturday's controversial memorial took place was quick to condemn the proceedings it announced in a statement commits is and remains a cosmopolitan tolerant and peaceful city we def or distance ourselves explicitly from all racist and far right actions and statements still endeavors to create a cosmopolitan image of candidates were dealt a serious setback on saturday. in the bundesliga two teams going in opposite directions met in hanover on sunday by leverkusen have been flying over the last six weeks and they got a helping hand from mother nature in their efforts to stay in the running for a top four finish. amid the blizzard and hung over some home funds didn't look too keen to get this one started. and even live
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a couzin flying under peter boss seemed as though they'd rather be elsewhere. but everyone loves it when they break the orange ball in a snow day especially it seems kevin fall and he made it one nil in thirty minutes after michel as a couldn't handle a slippery shot after a brief stoppage to clear the lines fall and was at it again lifting the ball over the snow and over to make it to no one twenty eight minutes. they might have cleared the lanes but nobody had managed to clear the penalty area as kinky how to get chief and to his chagrin. tough time so the boxes cleared away no. the japanese did eventually play his part in a goal setting up unit us to cut the deficit on fifty one minutes and the whole sensationally leveled in seventy three minutes after mitchell visor picked through his own net but one overs tale of war this season was to continue as chi haven't
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sealed the points for leave a coups and and went for a spot of sledging to celebrate leave a coups no still very much in the chase for a champions league spot while hung over looking creasing lee resigned to relegation . in sunday's other bonus like a match nuremberg traveled to hoffenheim a handball from norbert patrick harris midway through the first half set up a penalty for under a crime march to get off and find an early lead member responded after the break the team captain bevans levels things but when i'm came roaring back through andre courage to put the ball through the goalies legs for his twelfth score this season two one the final. now in the german city of hamburg the opening night of the verdi opera not vocal again with its director two thousand kilometers away under house arrest in moscow carol sarah brown accosts has relied on friends to carry out his vision for the production his updated take on this verde classic puts the plight of
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rescue refugees in europe front and center. of modern rendition a very nice classic nabucco set in the un security council teaming with six intrigue and spots. the slave chorus laments their lost home but in this update the original hebrew slaves have been replaced by actual refugees from syria and afghanistan. director kiro serb branded coffee is not able to take the final curtain he's under house arrest in moscow and can only send a video message. great opening thank you so much thought was this extraordinary moment in my heart. all carol serve brenna coffee is considered
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a punk among russian directors he's received international accolades but the outspoken kremlin critic was arrested in august of two thousand and seventeen charged with embezzling public funds he now has to work remotely from his moscow apartment. and for me it felt like we had a real director here have often worked with directors who seemed much more absent even though they were physically present the. rehearsal recordings for the director each scene from every phase of rehearsals was filmed and sent via a u.s.b. stick to moscow it was up to system director of guinea could logon to communicate serve brenna cuffs return video instructions to the team in hamburg but. everyone has their own opinion of the message. they see different meanings questions and answers. but there are certainly no clear message. but it certainly shines a light an outcast from our modern society putting actual refugees center stage and
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letting them voice an operatic call for freedom. as british lawmakers prepared to vote on tuesday on teresa mayes deal for leaving the e.u. one anti breaks that group along with their four legged friends gathered outside parliament to stage what they're calling the world's biggest dog's dinner they feel bragg's it is also a mass of the protesters support the call for a second referendum although the attendees that made it clear what they were thinking of the whole thing. becomes a writer minder now of our top story here on d w both black boxes from an ethiopian airlines flight that crashed outside to survive on sunday have been found the boeing seven thirty seven x. eight aircraft went down just minutes after taking off killing all one hundred fifty seven people. one for. coming up on d w news asia a malaysian court frees one of two women accused of assassinating kim jong un's
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past brother is the case about to fall apart. from her she will have that story and much more coming up on news asia in just a few minutes don't go away. the mother.
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climate change. the scene in the uk. environmental. biodiversity species on sufficient exploitation quality. human rights displacement the. local arts. global three thousand two hundred sixty minutes on.
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closely. listen carefully you don't know to suit your needs to get a good. match. discover the world. going to. subscribe to the documentary on you tube. look players. take. the stage going to troll going to games in a good game of power and money the competition is fierce close most important natural resource bluffing betting checking how long will they be able to play
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and who will win this thing we believe that renewable energy moves play an important role in the future. of poker game but you political mistake on starting munching on g.w. . this is good up there was a show coming up on the program murder charges dropped in a court freeze one of the two women accused of assassinating kim jong un's brother is the to your case of the fall of pop also coming up. it's been if yes it's an african tsunami triggered the rest of the fukushima nuclear plant.


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