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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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this is deja vu news live from berlin britain's prime minister makes a last ditch appeal to parliament for breaks that deal theresa may is about to address the house of commons before the crunch vote later today but with the doubts raised by her attorney general torpedo any hopes that her deal will be approved. i'm sumi so much kind of thank you for joining us here on d w where british prime minister theresa may is about to make a last ditch appeal to lawmakers for her bread still ahead of
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a crucial vote later today but its approval is now in doubt after a review by britain's attorney general jeffrey cox has said changes to the braggs a deal do not eliminate the risk that the u.k. will remain tied to e.u. rules indefinitely not specifically at issue is the so-called backstop agreement which sees northern ireland continuing to follow e.u. rules to keep the border with the irish republic open on monday a theresa may agreed with the e.u. that the provision would only apply temporarily while cox's legal judgment offered little to actually boost the prime minister's altar deal but he still urged lawmakers to come together. so are saying to the honorable gentleman it would be a good thing if we could hear from the labor party just occasionally more than just political shenanigans but. seems. with the real issues the disparate group agreement nar raises the question now mr speaker is
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do we assume our responsibility is a harsh i'm going lol not only this country yearning you see tears for us to move on but the entire wrong to our europe and to do that is to speak the tare must come to vote for greece do you care well that vote is looming today we have our correspondents covering the story for us is in london and max hoffman is in strasbourg good to see you both so good let's start with you there in london the attorney general stressing earlier that the u.k. has a good right to withdraw from any treaty as a sovereign state how important is what he has had to say today. what he's had to say is important even though views on regs that are extremely entrenched here in the u.k. so jeffrey cook's ugs is a question by one and he and he said it is entitled to leave but he also said as a law office i would not advise to break the law and he stressed that the u.k.
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wasn't this kind of country that that broke the law and you also said in this conclusion in his written conclusion that the kong just leaves if there is just you know it disagreement between the e.u. and the u.k. so he advises politically to support his i'm a steal he wants to move on he wants to get the deal through thoughts on a legal point of view he did raise well question marks and i think that is important for a lot of the m.p.'s who anyway are quite quite negative even to reason may's own party towards this deal here because you have been speaking to m.p.'s there outside parliament. day what have they been saying about the chances of this deal passing. well laid out the opposition pot i mean i said i'm going to take you off there because we are seeing theresa may just getting up to speak and let's listen in to what she has to say in the house of commons. mr speaker i big tears motion in the
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on the water paper in my neighborhood why rush on befriends. it has been eight weeks since this house held a meaningful vote on the brakes a deal on that and parliament sent a message the deal needed to change in response the government has worked hard to secure an improved deal that responded to the concerns of this house i took the concerns of this house about the backstop to the e.u. sat down with president your current president to ask i spoke to every single e.u. leaders saw multiple occasions to make clear to them what needed to change my mind on the friend the secular state the extreme the european union worked tirelessly with his opposite number michelle obama. my russian her friend the attorney general engaged in detail kleagle discussion with his counterparts in the european commission. the results of this work is the improved deal which is before the house today i will go on to explain in detail what has improved about the deal since january and why i believe it deserves the support of every member of this evening
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but first. place it. is one of the problems the house faced in the previous session with the attorney general that we were seeking legal status quo for essentially political questions and the political question that we now face is that if we don't pass this motion we stand to lose bricks it emits intelligent. people just makes a very important point a lot of focus has been put on the changes now come on to the fact that all of you can be binding changes as a result of the discussion since the house is very. on the twenty ninth of january . if you just make this mark but the rush limbaugh gentleman is absolutely correct the danger for those of us who want to deliver have to face the british public and deliver on that bret's it is that if this vote is not passed tonight if this deal is not passed then bricks it could be lost if i try to find our own friends giving
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way she may have shot lost her voice but is it not true you will be tired for a second referendum seventeen and a half million people would have lost their lives. can i can i say to my older friends will not be surprised given what he said you say from this dispatch box before but i entirely agree with him i believe it is absolutely important imperative for this house that we meet the decision that was taken by the british people in june two thousand and sixteen that we deliver on that referendum and that we deliver brecht's it for the british people and as i say there is a danger is the failure to agree a deal that actually could end up in a situation where we have no bricks it actually i'll give you a single gentle in an awkward way the prime minister forgiving thank prime minister for giving way. to was very clear in his press conference which he was
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sitting alongside of us so this is the and of the word from negotiation there is no further negotiation from here just the government completely except that i'm there for what happens if a vote if a motion is defeated tonight. can i say whatever is absolutely right that's what john called you said in his press conference it's what he make clear to me and to ministers it's what other leaders have made clear as well so as i believe tonight members of this house are faced with a very clear choice. and support this deal in which case we leave the european you . with a deal and i'll go on to explain why i think it's a good deal all risk no deal or no breaks it these are the options i'm not this is all noble members will just bear with me i will take a further intervention for the couple of interventions and then i will try to make some progress and i'm only two pages into my speech at the moment. with the prime
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minister during wait she will know that i didn't support the withdrawal agreement at the last vote and today i will support it forgive me prime minister forgive me i mean you see our stickley but i will support it because i completely agree with her that there is the danger of the brics it will be lost some it doesn't appear to be the votes in this house for no deal but the certainly seems to be could be the votes in this house for an extension of article fifty none of those would deliver they were for straits and delays and possibly stop it altogether can i say the main reason that i'm supporting the government tonight is there has been a definitive legal material change on the issue but it's still not to say the european union acts in bad faith in the u.k. canada permanently or on a temporary basis removing. bookmark marbles that is absolutely right i will come
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on to address this point and little later in my speech but it's very clear we've already seen a vote in this house that has said no to the deal and i think everybody needs to recognize for those who want genuinely still if it breaks it that actually if this deal does not go through so night then this house risks no bricks at all i give way i would give way for me in this stage the other lady and. mr speaker i am very grateful to the prime minister and the prime minister i think it's just spell out this hearts and that if we do not i deal tonight agreed tonight all they are good. something part of this which of the attorney general's advice about the buck stops those arguments become academic we will not even enter into the implementation period and begin to work on the alternative arrangements to do that and stop if we don't get a deal so we have to get a deal then the implementation period alternative arrangements join up period of
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time down to christmas of next year before we even contemplate a bus stop well a prime minister confirmed we needed to do it. again i thank the lady she is at it out very clearly for all the house and i'm sure every member of this house will of what she has said about. now no i said i would make some further progress because first i want to remind the house of the call and evidence of the deal on which these improvements. first of all the full reciprocal protection of the rights of e.u. citizens in the united kingdom of u.k. citizen selves wet in the e.u. delivered by the deal the implementation period that the animal lady has just referred to to give everybody especially business is the time to adjust and to eliminate a cliff edge when we leave that's to live by the deal implementation period the full control of the taxpayers' money that comes from ending vast annual membership
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papers to the e.u. delivered by the deal the end to free movement and its replacement with the skills based immigration system delivered by the deal at the end of the c j jurisdiction in the u.k. the end of the common agricultural policy for farmers and to the common fisheries policy for all coastal communities all of these are delivered by the deal the closest this moment closest possible economic relationship with our neighbors neighbors outside the single market in the customs union without business is able to trade freely without any terrorists quotas all rules of origin checks protection for the. just in time supply chains that provide the livelihoods of millions of families the ability to strike our own free trade deals around the world all delivered by the deal be the closest security partnership between the e.u. and any third country so our police and security services can keep on keeping us
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safe in a world that contains many changes delivered by the deal and by doing all of these things the deal sense and does something even more profound it sends a message to the whole world about the source of country the united kingdom. and. by within just anyone just. to our friends and allies who have long looked up to us as a beacon of pragmatism and decency. and message to those who do not share our values and whose interest was it says this the u.k. is a country that all those the democratic decisions taken by our people in referendums ad and in elections a great many grateful i mean should we grateful to the prime minister before she continues with this brittonic hyperbole can she tell me what changes have come what
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changes have come about to the agreement that were shot by the devolved governments in scotland and didn't wheels or with another toll. as the ultimate internet is a devolved government in scotland wants to ensure we stay in the night in the european union that is not a position that is not a position was taken by the british people and i believe as i just said that we should all the democratic decisions taken by the people i'm given a fine i'll give my file with and demands my people to try to see i should all recall i wished against the patrol agreement in january we used machine attorney general the research chief because. sessions to. get my constituents by christmas is once you a sad since it is what you want to see sefton say that the prime minister will not give in if they say peace of mind to. me as he gives the country about seventy five to sixty three. times as well and i'm very happy to give him that says and say as i
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said i believe that we should be delivering on the face of british people in twenty sixty but i also believe it is important that we get this this is my little friend to set the certainties of the future and there is only one sis and say if we do not pass this pope tonight and that is that i'm certain he will continue for our citizens. this is a good way. i asked the question of the prime minister about the unilateral declaration of my thank you for listening as i've been trying to make the case for the last two months but this a question i put to the china general which i think has not been on set the unit for decoration am i right in saying states that there is nothing to stop the united kingdom leaving the paxil if talks break down that is a very clear unilateral statement if the polls break down this it doesn't have to prove am i right in saying this that the e.u. has to prove good faith the disease unilateral declaration. and we do not have to
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use it was conditional because the e.u. has not objected and if we latest decoration the time iraqi occasion it is binding on the e.u. . and i see a smile to offend one of the key elements that spain relation to us has said is that this unilateral declaration has not been objected to by the european union that is that is what it shows it's legal it's legal status and it's legal basis and as peace as what we did say and that is that in circumstances in which it is not possible to agree a range of the future nation ship of the european union then the united kingdom. his recording is understanding that nothing in the ritual agreement would prevent it from instigating measures that could ultimately lead to disrupt the cation of appreciation relation to the invitation to the persian gulf now i will i will make some further progress before i give way again because this is a country we are a country where passionately held views do not stop us from making compromises to
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achieve progress we're a country that values both our national sovereignty and the break obama's of a shared history and an instrument of the future to connect us to our friends and snape is a bad deal would be even worse than any deal but best of all is a good deal and this is a good. this year. mr speaker members acknowledged many of the benefits delivered by the deal but nonetheless rejected it in january so let me now set out what we actually used to the deal on the table since the last vote on the rights of e.u. citizens we've waived the application fee so there's now no financial barrier for any even nationals who wish to stay as i said before they our friends our neighbors our colleagues about it much to our country and we want them to stand. on the rights of workers and on environmental protections assurances about the
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government's firm intentions were not enough so we have committed to protecting those rights and standards in normal and if the e.u. expands workers' rights we will debate those measures here in this parliament and that this house will vote on this we want to follow suit. in just a moment this poem is already set world leading standards and off we leave the e.u. we will continue to do so give way to. the raja lady for giving way and i hope the voiceless to the end of the speech and the do you see it just announced that they're not supporting her deal her room a r g. have announced that they're not happy with the deal doesn't she now think that she should have reached out across parts of the beginning to see a proper consensus across this country to give us a chance of moving forwards or will she now admit that this strategy is comprehensively failed me. to the honorable lady. to have been
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alternative approaches to the deal which is on the table that are being proposed they proposed the other week by the leader of the opposition that was comprehensively rejected it by this house has even though we have we have continues we have continued to work with members across this house and continue to work with members across this chamber to understand the issues that need to be addressed. and what we have bought on workers' rights is one example of exactly where. i know. i'm going to make some progress i know that so many members. i know that for many members on this side of the house and also for the do you pay the biggest concern is about a more difficult issue which defies simple solution the northern ireland backstop it is a complex issue that reflects the complex history of these islands and the long and difficult road that successive generations of british and irish people have walked
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down to reach the peace and stability that we have known for the last twenty years . i've talked in detail about the backstop many times in speeches and statements in this house and in northern ireland i've explained why an insurance policy to guarantee no hard core water in northern ireland is necessary. i know that there are a number of concerns about how it might operate none greater than the fear that the e.u. might seek to trump isn't it indefinitely. along with the attorney along with the attorney general in the backseat secretary i fought hard and explored every idea and avenue to address these concerns and. losing the time limit a unilateral exit mechanism all the replacement of the backstop with alternative arrangements. just in a minute but the house knows how complex negotiations work and also that you have to practice the art of the possible and i'm certain that we've secured the very best changes which available and as the honorable lady made clear earlier it's been
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absolutely clear this is the deal i give myself that. i promise to the king when she knows why won't you vote for the deal tonight because it will make my constituents poorer and less safe but on the specific issue of the legal advice from the city general over this complex issue of the north backstop she confirmed whether she was given preliminary it for use on saturday or sunday but he was unlikely to be able to change his advice in paris why the problem mr wished him to do. this i say to the honorable gentleman that obviously the attorney general has been involved in the discussions that we've been having with the european union but at the end of the day it is up to him to make his legal opinion and to give his legal advice in this house which is exactly what he has to appeal to right. right giving way he just said this is the deal it's not the case it is part of a very against this deal and then in the forthcoming days worth a very for an extension when that will certainly be incredibly bad for businesses
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who are desperate want an end to this uncertainty but also risk putting the ball into the east court for determining the terms of the extent. of it is absolutely right first of all all that would do is extend uncertainty but secondly it is not a guarantee that any extension would be agreed by the european union although they would agree an extension in the terms in which the united kingdom ask for it because because an extension has to be a great buy all of the passes and that includes the twenty seven members of the european union all good rating on the agenda and i. assure you no and i'll give you a moment if you can. cough sweet from the chancellor's well it's clear and you can see from the pages here it's clear from the prime minister's question was tonight and to lose badly which will drive this place and also jobs and businesses over the edge of a new deal it's a responsible thing to do not want to see not take stage so that we can get some
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kind of this kilometer and it is the way out of the situation where it is to have base with the british people and so the deal this is that is that they voted for the rest. of the way for the party that was the prime minister i should know as many of us would have preferred a circumstance where we could unilaterally withdrawn from this agreement that there's no to clause off toward the call to what the attorney general said earlier that means we're going to a circumstance where the deal of trust with respect to how we resolve the backstop and in particular over the issue of whether you will turn to arrangements group acceptable to the european union under public about some of those who temperatures once have previously been rejected by the union and republican controlled house who should be tempted well if you're just joining us here and been watching a theresa may making a last ditch effort to british parliament to get support for her banks a deal she said there is a danger that if the deal's not passed today brags it could be lost in our
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correspondence back at mass and max huff might have been a following this debate for us for good let's start with you we heard the prime minister speaking there she appears to have lost her voice it's been a very busy of past few days and weeks of course for her what did you think of her defense there in parliament. it's quite difficult to abstract from the loss of a vice you know is in no way quite symbolic one of her supporters. one of the leading backbench m.p.'s that's actually also how it's called a general election if she does lose the votes again so i think she knows even people who have been. really quite loyal to have been supporting her asking her to cool for a general election if she loses that something to reason may has again said that this is the best deal that was available and she is imploring m.p.'s to vote for her deal because she says only that can end the uncertainty can end the uncertainty
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for business also secure the future relationship with the european union which she said is in many ways so important also for security issues not just for business so she reiterate swan's again that it's had you know possibly no deal it remains to be seen how many employees will have swung behind you we've had several who said several conservative m.p.'s now in this debate saying that they didn't vote for a deal last time but they do want to vote for it this time let's see if she can change the numbers she lost by two hundred thirty votes last time a record lows for a british prime minister let's see what the numbers of this time in just a few hours time your brackets important to know one of the questions that was asked by an m.p. just now talking about a spokesperson for the d.p. the northern irish party that props up teresa mayes government saying that they don't believe there's been enough change to support this deal that doesn't bode very well for the prime minister does it. that doesn't bode well for it's all
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because no the irish and these other areas that many conservative m.p.'s will be listening to because you have to bear in mind that's really the question of the future of nor the knowledge and which is one of the crucial points of contention so if the northern ireland m.p.'s had said their backing to reason may there would have been a big hit songs for other conservative m.p.'s to follow them and to follow their lead but we know that the do you pay the northern irish party has said that they are not going to back the deal and also some of the more right wing conservative m.p.'s have said that they're not advising their members to vote for to reserve may's deal so this doesn't look very good for at school or at max let's come to you in strasburg now that's where the prime minister was last night of course sitting down with john karr junker hashing out a legal assurances changes to this agreement that she say were were significant yet
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there are doubts as we're hearing that this deal can actually be passed what are some of the reactions that you're seeing there. for now everything is quite quiet here in stroudsburg where the plenary session of the e.u. parliament is taking place at the moment everybody is waiting to see how the house of commons is actually going to vote although optimism and i can tell you that is not very high people don't think that this deal will pass today they do think that the margin won't be as large the rejection won't be as large as last time but yet it seems that theresa may does not have the votes to pass it if you talk for example to the social democrats here that are of course associated to the labor party in the u.k. since the labor party is not behind this deal either it's going to be very very tough for theresa may to get this deal passed so it's her last stand but it also is the last off for from the european union at least officially that's what many ministers said throughout the european union today that's what john cole juncker the head of the e.u.
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commission said on monday evening they so this gives you the sense it's a take it or leave it deal but if they don't take it what happens then that's the big question all right our correspondent and struck frank and i got lost in london thank you bill. and we'll have more coverage on the story at the top of the hour with bill gale stay with us.
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because. the fight for top spot the beach subtree point sabbahi not the be. buying season made on goal difference this mission for six newborn champions now. sixty minutes. how about taking a risk it could even take
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a chance on. don't expect a happy ending. the church. fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of. the children who have always been. and those that will follow are part of a new process. they could be the future. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made for mines. what's the connection between bread. and the european. no. matter e.-w.
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correspondent and the baker crowd. in mexico about the recipes for success strategies that make a difference. baking bread. d.w. . this is it of the news asia coming up on the program the u.n. calls for an inquiry into trying out detention centers. talk to minority muslims who fled persecution and intolerance in what we are calling twenty first century concentration camps also coming up. the anger time to homegrown militants. we talked to the family of the.


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