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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2019 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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this is the leader is live from britain's prime minister makes a last ditch appeal for parliament to save dale however the government's attorney general has raised doubts about whether the ultimate agreement with the european union actually changes anything. also on the program the european union bans the boeing seven three seventy eight from its skies joins a growing list of jurisdictions closing their respects to the passenger jets in the wake of sunday's ethiopian airlines crash and carrying around the world on the
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ground in the planning. of the new film tells the true story of a german paratrooper who became a football hero in england after the second world war to stop some of this here. i'm still going to welcome to the program britain's prime minister has made a last ditch appeal to lawmakers to support her deal ahead of a crucial vote later so he said nice that the european union had given her legally binding assurances that would prevent the so-called northern ireland stop binding the e.u. moves indefinitely but her statement was that with legal advice from the government's attorney general mrs may also want peace that rejecting the amendment could be amended deal could result in britain never leaving the e.u. of course that would be anathema to prominent press. yes like former foreign
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secretary boris johnson it was just addressed the debate in westminster as we come to the final stages it is absolutely vital that we retain our freedom of maneuver and we do want that for rule out a deal a delay would achieve nothing except to compound the uncertainties of business now is the time to speak up to the hague because what we are keeping the colony in the world the second biggest military power in nato by many counts the most influential cultural and intellectual force in europe and you know a to accept what i believe would be a humiliation of the subordination about what it meant. what about it from that he's voted against it let's go over this now with a w. correspondents barbara faisal in the london not so much hoffman instructs but welcome both of barbara is there any chance of this deal going through. no there is no chance and if you have just listen to parsons i mean this is boris
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being bars doing his worst and he sort of gets his importance in the tory party from sort of running up against a reason may steal it again and again over and over and that pretty much shows what the mood is in the in the lines of the hog breck's of cheers here they are going to say no again and she simply doesn't have the numbers there's some tories who have sort of changed tack and who say ok we're going to hold a nose and vote for a deal that we don't like and that we think is bad but better this breaks it then no breaks it but there are others and that's the hard core off the bracks to cheer group is going to say no again and so trees of may is everybody here says so sat again for three figure to defeat tonight and there's a very noisy crowd behind you barbara is it my imagination or right by the noise of them they usually are what's what's going on there. but that is the atmosphere of
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little bit like in a football stadium that we've had swallowed all these bricks of votes here and people coming out the protesters for breakfast and against frank said and they're chanting and good old british tradition tradition and either we want out we want outlets have rights it now and so on it's a farce and the other is the ones was the blue and yellow european flags that you can probably see him out there they just shot and we wanted people to vote because that is what a rather large faction of the opposition here in the now says that the only sort of way out of the di lemma is to have the people's vote to have a sec. referendum asked the british people do you really want this exit deal i do your other say ok let's forget about this it was a bad idea that center around that state and so this is what this is all about and it's going to accompany us through the rest of the evening i assume it's got squashed the whole thing is in strasbourg much that the e.u.
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has consistently said that there can be no change to the deal now they've said that they changed it but this is the last time so much difference between this amended deal on the one that m.p.'s voted down in january to be fair feel they did not change the deal or three talk about the deal as the withdrawal agreement so that divorce agreement that had been the go shaded for two years really and where the e.u. twenty seven so all the member states excluding of course the u.k. have categorically refused to change it all that they have to livered are additional documents to get interpretation or reassurance about things that are already written in the withdrawal agreement so does that sound strange to you that's because it is it is quite complicated but it's also the reason apparently why many of the members of the house of commons back in the u.k. are not convinced that this is what they asked for to be able to unilaterally quit the so-called backstop so this ensuring policy to avoid
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a hard border between northern ireland and ireland so that's the whole conundrum the e.u. has moved but just a little bit and it says this is it so meanwhile a new commission president. seems to be stirring the pot this is quote he's quoted as saying that if pollan fails to back this latest plan then there might be no printed at all what's he up to. it's like a pressure cooker i believe the many share this opinion that what teresa may enjoy include yoko we're trying to do is to increase the pressure to a tipping point where enough tories and enough members of the house of commons would say ok this really is our last chance and if we don't do this than either we won't have a briggs at all for hardcore brigadiers that will be bad or we will have no deal breakers which would be bad for those that see compromise or even members of the labor party it appears that they were being able to increase the pressure enough to
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have that effect but that's what it was all about it was about this message take it or leave it this is it and if you don't the consequences might be a disaster not only for those that are looking for a breakthrough with a deal but also for those who just want to make sure that there is a break at all ok barbara plays well in london so there's a vote in about an hour walk us through what's going to happen today what will happen if possible to actually vote against theresa may still. won't will happen still if i were a prophet i could tell you however there is of course there are of course a demo off options up there one is going to have new elections that's what some senior chary say at the moment another one as we will in the end really have a second referendum the most likely and the sort of here is is there if there is going to be an extension to the brakes it period it's not going to happen on the
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twenty ninth of march and far less that is or has already become impossible from me or it will be later in the year two it's the end of year it might also never happen nobody knows who ever you ask here the most seasoned commentators and how many watchers here they don't know what the next thing will be here every sink and showing them a could be out of office tomorrow we will see it's fun and games in london as we have seen this for three months now above rehearsal and in london but in strasburg thank you bill. full coverage. on the coast from the top of the next hour let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making news around the world the european union's aviation safety agency has joined the growing list of jurisdictions suspending the operation of old boeing seven three seven max eight and max nine craft and european air space
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restrictions full of sunday's fatal crash of an ethiopian airlines max eight. hours they say they're concerned that they're receiving insufficient information from that investigation many lines of oh so nice about grounding that max a it's affecting nearly half of the three hundred seventy four planes currently in operation around the world. more from stephen beardsley from a business department welcome so the american f.a.a. the federal aviation agency has said that these planes are safe but it doesn't look like the rest of the world believes i'm right and these are regulatory authorities exercising the authority that they're supposed to have i mean they see the public basically afraid after two crashes of what is linked to these aircraft and they're reacting proactively the f.a.a. is being seen as not acting aggressively enough right now and frankly it's been seen as not having acted aggressively enough in regards that this model is the seven thirty seven max was an upgrade of the seven thirty seven. and one of the
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things that was changed was that one of the program acquirements i should change i should say was that the plane would not be changed enough so that pilots would have to be retrained because that's expensive for boeing and so that's what happened they made a bunch of changes they moved the engines to the front for example closer to the front should say but the f.a.a. boeing that pilots would have to be retrained and now after the line air crash in october there was news reports that looked critically upon you know a lot of pilots thought they should have been retrained that there were some basic dynamics in the plane that had changed themselves and the. this now could be cropping up and looking like a sore spot for boeing for the f.a.a. in terms of possibly cutting sort of corners or cutting safety issues safety concerns for the for the reason of cost that's the narrative risk right now ok so no boeing this is this is just disastrous for them does not good i mean look at the share price and you can see it's falling today just like it was yesterday this is
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a huge moneymaker for them this is one of the fastest selling planes that they've ever had the seven thirty seven max is there forty six hundred of these planes are waiting to be delivered to these airlines and if the ones that are in flight right now or in operation right now are being grounded then certainly no one is going to take delivery of new ones some we're already seeing airlines starting to cancel that or suspend that right now so you know these airline programs they are built up over years they take a long time to come together to develop profitability and billeted and for the earnings to really replace how much goes into it and suddenly suspend it and stop it you see what it can do to a company like boeing be very serious remember there is automatically a tension in an aviation company like boeing when it's investigating crashes right it needs to make money but there's also an issue of safety here and that's why the f.a.a. comes on stephen basically thank you so much. a new film called the keeper tells the story of a former nazi paratrooper
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a prisoner of war who became a footballing hero in england after the second world war but truckman was interned by the allies but his talent for goalkeeping during recreation parents brought him to the attention of talent scouts and eventually led to him playing for manchester city's f.a. cup winning side. as portrayed in the film bad troutman was in the parachute division of the german army where he had won medals for hero is a. after being captured towards the end of the second world war and sent to a british p.o.w. camp he was still a die hard nazi. troutman is portrayed by german actor davi cross who is a self-confessed soccer fan and player the real truculence talent was noticed at the p.o.w. camp and he was taken on by a local side not easy considering the mood in britain play football the gulf. so well we cannot least pretty. words.
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you know i know this i am troutman soon got to know what democracy is and change his outlook on things but that didn't mean that he still didn't have to fight prejudice and sometimes pure hatred simply because he had been on the other side. the director marcus miller had actually met the real bad troutman years ago when the idea for the film first came up. vias dot com he told me how it happened but also how it was to be a youngster back then and the hitler youth especially is a great see or some abused in the middle they offend about the brainwashing. and how he only came to his senses amid the horrors of the war vias he thought when it was really too late if when that was on the focus was simply on survival even after being accepted by the local teams trod on had to face even more prejudice from the coaches daughter and she blamed germans for taking her from the dance floor to air
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raid shelters. and drop that danced with you then start on some fantasies. and in this case love really did conquer all the to eventually marry. then came troughton's biggest career coup being hired by first division side manchester city yet people first protested but eventually relented and gave a chance and that pay dividends the team went all the way to the f.a. cup final in one nine hundred fifty six and despite troutman literally breaking his neck in the game he stayed on the pitch and manchester city went on to win it three one also making top on a legend. and also ensured a terrible family tragedy but from that too he could move on. troutman earned many honors both in england and germany he passed away in two thousand and thirteen at age eighty nine but with this film his legacy could well live on.
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a business africa is up next i'll be back at the top of the of course so when the websites. for a day. sex make. raring to me. if there is any erotic benefits remember you have to find it between the lines. of literature on the german streets. to the new euro max new to channel.


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