tv Kick off Deutsche Welle March 12, 2019 8:30pm-9:01pm CET
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long enough to enable the issue to be put back to the people here this afternoon the first minister of scotland told the prime minister that in the event that the deal was voted down again we wouldn't give each constructively odd sensible proposals these proposals must include another e.u. referendum here mr speaker can you advise on what options are open to the house to bring these proposals forward swiftly and the interest of time we have a responsibility to end the odds. so that was the that's a bit of the scottish national party westminster so you've been watching the vote in parliament we've heard the result our piece of voted to reject the maze deal three ninety one votes to two forty two a majority of one hundred forty nine with me in the studio. for us to whiting in. london we have bob
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a very so let's start with with you alex how bad is that one forty nine majority against the for first off from what i understand that is the third largest u.k. political defeat in history that the biggest defeat was in january then there was something back at the beginning of the last century and then tonight so that was significant that was higher than people had been predicting they around about lunchtime i mean it it's it is very bad for trees i'm a voice when she was then responding to vent to fate. said it all she barely has any voice left. saying she profoundly regrets the results of this vote and then talking about what she's going to be the next steps over the next two days in parliament with the first step tomorrow giving m.p.'s the chance to vote on
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whether they will accept or not accept to no deal bricks it but she the wording is that this house declines to approve leaving without a deal so very clear that she does not want that to happen and she has offered her own side to the conservative party a free vote that means she's not going to tell them how they should vote on this but it's pretty clear that the government does not want the u.k. to leave without today although if it is accepted tomorrow night in parliament which is unlikely but if it is that would become the default. that's what the government would have to support ok barbara and london. we heard from jeremy colgan them but they do have the opposition also from the scottish nationalists presenting all sorts of options now it's all about options on the table what do you make of what you've been hearing. yet it seems that germany carbon isn't really sort of sticking to the party line right because the last point
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had been of the labor party to say we are now pushing for a second referendum and he was always sort of like zooming in all over the table back in left and right and force and and talking about to soft laverick so that he is still dreaming off that should have been could have been negotiated maybe two years ago and he was talking about that in elections could come that is now of course possibility that's much closer than it was like three months ago when he first pushed for it he was talking about he was mentioning the second referendum but this was not very directed it seems that jeremy carbon can't really make up his mind what she wants now and that is that pity because if britain had at this point it against this very weak and split government headed in a position that really knows what it wants things wouldn't be so chaotic but looking at the situation from here now it seems that chaos reigns and it will
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continue to do so all fall while because it is unclear where the what the house once we will however as alex said before is the probably and all likelihood see a big majority against no deal tomorrow night and so that will be then stopped but what comes after that is so jeremy corbyn really wasn't very helpful tonight and the interesting story so may i said that she's not going to tell her m.p.'s what to do in these coming from. because it doesn't look like they're listening to her anyway and she's being buffeted by events rather valen leading them and this is a very weak prime minister. she has lost control of this months ago but true through sheer bloody mindedness and sheer stubbornness she just kept pushing and pushing the can down the right road and also pushing the european union
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for the further concessions so she really stuck at it she really kept trying which some people admired her and i will say it is just a useless attempts to sort of it she the impossible and she did not do what she should have done much much earlier reach across party lines and forge some sort of sensible compromise that can find a sensible majority in parliament that would really carry this breaks it over the hurdles if that's what people want but she's still trying to sort of keep our party united to keep her hard line incident board and that is now in the end her downfall because each get again they deserted her tonight i mean that is quite clear and so to reason may is so weak she has now completely lost control she had to give the the open vote she had to tell people you can do what your conscience tells you because she knows that it is lost anyway her cabinet might walk out on her tomorrow
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if she hadn't done that so it's a reason may really has come to the end of her life ok so. the things that we know what we know the moments of of the three questions that we know just deal no deal or extension so we know that parliament has said no to the deal what do we expect from the next two votes on the no deal on the expose on the extension but. it's quite clear that there is a big majority in the house against a no deal. all moderate stories you do not want that because they know. it would be economical it catastrophic whatever the hardliners say and they they know that their constituents at home and that's the people they need to watch out for and the people they need to listen to that they would be really hit badly by this and that there would be a horrible revenge against them in the next election so no they don't want this there will be a very big majority then the next step has to be because we are i mean let's let's
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think about that keep this in mind two weeks before the official breaks the days like fifty sixteen days to the fact that now the next step has to be then the demand for an extension and then again it becomes very fuzzy for how long do they want to extend what do they want was the time they gave what is the plan there is no plan b. so if things are hazy things are chaotic they are difficult and you really do not wish this situation on any of you neighboring countries. thank you let's go to a strasburg join. so that's right some may. do amended deal has been defeated what does this now mean for the. well first of all some parliamentarians have already stopped by here in the media zone where we are and i would say the one word that sums up the reactions here is
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frustration because it's unclear still unclear to many year what the u.k. actually wants as barbara just described they have rejected the deal that i would say a large majority in the european parliament feels is a good compromise is something where the e.u. took many steps forward towards the u.k. to find this compromise rejected again and at the same time they want to exclude no deal bragg's it so that leaves us in a position almost exactly the same position that we have been before and it also leaves the e.u. rather helpless if they keep the position that this was it that this was as far as they were able to go there will be no third chance remember that's what drunk at the head of the e.u. commission on monday in this very town in strasbourg so if that is the truth really there is no option for the e.u. twenty seven they just basically helplessly you have to watch what happens what
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unfolds in the u.k. of course they can prepare and make sure that their countries are not as affected or the least affected as possible but other than that really more than ever they feel like the ball is in the court of the u.k. . we're going to come back to you very shortly not so hoffman in strasbourg and i thank you in the studio with me forest wise thing the next for any politician on no deal we expect parliament to buy a huge majority to vote against the notion of a no deal then somebody has to put something on the table well then on thursday this is they will then come to the third reason i promised a couple of weeks ago which is on whether they whether parliament whether m.p.'s support an extension. a delay to bret's it so extending article fifty if they support that and she has to ask the e.u.
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brussels whether they will accept an extension of article fifty whether they will agree to what delay of bricks it into a delay to bricks it and that needs or twenty seven other members to agree to that it is i think likely that that will happen however it is absolutely key as to how long do they want to extend to and there is this big issue of whether all of these european elections coming up at the end of may and so it is very difficult for the e.u. as well as max is that. barbara faisal in london is anyone going to be happy about the defeat of this given that we're now looking into this enormous void of just speculation. i did hear a cheer behind me right after the result was announced in the house from the pro europeans the people it was the blue or yellow flags here in my bag and they were
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just sharing and singing and sort of screaming yeah just being just happy because they you think that they want my step closer and that is a second referendum because they say british people the majority has changed it has shifted the mood has shifted and if you look at some polls it might have turned around you would have fifty something percent of british people begin leaving the european union and this whole thing could yet still be sort of thrown over and completely sort of lead on the dust heap of history that's what they hope obvious of course if you listen to the hard line breaks the cheers think that this is the biggest disaster ever and it would be treason. crissy and some. be a good trail off the principles off the british country so that the country is
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deeply divided nothing has changed on that front we've seen this since november when the deal first came on the table and it is just still prove a sieve as ever not only intolerant do you see to see people beat each other up and sort of hit each other over the head was their principles but you'll still see it in families with and friends and people on the street there is nothing else change and treason may talks about uniting the country she hasn't really done anything to bring that about and it's not going to happen very soon barbara in london thank you so much. so i just arrived you know where we are so parliament and britain has voted two forty two to three ninety one against three somebody. said withdrawal to last a one hundred forty nine majority against it we'll have more on that before the top of the hour first let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world u.s. brought syrian forces say some two thousand fighters in the so-called islamic state
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have surrendered to them during the battle for backers earlier syrian troops killed dozens of jihad he said heavy fighting the village in eastern syria is the last pocket of territory still have by the extremists. you're describing syrian forces say they've killed at least thirty eight in two hottest in heavy fighting in eastern syria syrian democratic forces have been closing in on the town of backers for several weeks now it's the last pocket of territory held by the so-called islamic state. just so i bring that to you twice a german public broadcasters that. has restored the press credentials of its istanbul bureau chief a year of the process took his initial refusal to do so problems with the german government to complain about restrictions on press freedom is the browser says he will be turned to istanbul to return to return to work soon. u.s. secretary of state mark pompei was announced that washington is to withdraw all remaining diplomatic personnel from venezuela which is of the country's
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deteriorating situation political turmoil has increased the increase that last week around the country's electricity create largely collapsed president dora has suggested u.s. sabotage is behind the blackout. the. court in belgium has given a life sentence to a gunman who killed four people out attack on the jewish museum in brussels meth the states the attack in twenty fourteen after returning from syria where he suspected of having fought for so-called islamic state. of the european union's aviation safety agency has joined the growing list of jurisdictions suspending the operation of all boeing seven three seven max eight and nine aircraft in european aspace they restrictions following sunday's fatal crash on ethiopian airlines max eight national authorities say they're concerned that they're receiving insufficient information from the investigation many airlines have also announced
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that they are granted grounding that knocks aids affecting nearly half of the three hundred seventy four players currently in a ration around. so it is a reminder of a thought story british prime minister theresa may has that her breakfast deal has been dealt a second harsh blow by the u.k. norman his version of three hundred ninety one to four two hundred forty two against the withdrawal agreement which is may claim to have run decisive changes out of the european commission president from forty on monday night is register a vote to defeat by one hundred forty nine votes is actually an improvement over the first withdrawal of a back in january in which she was defeated by two hundred thirty pounds a spokesperson for europe for the european council president dole said big problem it's a second rejection. you can't do a significantly increase the risk of a damaging no deal divorced.
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let's get more of this disastrous defeat for the british prime minister from a deed of loose of bricks and supreme force to whites and. other responses from brussels from the e.u. . chief negotiator michel barnier yeah he's clearly very unhappy about this defeat saying the basically nothing more that that the that the e.u. that the commission can do but said that no deal preparations are more important than ever because there is as the prime minister's reason they made it very clear in his statement after that defeat that at the moment the default position is that the u.k. leaves the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march that is in just seventeen days time with or without a deal in less there is a change within parliament in this vote tomorrow and and if the u.k. can come to some kind of agreements there are
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a lot of hurdles still to get through to stop a no deal bricks it we know that a majority of m.p.'s in parliament do not want to be a no deal bricks it however we also know that to resume is giving m.p.'s on her side a free vote so that is allowing those bricks it is those m.p.'s who are hard line euro skeptics to vote for a no deal if they want to now we still believe that a no deal is going to be taken off the table by parliament but you know it is still the default position so they may say we don't want to be a no deal breaker but is that legally binding and i think it's very unclear what we will be the next stage we know that own thursday she will then if that is defeated she will then put it to m.p.'s do they want to extend article fifty and that is something that she always said she did not want to happen but she also was not in favor of a no deal brix it but this rover. very confusing because that as you say that will
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be so we've had to do was have a deal votes the no deal versus tomorrow if if we if parliament votes against no deal i they want to deal that on. the next that expert who be on whether to extend so everybody can can get their heads together and come up with something support of on the on the table ok so that's all going on and one of the options that the has come back and back and back and we heard a little earlier in parliament there is this notion of there being another referendum another bracks vote yes but very interesting jeremy corbyn leader of the opposition who before a couple of weeks ago was pretty much forced to say that that would that they would now have to support some kind of referendum did not mention that in his response to two reason may's statement and that is very worrying for people who want that to be a second referendum because without official labor support they will not get it
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through so really at the moment phil all i can say is that everything is yet again to play for we are kind of back to where we started because there is nothing set in stone apart from if i keep saying the u.k. is leaving the e.u. in seventeen days time in less something dramatic happens and they get an extension or they somehow come to an agreement among themselves but then they'd still have to get a brussels if they if they want that to be changes to a gray said they would have to be a delay and so what is that the right will will will come. to that let's go to strasburg we're joined d.w. our correspondent. hoffman so. ok looking for look you have not talked to him. all right very much so there is the very so we're going to stress brooke to talk
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about. first watching we will be buried with you of the biggest problem that the east sorry to interrupt the biggest from the e.u. the brussels are going to have is that they have these european elections coming up at the end of may and the last thing that they want to see at the moment is the u.k. to have to put up any piece of politicians for parliament because they are worried that the likes of nigel for raj who used to be the head of ukip the u.k. independence party who really pushed the conservative party david cameron the former british prime minister to call for this referendum in the first place he is the one who it was a lot of what he was saying that is push them towards it and you have will have more and more hardcore breck city is who do not like brussels standing to make the point that brics it means bricks that the people voted for this in twenty sixteen
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and this is what has to be to live it so that makes it very very difficult for the e.u. also the e.u. making it very clear to the to the u.k. to to reason made to parliament what do you want and the problem is parliament doesn't know what it wants because there are so many ideas and at the moment that has not been the opportunity for there to be across party consensus on what is the way forward so now we are going to see more and more m.p.'s trying to take control trying to wrest control from to raise them a who as we had tonight was almost speechless she has lost her voice which is simply of what is going on at the moment for the government in the u.k. and they will have to be a kind of middle way we know that there are conservatives we know that there are labor m.p.'s who are trying to work together to forge a kind of soft bricks it something that wouldn't be as hard as to reason may's withdrawal agreement so that is something that will certainly be put on the table let's let's let's pick up forward with the barber of. london. let's let's make sure
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we can get a first of all because i've been down this path before bob revisal in london are you amongst those present. actually i can repeat the question still because i have to i go because you know i was just like you a bitch that you were there barbara so let's throw this another when you know we are ready to talk to you now that we know the. politicians does not want to race and may steal we know that parliament is likely to say tomorrow that they don't want no deal less because from the point alex of us watching was just just making that there's no consensus around what's parliament is for what are the ideas floating around. the ideas have been floating around for months and that was the main ben of contention for their european union throughout these
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negotiations one you listen to brussels i mean every time we should have our new came out again and said london is still negotiating with itself they should tell us what they really want and then we can talk about that and it seems that good two weeks before it breaks a date the british still don't know what they want at least polman doesn't really know what it wants there's no clear majority for any solution that would sort of make sense they might maybe and we haven't tested that be a solution for it staying in the customs union there might even be a majority we don't know this for staying in the single market like norway and there has been a push for since quite a while for what they call here is a series of indicator of the that means to sort of test all these different options and ask the house now do you want to do you want to be there you would see now
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which way do you want your cake baked in the end should it be apple cake or should it be cake with chocolate you know and they really have wasted all us time evolved ideological differences and not being practical and so. we really need to eat this at the end we somehow have to figure out what kind we want and this is the position that pall of it is now and time is running out they do need an extension whatever sort of time frame it means but they do need time and they really need to sort of discipline themselves now and say this is for real this is now about the life of british people on the silent and we have to figure out what the future can look like a dog professional is it a given that the e.u. will necessarily grounds an extension. it is a given that the e.u. would grant an extension by we have to keep in mind that the e.u. really is absolutely sick and tired of the sky and off this sort of running in
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circles and going back and forth and saying yesterday and no tomorrow and then hearing something else and being pushed again fall further concessions and so on and so for us they really don't want this anymore so they will grant an extension bought monreal much wrong for instance the french president is quite clear on that point it is going to be one extension is that going to be easier is like let's have three months first and then maybe another half a year and then maybe what else. the british side will now really have to palm and and the leading politicians here will just have to sit down and say now what is the plan they need to make a plan do they want to indicate if those do they want a second referendum do they want new elections whatever but they have to make a plan and then they have to present it. and then they will be granted that extension that's the way it's going to play out. in london thank you so much
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a final word to you i like for start watching here in the studio so. in twenty seconds. how bad is this for the prime minister it's extremely bad for the prime minister we knew that she was going to be defeated tonight we didn't know by how much she was defeated by a hundred and forty nine votes seventy five conservatives those on her own side voted against her and only three labor m.p.'s voted for the deal alex forrester watching at the interview process of paper thank you thank you brad gough will have more.
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for minds. i'm not often kept at the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up in the winter it up and then thinks deep into the german culture of looking at stereotypes aquatics appears think it's future country that i know not. yet needed to be fixed in a scrum a day out you know it's all about a box i might show join me to meet the german fun beat up you. post. the players. table to the stage petroleum. in a game of poker money the competition is the most important natural resource . betting checking how long will they be able to play. with.
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