tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 13, 2019 8:00am-8:31am CET
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this is deja vu news wire from burlesque britain faces a no deal brax a vote today after treason may second crushing defeat in parliament lawmakers will decide on whether to leave the e.u. with out an agreement after two years of negotiations last night the prime minister's final deal to leave the e.u. was rejected by a massive margin also on the show. it was supposed to guide and protect his flock and said one of the catholic churches most senior clergymen has been jailed for six
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years for sexually abusing boys in australia. and the european union bans the boeing seven thirty seven max a from the skies the new joints much of the world and closing their space for the passenger jet in the wake of the plane's second crash in five months. plus in a d.-w. exclusive we talked to the family of a kashmiri suicide bomber who brought india and pakistan to the brink of war military and police matter rests and tortured people it forces people to resist that's why people want to join the militants everybody wants to pick up a gun. look at what's fueling the decades long feud over this disputed region. our brian thomas thanks so much for joining us the british parliament. votes today
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on leaving the european union without a deal on their future relationship this follows last night's rejection of the latest and final agreement prime minister theresa may secured with brussels m.p.'s voting overwhelmingly against her proposal delivering another humiliating defeat to an embattled prime minister. it was one of the biggest parliamentary defeats ever for a sitting prime minister many of the dissenting votes came from within prime minister to resign may's own party as the results were announced it was clear may had lost her authority and her voice on a point of order this is because i profoundly agree the decision that this house has taken tonight i continue to police that guy for the best outcome is the united kingdom least the european union and an orderly fashion with the. lawmakers were frustrated that ray had earlier failed to secure a watertight agreement in stroudsburg to limit the so-called backstop that would
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keep northern ireland in a customs union with the e.u. for you opposition leader jeremy called and said the defeat signalled that mace time was up the prime minister's run down the clock on the caucus when run out on her maybe it's time instead we had a general election and the people could thank you thank you thank government should pay now you came lawmakers face a vote on whether to leave the e.u. with no deal at all and some european leaders see that as highly possible and better than giving into the hardline brick city is. a likelihood of ability perhaps it is more than fifty percent i'm sure that this is what i feel but again the damage that this would cause would. bail in comparison with the damage that would be caused by conceding basically the destruction of the single market to british public is just as divided as their politicians with just sixteen days to go to the break the deadline no deal could be just around the corner. how close by that be
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joining us now from london is the w.'s big mohsen from starboard max off and good morning to both of you bigot let's let's start in london we saw a massive defeat for theresa may last night what's it looking like today for a possible no deal bracks. well received in the government and absolute disarray over bricks in the whole palm and absolutely cannot agree on anything and no deal breakers that is the default position that's just what's going to happen if there is no solution if there is no agreement here and also with brussels so that is still the position that at the end of march and that's just in two weeks' time the u.k. could crash out of the european union however for parliament here in london for many of them it's absolute horror scenario and they really they want to prove they
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want to pray they know it's going to have grave consequences for jobs for businesses possibly for the whole architecture of the european continent so they want to revisit and there's going to be a vote later on today and it's expected that no deal will be off the table at least as far the wishes of the u.k. parliament are concerned ok max what happens if there are them and says no to this if there's kicking down the road of what is now a very battered can this point will brussels give london more time if it wants a delay. well first of all the british government would have to apply for an extension of the so-called article fifty period basically delaying brags that there is a lot of sympathy for that here in brussels and i mean strasbourg at the moment at the seat of the euro car with european parliament so same year but leaders in the you have repeatedly said they needed
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a reason for that if the only perspective was that at the end of this extension period everybody would be in the same position then granting that extension isn't really a given for example a possible reason would be a second referendum or snap elections having said that most people we talked to believe that a technical extension for a couple of months maybe would be given because if you go beyond may then you get in trouble because in may we have european elections to determine the new parliament in this city in strasburg and what happens if the brits are still part of the e.u. that. just listening to max there is so much uncertainty here and teresa mayes been the one who's been at the helm for two years that's led us down the road to this uncertainty what kind of pressure she under right now could she be forced to step down as a result of all of this. of course there's a lot of speculation that she might be forced out there or even some of her
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loyalists who have come out yesterday and who said well it is time for a general election if the government cannot command a majority in the house of commons on such a really vital issue and we've had just opens ition jeremy coogan the leader of the opposition the house of parliament you fashion of a new piece he's of course also asking for fresh elections and the privatised his future very much insecure however there are others also in their own party who are saying well whoever thinks that they can negotiate a better deal they live in fantasy land so the question is you know who can do it better there isn't an immediate successor there's already sort of stepping down there are of course speculation for example porus johnson former foreign secretary might throw his hat in the ring but this is all speculation for now the prime minister has shown to be extremely resilient throughout this process she's already
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suffered a massive defeat before this defeat last night so she might decide to continue to go on and would have to see if somebody really tells force her out ok with you want to describe all this is uncertainty or chaos you know we'll leave that to the viewers but max when you leaders a look at what's happening in london how concerned are they that the situation. is transferred over to the continent and eventually affects trade commerce travel one of the concerns and the about all that either today or even if there's a delay. well no deal drugs and ryan is a very real possibility as we just sort of get said because it's the the fault position now i would say the general view on this has changed over the last couple of months we've talked to business leaders politicians and if you didn't now say just let them drop out and they will encounter the harsh realities of what they've been talking about for the last two years and maybe we can build upon the rubble of
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rags and then maybe then there will be more will to find some compromise some business leaders from germany have told me listen we're ready we're sick of this we don't need uncertainty uncertainty is the worst thing you can have for business is the worst thing for trade just let him go without a deal and we'll see what happens afterwards so some people here in brussels are so sick of this that they don't fear a no deal drags it anymore but probably a majority is still in favor of trying to work this out but like we said they're going to not chances for this happening have massively decreased yesterday ok very much thank you max often there in strasbourg and to bagot moss and a lot of thanks very much. now for a look at some of the other stories making the news this hour in syria u.s. backed forces have shelled the final strip of territory held by so-called islamic state in the town of bugaboos one report describing jihad as cornered in a seven hundred square meter cluster of bombed out buildings some three thousand to
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harvest have surrendered to the mainly kurdish forces since monday. mian maher has handed over to the u.s. a box of remains believed to be of american airman lost world war two this is the first time an american military aircraft has been to myanmar in such a mission the remains are now set for dedication. the u.s. justice department has charged thirty three mostly wealthy parents with cheating to get their children into elite american universities those charges include c.e.o.'s of major companies and the hollywood actresses felicity huffman and lori loughlin illegibly conspired to falsify records and pay bribes to influence the college admissions process. this is the news still to come on the show boeing seven thirty seven maxwell's ban from much of the world skies now that after the ethiopian airlines crash but the u.s.
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is still backing this popular jet you have in-depth analysis later in the show. but first an australian court has sentenced cardinal george pell a former close advisor to pope francis' to six years in prison for child sex abuse the vatican's former finance minister was found guilty of molesting two choir boys in a cathedral twenty years ago he's the most senior catholic cleric to be sentence for child abuse hell was convicted in december of last year but a gag ing or order prevented the media from reporting on the case until february when the prosecution decided not to go ahead with the second trial on other charges . but joining us now from sydney is correspondent roger maynard who's been covering this story for us good morning roger what's been the reaction to the sixers sons handed down to cardinal pell. clearly a dog a momentous day but the catholic church here and certainly is sure to say that pearl's conviction and the sentencing to date has divided much of australia the sum
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arguing that hell is basically an evil man and that it's a really tarnished image in the reputation of the catholic church while others believe that he's been made a scapegoat for the perceived misdeeds others church so they claim that the evidence just doesn't add up he would never be left alone with these children back in the nine hundred ninety s. and so patrick's cathedral in mobile and the door where this allegedly happened there was always open people were employed at the time so there's a lot of control this year this case which is divided much of australia both in the media and publicly as well about his guilt or innocence i'm so i suspect this case is to a court where a long way to go ok well passing his sentence the judge in this case peter kay many clear the hell degraded his victims let's listen to what he had to say
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in my view the first episode in the preceptor city involved a brazen and forcible sexual attack upon the two victims he acts were sexually graphic but i think terms were visibly an orderly horribly distressed during this offending the obvious distress and objections of your victims is relevant to my assessment of the impact of your offending on jay and. roger there are or some other victims of catholic clerics in australia what are they saying to you about this sounds. well interesting the court itself was obviously packed with media and other sex abuse victims there wasn't any space at all people were standing at the back of the core resting against the back wall when the sentence was handed down there was a very little reaction it was fairly quiet in the court but outside when the news. leaked out earlier the crowd out there cheer and and and applauded decision on. it but it also is fun to have
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a strong social media where many people accuse the judge of being far too lenient in the case of george howell also the father of of one of the two victims who has since died sadly expresses dismay at the sentencing the solicitor representing the man who can't be named for legal reasons outlined is disappointed at the short sentencing and expressed circus over what he believes is inadequate for the crime and there were lots of others with as there that made their feelings no one of them said is absolutely outrageous how do we how much do we have to suffer how insulted do we have to be before real justice occurs he said it at roger colonel pell maintains his innocence through all of this so what happens next. well very much there will be an appeal which is due to take place in the early part of the defense that indicated that they might ask will reach trial as they believe the jury did not have all the information available to them they believe that there was not
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enough evidence given during the trial to corroborate the allegations made against libby they have a pretty good case. out of the appeal of that appeal would take some time to process meanwhile she would know will remain in jail until certainly until then and i suspect that this case which is certainly very very controversial in australia i do know the parts of the world will still have a long way to run a movie settle quickly roger maynard for us from sydney today thanks very much for that roger in iraq. well just a few weeks ago india and pakistan edged very close to a full blown armed conflict over a suicide attack on indian troops an indian controlled kashmir the nuclear armed neighbors have been locked in a dispute over this region for decades an armed insurgency has been underway in the indian administered parts in one thousand nine hundred nine india accuses pakistan
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of supporting molten groups their charge is long the bond dinars in a d w exclusive our correspondence on your fall in the car visit of the family of the alleged suicide bomber who sent us this report. this is how dark remembers his son before he disappeared last year last month a car packed with explosives rammed a convoy of indian pattern military troops killing more than forty. the blast just a few miles from here shook the family's home. then received news that the suicide bomber had been his own son. we were shocked we didn't think you could ever do something like this everyone started crying. who can take pride in this so many people have died. in the dark family says others join the mass protests in two thousand and sixteen. he was injured and bedridden for months he lost
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a year of college. my son went to help a protester who was hit by a bullet but he was also shot in the leg by security forces he couldn't get over the incident he didn't talk to but he was seething with anger every time he saw the military. it's a situation says is all too common in the region the family lost contact with our the last year. when you had become a militant we tried to find it but we couldn't. we can't raise our voice here. the military and police mike arrests and torture people it forces people to resist that's why people want to join the militants everybody wants to pick up a gun i question only my child even well educated young people are joining the movement have got to do we are not terrorists our children are not terrorists
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military personnel are not terrorists it's politicians who are the terrorists. and armed insurgency against indians who first began here in one thousand nine hundred ninety. the fall small and now authorities see it's increasingly drawing local recruits like. they come from villages like this one in the southern part of the kashmir valley considered a hotbed of militancy. official figures show last year alone security forces killed more than two hundred fifty militants in the region. since the recent escalation in tensions between india and pakistan the indian army has intensified its crackdown here. today the city of srinagar has shut down after a strike by separatist groups. it's an all too common sight in the battle. for young people here it's almost impossible to have
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a normal life what is her duty sick we miss lessons when schools close down because of the strikes me of our mothers worry we might get hit by a bullet if we go out of. the money very everyone i can assure everyone has this anger that they're not there moments are the moments are handed every they cannot go. with india and pakistan on high alert following the recent tensions people in indian controlled kashmir are bracing for more protests strikes and by the us. further inflaming the conflict that has already been smoldering for decades . the u.s aviation safety agency has joined a growing list of jurisdictions suspending the operation of all boeing seven thirty seven x. eight n.x. nine aircraft and european air space these restrictions although sunday's fatal crash are ethiopian airlines. national authorities say they're concerned that
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they're receiving insufficient information from that best gauge many airlines of also announce that they're grounding their next it's affecting nearly half of the more than three hundred seventy planes pertly in operation around the world. well the u.s. for its part which is home to boeing says the aircraft is safe joining me now in the studio is devious christophe over good morning christophe. we have the u.s. federal aviation he says he's saying it will not be grounding the aircraft that despite growing pressure from american unions from the u.s. senators what's what's behind their decision well the f.a.a. says it reviewed all the available data and that it this review showed quote no systemic performance issues hence for the f.a.a. there is no basis for grounding the aircraft and amid this tragedy sunday's tragedy the crash of flight three zero two there are two conflicting approaches on how to deal with it the f.a.a. going with what they know so far which admittedly is not that much saying well this
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is what we know the point to anything that concerns us so there's no basis for grounding the airplanes other regulators and airlines saying well the crash of flight three zero two and the one back in october of lyon air same aircraft there's just so many similarities that we don't want to take any chances ok what the f.a.a. is saying is not delaying any fears there are big concerns certainly at boeing that shares are dropping how can it control the damage to its reputation and to public trust in this product well boeing says it will update the software in its seven three seven max airplanes in the coming weeks and also that the the plane is otherwise safe and then once the system vista gators who are trying to get to the bottom of this crash otherwise it's a tough spot to be and i mean you mention it market value of boeing is down twenty six billion dollars over this incident and if investigations show that is the same
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problem that caused the crash of the if you open airlines plane as the one in back in october that's bad because it shows a system systemic system at. here if it's not the same problem well that's not good either because then you have to dig even deeper to get to the root of not going and what we're talking about or three hundred fifty planes worldwide right around that and then there's more in the pipeline is coming online being delivered thousand orders five thousand ordered you know it could be the boeing max question a fact the global travel industry well people are beginning to have second thoughts when it comes to traveling on these. there's numerous passengers that have requested to. be rebooked on other planes when it showed that they were traveling on this airplane and i'm not sure of the announcement of a software update will call that many nerves. still we don't know the reason of this most recent recent crash and just like and car travel people will have to get
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used to the fact that there's more automation more augmenting flight assistant systems here when it comes to air travel. that potentially obviously also being. causes or areas where there could be errors that then again could lead to problems so they're more automation more digital influence in air travel is something that people have to be aware of and comfortable with if they do want to step on an airplane in the future ok i'm sure boeing's concern that might be a long road christophe gober for us today thanks very much. it's to a new film now that tells the story of a former german paratrooper and prisoner of war who became a footballing hero in england after world war two that tot mom's talent for goalkeeping during prison break time eventually took him into manchester city's f.a. cup winning side in one nine hundred fifty six let's take a look as portrayed in the film bad man was in the parachute division of the german
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army where he had won medals for hero is a. after being captured towards the end of the second world war and sent to a british p.o.w. camp he was still a die hard nazi. troutman is portrayed by german actor davi cross who is a self-confessed soccer fan and player the real trot months talent was noticed at the p.o.w. camp and he was taken on by a local side not easy considering the mood in britain play football. this night so while we cannot we study. the situation in najaf this. and soon got to know what democracy is and changed his outlook on things but that didn't mean that he still didn't have to fight prejudice and sometimes pure hatred simply because he had been on the other side. the
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director marcus miller had actually met the real bet on years ago when the idea for the film first came up. we used to. he told me how it happened but also how it was to be a youngster vaknin in the hitler youth especially as a great sea oarsmen into the mid malls they offend about the brainwashing that's what libya off and how he only came to his senses amid the horrors of the war vias he thought when it was really too late even though it was on the focus was simply on survival even after being accepted by the local teams truckman had to face even more prejudice from the coach's daughter and she blamed germans for taking her from the dance floor to air raid shelters. and rather have danced with youth and start on some fetish. and in this case love really did conquer all the to eventually marry. then came troughton's biggest career coup being hired by first division side manchester city yet people first protested but eventually
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relented and gave a chance and that paid dividends the team went all the way to the f.a. cup final in one nine hundred fifty six and despite troutman literally breaking his neck in the game he stayed on the pitch and manchester city went on to win it three one also making top on a legit. and also ensured a terrible family tragedy but from that too he could move on. troutman earned many honors both in england and germany he passed away in two thousand and thirteen at age eighty nine but with this film his legacy could well live on. let's get you minder now our top story at this hour the british parliament is due to vote today on whether to leave the e.u. without a deal on a future trade relationship lawmakers last night firmly rejecting the latest draft
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a city in ruins. marwijk. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when i guess fighters of the city center two thousand and seventeen president to church's response was brutal. fight terrorism will never gain political gain of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. that's not liberation at all this is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did you become a gateway to islamist terror. until now they say sorry got under my city as
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a result. of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of i.a.s. starts april eleventh on d w. europe needs pete but extracting it has become almost impossible in germany so now the industry is getting its raw material from the baltic states. or the extraction permit process in germany takes a long time and it's expensive so companies have been forced to look elsewhere. environmentalists are trying to put a stop to feed extraction experts like.
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