tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 15, 2019 8:00am-8:31am CET
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this is deja vu news live from berlin and it is being called one of new zealand's darkest days at least forty people are dead in mass shootings at two mosques in the city of christchurch the country's other mosque seven urged to shut their doors from minister use in the ardern as described it as an unprecedented act of violence . also on the show britain's parliament votes to put the brakes on bret's of
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lawmakers first government to ask brussels for a three months to late to the start of the u.k. his departure from the e.u. but fully e.u. say yes. and students in more than seventeen hundred cities worldwide are taking part in the fridays for future rallies among them a young activist from hamburg who's been skipping school to protest germany's climate since. i'm brian thomas welcome we begin this program in new zealand where forty people have been confirmed killed and more than twenty wounded after shootings at two mosques in the city of christchurch that's on the town trees south island the first attack happened at the all newer mosque the second at the lynwood mosque eyewitnesses describe people fleeing in terror during friday. prayers in the woman
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have been apprehended police say they defused the number of. improvised explosive devices found after the attacks authorities have warned people to avoid mosques across the country and for those mosques to keep their doors closed. by minister ardern said it was one of new zealand's darkest days this is what she had to say at a press conference just moments ago it is clear that this can now only be described as a terrorist attack. from what we know if it does appear to have being well planned two explosive devices attached to some speaks of ecosoc have now been found and they have been disarmed there are currently four individuals who had been at the hindered but three connected to this attack who are currently in custody
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let's go live now to the early joining us in christchurch is now that we heard the prime minister there calling this an act of terrorism what else did she have to say in her press conference. that's right she didn't call it unequivocally an act of terrorism and she emphasized a lot of that and these ilands is chosen because it is a place where diversity and inclusiveness and. in all those sorts of values are strong she was very keen to repeat that if she were to think this is not an incline that kind of ideology by that she means no ideology all white supremacy all of wanting to inflict injury or groups of people was very theory painted to express that. not because i don't know if you supported us because it's not is the a police operation still ongoing our suspects still at large we already have three
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men in custody and a woman as well what do we know about them and their possible motives about well one we know about the monster is. named there is a twenty eight year old israeli and man and. his main suspects and the others. have been apprehended but we don't know too much more about him at this stage and. they also cannot rule out that there might be more people involved in this and that's why the place is still in question ok christchurch a was on lockdown is that lockdown been lifted our schools for example were told to shut their doors. yes that's right you know that lockdown has been gradually being left. over the past couple of als schoolchildren have been out big time.
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as well is the hospital lockdown him he stopped in a lot of public buildings as well he was leaving having to make their way home national parties are encouraging him to just stay home and then not travel and they don't need to dealing in the city is still did not leave your eighteenth and in his a lot of concern engines ok let's hear now from a two eye witnesses who were at one of the mosques are during the shooting. and he had no money he's given to cut their glasses and he said brace of the military and he's begun machine gun of the m. sixteen put out one and if he. got out of that another get a gun one of the bullet and here bust a what it would and not talk me here looking or not to be he's tough. it is started a shooting and the people of the. air and the shooting and then me i'm running that's a good insight and you go one by one everybody can and some people back plus we
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hide behind a car you know under the car and then when we see their fighting it's a long way to try to. do it jumped the fence and then we hide the. next house for the mosque on this side in the. fighting was on and on and. samantha forty people have been confirmed killed more than twenty have been injured we understand police are using all their resources resources to get officers out onto the streets how about emergency services how are they coping in christchurch right. and there's been a lot of praise from the mere press stooge and resentment of pressures as to how the emergency services have coped and you have to remember the police were also looking out for the climate match which is happening in cathedral square in a city quite nearby while this was all while this all started unfolding. a
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huge police response all of last year which. the mere especially commute of this is . really three. rules you know that you know question hit a significant newspaper. you know responses to our quite. well practiced against but it's also another trauma for the residents but what can you tell us about christchurch is muslim community have they been the subject of attacks before today. nothing like this nothing at all like that and lots of people are very shocked that muslims are these how the stairs here in new zealand they have been or what's a. racist attack people but nothing on the scale and certainly it's very shocking the muslim population here in new zealand is roughly
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just over one percent of this particular action so it's not a very large community but it's it has cut into this community and the latest census daschle saying that about a quarter of people who list of themselves as muslim that new zealand one here in new zealand and the other three fortunes under the pacific islands asia middle east and africa and so really this community a small community and one this and the reason is the island is really wanting to show solidarity with and i'm ok police are getting all their resources out onto the streets right now how long will this ongoing three police operation last visit centered in christchurch or is it also taking place in other urban centers across the country. and it is. really a nationwide operation i'm sorry i'm in serious you know a little bit here isn't hitting right from much high and that is to enable
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absolutely all those resources to been used around the country as they needed so they're really in stiffens up to the highest level that they can and. if not maybe saying this wrong place of rationing can continue for quite some time it's hard to tell and you know we have had reports of teach really some situations developing in the past few moments in other cities to him so we will keep a close eye on it ok our other situations developing and in other cities do we know anything else about that or detail slowly coming in on that. details of money coming and if you think the train station and brush him out which isn't who planned the the most populous city not island and has been one of the accusations and the police responding to a situation that is i'm here what that situation is at the stage or has anything to do with what's happened in must huge ok we'll find out more about that in the hours
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ahead for now w's samantha early in christ church thanks very much your. check in now with some of the other stories making the news this hour people in the brazilian city of seoul paolo it held a ceremony for the victims of a school shooting two former pupils carried out the attack on wednesday such incidents have been relatively rare in brazil the last major shooting of the school was in two thousand and eleven. israel's military says it has launched air strikes on several targets in the gaza strip that in response to rocket attack on tel of the palestinian media reporting hamas naval base near the town of communists was targeted there are no immediate reports of any casualties. a russian american team of three astronauts has successfully docked at the international space station back in october two of them have their journey into space cut short on
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a technical problem on their soyuz rocket led to the flight being aborted two minutes after launch yes raul's will conduct various experiments during their stay aboard the i.s.a.'s. authorities in slovakia have charged a businessman with ordering the murder of an investigative journalist and his fiance last february multi-millionaire mario kushner has been in custody since june on suspicion of fraud the shooting death of gone back and martino krisna rove in their home shocked the nation and led to protests against government corruption. it's still on the now and the british parliament has voted to delay its departure from the european union all makers voting strongly in favor of asking d'you to postpone brock's that for at least three months but any delay has to be approved by all twenty seven remaining e.u. countries and they have signaled they will only do so if there's a specific reason or or rather a fundamental shift in britain's approach. a third night
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a third vote and a firm decision to put the brakes on bracks that. the eyes of the right four hundred twelve the nays from left to underpin to so they are deciding the ayes have it on law. m.p.'s overwhelmingly backing a motion to try and extend britain's planned departure from the e.u. brussels now has to sign off on the delay which would last until june if the u.k. approves the deal in the coming days failure to agree a deal could lead to a much longer postponement and potentially to know that at all. for prime minister to raise the may who's plan to leave the e.u. has been rejected twice fear of losing control of bracks that might just be enough to get stanch bracks that backers in her own party to finally support her plan in a third vote in parliament next week. the e.u.
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insists that may's plan which is the product of two and a half years of painstaking talks is the only one on offer. like. she did or you many good to have if the united kingdom still wants to leave the european union and it wants to leave in an orderly manner which is what the prime minister tells us in this treaty such as it is which organizes the orderly separation this treaty is the only one possible and available at the theatre sort of pushy group. on the streets of london people on both sides of the debate vented their frustrations. think the most sensible solution would be that we leave on the twenty ninth of march with no deal it is easy to say sorry we made an absurd mistake certain stake it's no question about that my mind i'm astounded absolutely stunned by what's
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going on think it's completion ambles after calle says so much fun this will politics should be no one knows what's going on nothing's being raised by anyone it's all falling apart if you do you find this entertaining. scrambling for a way out of the country's worst political crisis in decades two and a half years after voting to leave the e.u. it will now be up to process to decide if they want to help britain make a clean break with the bloc. but how long might that clean break take joining us now is to get mass in london and in brussels good morning to both of you beggar let's start with london what are lawmakers there want to gain with this extension. well they simply say that they cannot get bricks it through here in palm and even if trees amazed was voted through one last time if it did go ahead even then there's not enough time to actually get everything done get all the legislation
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over the line so for the reason may she has conceded that she has to delay rexx it for a little bit but what she would outside to do in one last push that has been so many times said you know the last sounds but that that's really the vote next week when she will bring the deal forward yet another time she would hope that that time she will get a tree. ban to you in brussels now the e.u. donald tusk is saying he's open to a long extension to give britain time to rethink what it wants is this an indication that brussels believes it's possible to actually keep britain inside the union. some in the hope that this could be the outcome if there's a long extension in the case there's no the then this is tension may take twenty one months or even more than that and in this time of cause maybe the brits change their minds who knows of the scale as we witnessed last week everything seems to be
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possible but the majority of the unit is against things that they want to have a managed brecht's it breaks it with a deal so they hope that there is a major somehow manages to get through with the the deed agreed to with the you and then comes the short term extension which would be granted that's out of the question if she has no deal and shows up here in brussels then the discussions will start how long an extension will be because. we have the european elections looming and then britain has to take part in these elections this is all very complicated but in the end i think the e.u. is unique as if it would even agree to a long term extension because they don't want to be blamed for any. bad breaks and without any deal and utter chaos after that ok so big it actually is all focusing now on a deal in london yesterday we saw no deal off the table so what are the chances
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that the reason they will pull off an unlikely victory and get her plan passed in the end in june. have bricks of blood is really hated by so many here in parliament but all the eyes now on our own to reason may's own party are on her conservative m.p.'s and whether they might just change their minds there are so many of them who believe that to reason may steal just locks the u.k. too much close to the european union in the future and that this is why they could not accept the deal however if they are faced with the possibility that maybe bracks it will not happen because if parliament just can simply not unite behind behind any vision of how brics it should be conducted then like band explained it could be a really long extension that's the reason they will be looking for and anything that happened in that time maybe a second referendum bret's it could be off the table change of government so who knows so they will be thinking over the weekend will they last time support the
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prime minister and we've had in the last couple of days some m.p.'s who used to be quite hard line so they will not support the idea that they might just change their mind ok so there could be a shift in parliament in the favor of theresa may on this you know in brussels are the you has so many pressing issues right now migration security just two of them how much is the focus on bracks at preventing brussels from moving forward right now with his own agenda. of course brecht is overshadowing many activities here in brussels the media coverage is focusing on drugs that and many us summons have been . just dealing with bricks and all the time and the next summit is also dealing with threats that again so we are running around in circles for two years says for example the dutch prime minister is good and some say let's get over that now so we can focus on other things about on the other hand you have to admit that the brits
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are ready disengaged from many things here and the migration issue for example that's not a british problem or brecht's a problem this is a problem of the rest of the e.u. and this visit not be solved by breck's it or get to go with that and many people feel that the european elections will be overshadowed by bragg sit and think about it if brits then have to complain for europe against europe how many right fame populace from britain will then sit in the chamber in july these are many unanswered questions and many say we don't want an extension into the dog let's get over that now so for brussels as well time is of the essence spent regard for us in brussels and london thanks very much to both of us. investigators say a piece of wreckage from the crashed ethiopian airlines plane shows a link to the lion airplane that came down last year a fragment from the tail stabilizer may reveal that the jet's nose was forced downwards
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a photo also shows the ethiopian airlines planes flight data recorder is damaged but not destroyed. which was released by the laboratory in france where the jet's two black boxes are being analyzed right now it's hope that they'll reveal the cause of that crash which killed one hundred fifty seven people. or many students around the world are out on strike today calling for action against climate change under the motto fridays for a future swedish climate activist great to to unbagged has called for protest marches in cities around the world young people are out on strike in the indian capital delhi to persuade politicians there to take climate change seriously they're joined by students in japan with schools strikes and protests loud and dozens of other countries including the us chile and brazil. of more on the situation in india let's bring in our correspondent and we should fall in delhi good morning to you how popular is the fridays for future movement where you are in
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india. well there was actually a pretty good turnout asked. me to show it in daddy's house but i actually didn't process the head across the country now this is a very nice didn't move much out in and out of the front trying to fit kind in the country watching from watching you know from organizers and children back to conduct and then you would indeed buy every month now and that's before the eyes of the children holding up both are thinking oh i don't need education that's why we have to make well if there are things we want better and all this was going for us just go away show it on the movement and then think that they have been they haven't had much to talk about climate change in india for the last few years five been saying now it's fine but does this in the children mentioned that they have enemies it's not just children the elderly people with medical problems are also among those especially vulnerable to delhi's air pollution just how much at risk
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are these groups. well definitely one of the key groups of mobilizing to fight is the future of actually a group called my right to breathe and they have been campaigning for us to improve the equity in india as an activist who has pointed out that the kind of pay we have is like looking trying to think that everything that they i don't that is actually dialogue that this is only in the language and that you go on the back of because don't go back to the recommending that people have with young children because of that as any better than i actually leave the city and allowed to go to the detriment or the importance of a long time in people who do not even more exactly over the longer the u.s. was definitely at but you can bet the city is they document the growth of that has that happened in all. of the high and once again across in the aggregate but he's on the list also what do you suppose that you can do if you can end up in this but to the cities in the world how does friday's for future fit into this or is it
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forcing government officials in delhi to step off against this friday's tokuko movement is a very nice and then on the one hand the government has taken some action when it comes to what the men come for and when you should probably have acted in part on the to some extent to that that is agreement by nobody got into any bit of that but i think and then they're going to get. back down on the kind of factories that can go on deck on downs on the way it goes back in july first on the other hand many had the thought that spending the feeling not doing enough and why is right now there is no immediate action all the audience from the government they are hoping that mobilizing all fight it put a good show on all the actions in india that have already provided you and we'll talk about much more beautifully there is some reaction but it definitely is not enough of all that's in the nothing to me should just well for us in delhi thanks very much. and students here in germany are due to join today's
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protests and just a couple of hours now thousands have been taking to the streets for weeks to protest against germany's energy policies joined one young activist the northern city of hamburg. he has that out but yeah young owner wants better climate protection for the last three months he's been regularly skipping school to take part in demonstrations he's one of the organizers of the friday for future protests in his home town is you know that's just a little that's a bit different from speaking in front of three hundred people but it will be cool . the only things climate politics in general are a disaster and at the protest march in hamburg he says it's up to his generation to do something about. what he says are good morning i'm glad to be here i'm yano there from the area in a bag we can do it because we're not just another climate initiative a movement we are the last dam cry for help of
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a whole generation get out your was. young alert has little time for school at the moment he's meant to be studying for biology but the demonstration is all he can concentrate on. his phone goes nonstop the protest is organized through various chat groups. i was off i got this phone in december and since then i've had one hundred nine thousand messages come through. yet no less mother supports the protest. but she has difficulty with the fact that her son now has little time for anything else yet live on her with it when can we eat five there's a telephone conference and at six and then again at seven he has to have ten minutes somewhere in between when he can eat with his family. how is he going to cut interest so that simple and the last few months dinner conversations have some
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to do around environmental issues you know this family only binds organic food and eats meat just once a week but giving up the two family cars is a little harder here in the countryside. preparations have started for the strike this friday students worldwide will again take to the streets during school time some politicians have accused the students of just wanting to skip school. and my cindy sheehan i'd say that most of the students at the protest don't want to miss school at all they want to do something for their future that's what's important to them thank you for the highest in the simplicity just two hundred demonstrations have been planned in germany alone an entire generation of schoolchildren taking to the streets for the sake of the climate and for their future. let's get you up to date now with our breaking news story at this hour at least forty people are dead in mass shootings at two mosques the new zealand city of christchurch there shooting took place during friday prayers one of the three people under arrest
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right now in custody is understood to be an australian citizen authorities of birds mosques across new zealand to close their doors as a precaution prime minister is in the ardor called the attack a terrorist attack and she's condemn the quote on president an act of violence on one of as one of the country's darkest days. the state of the news we'll have more on that story as details come in thanks for joining us.
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michael with his vision for a european renaissance to mobilize support for a theme that's our topic today aren't funny to us. quadriga next on d w. i was fishing when i arrived here i slept with six people in a room for the ninth and. it was hard as for. i even got white hairs out of. the german language head nodding off this gives me a little bunch maybe to entrust the flavor. you know their story. writing and reliable information for margaret. talev an
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extravagant venue. to. really know their stuff. i think curbs where because boeing stephanie stole. the party and chatted with musicians from around the world to. make every week t.w. . please. hello and welcome to quadriga declaring that europe has never been so necessary as today nor so endangered french president emanuel mccall has once again laid out a vision for europe for what he calls a renaissance saying that he wants to mobilize citizens across the continent in the
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