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tv   Night Grooves  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2019 1:15pm-2:01pm CET

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strode in our story you're watching the news live from berlin coming up next and talk series night groups with the british singer and songwriter mark wellman from self self and remember you can always get the latest news and information around the clock on d w dot com i'm on you tube has been on the whole same thanks so much for joining us. good. luck have taken everything. now despair please come. climate refugees. seek shelter. flood. waters. floods. hello and welcome to my groups tonight in the ocean make we have an impressive
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young singer who's being pushed by one of germany's most successful artists they are getting now from the highly she's already scored her first hits with her band and now she's going solo i'm talking about. and our other artist is one of the titans of electro pop he has hits like tainted love yes smock and the house let's go. from the surface of the music and talk. to me. well. because. they are trying to hound symbiotes all these to try to be good guys have turned against not only talks the talk. i said here oh. pleasure to have you guys lovely to be here what an amazing
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surrounding as well i think. we have our own sun on the moon some of you oh it's fantastic it's wonderful it's a beautiful place to be see as possible my loo bowl forehead these are just the first time i've been here very first in my brain and yeah it's something new it's been the perfect day we have some snow we've had some sunshine and a beautiful surroundings if you're not listening to the not delhi eyes of the amazon a perfect issue as the us comes which none of us have and i hope so only yeah must i got on set and once a month to seditious to tell no malice or dawe but spits elysium it too i've played in a few living rooms ok now for a while much about it you know and. yeah the people exactly i mean i was a stadium recently even nominal living room you know so big contrast with the markets on the difference. between your legs on the top is meant to take each one off line about plans into shifty toilets and was on the attack scene fifteen
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minutes in order to work standish fully prepared in the echo of his hooter i need a mass and cool to vera can so deemster do on splash be unjust does this out it's all all through me i have designs of this story it gets important debate in media or is toward two plots and for all three go that's hard to take one of us well i'm very happy and i'm very sorry is this or yes. i'm very excited for you and i'm excited son justin jag good ok and was the taliban had a spinoff on the rough cuts defines how selfish the fantastic band are hers with a million and they're absolutely brilliant so yeah that'll come on my little mind and i want to go bargain not noble as is so vides tainted love but mark oh man when you do thank you yes thank you thank you thank you thank you. thank you. thank you times.
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too. slim. long. it takes.
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place. tastes. good.
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thank. god thank you thank you thank you thank. you
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my. this if you that i met so once of so far i am hits and the detainee my advice is that i transferred to let is somehow i thought about it because i come to the jewish year it's a year but how times have you. vibes and how saddam has made him a fuck i don't. you know i never expected all these his later forty years later and this song still gets amazing reaction from people that yeah i'm so yeah i mean i just surprises me you know always but it's a great thing to have a record like this the people get such an amazing reaction from it by as about a funny kind of as you and i wish people soft and some distortion. well i would say it was found by my musical paul not david cole from soft sell at the time and he liked what we called nord in britain we call it northern soul sixty's soul music and it people is collect very obscure soul records and he had a big collection of records i feel it and he bought the song and so i think this
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would be great to do is. uncle number a loss of self and people just loved it but it was because started doing it it was very different what we've done before and people just loved it that's why if i'm gloria jones the gloria jones you know what that's very. destructive on the bees ited it wasn't successful was written by a guy called i had called gloria he gave it to gloria i think it somebody else did another version of it around the same time as well but gloria's is was was it wasn't a very well known song at the time a sense of sell songs some became first became very popular her version became popular after that which was really great for the tate at lafon east and ask the song did last couple of thousand of us at least and i'm a tainted love not. everything times after trying to block the title of was such a huge record i inherit in germany and britain as he said yeah and it's a bit of a a first take as i know only smell and fossil glass and it was the i mean it was the
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first type i did i doubt i sang it and also in america it was in the guinness book of records is the longest record ever in the top hundred and it was that mixture of kind of electra electronic dance music mixed with a can with a soulful vocal the has this great kind of magic mix i think and that's what made that record quite successful how modern kinds of somerset from donna yeah oh yeah. i hope. i don't want to say ok go ahead because some of. us to get moved let's additional mine are. very.
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stupid yes i said ok i'm off fiona vital hits home happy i thought i did good friends we did split in nineteen eighty-four we never intended it was going to be forever which is what would take a break and we'll do different things i did groups and dave did producing and things but it took a seventeen years to get back together again to make an album which was cool to get out beauty but it took is another seventeen years to celebrate our fortieth year anniversary with which was last year and this year when we played there two arena and then london i would come back together again after eighteen years and played an arena for the first import of maybe the last time said he. well bit of some of it was not oh no it was a very it was no animosity at all i think dave he didn't like doing live things i did i was bored in the studio so he wanted to do more studio production work and i
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wanted to do more live more more more live work which was a difference of a direction and we were just exhausted we've been to america would be toward everywhere with out of the successful string i think he the kind we would have a white exhausted release that wants to take a break from it we didn't realize it would be seventeen years when that at such and such. a law of anaheim. was there any. way out that it would be about. half a mile out of there what tended to have nothing to do by literature that's ridiculous
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fashion that do this and africa his who construct and how one task to show him up and then as i did it to felt i think often it's was it is for the one that's on the end on and then the. second that i could offer is if the cavs and zack africa koonce the havens of dodge front that went on highly on dare i have in the am tech talent when he felt i owned yes miss adama timeline i don't define on say as a chile just let him go also florida thank you sasha you have a better than session on smush your commute lets that's my fourth adversary not the other of all. of us i give that up so it's little miss and those who really love the question him if you come and ask me this is why would i just would i'd like to move to issues other than nigel sosa. nice. thing about selves. become that it's summer but i'm. happy a flash of my music and to know what i like the moment i can i want to have once
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can get out of festivals by fans and on how much they love you don't often. bend langer or. don't have a positive must not i collect it's really got to be a music as you want octopus and then it is not mere spirit of man i would put it head on and run by the heads of what i discover have been given to us to finish toil and. to push the dance of funk. for help. for thought not even as a visit because of this picking right now how did. i have to defer. to this case and was. so tired not necessarily. if i attended left if so as of this had. to go ok no voice yeah i got emails to prevent. this. after those of holism party you understand actors are too young but yeah not
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much notice is. that as the site knows and. this induced but. i think you know what the date is and why it was quite well the last great kind of decade of really great interesting individual pop music i think and i think people took their influences in the eighty's from from a lot of what had gone gone before and disco music conglomerate music and punk music and melded them all together with the electric with the electronic influences . how you had great courage to pop stars in the eighty's and i think great great characters that was a very colorful time i think colorful eccentric pop stars and i do think there's been another decade like that really and i think since people always. coming back to rediscover it and they still really love the music from the times it was great it was great pop music saw it some other good new cool vaults of it's like the music going it's and they've almost got to sing because it is tough to difference
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of opinion that neck out there. ok i just want to. get that before for flights i was open this was on question and their shoes someone saw so tell you i'm with the fifty. of you. and. all. of. the families fished. the. lead of. this mine on mine field and i. am
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a good bit subdued so fearless for doing. this shit was a good. thing and that was still. sitting. on it but. i'm. not so. i. can't. come. to but nice to do serving. this nation. and good to me. and i hope.
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but. you get. in there. and. you get.
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back your problems. you go to on the. phone to watch more modern version before would. you really look back at their. highest position to ask for a shot at that nice warm up. divide. them but for this i just also. point to something a clip and deemed. me with a band i was filming. for an event and they asked me my gosh.
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and i. have said i mustn't steal the lotto. six out. of the bunch of it in a way that i say yeah this this. and as address their own pontiac that you see its laws this is why i was going to thank you that is a cat upon me and that his involvement happened and then yeah and then kept at us and i was offered a thousand other this thing back eventually i was going to a guy can find plenty. of jack in five as an investment is not suffer another. is that you say she sets and also said that music college should also mention this to us president and that's act and. height is the saw doesn't dismiss me as a victim is only an image to have so then. if there's one square that i want to design last do you sell. five of us this get if they made that album if it is
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a pop quiz on ask it. could meet up on pete does happen with a father can and sounds the puck on the bottom and it was it the woman does need mental emotional it's and can start concept under almost a fan's almost as clean as honest and they could say i'm also busy to stick around for my d.s. as he had caught it in which the image of. the societal. well i was like i mean i was originally before as a singer i want to go into theater so i was watch film just when i was that i went to college and i studied film and i was the i before i went in into music art music was like i'm a supreme a kind of semi surprise to go and not direction in a successful way so i was look to the way people look to are very very i'm very conscious of the way people look and i know what makes a good style and i have a very versatile and i like to create looks and create different things i think i should get older you tend to settle with more warm kind of look that really defines you but when you're young you can experiment
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a lot more with different looks. colors and styles and things and others are really like that a lot lot of young bands now most people they do that they experiment with their look and they're very fluid and very sometimes they look more masculine and feminine and different and different ways that they look i think that's more exciting this time i don't experiment to fight it. oh i can i tend to fall on my look and i kind of stick to it. here on the block and if that makes me look slim and flat ok. so inclined but i don't. feel i've done things like i you know i've done things and i have and sometimes i'm a terrible terrible fashion going to. have good size either to muster them on designing looks or complaint and on the music it's my picasso and senior or having . a fund or i'm done but i might stave this to him or glanced clung to tom peter bent down to steal. to vest on my status or do vesey
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a public because it. kind of defines you i think i think always think if somebody is a recognizable silhouette you know it like an artist you can paint them in a silhouette or you can paint them in three or four lines that's how they're defined as like i correct or not people could always identify that with the music so different artists you're done to for the way they look with the music of them and if you see a picture of them that describes what the music's going to be like in a way you know so you see somebody wearing black you know there's going to be no good beaches where that is you're pulling these a blanket is that you know physically of us that have a secret deal and that's had. some was it last among the fun was it five she did these all in fun fun and a lot of us and not has too much effect on the show and have. most of us wouldn't see this as well this is the best or not the same and most of us live today as a hipster via the trust company got so. that's not.
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that's not enough lot of time you have to follow on the fun of him get to some good how do i like this to tie toy it's not so spot on. but florida does it how does all of us live he's also. now we're just as fit to just pass not as often i have to say often i clicked on this ok. that connect us might have had as an excuse the antis to college been that come to a fork for had official done by kind of tell it i mean i mean when i was young i had a succession of jobs of what's in a factory of what he went to the new thing on cocoa cans the words in foreclosure factory a word to the states or words and different things but you know i think it's kind of nice to have that kind of i think success is to me is happiness is not about money it's about happiness and you if you're happy in what you're doing you're successful for that is success and i think it's nice if you did see how some of you can always fall back on if you need to but you like that sense of danger to like that sense of surprise on the on the unpredictable and i think i could never and i
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like that i like living on the edge in a way that you never know what's going to happen like one day i might be as a player to a reader next i'm seeing it in somebody's living room now so so you do get it never know what's going to happen is always an adventure it's always always a surprise not about what's good as about music is you know. what a lovely life to live and that's what i should want that well i love what i love to live i'm just my latest albums with jools holland who is a rhythm and blues orchestra and holland i don't even know jules holland but he's been more famous than i'm in. jaeger i mean it's it's blues it's rhythms looky looky million by and these are not. an r. and r. and i told jules quite alone so i love that big band style behind me sometime yeah it was great to do a record with him it's called live your life to live and we've got the pleasure to
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listen to mock and read that warning playing the saxophone now with the song a lovely life to live. thank you. they've only. sold. to let. alone a. group.
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the. news. was the polls.
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it was. thank you very much. thank you thank. you ian. thank you thank. god thank god. but i don't want to thank you i was. sure that he was there that's what i'll come pick on with us tainted love. yeah i love oh yeah and it then the mushroom toast those who sit on exile pools achieve in
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music what all of us must. this is a little miserable music i thought goodness will music make me feel better in some way i don't know why but i kind of listen to sad songs that i think sad songs make me feel happier if it's right that's right yeah but you know i'm done mostly. because most know there's somebody more miserable than are you think you know yeah it was a tree if you have the time how come when i'm much more than are as much as it's always an ok a little scratch else that's who i must mind my own my soul that they have that money has come i have been done with manhood oh you should get out of this hand for don't understand that i'm a exactly how does most of us that as a man must think if you know how it is then i'll have to lunch also and was that he was the fireman come to. that hoffman told me it was easy to have a gun how did in the hope that he is sort of yeah i didn't have to. stop. calling out pivot. no i'm just visual most kids are brilliant i'm not
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i'm not that's true it's i mean not so no i mean i do listen to a lot of. positive music yeah well so i mean for the i like i like all different kinds of music for different moods and different situations so i'm very eclectic in the music i listen to and i'm on my record collection is very very vast from like from classical and jazz to bluegrass to pop and to rock and to electronic and to experimental and so so i like music across all the i mean i've been a music fan ever since i was a little as a teenager and if i believe in before that if as a young boy i grew up in a house that was full of pop music that by has to have a following in the have to stand on file. just because i'm told financial books form when you know i know. well i know i've had a few scrapes i think but i mean i had a very bad accident about forty fourteen years ago now but it's still there in your life it never really totally goes away and i was very lucky i mean i kind of. yes
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it was a it was a motorbike crash a motorbike accident that's the way it did give me a more i recover from that now to much more positive view of life. after that nor i gave me made me much stronger person i think because i wanted to come back and to be a better singer a better performer and i was a very struggle to do that it was very hard to do that but i did it and i'm very resilient person i think if there was a nuclear war there would just be me and cockroaches left but. i would survive yeah go to for surviving. just so many of these a little sex it was jack awful call. it was you accuse us of them schmetz us you didn't give us a couple had just been lying to me. as my not meant a ghost of but it's one of those the queues of often try to fill us in on all my deference to miss that one of us has come one team is there as it doesn't have a finish. off i might and i have i missed hardest. by you've
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lost most on just a few than five to finish president as was. mentioned and. then. this was a minute when it goes to q one visas to do some stuff on disguises i think he's my . supervision as a. fine the sky is this and this if you have one of i'm just a. man of from you know and kept as a show in this just doesn't. happen to demand i will let him come in on. the idea and that's when i would of my house were coming in so i had such a list of the suspect you know mark. i mean i think i was so that when i had my crush my. family and friends from really important and then the situations like that you find out if we find out what was important to you you find that the friends and a few people that didn't expect to be there for you a day after you and your family of course gather around you but i think sometimes
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the bad things that happen in life the broken hearts that the loss of people and grief and things like that they could if they were saying that they help you become a better thing up because you are able to delve into your feelings a lot more when you sing a sad song about so to relate to the things so that the sad loss of a family member and some of that you can bring to your songs and can bring back home start missing great so i think that's really important to have those lessons in life sometimes the more difficult lessons make you a better performer a better performer doesn't equal as performers are not seen mention which. you don't mention such as a person just the person i think i think it was learn from the mistakes and the bad things in your life more than you do the successes i think you learn from those things more than the good things. does it. was the tea from leave my need give it a sense how you really can no standards off a new one it was
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a tear yeah mate it's a very. nice it was a lesson that one highly took office and i managed ah been a bit on that and popped him off ok and that's not. as will begin while we were out there again and. now we are listening to his song which is perfect stop for any day how do we leave by definition and talk t.v. of course. just know. son's head of this. is.
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so far. how. come guns sumeet. business and music was you know like the ball. a. little bit. lower. but. does. bill. hall. which flew through over ninety. eight. wouldn't come through to lose. confidence in your.
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learning. has done. the food scene. just so you. can. come. see. it is. a lot of. blood. but. does. this move the ball. a little bit. thank you again you did not.
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come out. of what she did. for you to come as a come out when i didn't cause this concept and then in the senate said to spend time you know ok. i was contacting them at a dispensary that's ok. it's really easy above the real easy of a few i don't find it just to stylize really exist as a history of conforming you know i just think i mean i see perform as. can go on for a long time now and as i say i recently saw some of these no longer with his shows i saw as noble performing on stage i aged nineteen really are fantastic but i just thought well he can do it if i can make it that far so it's i'm just i'm just kind
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of happy just to keep on doing what i'm doing yeah really just stay alive and keep on before i get to. a food costs of the lining up i tossed this is the sort of put it off to be consistent somebody this is self in five. minutes down the street so far and he's in t.v. and i thought i don't no matter how. i have never been to stand yes was it fun and i does and we know my limits of both of them and also let us shun that's one because look i understand it does not mean if info is accurately. yeah. i mean for me i i can't imagine what i be doing if i didn't if i didn't do music and i just i just have to do that i just i think you just always have to go from one thing to the next and don't ever look back you know it's not it's going to celebrate your past for everything to recognize and celebrate it but not to live in it you would have to keep moving and doing new things forward and forward i
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couldn't new album out later this year called chaos in the dancing star which is which is i think my album and i just when i was out i'll be thinking of the next thing that i'm doing and i'm thinking the next project that i'm doing some always thinking ahead all the time to new things and keeping not the thing i just want to stop not what was you sit down in the armchair you never get up again yeah yeah you've got to keep going and keep dancing. i think was winston churchill that once said a quote and he says i mean like that's success is going from one failure to the next with it and a diminishing enthusiasm. from one sense of optimism if you can follow on you can do it with. foetal mom before vs none not in this and on one song and i would love to take a page yeah you have to give it a few a foot between them is not isn't good looks moment that's you know but it has it's got piano on set. you got you have you have. no one song ten zillion dollars in
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front of knowing that you know it's amazing that there is no i mean why do you think it's a political office before you listen to. this one if you'd seen centimeter of what's going to needn't be. in the egret i looked as if i had a clue. what is not that is a political power fantasies are. a lot of us have to get so i give you know. we want to have a. band. we got to collapse about once yeah zon gets gets not i and me guy had from mark almond days of pearly spencer fish bus.
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sentiments of a. wall to wall street the sun's long been so complete was biased of her. own life. basic wants to get the settings raised to all of the classic live modes phrase. split. the phrase close smuggler's.
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place lol lol. lol. it is. really. but you stood. in the way you almost. suppose films you've shed all. of those best for god.
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those in the moments oh man oh man put it to remove from. good to. see. you already is almost. zero the. that last. thank you.
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are going to. be going to see a lot of thank you so yeah thank you for coming ha ha ha ha come on stephanie you still have a good start is that phone saying of five hours. from the gang member to trump chef. to move however is one of germany's most innovative corniche. in just a few years he became one of the best in the world. tireless perfectionist we meet the man and ask what's the secret to his success. over. thirty. w. .
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what secrets lie behind these we'll. find out in an immersive experience and explore fascinating world cultural heritage sites. w. world heritage three sixty fifty. five minutes to venezuela's crisis in the fight to get aid into the country with a convoy a fun guy don't support us. an exclusive report alongside venezuelan journalist wants. a closer look now at the country's catastrophic conditions on the way to colombia for a show that. starts march eighteenth on. the
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back . this is d w news live from berlin new zealand is in mourning after a deadly attack on two mosques as christ church remembers the forty nine victims of friday's massacre the suspected gunman has appeared in court and has been charged with murder also coming up. marching for their future thousands of children around the globe skipped school to demand more action on climate protection.


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