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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2019 6:30pm-6:46pm CET

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coming president. of the patriotic front. the rebel army and to the nineteen people injured the son was in the room full in the room there wasn't room close to the you taught me to reinforce the controversial leader whose success is beyond question a good time to go to london tragedy starts abel fish on t.w. . this is day that new news africa is coming up in the next fifteen minutes the relief efforts and countries battered by side flown into rescue teams in zimbabwe and mozambique are working around the clock to recover survivors from the floods caused by the storms hundred suster missing will get a report from the ground. and the nipple to me and to say they want germany to
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compensate them for a colonial era genocide have been dealt a blow by of course in new york. from the handle and now many people who say all they want is justice. if you take a look at this the jews recalled and say to the germans why can't the black people decomposition is it because of the black skin or what what is it all the bugs just the compensation. i'm christi one goal welcome to news africa i'm glad. we begin again today a program in south east africa in the countries that have been devastated by psycho need i rescue and relief efforts are underway in mozambique ends of all where women have been the fix it in mozambique eighty four people are on him dead but the government has already warned the death toll. the drive to more than
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a thousand with communications down and roads cut the real number of dead inch it remains unclear meanwhile in neighboring zimbabwe around three hundred people are dead or missing and families they have started burying their loved ones. survivors dig graves for the victims of psycho need i. say is the worst hit district in zimbabwe. scores are dead and still many more are missing. my mother my father my two younger sisters including the one who had brought us food earlier and the one with the child all day. my house was destroyed in the floods and i was buried underneath my daughter who was in bed with me was washed away from me a big a flood carried me further away. that it's been known for us that what we say. the
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cycle has wreaked havoc on zimbabwe's infrastructure making it hard to assess the extent of the devastation or the human cost. we're going to. i'm going to see my family i don't know how they're doing because there is no communication and the roads are inaccessible because of the heavy rains and i'm not sure how will find my way. rescuers are struggling to reach people in the afflicted areas. these boys were trapped for two days but they were among the lucky ones a boulder crashed through their school dorm killing three people. d.w. as privileged moves fan here he says many more lives are at stake. this situation in zimbabwe in the aftermath of cycling a day that affected the two neighboring countries is getting desperate particularly
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here in money where people are having to walk long distances because they've been cut out from essential services reduce have been washed away vehicles contrary to those areas where people need assistance in this area you can see these modern cars composite these police are taking in the mud we have spoken to. people along the way we have doctors without borders what also trying to reach people we affected but they can't reach those areas because it's visually impossible. that's pretty good in zimbabwe but in neighboring mozambique as many areas are also still unreachable rescue and relief if it's are on emergency crews and volunteers are scrambling to rescue people trapped by the floods rivers have burst their banks and the waters are still rising hardest hit by the second is the port city of beirut to some five hundred thousand people dead thousands of buildings have been destroyed
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by the psychs the. president phillip visited bare on monday where he met some of the fed victims and rescue workers. this was a group the problem is only the cyclon or some dams some water is coming in from somewhere else that's something we need to look for cyclon alone shouldn't cause this much flooding. which they're going to follow. now flying over the area to try to find out and at the same time another group of experts and volunteers will help the people. who have difficulties providing food to such flooded areas will organize airlift from ships some planes are still grounded. on next story is about the pursuit for justice for the last six decades germany has compensated for its historical role in the holocaust stop world war two paying autumn is to made it seventy billion dollars to survive now in namibia the head
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addle and number of people have been fighting for recognition of the extermination of their insistence by the german government it's been termed the first genocide of the twentieth century we'll tell you about a recent ups if they stuff it in pursuit full compensation in a while oh well that was and of course in new york but first this report. krista conduce family lives in poverty and she says that's been the case since the war with the germans one hundred thirteen years ago although her family does own some land in eastern i'm a b.m. it's nothing more than a few sheet metal huts in the middle of the plains krista says the plot of land is too barren to grow crops. her real home lies three hundred kilometers west of here where she says her family used to own a farm on fertile land until the germans expelled them from it. christa has
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a photograph of her grandfather he had lived on the old farmstead back then as a small boy with his mother. you were when the german soldiers attacked our property my grandfather and his mother fed his mother starve to death during that escape he was captured and put into a labor camp later he was able to escape and return home but by then our land belonged to a german so my father started to work for him and tended the cars that had been taken away from us. krista is not alone every year thousands of herero and number of people commemorate what they call the genocide committed by the germans. imperial german soldiers allegedly poisoned this water source used by the herero since then the locals call it the well of the deadly stomach pain or hormones or is what this man says they've come to speak to their ancestors. there's another reason why they're doing it here this is where
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a german general keep the order to expel the herero from their land and drive them into the desert. christo has also come like the other women she wears the traditional headdress symbolizing cow horns. the men are wearing uniforms in the style of the german imperial soldiers. what they want from germany is an official apology and reparations. i mean i do not believe that we are herero will ever receive any money from germany though there are negotiations taking place with germany those negotiations are not with us directly but with the maybe in government which is dominated by other tribes who will keep the money for themselves. kenneth mccallion is the lawyer representing a group of hitto and people who are against germany was recently dismissed by of course in the us he joins me now from new york welcome to you mr mckay and the
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german government is dealing directly with the government over this issue under what context are you representing a faction off here and them of people that you know that you are representing. well i was retained by the herero and other traditional associations as well as on a worldwide basis association of over herero and nama in the united states as well as groups and botswana and south africa and elsewhere. and what i want what i was trying to establish is why they need to go all the legal aid when there is a process happening between the two governments. well the traditional associations of the herrera nama feel that they've been excluded from the negotiations the herero and the nama were the really
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the selected and targeted victims of the genocide in the early twentieth century and they have their own organizations they have their own representation right and they feel that they should have a seat at the table in the negotiations right ok so we're talking about a recent video that was doubt you'll cry and said that was that new all court throwing out or dismissing the case why was that. the federal court in a word felt that it was not appropriate jurors stiction for federal courts in the us were of course appealing that and are expecting to have that reversed in the court of appeals but there's really no dispute on the underlying factual issue which is that there is substantial evidence of the genesis. taking of property and in fact that some of the fruits of that genocide for example stalls
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of her herero and are in various museums including museums here in new york all right the german government claims that namibia is one of the oh is the recipient off one of the highest amounts of their aid money ad recently we've heard the government talking about further investing in areas in which people and number of people in there is that in itself not a form of compensation. not really foreign it is it is great i'm sure it's fun for namibia in general but traditionally foreign aid and resources have not gone to the traditional herero in the areas and the herero unama many of them who are driven out of namibia are in botswana south africa the us and elsewhere obviously they would not be receiving any benefit right but also question to you is what are the next what is the next if
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you got haven't you for your clients. we filed in the u.s. the second circuit court of appeals and we are briefing that and we hope to get a reversal of that but in addition we have claims and petitions pending in at least two u.n. committees at this particular point and we're pursuing the cause for restorative justice in compensation for there are a number we're pursuing it really in as many forms as possible but we expect to have the court of appeals reverse it in the u.s. ok we'll be watching that kenneth mccallum is the neuer representative grip of head at all at a number of people coming to us from new york thank you thank you very much. and that is it from these every news africa you can catch all stories on our
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website and facebook page we need your dollar it just from. a race he seems off to recover survivors from the floods forced by psychos and. ice. take it personally. with the wonderful instrument that make the game so special. for all troops to. come. because more than football. and gemini lives.
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at any time any place using. the i don't like a little scrap song to sing along to you to stick on from super. interactive exercises. everything is online and interactive benjamin just frame it with the w. hello and welcome to news from the world of arts and culture with me karen homestead spanish painter problem picasso is credited with reinventing art in the twentieth century and under the watchful eye of one of his later muses will keep him warm while i tell you what else is in store for today. israeli television on
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a roll t.v. drama series like i would offer for prisoners of war not only internationally successful but they're also some of the most adapted on the market look into why the israelis have such a knack for being for the t.v. . but first to picasso an artistic rebel who set new standards in so many forms and was so prolific that you can find multiple exhibitions of his work across europe at any given time for instance his early blue and rose periods currently showing in basel with solent but less well known are his later works when his focus was increasingly on one single woman and the museum in potsdam has the goods. was a term i use. for high cheekbones public because it was believed to have painted his beloved.


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