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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2019 1:30am-2:00am CET

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it was only a promise to his son to leave the jungle returning to the concrete and glass jungle of new york. the result reversed culture. the prize winning. song from the forest starts people first on b.t.w. . my three year old son likes watching as i make a spread so the dark satiny coffee the golden brown cream that swirls over is just coffee of course but it's also an amazing display of color color matters whether in our food or in our clothing it catches our eye and lodges in our memory it evokes memories and emotions and it makes us think differently about the products we see
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before us even if we don't realize it in other words color has power and it's our theme today on made. color plays a big role in business and in our environment it's the framework for how we see the world around us it can also be a statement here in berlin there's hardly a square meter without graffiti on it not everyone likes it and it is well illegal but most would agree there's often an artist and a carefully selected palette we met a group of former sprayers who once worked illegally in public spaces and now work for businesses they're still making colorful statements but without the police on their trucks. these days he spray paints legally in the past month worked at night summer tissues the spring building to sansone subway trains but it's all in the park so not a freshly painted subway train still does something for me but if i went back to
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that now i'd be half hearted about it i don't belong there anymore. it's way belongs now i design agency he set it up together with two friends from his graffiti days and making money with the skills they once learned on the street but it's taken a while. when we first started out we almost had to share a single combat between the three of us but we stayed the course and it paid off for. we're just focused on what we do best and chose locations in the city where other people would notice our work. then they started asking us whether we could paint for them. the agency specializes in launch for. the site of building companies like spotify and misstating keen on this kind of colorful advertising that grabs people's
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attention but the guys are particular about you think workweek. you know it has to be something we can back up. it's important to us to have a good vibe with the company. because we need some kind of input or spark from them to light a firework or otherwise you end up with something harmless and that's not what we want when. the agency works with a network of our to. read the walls directly from the house owner and then transforms them into one that the team produces around sixteen of these murals each year. so business is going well but what the noncommercial street think of it. there has been a little bit of criticism from people who think we've sold our souls but they don't have any idea what they're talking about. maybe the media wondered if our
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medium is the spray can the same as what graffiti artists use but that's the only thing that links us with them but if we paint colorful pictures that really have nothing more to do with graffiti mccafferty garbage but. they haven't time if. they now investing in street art one project involved a former bank the building was demolished the agency invited street artists to paint the walls and then opened it for the public. artists who became entrepreneur to be artists again. last year they invited artists from around the world. all over to brighten up the german capital. we associate colors with how we feel we're green with envy we see red when angry and of course or sad or blue color speak to us and they can also repel us product designers know this and they use it to their advantage have you ever purchased the
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wrong size shirt or dress just because you like the color i know i have an. explains what colors do to us and what's behind it. it said the colors influence our mental state green has a calming effect red boosts attraction but also alerts us blue inspires trust but corporate world uses these insights to increase the value of their products most pigments such cheap these days unlike in times past at least six thousand years ago humans started to mine lap is lazily the source of ultra marine the most exquisite of blue pigments it's always been a luxury good cleopatra is said to have used it as eye shadow but death mask of tooth and camel has been layers of lapis the ancient world was crazy for blue pigments new trade routes emerged precursors of the socorro and motors of early
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globalization. another highly prized pigment was tyrian purple discovered by the phoenicians making it involved extracting a new cause secretion from sea snails. it reportedly took a quarter of a million of them to die one garment in ancient rome emperor nero banned a purple clothing for anyone but himself on pain of death. fancy pigments fell out of favor in europe after the roman empire collapsed before making a comeback though food was scarce around eight hundred charlemagne ordered the cultivation of plants that yielded pigments that contributed to an economic upswing as towns with textile dying workshops flourished. the greatest advance was the creation of the first synthetic dye moving by british chemist william henry perkin in eight hundred fifty six his accidental discovery formed the basis for a new chemical industry and eventually for the pharmaceutical industry analysts and
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dies was soon dominated by three german companies. at the turn of the twentieth century they manufactured ninety percent of all synthetic pigments worldwide they made more than a million chains as prices tumbled pretty colors became affordable for ordinary people. while a huge range of hues is available nowadays a lot of people only choose clothes in the shades favored by the current global fashion trends. color is also a big part of the auto industry spend a small fortune on your new car and you want to be just right that means designers need to get it right first they need to find out what colors people are already buy and what they don't know yet that they'll like. took a look at the streets of berlin where the palette is well muted. grey black black grey ok white and silver that's it for today's car color war it
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was wide. but there are alternatives like the ones mark develops he's a kind of design i'd be as if the chemical giant is one of the world's leading ultimo just paint suppliers of silver has been dethroned silver was the color in the two thousand but then we saw a shift to whites after which the gray zone grew because it's a very neutral area. anyone can wear it. even if you don't like a suit yes you can always wear a grey suit a colored one is more of a statement and. of us what we don't do is fleeting fashion the products lifespan is too long for that color colors have to still look nice a decade later what about blue grey or ups you blue
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a team of ten designers is working on it but it can take years for the ideas to translate into projects in agreement with car makers. we work together with car designers on the future of the surface colors we talk about how we can show that a car is completely connected part of a digital network how can we express that with the exterior color the basic idea was digitalisation we have this plane grey you need a colorless area without any other shades and over that we put something like light like every deal lighting and you can it's a digital lights that you can only see from certain angles. that disappears from other angles that is this on and off the i turn it on or off it's the digital on. off tool on off our car or so on exciting all over the world restrained colors are indeed still fashionable just look at this parking lot in japan where every other
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car is white there it's considered a sign of purity. what happen to all those gaudy colors like this us model from the nine hundred seventy s. b a s f doesn't nice little nice business with vintage cars with a head of a special scan of the exact tone can be dented fight and then reproduced. lots of customers send in paint work samples. few covers from motorcycles are all cars and the challenge is to find and to manufacture the corresponding shade for these vehicles it doesn't usually work when i'd say we match the shade ninety nine percent of the time even if it's vintage p.s.f. says intense blue hues might be the next big thing first any new colors have to pass the range of tests in the lab the german company puts
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a lot of effort into development how of all new cars worldwide have at least one layer of b a s f paint. this one is reportedly very easy to apply. we have to be sure the car body will still have a high quality look after ten years that's a major goal of course the theory that's why the newly developed pains are taken to florida in the u.s. where they are exposed to intense sunlight for to use an outdoor u.v. test. once the test panels are sent back to germany they are bombarded with stone chips to test the paines impact resistance. so far so good then tape is applied to and rip off the damaged spots if the samples have no further major loss of paint they have passed the education test. but that's b a s f d air to very its colors in a radical way i am told it's
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a matter of nuances. a major change could flop in a major way so the company prefer to play it safe short of holt we have a nice red here on the right a standard in today's automobile paint a nice special effect red color effect and here we have a new red a so-called tri coat paint which is highly chromatic with a great color depth. and an effect that jumps out at you. you can really feel it effectual pretty. red or blue broad hues would probably remain the exception for some time to come to bat splashes of color would live in our traffic but in the car industry it seems that the boring code in color is so better both in new and used models.
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and companies don't just employ colors for their products and advertising sometimes they become the color itself synonymous with a particular shade in tone and when that happens they become very protective over it when another company takes up the same color legal disputes often follow we took a look at two well known companies that have been fighting for years over product design both claim a particular shade of dark blue check it out. nifty a blue is the face of the brand. it has stood for its values since one thousand nine hundred twenty five trust closeness and care this kind of mental association a certain color a particular product is of real importance to the manufacturer marketing expert on seizures says the value of a brand has everything to do with the positive attitude of consumers as well but as regards navia you couldn't put a number on what it's what you could say it's billions or millions it's because the
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point is that a brand is a social phenomenon with commercial economic implications and. not the other way around. the. viewer is a social phenomenon as is the association with a certain shade of blue and white lettering that. that's what we call an asset or brand equity though it's hard to quantify that how annoyed marked does in mill your list of to be used. at the navy or flagship store in hamburg you can acquire not only skin and hair care products but unrelated things as well. what they all have in common is that they're all the brand shade of blue and. the great thing about such brands is that they didn't simply emerge out of nothing thanks to advertisement advertising and marketing can provide support but the key thing was the strategic decision to stick with blue. even if people say the in
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color these days is green we remain blue that kind of thing is behind all the great brands they've managed continuity in the market being sticking to its colors may have paid off for navia but other enterprises have chosen change don't you telecom for example for many years it was part of the past which sports yellow alexandra engelhard does brand management for deutsche telekom it was spun off when the state monopoly was privatized in one nine hundred ninety six the telecoms company then switched to magenta. telecom made a point of distinguishing itself from deutsche post and its characteristic yellow. aim to find a color that works for it in its own right. the company's ads feature lots of magenta the hue is now central to the brand around the world it is registered trademarks for the color with respect to certain product groups in many countries
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if a competitor tries to use magenta till it comes lawyers go after it. that's placed we have to defend our right to the color if we hear of any firm using it in a product for which we have registered our trademarks we tell it to stop. if it doesn't comply it'll be a matter for the courts. we have dozens of cases involving mediation and every year . we have five people in our legal department who only deal with protecting our trademark color. competitor mobile com for example dared to use the color and lost when telecom sued trademark holders taken fractions seriously. when he pushed him to fifty manages to establish an association of a certain color in the mind of the public it has to do whatever it can to defend it so right to it that's what branding is about it has to do so even if the media to
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write it as pathetic or laughable. defending a brand isn't always very pleasant but it certainly makes sense because it's actually important for the business like this to because. you don't often see that . company colors are an asset worth protecting. the more firm expands into other countries the more likely it is to encounter others with the same or similar livery like spain's banco santander there which must know the eagle battle in germany against us and savings banks involving their hue of red but back to new via. the company behind the brand bio stoff has been in a decade long dispute with you know lever over its blue among the legal issues are whether a color alone can be a brand or only in association with say a logo or
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a name neither company wanted to talk to us about the proceedings. since new year's seeks to promote wellbeing it probably doesn't want customers whether at its flagship store or around the world to be thinking about legal conflicts when they see the blue at the heart of the dispute. which colors are most attractive the customers businesses don't want to leave that to chance spending piles of money to better understand how consumers perceive different colors and what exactly triggers an emotional response researchers or color experts are commission to find the most attractive shades of red or green or yellow the idea create a feeling with color and then use that feeling to sell your product but it's not always as straightforward as you might think here's a reporter on asako on the power of color. what color is this dress in
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twenty fifteen the question went viral and social media some saw the dresses blue and black others as white and gold it actually led to new research into our perception of colors. industry has long recognized the power of color but what's actually behind it. the human eye can distinguish as many as ten million shades of color but color is not so much a tangible thing as a matter of perception we experience a color when incoming light strikes light sensitive cells in our eyes that send the information to the brain. the brain in turn interprets the light as a particular color so in that sense colors are created in our head. and they're also closely linked to emotions. psychologist tycho haste
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conducted an experiment to see if certain colors could motivate us to spend money on a bottle of wine. we took the same wine in each case we had a big group of test candidates sample the wine in a room with red lighting and another group with green lighting it made a huge difference in fact. candidates with the green lighting found the wine more acidic and not so attractive. while the group under red light found the wind that we're dealing mellow and delicious they said they'd be prepared to spend a year or more on a bottle of wine. wine dyed red possibly because it's associated with bright fruit is known to give an enhanced impression of sweetness but what wasn't previously known is that red ambient lighting alone can influence our perception of taste. but can the color of ambient light affect our concentration and performance as some light bulb companies have claimed for example put that to the test to test persons
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were selected and placed at random in rooms with different color lighting they were each asked to complete the same math and language exercises but the results were all similar. in this case red lighting made no difference so what cause the wind effect. it seems to be something which is and part conveyed through our emotions and is relatively short term records to be vocal. suddenly everything is bathed in red which creates a particular mood which we in turn even project on to the wind. for but if i get school children to complete a test sitting the whole time and read lighting up their perception adapts relatively quickly so that they no longer notice the red light went back to. the brain simply adapts to its surroundings and begins to blank out the colors the
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whole thing happens quite unconsciously. and ambient lighting might also account for the dress it was blue and black yet most saw it as white and gold some you're a scientist suggest people made unconscious assumptions about how the dress was eliminated. so if you're aware of the complex effects of color you can deploy them deliberately and that's where it gets interesting for businesses. and also for christina us she's thinking about children's toys specifically and the outsized role color plays there two colors more precisely whose roles were assigned long ago and who significance is long outdated here christine as thoughts. one down the middle how much do you spend on toys for your children i spend way too much do you realize that we're supporting one of the world's most sexist industry
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in the us not six system. so thin that you know more than seventy million euros that's how much people around the world spend on toys every year that was lost but it is this idea. that unless the i'm not talking just about money but about something much more important you know where are gender stereotypes more blatant than in the world of children who want to move it starts as soon as they're born and for girls blue for boys there's me yes yes yes there's a school notice to call my research two genders so that determine children's futures as well what were the toy industry puts these two colors to their advantage most boys would not ride their sisters pink bicycles that is why now so parents often end up by to have everything that's just one example and look at all the
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other toys the rest of the. but i wasn't going to spaceships and robots so they dream of being athletes astronauts and engineers asked are now us and yet us lesson girls by contrast get dull staff and cooking utensils all but about to turn them into obedient little princesses always ready to serve and care for others. to the rest of us can i help you when you see the perfect secretary the perfect nurse the perfect housewife that's who the choice companies are partly to blame for this but we the parents are also responsible get us don't we all have to take the problem seriously on t.v. the ad industry society before it's too late this is before we have to ask ourselves why is so few girls study computer science and engineering at all i think perhaps because they never dreamed they could.
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those who get this toys are not just toys so get rid of the pink and the blue let kids play with toys that stimulate their imagination on this simple gender neutral toys was like this google machine i didn't manage that with my children what about you go off. and here are made we also put a lot of thought to color as you can see with a look around the studio our design has changed throughout the years here's what it looked like at the beginning lots of green that was our business department color at the time then came red bright red clear sharp lines and of course this is how it looks today at the revamp or even more colorful and of course super digital like the economy of the future take a closer look it's worth it and please tune in next week take care.
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floods have taken everything. now despair has gone the climate refugees. they seek shelter in the capital klapisch the waters chief rice explained the floods are coming and. he took. the
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candle pits classic grace of the full success of the days it into money and it's the first that in every sense you know if you take. the edge of the western sahara hits the media and head into chaos experienced such a kind of challenge. a simple idea that's bringing hope to many. global three thousand ninety minutes on d w. we speak different languages we fight for different things that's fine let me all stick up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters d. w. made for mines. what's the connection between bread flour and the european you. know guilt motus.
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correspondent and avid baker crop. can stay engaged go about recipes for success and strategies that make a difference. baking bread. on g.w. . bush says heat in ruins borrowing a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between. a muslim and the christian population . lands fighters occupied the city center and seventeen president to tears his response was told. by editor it will never again look all of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did malawi
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become a gateway to islamist terror i think he sees me more sitting as the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sky. starts april eleventh g.w. . the us president has floated the idea of brazil possibly becoming a member of nato after welcoming his brazilian counterpart. to the white house donald trump said he had a quote great meeting with the far right leader who has been dubbed the trump of the tropics like.


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