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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2019 11:30am-12:01pm CET

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and central. to their culture the state. only a promise to his son to leave the jungle return to the concrete and glass jungle of new york. the result reverse culture. from the far east starts first w. hello welcome to eco india sustainability magazine where reading to do seem to change me people like you and i who are finding solutions to some of the most pressing problems in the world today. coming to us from you might in india. this
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week let's look at how an organization mumbai is changing people's perception of the city's street dorms. when the asians are doing to reduce their carbon footprint . and how an art project is making or statement combat air conditioning and play change. what was it was a story that has a brutal beginning but luckily a happy ending in the eighty's in the early ninety's or four hundred thousand stray dogs of mumbai were caught and killed was. local n.g.o.s have fought hard to me this practice never brought back. street which is in the forefront of this fight along the road ahead. of.
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when a board of this walks on the streets of the city's unfeelingly greeted him with a strong sense of recognition. many times to the surprise of passers by. as a kid i used to see dogs being taken over the you know dogs that went on neighborhood dogs that we knew was on the order blackie and. used to pick up and kill there. really are lives that i mean why should this be done when there are all of them that there was. a sunday. for twenty two years old acim is the welfare of street dogs have been working towards the alternative. being nothing's happening for. thing happening here than i
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infection on every sunday one of the many routines the for the religious leave is to provide first aid to about twenty dogs in the forty area of south mumbai. you know. earlier the month of full cooperation was to kill them because they thought that was the only way it could bring down rabies or the stray dog population. for me of this twenty two year old journey it's a long term relationship and you know every time a dog passes over part of me and dice. on the. street dogs in mumbai really belong to the indigenous body of advantage of history . they've considered a nuisance and a treat because the potential carriers of the fighters.
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in the early ninety's it was organizations like ours is that for hard for the right to be treated humanely. it's. the weight used to walk that dog used to be kept for three days by the months of all cooperation in the dog pound and if nobody claimed them to electrocute them so that we function is abused to go and rescue these dogs. the only. thing.
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we convinced the relation with figures of how these beds have not gone down the speed dock population has not gone down that let us try an alternative it was a scientific humane method of controlling the adult population which is what we call an animal birth control. what we call instead of lies they should all spin you know. it wasn't until two thousand one that deceptive foods under the prevention of cruelty to animals act we did mandatory for governments to steady my street instead of. infrastructure in funds has
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meant that it has fallen newborn ingenues which are often financed through missions and grants to control and meeting the students in mumbai my wife was. my. late. now still is a back seat it's close to three hundred dogs of. war. and we've been creating what this means is that they don't feel it was trained dogs and few months back and so we leave and so that will prevent it from getting any maggots which is almost you know and we've been feeding up for the last. five weeks but i think want to recall three dogs actually not a part of the world health organization or you call them. pets so they are looked after by somebody on the street the policeman. lives on the
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street you know so they are the ones who look after them give them names. they don't need. help i don't know i don't. know anyone that robert you know how i don't want con cues from one such feeling that's. made should share. on one of the city's streets called. she go. and eat just enough to feed. and. but it has been easy. and like many of the. dogs in the city. just.
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last few of them. she has imploded carries the back lunch boxes to the dogs. me. a little. but there's a big response of it. all started then we wouldn't stop it we couldn't stop it so. said yes to it. being. given them.
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more than that maybe. they're. just. so this thing that if these dogs are not full. because they are not so they realize that this is the best are we that you know the street dogs and humans can live live in harmony. now experts say that stray dogs try the indian cities because it's become easier to find food it looks like it's not really different in germany either except its white boards who wondered into the city's limits in office well back into the white the german capital now has a commissioner for wild animals and his primary job is to deescalate conflict
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between humans and the city's growing up and by life. a wild boar strolling through berlin. is a party for vice we're not deep in the forest but in a large park where thousands of people are out and about they don't appear to be frightened of us. still the boers keep their distance. just the city's point man for wild animals people often call them when they see a boar in the garden or a retcon on the roof you know is where the various species like to hang out locals out for a walk tend to take the company in their stride. while the poor have been here for ages since i was a kid. when he doesn't know how to deal with them they're coming towards me i walk towards them and they scatter. come from japan now and over to where i live in the suburbs where used to them i used to run with the boys on my way home now but they
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still make me a bit nervous. so there are probably between two and four thousand and berlin. several other species also feel right at home in the city. these are species that have got used to earth and have adapted and that's why this is there are various reasons first the physical environment in the country intensive farming deprives them of their habitat or here they can reproduce with abandon. second in the city they are hunters. on the other side of berlin and the tear parks you lay on battle is looking for a hedgehog nests he's a biologist at the lightness institute for a zoo and wildlife research. and i want to home. with her jokes made use of this tree trunk but he's not here at least.
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not in the third nest. hedgehogs go out at night and sleep all day but as we've just seen not always in the same place. and there are more hedgehogs in cities than in the country that's because i gardens and parks offer great natural habitats. the project he's working on is about how hedgehogs bats wars raccoons and other wild animals live in cities. not the ones in zoom enclosures but those living free. large it's in for one of our aims is to inform the public about the animals that might be living in their gardens and to encourage them to leave the creatures a little space and leave gaps in their fences so animals can come and go. that's important if certain species are to survive what many people don't realize
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is that because we've deprived so many species of their natural habitats their numbers are declining. back to the park where we met the wild boar in the middle there's a large lake and it's not just humans who like to chill on it shores. wars aren't known to be keen swimmers but they are if you go to consumers of crisps and cookies. run their governesses i like getting both i really know how come. have a look and as i says not to get into it is really interesting to see the animals in the city but it always happens always great to be able to show them to my son but we all know about the downside to that to your kids i breed fast they roam in the garbage and they can spread disease. concordant stuff putting on the show i have no
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idea also works with the public that's really important because people need to do their part to enable the peaceful coexistence of humans and animals in the big city africa is was even done in africa other animals say what hogs or elephants move into towns and villages and cause a commotion. australia has similar problems of his edible the initial we have going gauge with both the supporters on the critics and having animals in our midst we have to find a way to live with animals it can't be right to simply fight them off. of the many cities have blossomed into hubs of biodiversity it's often in the urban jungle that wild animals find what they need to survive and even to thrive. let's shift focus to one of the most urgent problems of the twenty first century india stahmann emissions are still very low at one point eight percent compared to
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the us a sixteen point eight on the question of most of its energy needs are still next by cool the dirtiest of fossil fuels will be getting to the list of top five carbon polluters in the world and the plan to double the pool of wood by twenty twenty is having a disastrous impact on the environment and on people are deported travel to china in the eastern part of the country the heart of thing yes corn belt. saw the three month who is seventy years old. she's got interests in the coal mines of. the battleship is just not. to begin work at dawn every day it's fraught with dangers the corn has to be hacked out of explosives. once shipped them are badly injured himself when working. in the open pit is one hundred fifty meters deep. suffer three makes four to five crips each day.
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just to watch out for the police who chase them away and confiscate the. name i don't have a choice i have to do this work my parents are illiterate they've worked as laborers all their lives they can't do anything it's. that that is what's happening so i try to help them but only money i really don't like the work my heart isn't there then. a few hours of work which is the equivalent of three euros that's more than what people earn here as day laborers of some thirty thousand people workers called scavengers. but they pay a heavy price burning rockwall releases toxic smoke and gases causing widespread as well and respiratory illnesses in the area. sits atop one of the world's largest
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gold reserves. the gigantic open pits and deep mines here account for a quarter of india's coal production. but the corn is also on fire. dozens of places below the ground some have been smoldering for more than one hundred years when underground mining first began most fires ignite spontaneously one minute rolls in the expose called heat up. continued mining at the surface has opened up cracks that feed oxygen to the flames. the resulting toxic emissions have devastated the environment. the coal fires destroyed houses and triggered landslides. that one has been campaigning for the rights of illegal cold workers like something three of the rubble he says india is paying a huge human cost stache to call. this government just doesn't bother right now
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paul is very important it is very important for the development of massive cities to shore google world out there with them and at the cost of these people. among the human beings who are going to be deprived of what are we even there's some of the other eking out a living that will also go. over trees determined to find a way out of the coal mines. scavenging also helps pay for college she goes there every day after work. to ensure her dreams of getting a good job. don't go up in smoke. no you don't need to sources of energy are definitely. especially in a country with high energy consumption and see this their pollution in big open santa is not all the government is keen to meet in the country and its economy what environmentally sound but first it needs to convince consumers and it's been
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a new. i report that is headed to the capital city of kuala lumpur to find out. if only it with this quick and easy to get around malaysia's capital city. in reality rush hour looks more like this c o two emissions produced by traffic at one of malaysia's biggest climate but that's all set to change. for example with the electric scooter it was developed by the malaysian company. but. they're especially proud of the high performance potteries they designed themselves . with. the power
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direct drive. the batteries that are uses for. this is one of the technology breakthroughs that we have actually of so far not only campari in malaysia i would say that comparing to the wall. the malaysian government supports companies that bring eco friendly products on the market like equally my. financial aid and tax breaks are supposed to help malaysia become a green a country. but over the past three and a half years only four hundred scooters have left the factory. at around three thousand seven hundred euros they cost twice as much as conventional models. i will be so small the right now is to go forty feet because the most heavily use. right now the biggest kentucky fried chicken kids see using it for home deliveries police been patrolling using a bite and we also have a local council foresman people going
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a rope or calling the roots we have not entered a consumer market so far as customers there are also already in use at the malaysian ministry of energy where manufacturers of eco friendly products can apply for support from the environmental incentive scheme it's being implemented by malaysia green technology corp with support from the g i said germany's international cooperation and development agency more than eight hundred fifty different products and services have already been accepted they carry a special label green malaysia the private consumers still hesitant when you go to the market for example they're looking at how much this costs in comparison of course so there is still a challenge there so unless we have economies of scale we can produce green products that skew don't we can reduce the cost. more and more companies want to jump on the eco bandwagon. but first that products are put through their paces for example here at the syringe that if
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a patient organization in kuala lumpur. cyrano was. it's own eco label which companies can use to apply for the mikey john scheme. that would list detergent meet the standards. the company claims that these four got use biodegradable so we're going to test on the bio degradable potential according to the police that's not. the sample is mixed with a bacterial culture. if the sample hasn't dissolved within twenty eight days the detergent twenty granted the label. the criteria that have to be fulfilled for the eco label a tailored to conditions in malaysia. not only with respect to health and environmental sustainability but also with respect to economic feasibility.
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different. standard of living so that it has to because he didn't because he said that. that work on three may not be. so you have to look into the situation of the country and you can read the. book. the next step is to uniform ecological standards by region. the german development agency is also supporting malaysia's neighboring countries indonesia thailand and the philippines. because the more people buy eco friendly products the better it is for the environment. now evolution is a universal correct and most times a solution on an individual level often watch desperation is to put on a mosque and get on with life but
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a collective opt for change twenty one and its mosque book project is getting people from around the world to use their mosques to make a bore statement and demand for change. indian cities are among the most polluted in the world poisonous smog can last for days on and sometimes the sky itself a yellow even breathing is painful. activists in jelly are using art to highlight the problem. individually designed pollution masks. help raise awareness of and pollution and climate change. must book was launched by the ngo to change twenty one. portrayed gallery of more than two thousand five hundred photos showcases moscow talk to him more than forty can trace
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the activists perform on the streets and visit schools. where king with local partners like sweat shop in delhi nearly one hundred workshops have been organized in recent vs disciplines learn about sustainability and how to change their behavior and live in a more environmentally friendly way. like them. if you are doing your bit about. visit our website or send us a tweet. doing your bit sharing your story. i hope to do stories inspired you to be the change you want to see in the world we need back next year more substories each one taking us one step closer to the
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future good bye and have a wonderful week. some
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power of commerce in business to make a statement and entice funders. colors represent brands influence customers and sometimes cause controversy. they're quiet but powerful ambassadors who help
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companies stay in the black. color matters on made in germany thirty minutes of spawn. eat healthy africa lives in the primate capital of the world. uganda is given a first national condom is hidden deep in the jungle good lives ranges ensure the survival of chimps and other creatures. on a concept for success. sure is a. ninety minute deep double. the city in ruins maro a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims and the christian
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population. last finance fighters documented the city center in two thousand and seventeen president to tertius response was told. by the better it will never gain political gain of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did move forward to become a gateway to islamist terror until now the sorry god i mean wasn't as the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sun. starts april eleventh on t.w. .
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this is d.w. news live from the first funerals of victims of the christ church mosque shootings take place among some of those of a father and son who had fled syria's civil war for new zealand believe it to be the safest country in the world also on the program page starts to reach parts of mozambique stricken by cyclon day the u.n. says it is one of the worst storm disasters to hit africa for decades. to friendly
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how to shake but frosty relations between the united states and germany why.


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