tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 20, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm CET
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the below. zero at. this says did it when he was going for berlin britain's prince of battle heats up again as theresa may ask european leaders for an extension the prime minister wants to delay the u.k.'s were drawn from the e.u. until the end of the truth brussels says a short extension might be possible if lawmakers that is approved may spread that plan also on the program the first funerals have been held for victims of the mosque shootings in question church among them a father and son to fled syria's civil war for new zealand believing it to be the
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safest country in the morning. and bringing the invictus games to germany the defense ministry is applying to host a sports competition for veterans here as early as twenty twenty two a reporter for this one i'm going to spend soldier to find out what he thinks of the plan. ahead. hock thanks so much for joining us everyone british lawmakers are holding an emergency debate on bragg's it after prime minister theresa may formally request that the e.u. extend the date of the u.k. swear troll from the block of theresa may is hoping to delay brigs it until june thirtieth but signals from brussels have been mixed chief donald tusk says the blocks leaders could approve a short delay at an upcoming summit that is if british lawmakers approved. in
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recent days briggs atlanta but also expressed doubts about granting a delay until june thirtieth an internal assessment from the european commission warned that such a delay could create quote serious legal and political risks for the e.u. . while at prime ministers are question time or a weekly q. and a session with the house of commons theresa may told rowdy m.p.'s why she wanted to short extension to the e.u. departure date rather than a long one take a listen setting aside the issues that are long extension would mean we would have to stand cold to new york in palm entry elections which i don't think is in anybody's interests the outcome of the long extension would be endless hours and days of this house all of this hiring. i think was carrying on contemplating its navel on the euro i'm feigning to address the issues that my friends who are going to. go into order the own
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from the prime minister must be heard and everybody else will be heard the prime minister on. the outcome of the long extension would be this house spending get more endless hours gone to completing its mabel on europe and failing to address the issues that matter to our constituents schools and hospitals and security i'm joined. now in a notably quieter brussels european council president donald tusk responded to the british prime minister's request for an extension on briggs if he suggested that the ball still lies in london's court. believe the show the extension would people should believe. about two of the condition of all the positive votes on there was a thorough review meant in the house of commons. the question remains open as to that you ration of such. an extension even the hope for
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a file of success may seem for a new. event. and though the exit for teak is increasingly visible and justified we've got a lot to give up seeking the last moment a positive solution. european council president speaking a short while ago well more on this topic now from correspondents max hoffman in a brussels for you and alex forrest whiting in the studio with me we'll get to her in a moment but want to give max the first word if i may a conditional extension that max o'donnell to us was speaking there from brussels where you are what you make of his reaction to teresa mayes demand for an extension to the end of june. you know we had to get some clarification from from our sources here in brussels to be sure to know what he actually meant to get into for taishan of what on the mend so what's going to happen is he is going to suggest what he
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just said to the leaders when they come on thursday to brussels for their summit meeting he will suggest that they're in favor of the short term extension until the thirtieth of june if the house of commons in the u.k. next week approves the already negotiated withdrawal agreement that they have already rejected twice if that does not happen then it gets interesting because then he at least that's how we read what he said he will call for a special summit at the end of the next week where leaders could convene again and then think about what what they should do in the face of this third rejection by the house of commons and now this is this is speculation but it's kind of founded speculation of what we've seen in the last weeks then leaders could decide they need a different kind of extension either much longer for the u.k. to sort things out maybe with a second referendum or even snap elections or something like that so well beyond
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the thirty five june which would mean that the u.k. would have to participate in the european elections or maybe a shorter extension up until the european elections so they're on safe legal grounds and the u.k. would not participate in the european elections so you see a lot of ifs but we'll have more clarification maybe on thursday when the leaders come to the regular summit here to brussels a lot of uncertainty max as you've been scared scratching there but what is apparent is that we're going around in circles what i wonder is brussels pushing the u.k. parliament to a last minute vote and basically the reality of a no deal bragg's it. we might see it might seem like we're going in circles but you know this will end at some point so we're going closer to the cliff edge right here and that is something we've seen many times with the european union for decisions for example with the the threaten threatening gregg's that
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a couple years ago when when there was the greek financial crisis there was always a last minute decision when the pressure was highest that's when the e.u. leaders found a solution but this time it's harder because you not only have the leaders you also have the house of commons and that has proven to be completely unpredictable but clearly that is still part of the strategy putting as much pressure into the pressure cooker and see whether to resume a can get this deal approved in the end it's quite unclear how she will actually bring it to the house of commons because the speaker of the house of commons for bid to put it down for a third vote this week been seems like they might find a workaround to that but no matter if they make it the goal is to have as much pressure in the cooker to see if this no still stands or not right with a brussels perspective there did of use max hoffman thank you for that well let's get the angle now from the u.k.
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with the alex here because they're playing it down to the wire talk about pressure cooker so what i wonder is what does this all mean for the u.k. and the break that process in general well let's just remember that the default position at the moment final is that next friday the u.k. leaves the e.u. with or without a deal so that is still u.k. no mustn't forget that that has not changed we've heard from from donald tusk saying that yes there is this condition on extension that hopefully he can get agreement for so how does that play out to reason they will be able to bring her deal but for thirteen next week she will probably use this extension. as the way of getting around the speak his ruling that it has to be significantly different can she persuade those bricks it is those hardcore euro skeptics in her own party to a deal can she persuade those northern irish m.p.'s the d p ten m.p.'s who prop up
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the government to deal that is the problem she has failed so far she has got to do something to bring them around will there be some movement from the labor party there the main opposition party will they be so worried now that to no deal bricks it a chaotic bricks it next friday is now so real that they have to support a deal this has to be what downing street is hoping for that reason may where we're told by the prime minister of ireland is going to be making a statement tonight to the public so hopefully she will be have to explain a little bit more of what her plans are clearly she wants this deal still to go through with a very real threat that there could still be a no deal bricks that she knows that some in her party would be quite happy for there to be a no deal but the majority of people not it is really playing very fast and very loose and we really don't know what could happen interesting what max was saying there about is the motions the summit at the end of next week being
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a possibility that maybe the e.u. will be able to still help her further but at the moment i think a no deal doesn't look a step more likely than it did just a few hours ago and all eyes are number ten this evening as well see where a statement to theresa may will make their thank you so much alex forced to. briggs it thank you. to some of the other stories making news around the world. you were in court has ordered former bosnian serb leader radovan kerridge to spend the rest of his life in jail for war crimes a panel of a panel rather of appeals judges uphold. the original twenty sixteen convictions for atrocities committed during the balkans war including a massacre of bosnian muslims is that every need the court said his original forty year sentence was too light you will argue. the european union's antitrust watchdog has fined it grew but one point five billion euros the e.u.
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competition commission says the internet giant abused its dominance position to stifle competition in the advertising market the fine takes google's total penalties from the european union to more than eight billion euros over the last two years. a court in the united states has ruled that the weed killer round up was a factor in causing cancer in a seventy year old woman. this is the second major legal defeat for the chemicals manufacturer monsanto in months and more cases are likely to follow the company was bought last year by german chemicals giant buyer. the first funerals for victims of the deadly shootings at two mosques in new zealand have taken place today in christ church hundreds of mourners attended the burial of father and son who fled the war in syria for what they believed would be
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a safer life in new zealand. two members of a syrian refugee family were among the first to be laid to rest in christ church to lead mustafa and his fifteen year old son hamza came to new zealand fleeing war before they were gunned down by a white supremacist in a mosque last friday. among the mourners saeed mustafa younger brother he suffered gunshot wounds to his leg during the a talk. heavily armed police to guard outside another reminder of the horror of what happened. the nation is grieving with its muslim community. a prime minister just send our dan wants to demonstrate. we're is
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a desire to show support to the muslim community as they were tuned to mosques particularly on friday there is also a desire months new zealanders to mock the week that has passed since the terrorist attack. to acknowledge this there will be a two minute silence. on friday we will also broadcast nationally via t.v. in seed and radio new zealand the cool to priya. and meet the outpouring of sorrow the message is clear we stand together in the face of terrorism. while the woman trying to form new zealand together is our prime minister to send our she's determined that the alleged shooter will not become the focus of attention he so many things from his act of terror but one was no
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surprise. and that is why you will never hear me mention his name. he is a tear if he is a criminal he is an extremist but he will when i speak benign with. well that was her a talking to parliament or in parliament rather on her choosing her first address to lawmaker since the atrocity took place at statements like these that have been garnering ardern widespread attention around the globe she's being held up as a model example of how leaders should respond to tragedies like this and i'm joined now here on the set by my colleague hannah cleaver who has been taking a closer look at just in the art of woman of the hour now how to she's not the first leader to have a terrorist act being committed on home soil what's so special about her response
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is fascinating her focus is historically not unique but it's really remarkable in current times and i think it sets her aside from a whole load of other world leaders she has reacted not with. or fury or any kind of cool for revenge she's she's put the whole focus really she's she's dismissed the man who is suspected to have done it as we saw in that clip but she's pushing putting all the emphasis on those who were hurt those who were killed in the community was who was hurt now this itself isn't brand new off to the attacks of nine eleven george w. bush even spoke about how muslims were american citizens to and how they have made a contribution to the american american life but i think just in the tent has been much more direct and really bringing the muslims into new zealand society here's a tweet we have here that she she sent out on friday which was the day of the
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attack i don't know whether we can see it yet. in this tweet she said that new zealand is the home of that community that was under attack the home of muslims and that they are us is something that she said and that is really significant as well as being inclusive of the people who are under attack she's also been talking of love and of grief and has also been promising to tighten gun laws and this combination of being really open with emotions but pairing that with a clarity and a determination to actually do something that has really a lot of praise we have a couple of quotes from her let's see if we can take a listen to them. and so i. love. katie agree. it is our kate ask her
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how even if you were directly affected within ten days of this horrific act of terrorism we will have announced reforms which well i believe make our community safer we will also broadcast nationally via t.v. and seed and radio new zealand the call to prayer. what have people been saying about her approach their response has been hugely positive people seem to feel that she seems fresh have a small selection of tweets that been sent out if we can get to those peggy hicks director of the united nations human rights office in geneva has tweeted that human rights here is can be forged in many ways and then quote the new zealand prime minister that is the magnificent of example we also have indian national congress party politician who say if we go to hear that she sent such
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a huge benchmark for the leaders and especially for prime ministers of countries for him every event and occasion is nothing than a mere photo opportunity and it's also not just politicians who are struck by her we have a quick tweet here from british literary agent john gianni gala who says that she's been reminding the world what a leader is and could be she's been taken as really an inspirational figure and we often focus at the moment on a new strand of fairly elderly very right wing and some would even say fascist national leaders donald trump of the u.s. hootin of russia chair both sonar of brazil and even detached of the philippines but at the end she belongs to a completely different group of young and she's not even forty yet remember liberal leaders she fits in with a man who are of france and with of ireland as well as. justin trudeau of canada this is the kind of new group that she fits in with and although
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the shy may have come off with mccrone trudeau she is definitely having a moment she is definitely having a moment hannah cleaver thank you so much for highlighting some of just and there are tons of background for us and her reaction to this atrocity thank you are you're watching the w. news resolve a lot more to tell you about including it's a sporting event where war veterans from all over the world compete. invictus games the defense ministry hopes the games will be held in germany in twenty twenty two but what do the german soldiers think about it. but first we turn our attention to kazakhstan where yesterday the country's president made the shock announcement that he's stepping down after thirty years in power nor sultan nasr bio of has left the oil rich nation since one thousand nine hundred eighty nine when it was still part of the soviet union he said he would to continue to chair the security council and remain leader of the main party in parliament but the move means that his parliamentary speaker automatically assumes
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the presidency for now are like to welcome now on a golden he served as prime minister of kazakhstan from one thousand nine hundred four to one thousand nine hundred seven he currently lives in exile in london and is considered a leading opposition figure of warm welcome sir thank you for taking out the time to come see us you have to be a very vocal about corruption in kazakhstan and i are also very critical about the ruling party the ruling nasr because you have family so you must welcome this decision by the leader after thirty years to say i'm stepping down this is a good good development. people like to believe is good development is people demand to change. two years ago a business is a buy from those that he's going to share the power was part of that but not
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believe it will be problems as usual stuff for this young man then to urgently do stuff to change and in prevent the amendment for constitution then you'll owe it given more power to national she could you counsel and in fact he still. dahlan from the office but she's going to buy another office which is in totem so for foreign policy and national security more powerful than presidential office eight she's not going somewhere she's not jumping from the cli few still in the inch ouch so if founders understand correctly from your answer he basically has a structure in place which self-perpetuating his role so what does this all mean this latest development for kazakhstan's future why did he do this he. simple reason she want to secure himself from the past from to be stake in the past from
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these very rich people right now is very special five minute each and we all understand how the family becoming rich there are to twenty five years from the zero two billion dollars. and this is number one issue at the security second to control. this morning it was more development security and so from. hughes daughter as the member of the becoming chairman speakers which is going to replace you something happened to him president acting president . will take over office of president in case what do the people of kazakhstan make of these developments. i believe the people who like me they totally disappoint of what's going on with their month change we
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believe myself personally i strongly believe there is some sense oh. that and i believe he will touch reality he will understand you couldn't leave the country in office with this circumstance have to go to the church simply human must to do something for the nation of he did that why people is totally thought to disappoint you were prime minister from one thousand nine hundred four to ninety ninety seven why did you leave. leave all to like the seven after three years of office of prime minister and it was very hard time then i start understand the family demand more power and i have only two routes or to continue to sit in my office and abuse my power and being part of this. group of people who is. taking over our state property or should stop
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the certain way. and of my career with and i decide to stop the party that's the. formal democratic force of cousins the. try to run for presidential nicely like in lyon early elections. for thirty five countries. mr. golden thank you sir for coming in to speak to us. german defense minister is often a liar is trying to raise more awareness for veterans of veterans rather in german society in berlin she met germany's contestants in the last of victor's games for injured and traumatized service members which were last held in australia and a bit to improve the image of the armed forces here in germany is applying to host the games in twenty twenty two or later we visited germany's armed forces the bonus for asked what soldiers think about the plans to bring the veterans games to
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germany. military service in afghanistan and especially dangerous missions there's a high risk of being wounded or traumatized something german soldier kevin filey experienced he was stationed in kabul for six months in two thousand and thirteen there he was exposed to many life threatening situations some of which forced him to make gut wrenching choices. it was always an attack on the campus attack on the comp then we would suddenly see people coming to what's to come to advise including children. then slowly i began to think if this is real and children are being exploited just so much that i have to make a decision now ready and if necessary fire. and those are some of the things that dream about again and again. and the mission in which. they also came under fire himself one of the many traumatic experiences he finds it
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hard to talk about now since then certain things odors or flashing lights for example trigger a massive stress reaction in him. in the toyman images appeared in dreams that night from the time in afghanistan from the six months. and at some point i did really wake up terrified in bed drenched in sweat and i even heard myself screaming . sports are still important for folly despite the trauma and a knee injury last fall he was allowed to take part along with eighteen comrades in the invictus games in sydney among other things he competed as a rower injured and traumatised soldiers from eighteen countries entered the competition. the games were britain's prince harry's idea. he wanted to make veterans more visible to the rest of society so far the games
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can take photos grandma there you go it's all about a box no i'm rachel join me for me at the show. and sunday w. . post. rooms. morrow weeks. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when this fighters occupied the city center in two thousand and seventeen president church's response was little. by little bit little bit of a game political game. the reconquest turned into tragedy. this is not liberation at all this is not the kind of freedom that leon. how did you become a gateway to islamist terror. until now you see some other more significant
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personal. and exclusive reports from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of bias starts april eleventh on t w. this is africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes the aid so no need making its way to the victims of psycho need food water and other emergency supplies are being distributed to areas that can be reached and on the ground on the relief operation in mozambique. and the power outages that have left.
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