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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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this is g w news wire from berlin tonight a delay and it breaks that demand with just nine days to go before the u.k. begins leaving the european union the stakes get even higher prime minister recently expected to address the nation any moment now earlier today she put in a request to the e.u. for a delay until the end of june brussels says that is possible but only if lawmakers approve the price of plan that they've rejected twice also giving up the use ancient prime minister viktor orban his political party suspending it from the
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european parliament's biggest political party group it's all the result of tensions in europe over for bonds in time migration and your word skeptic stan. i'm bring golf to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all the around the world welcome with just nine days to go until breaks it begins british lawmakers still don't know what breaks it will be lawmakers have been holding an emergency debate on the country's withdrawal from the european union and it comes after prime minister to resign may earlier today formally asked e.u. leaders for an extension a delay to bret's it she's hoping to delay it until june thirtieth but signals from brussels well they've been mixed.
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so a long way to go and what the prime minister is saying must be heard the prime minister as prime minister. i am not prepared to delay brecht's it any further than the sea is. it's difficult to hear a clock tick in the house of commons these days but with just over a week to go until the u.k. shadow departure from the e.u. the shouting match could go into extra time. and although wrecked it for teak increasingly the. it was just a fight. not to give up seeking come to the last moment a positive solution believe the shot extension would be possible. but to have the condition of all the positive votes on that was there already meant
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in the house of. m.p.'s at westminster have already voted in the agreement in its current form multiple tell you just talks go on so does the uncertainty this is because we're now in the midst of a full scale national crisis incompetence failure and intransigence from the prime minister and her government i've brought us to this point parliament has rejected a deal it's rejected no deal the prime minister now has no plan. to resume his immediate plan is getting the other twenty seven european union countries to grant her an extension there's a lot of very noisy barricades this house has almost itself on europe for tonight. lawmakers in the u.k. and across the channel will be hoping she can cut through the noise. try to cut through the noise have been doing that now for weeks with alex force one right here at my right hand she's our breaks and analysis i mean this is
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a crisis that was in it i mean the the order or the offer that came from the european union today is we will think about this extension this delay but you have to vote against yourself in a way right well that appears to be the case and they're saying that theresa may bring you back your deal for a third time it's been rejected twice get it through them we can give you this extension the shortie extension but they know very well that that is a very strong chance yet again that it will be. and that is the problem so we are therefore heading towards a no deal bricks at remember by law with the u.k. leaves the e.u. next friday however what also did was he kept the door open for an emergency summit that could be called with e.u. council next thursday night perhaps the length of brics exactly where they could perhaps try to office something more to the u.k.
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nobody wants a no deal brix it certainly not within the. most people in the u.k. so that door has been left open but still tonight we are one step closer to and no deal bricks it on from what we've seen today there really is this attempt by the european union delegates to put pressure on parliamentarians in london to vote for a plan that he you know they don't want that is the only deal on the table as all of them have said it's what the e.u. agreed with theresa may back in november and that on no other options that they can go for the moment because there is no majority in parliament that they can agree on so at the moment this is the deal she will try to bring it back again next week and hope that she can win over those hard core bricks that is in her own party those ten northern irish do you pm piece that's really prop up the government and maybe some labor m.p.'s to get it over the line but i cannot say that that is going to happen at the moment it looks like she doesn't have the numbers and maybe we'll get
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some clarification because we are expecting the prime minister to speak any moment now we're going to bring that live to our viewers when it happens thank you. well now to another crisis here in europe it looks like a big blow to gary and prime minister viktor orban his ruling for this party has been suspended from the european parliament's biggest political group and it could face expulsion or guns if it does party is part of the center right european people's party bloc which is known as the e p p and it receives strong support from right wing anti immigration pardons however some members of the e.p. want the deaths to be thrown out altogether because of it's your words skeptic stance that questions are being raised over budapest compliance with e.u. law. joining us now with more is our correspondent rebecca ritter's she is covering events for us from brussels tonight's can even see you rebecca viktor orban he has
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been slammed for his anti migration policy now his party being suspended from this big political bloc in the european parliament is it possible that they could be suspended and kicked out permanently what more do we know. at this stage it's not looking like a permanent but anything is possible it's very rare to see europe's biggest parliamentary group so divided britain's the question of what to do about faith is has been the elephant in the room for some time and till a recent campaign which you briefly spoke about before against you commission president john quote and billionaire. billionaire george soros really threw the party into. many calling for him to be expelled completely so that we some tonight that are very disappointed with this watering down. the they voted
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overwhelmingly in favor of this but it was a closed door meeting. a pay sources say that it was very heated in there with with viktor orban himself making a speech saying that he would stand down that he would pull his party out completely if this is pension vote going through and you have the president of the pay pay also saying that he would stand down if a compromise couldn't be made eventually a compromise was made and they agreed overwhelmingly one hundred and ninety votes in favor and you know we've reported many times a bill or bond in his his open disdain for brussels in for some of the rules of the european union the decision tonight is this a warning to other e.u. member states that are thinking of jumping on the big door beyond dreams. brand it's difficult to say i mean we see this across the e.u. the fit as party is certainly not the first party not the only party to leave
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brussels and go home and then and blame brussels for what conceivably domestic issues and gain popularity from that at home you only have to look at the u.k. as one prominent example but if it is victor or push to push it to the extreme. you know this is what we've seen with their campaigns against the e.u. and its institutions is really unprecedented and many probably could possibly be trying to teach them a lesson or the correspondent rebecca richardson story for us tonight in brussels thank you. the united nations appeals court in the hague has increased radovan cards and sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes and crimes against humanity a panel of appeals judges upheld the former bosnian serb leaders original twenty sixteen conviction for atrocities during the balkan war they said that his forty year sentence for crimes including
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a massacre of muslims in the country was two lines and the chief prosecutor told the w news that today's verdict was of historic significance. very satisfied with the appeals decision today not only because there were convictions were confirmed in relation to the genocide in children it's any relation to the siege of sarajevo and in relation to the ethnic cleansing campaign in many many polities not only do we have convictions in all those cases but also the sentence was increased we were asking for a life sentence and in appeals we got a life sentence which is extremely important. to many thinking today about the many many survivors and victims of the crimes committed in bosnia herzegovina victims which are present today and which waited more than ten years to see this decision being being confirmed so it's very important for victims very important
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for survivors important for the tribunal obviously but also important for history because now it is a formal good cards each is a war criminal that he is responsible personally responsible for major atrocities committed during three years in bosnia herzegovina. but here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world dozens of italian schoolchildren have made a narrow escape after their bus driver set the vehicle on fire near milan police were able to stop the bus and get all the passengers to safety without injury the driver who is now under arrest said that he was protesting migrant deaths in the mediterranean aid organizations are racing to get help to devastated cities and communities after. devastated. zimbabwe and more than two hundred people have been confirmed dead in mozambique alone the death toll is expected to rise as the rubble is cleared the european union's antitrust watchdog has fined
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google one point five billion euros the e.u. competition commission says the internet giant abused its dominant position to stifle competition in the online advertising market the find takes google's total penalties from the european union to more than eight billion euros over the last two years as. well a jury in the united states has ruled that buyers of weed killer roundup was a substantial factor in causing cancer in a seventy year old man this is the second time that the jury has found that round up its ingredient. coles hodgkins lymphoma is made by the us company owned by the german chemical giant. the landmark verdict could affect thousands of other cases said that it was disappointed with the jury's initial decision to move to a second phase to determine the company's financial liabilities and damages.
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more on this i'm joined by. been following this story. what is a bellwether case that could wind up costing. hundreds of millions of dollars could be even more than that brand. to the end of january twelfth thousand cases pending this. regarding this issue around and the accusations that it might cost cancer now one analyst said overall legal costs regarding this this matter could add up to. twelve billion dollars so that would be a heavy blow and an indicator of what might be coming is the second phase of the of the trial that we heard a ruling in today you mentioned it in this second phase. you know prosecutors will try to make the case whether. to knew about the risks of round up and and whether
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the company tried to cover up something well you know bayer acquired one sense of what it was a bell a year ago last year in surely they were aware of the legal proceedings against the company i'm sure they were aware they were aware of that then and when they went ahead with the the buy anyway that that means they think they're going to win a court case or even if it's billions in damages so well apparently the overwhelming opinion here was that the benefits of this merger would still way the risks and as of last year you said it has become the world's biggest producer of seeds and herbicide throughout this merger with months on though and with its history of a chemical company i'm sure and at the same time a growing demand for food around the world buyer we're seeing a business opportunity here also when it comes to genetically engineered agriculture now by our c.e.o. then obama he was one of the champions of this deal he was really pushing for it and now that the legal troubles around this case are growing pressure on him is
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increasing as well in markets and investors they've had nervous a bell nonsense from the very beginning that right turns out they were right investor and other advocacy advocacy groups have been ringing the alarm bells and they were right to do so just today buyer got nine billion dollars wiped out off their market value the stock has lost forty percent within one year. will have its annual shareholder meeting next month it's going to be a rough one. all right christopher over with the latest with this roundup case a jury saying it is cancer culture thank you germany's defense minister of the for the lion she is trying to raise more awareness of veterans here in german society today in berlin she met germany's contestants in the last invictus games for injured and traumatized service members the last games were held in australia in a bid to improve the image of the armed forces here germany's applying to host the
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games in twenty twenty two that we visited germany's armed forces which are known as the blood is fair we asked what soldiers think about plans to bring the veterans games here. military service in afghanistan and especially dangerous missions there's a high risk of being wounded or traumatized something german soldier kevin fairly experienced he was stationed in kabul for six months and twenty thirteen there he was exposed to many life threatening situations some of which forced him to make gut wrenching choices. it was always an attack on the camp attack on the comp then we would suddenly see people coming towards treating children. began to think if this is real and children are being exploited. then have to make a decision now. and if necessary fire. and some of the things they
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dream about again and again doesn't. mean. they also came under fire himself one of the many traumatic experiences he finds it hard to talk about now since then certain things odors or flashing lights for example trigger a massive stress reaction in him. he. just appeared in dreams that night. from the six months one point i did really wake up terrified in bed drenched in sweat and i even heard myself screaming. sports are still important for folly despite the trauma and a knee injury last fall he was allowed to take part along with eighteen comrades in the invictus games in sydney among other things he competed as a rower injured and traumatised soldiers from eighteen countries entered the competition. the games were britain's prince harry's idea.
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he wanted to make veterans more visible to the rest of society. so far the games have taken place in english speaking countries but the german government wants germany to host the games in twenty twenty two. i would be very pleased about ah to share germany which what soldiers who were wounded in the line of duty a capable of so that they're not just shoved into a corner but that they're also part of society you might. be invictus games are important to family personally he keeps fit hoping to take part once again in the competition. the first funerals for victims of the massacre at two new zealand mosques have been held in the city of christ church hundreds of mourners attended the burial of a father and son who fled the war in syria for what they believe would be a safer life in new zealand they were among the fifty people who were gunned down
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by a white supremacist last friday. two members of a syrian refugee family were among the first to be laid to rest in christ church. mustafa and his fifteen year old son hamza came to new zealand fleeing war before they were gunned down by a white supremacist in a mosque last friday among the mourners. says younger brother he suffered gunshot wounds to his leg during the attack. heavily armed police took guard outside another reminder of the horror of what happened. the nation is grieving with its muslim community. and prime minister just send to
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our dan wants to demonstrate. we're is a desire to show support to the muslim community as they were tuned to mosques particularly on friday there is also a desire months new zealand to mark the week that has passed since the terrorist attack. to acknowledge this there will be a two minute silence. on friday we will also broadcast nationally via t.v. in seed and radio new zealand the cool to priya. and meet the outpouring of sorrow the message is clear we stand together in the face of terrorism. aid is starting to reach communities in mozambique zimbabwe and malawi devastated by
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a day six days ago heavy flooding in the wake of the storm has made it difficult to reach survivors the world food program says that nonstop rainfall is making it even worse more than three hundred people are confirmed dead officials say hundreds of thousands of lives remain at risk it's being described as to worst humanitarian crisis in mozambique's history heavy flooding and prolonged bouts of rain a compounding the destruction wreaked by cycling most weak the storm and flood watches not only and throats and bridges they also wiped out communications networks across the region. and many of eat ice victims once again finding themselves in danger. this mother is one of hundreds of thousands who lost their home she's worried about her newborn as food supplies in the shelter for low. they didn't own doesn't last
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night i haven't eaten anything yesterday i saw that food was running out i went in asked and they told me that food was over and until now i've had none. that's because the floods and heavy rain which followed in the storm's wake a hindering efforts in some areas floodwaters a meters deep most rural area streaming cut off from help. pollution is the biggest focus is. the body's helping and you think in terms of holding. rescue us also working around the clock to save lives many victims astute trapped on rooftops trees and other remote areas and the region is bracing for more heavy rain in the coming days flooding has become to biggest threat mozambique is facing right now. germany's national football team kick off
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their twenty one thousand campaign with a friendly against serbia tonight followed by an important match against the netherlands on sunday now these are germany's first games since national coach surprised the country by dropping three key players rebuilding a side that suffered a spectacular failure at the twenty. the new new start for germany coach. he just carried out the biggest overhaul of his tenure the emphasis is on the use ace of the current squad players would still be allowed to play for the under twenty one's team. speed by saying that yes we're not going to completely change our style of play that would be wrong we've had a lot of success with it for many years we have to make some adjustments now corrections even. for name and what's important is more speed more dynamism more determination in our place because attributes embodied by. the manchester city
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forward didn't make last year's world cup squad now the twenty three year old has a leading role. because if not i've set myself a goal of taking more responsibility on the pitch i want to pick up where i left off in the last few games but i think there's still plenty of room for improvement i need to focus on he said he wrapped up his styling effets sunday doesn't necessarily fit the mold of a leader but already players look to him for guidance like lucas cluster man one of three new faces. finish i don't think being a leader has anything to do with age and when i look at leo's development he's made a lot of good decisions. so i think one can definitely look at him as a role model. where the young team is jonny will take them will be revealed in the matches against serbia and the netherlands. well it is the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere so good there be
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a better day for the un's international day of happiness correspondence i've been asking people around the world what makes you happy. shields were just shit. to wake up every day next to her that's happiness for me. if you want me to apply as well a few days less work every week that will be happiness for me. but it all with. but i will make. money. money makes you happy right. now my life the very happy yeah happy to now there's no you need to be able to enjoy simple things the sun and the birds. making me to be the. more people are happy and i just
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myself i mean i'm happy if i don't make someone else i think my move makes me happy every day i see my mothers my my cats and my husband they're my family i love spending time with my friends. boyfriends kids a little exercise good weather and a whole lot more. mottos ice cream cars toy soldiers because i'm happy when i get enough sleep. so when my country is doing well my family is well and my life's going well. i'm frantically stollen this is my happiness people are starting to go or jogging or playing table tennis or smashing the ball brings me joy it's a good way to relax. so that's what makes me happy running to be half of.
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these guys every day since six months i come here and if you're in hard fresh coffee and there's just wonderful to be some other connections that's what it's. after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day you know what makes me happy or would make me happy is if you stay right there enjoying.
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the full. africa. coming president of the am at a modern majorana from seeing the time the rebel army ended the one nine hundred ninety four genocide wasn't when totally know it wasn't going to be even thought out need to reinforce it in
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a controversial leader who success is beyond question because time comes and the wanted tragedy starts able fifth on t.w. . louis sarno just couldn't get the song out of his head. the musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. and found them deep in the rain forest in central africa. buying up people. going out. six he was so fascinated by their culture that he stayed. only a promise to a son something only the jungle and returned to the concrete and glass john. the
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result reverse culture shock. ready for you realize how strange artificial is really connected to life. the prize winning documentary song from the forest starts people first on t w. with just nine days left before the u.k. leaves the european union the bronx it pressure cooker is running hot tonight european council boss donald tusk saying a delay to bragg's it is possible but only a parliament approves a breaks a plan by next week the plan that lawmakers have already rejected twice where you can feel the pressure on parliament tonight will lawmakers use a stiff upper lip and vote against themselves to win a break sit delay and a deal or will they keep calm carry on and crash the country out of your eye.


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