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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 23, 2019 1:02am-1:30am CET

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countries exit from the block the u.k. will no longer be leaving next friday so the british prime minister is going to sell for extra three weeks to with perfect barriers parliament to shape so what will she do next i'm from galle in berlin and this is the day. it's really is that the close of april. fifteenth which is a true. government these are very short deadlines so once again britain will have to make which path it wants to take. the fate of gregg's it. and so for our british friends. the european project cannot be held hostage we need to get out of this checkmate.
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for them but. also tonight a major michael jackson exhibition opens in germany amid renewed allegations of the pops i was a paedophile is of course raises difficult questions about how to handle his legacy the probably won't be another figure. someone who achieved such worldwide recognition that meant so many different things to so many different people the ongoing questions about his life and probably the realities we may never know we may never know the truth. so we'll start the day in the united kingdom where the prime minister has to come up with a way to save her deal after european union leaders agree to delay the date of britain's withdrawal from the block to beyond next friday if there is a make can persuade parliament to approve a deal that. he will leave in two months on the twenty second of may that's ahead
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of european parliament elections. rejects a plan for shell has to come up with an alternative all the country crashes out on the twelfth of april that's just three weeks away but while britain struggles to give up its membership other countries are reveling in the fact that they never really fully joined. what one island detests another is happy to have iceland was an honorary guest at the brussels summit a quarter century as part of the european economic area for iceland's prime minister reason to celebrate. like america one of the after member states. obviously very happy to be here to be able to celebrate the twenty fifth anniversary of the agreement that has been very beneficial for iceland and all the f. the states neither norway nor iceland is an e.u. member but both belong to the european economic area and they have adopted many regulations and in return they enjoy free access to the european domestic market
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which britain wants to leave and there's been a new timetable for that departure since thursday night the no deal breaks it has been temporarily prevented but there are conditions since germany's chancellor. then goes for the it is approved the withdrawal agreement next week we will postpone the exit date to may twenty second some violence once it's my first shebang that is before the european parliamentary elections which is important for you member states in british m.p.'s reject the deal again next week. before the end of this we can only postpone the deadline until april twelfth as britain would then have to tell us how they want to continue. in voice so after that anything could theoretically happen from a no deal brax it to a withdrawal of article fifty the ball is in britain's court and france's president manuel mccomb warns that e.u. countries contemplating similar moves she. take note little exceed that means you
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need a record that is in my opinion not a matter of technical negotiation but above all a political lesson on which for pretty to reject europe without having a plan in place leads to a dead end what some polje. meant. at least she doesn't have this problem for the icelandic prime minister the e.u. still remains a win win situation. for the public face in brussels she says the e.u. leaders are now looking to london to decide finally on the way forward that leaders head to reason may end here for an hour and a half that's a long time and asked her over and over again what is your plan b. if you're parliament rejected the deal again what will you do and she didn't have a single answer which is again then everybody found pretty annoying and so now in london there seems to be a certain amount of movement and everybody here will be quite happy to see that
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because now there seems to have been an agreement between the opposition and government to hold a series of indicate if those next week that means everybody everything every possible solution to correct that is put on the table like would you like bracks it was a customs union would you like breaks it was in no way solution would you like bracks it was bo's of what would you like basically every sort of permutation of rights it is put on the table and this will be voted on and then you quite easily can see where the majority of the house is sort of where it is and what what parliamentarians really want is something trees may should have done in january after she lost the vote first the first time around but now it's at the last moment it seems that some movement begins to happen in london and everybody here is sort of it's quite contentious that. the withdrawal deal negotiated between britain and the e.u.
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includes professions to prevent a hard border between the republic of ireland and the british province of northern ireland known as the backstop so this is important to keep trade flowing but it's also important to guarantee peace irish republicans for to decade. it's long campaign to force reunification of the island of ireland and largely lay down their arms after the nine hundred ninety eight good friday agreement but republican hardliners who never accepted peace are sensing that bret's it could give them a fresh opportunity to restart their campaign of violence. paddy gallagher is the youthful face of the latest irish republican offshoot the party sierra or liberation as it's called was founded after the bronx and referendum their stronghold is a city whose name itself is a point of contention londonderry to some dairy to others the group is widely seen as the political wing of the paramilitary group called the new ira. the area of
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today there's one army that function and install parts of resistance against british occupying forces. a security camera caught one of the latest attacks in january this year. a car was parked in front of the city's courthouse. a man got out and ran away. a group of young passers by walked past the car just a few minutes later. an explosion. police took several members of paddy gallagher's party into custody after the attack he vehemently denies the involvement of his group but he explained the republican view of the bombing. the president remains occupied. there will always be a fan of a lot of all three. terrible acts of resistance. breck's it has given impetus to a minority who reject the one nine hundred ninety eight good friday agreement which
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sought to end decades of conflict. paddy gallagher pays his respect to dead ira fighters at the cemetery. but not to him martin mcguinness the ira chief who together with his shin fein party made the peace accord possible. the fact that i don't agree with fans. politics i don't agree with what direction they have taken. the peace agreement that is we come across martin mcguinness as we don't she does not want to be interviewed but even so the depth of the divide in the irish republican movement becomes clear neither says anything to the other. which is. yeah. well so we don't speak much. people here are very afraid that armed conflict will return to northern ireland if britain leaves the e.u. . to feel a pain or break so it's
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a load of crap basically with the border nothing else like when else when the border. bring back a troll like to pose and impose any restrictions on the free movement of the border in ireland there will be a raise and part of military activity said the result of violence we need to be remarked that your call. during the troubles protestant minister chris hansen mediated between the ira and pro british militants he says republicans have approached him recently and says they want to avoid a return to sectarianism. they wanted to signal through particularly to those within the lawyers working class. and those who they saw i would be an active. part of your organization that they wanted no conflict with
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them because to radical republicans the british. curity forces are the enemy. paddy gallagher feels he's been harassed for years he shows us these papers from the northern irish police line and he shows us a video. officers regularly search the twenty six year old's car for weapons. by five been getting stopped and searched. like this or are as a result of this since. since i was around fifteen or sixteen maybe. twenty six. that's been going on the past ten years. the northern ireland peace process began in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight two decades later breaks it is threatening the progress made and that could play into the hands of republican dissidents. well let's pick up some of those points with nick fealty he edits slugger otoh at online news site looking at british and irish politics so welcome
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to day doubly do you think it is likely that britain leaving the european union is going to result in violence across the irish border. i don't think it will be the immediate trigger for it but it is creating a huge environmental stir. within the body politic such as it isn't northern ireland. and it's making it almost of because unionism but it is the body that wants the rootin nor within the united kingdom and republicanism our national isn't which wants to reunify with the rest of the island that the last twenty years has been a long experiment in trying to create a calm a power sharing settlement between those two parties and the disturbance in a way is that either of them have gone to the other side so although a substantial body of a soldier being in the practice of referendum since then the polarization of
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politics has meant a unionist of gone won by on the nationalism has gone the other way and what has been left behind is a huge vacuum for constitutional or peaceful politics that is where in a sense. organizations like see your show. have an opportunity in a way to kind of movements and on vacuum not how likely is it that they will be on their own able to create a conflict on the scale we saw in sixty seventy s. and ninety's i think that is a moot point so far i mean one of the things that have been the troubles for so long change which was an hour before was that the ira as it was will open account pm but not for two or three years we closed the campaign without pit periods where there was no military or paramilitary violence what's happened since the good friday agreement is these bodies keep rising up on the undercount peons they iran
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are almost constant in the background right all the large the can in thin ok so so so we have this then this this undercurrent of. violence just waiting to break through has this this backstop is that much talked about. in northern ireland do people there sort of say well yes there is an easy answer why don't they just do this in order to avoid a hard border well i think some people believe that is an easy answer out there includes most of nationalism most of whom remember voted for me so in a sense they'd been converted to the proposal mismanaged which is to backstop that means complete alignment through the single market within or in ireland what is created in difficulty is the idea that they can create some kind of a seaboard you know mark highlighted how tense the treaty between north and the
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rest united kingdom target of fifty of the agreement december two thousand and seventeen million approached prove it or promise that wouldn't happen but of course the trouble with the december two thousand and seventeen thing is it promised everything to everybody and now we get down to the sharp and not becoming difficult and again so what you've got is unionists night hit the backstop nationalist look the backstop because they think it's a one way street to united are. and there's and in fact actually unionist objections may well end up the really misses. just look at the wider british context that have been concerns expressed that whichever way it ends up turning out independents referendums will follow in scotland and perhaps northern ireland can you see that happening. i think it's problematic for
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a number of races one. it will suck not surprisingly you have your your viewers to understand that the press at referendum has made referendum a referendum was very on popular if the polarization that is led to the end action within westminster that is that just sense of a complete loss of agency and people kind of turning on earth and country i think within the sampling party i think is a very distasteful it's a very standstill still going to so i think although scotland is contemplating going to a referendum i think it will be difficult to sell that with particularly if there's chaos and in the immediate aftermath in the medium to longer term who knows if it really the pack my breath that runs if there is a lot is at least in the short term the least amount of disruption my feeling is
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that referendums may may be another fifteen or twenty years before anyone has a real appetite on this to squeeze in a quick word about the do you know that either party have to has ten members a parliament they have a key role in this if he's making get them on side it's going to satisfy a lot of skeptics in her own party and she might be in with a chance so if you can't win them over with the strength of arguments is it possible she could bribe them by throwing more money at the province. you know. almost certainly won't work. but the problem with mixing principle with money is that everybody who believes that you're only motivated by money believe. that the day you create strategy currently is to keep the focus on the narrow issue of the backstop to try and get some kind of minor shift your movement and not the laws and to say look it really is only a temporary thing while we sort out
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a bigger solution which might include. the much fuck idea that you can charge you can do even. more in market regulation there are a number solutions of that but that might work. but if you mix that with money then i think the reputation you get is well we'll just follow you around if it goes through you get the big how did you do it and doing things over money is when they come to try and continue this confidence by recent with stories talking to thank you for that very clear fealty from slugger a top. three in china assets aside a deal to make the first western european country to join beijing's belton road global infrastructure project it's kastrup the government is hoping for investment worth billions in business and infrastructure from china but italy's partners in
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europe see the deals a bid by china attempting to expand its power. china's president got a warm reception in role host country italy is to become the first g. seven a condom me to join the new silk road project beijing is keen to package its massive maritime rail and road venture as an opportunity for other nations. or even. we want to strengthen our synergies to enhance cooperation in the infrastructure poorish logistics and maritime transport sector is. in order to build a series of concrete projects along the silk road for you. but critics say the project which is officially known as the belt and road initiative
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will primarily benefit beijing many countries have expressed a needs about china's growing dominance for italy though the potential economic boost appears to outweigh the perceived risks. italian presidency. is adopting a win win at pro church. the ancient silk road was an instrument of knowledge among people and a tool to share reciprocal discoveries. the new silk road must also be a two way street to share not only goods but also skills ideas knowledge and forward looking solutions to common problems and projects for the future. other e.u. nations notably france and germany are taking a more cautious style of leaders of both countries are due to meet the chinese president in paris on tuesday the new silk road is certain to be on the agenda.
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let's get more from christopher coke from business welcome crystal this memorandum of understanding that was signed on thursday what does it mean legally not much it's a non-binding document however obviously it shows an expresses the interest and motivation of both parties that are involved in drafts of this m.o. you have been leaked to the italian media before and it shows in very very good terms that there are basically three aspects of corporations that are planned here one in the field of telecommunications the other one being the upgrading of italian ports and also more collaboration when it comes to public finance ok so this project has taken roads and railways cross africa and now it wants to come in into europe with it what does china get out of it two things the first access access to europe access to ports in italy to be asked and generally are being talked about
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these ports are located in the north of the country thereby closer to the heart of europe closer to markets that china wants to get on with its products these ports would be at the end of the maritime arm of the belgian road initiative as we can see here on the screen the other thing that china gets out of it is this is this has symbolic magnitude we have to remember that italy is a founding member of nato is a founding member of the european union is a g seven country belongs to the biggest economies of the world and for this country to get on board this controversial project that's a huge diplomatic success for china's president xi jinping ok so we can see what china gets what is it are they get this is all about money. to a large degree yeah italy is hoping for a lot of investment the country is stuck in recession so they're by hoping for more money flowing in and also they're hoping obviously for their products to be better
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sold in china. president xi jinping to. opportunity and praised italian goods in a newspaper piece that was published right before his trip to italy ok so briefly the concerns that people have about this deal the concerns are that italy is doesn't know what is going into that with this infrastructure project that it might borrow too much money from chinese banks and the italian debt load is big as it is and the second issue here is that your leaders in particular are having concerns with the growing strategic influence that china is pushing for in the world and so this visit of being comes at a time when actually european leaders have changed their stance towards china they're saying we have to stop being naive and we have to see china as a competitor and dr christopher to do business thank you.
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exhibition offering different perspectives of a life of pop icon michael jackson is a thing here in germany that's despite the new controller say over the singer selects a sexual abuse of children the art show opens just weeks after the documentary leaving sparked a fresh debate about jackson's past. who was this man who millions of fans still hail as the king of pop this exhibition portrays michael jackson through the work of more than forty contemporary artists they include some well known works like these portraits by andy warhol but should the singer still be given center stage in light of the most recent accusations of sexual abuse this exhibition is controversial. so we have you developed an exhibition which explores michael jackson as a cultural phenomenon naturally jackson's personalities also included musical ultimately we're showing a media cultural history here but we do take the criticism seriously. there have
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been previous allegations of child sexual abuse by michael jackson in two thousand and five he faced charges in court but now a new documentary tells the story of two men who allege they were molested by the late pop star jackson died in two thousand and nine so the exhibition in bonn has been slightly modified and the gallery is offering additional information artist paul mccarthy sculpture portraying jackson and his pet chimpanzee now appears in a somewhat different light as he said really it is a little unsettling see how the michael jackson figure has a monkey sitting on his lap so there is a relationship depicted and in light of the new allegations this could be seen in a new way. the exhibition organizers did not want to put jackson on a pedestal but they do want to show the huge influence the artist had on an entire generation of fans through his music and his style. so the man who
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initially curated this portrait collection never considered canceling the exhibition. probably won't be another figure like tops someone who achieved such worldwide recognition that meant so many different things to so many different people even the way he transformed physically or all of the on. going questions about his life and probably the reality is we may never know we may never know the truth musical genius or monster the exhibition michael jackson on the well polarizes audience is just as much as the one time king of pop did in his lifetime. and that was the day i was ever the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter. don't forget to use the hash tag in the back of a good day the first. place
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. a. reliable day in the. news destined for the classics to play the most skilled. automotive history. of the.
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next thirty here in top of the fold. everything seems possible here. in one thousand nine hundred. ninety is where the peaceful revolution began. today it's a creative craving the traumas. those just writes i'm quite sure into the city's past. and preface. in sixty minutes w. . african. president of rwanda. head of the rwandan patriotic front in qahtani the rebel army and in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide wasn't when little in the rooms they listen to him to ask of you in me to reinforce that. i knew this but does that mean he was not fighting in
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a. controversial leader whose success is beyond question. time. and wanted tragedy starts cable fifth on d. w. . o. and welcome to drive with a d w motor magazine this week we take peak v w r t r across a frozen swedish wake. burned up the track with a mclaren six hundred l.t. .


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