tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle March 23, 2019 10:30pm-11:01pm CET
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what secrets lie behind these we. find in any of our city experience and explores us in eighty degrees cultural heritage site. w world heritage three sixty. hello and a very warm welcome from johannesburg south africa i'm felicia n.s.p. with the latest edition of. today were off on another journey across the continent as well as making a side trip to germany and my colleague to eggman joins us from nigeria hello there felicia indeed an exciting shows ahead of us but first of all i like to greet of us
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all the over the world and say a big thank you for all your responses to our program now here's what we have lined up today. how to build houses with discarded blasting boxes and signed. our community cares for red peoples and the ecosystem in got out. and out the bikes and i'm becoming popular and give me. two days' journey starts in west africa as we head to senegal in the sahara village of the i would geology woman's cooperative has not it's a cult of it once i read lines even though what is a challenge in the sales on the secret of success was restoring on old well and installing a solar powered pump to run it with mining dowdy as a village job becoming autonomous and something rarely seeming rule communities in west africa they manage their own finances.
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a meeting in doro d.r.g. the women in this tiny senegalese village have joined forces to form of alone three servings and long corporative once a week they get together and each one of them pays in what they can afford one stump impossible servings book represents two hundred phone approximately thirty cents. there was a woman in charge of the caskets not a cent of fans was going to spread their money assaf. any of the members can borrow money a truck not just but not more than three times what they're paid in the women have agreed on the ten percent interest rates i was home and now we have our own bank and can decide ourselves who gets a loan and at what interest rate many of us women have already been defeated in the past this wasn't possible after being good at the moment since. the seventies
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corporatists has tons traditional gender roles in the village upside down but now even the village elder approves. i'm well i would know that women are great the poor that means they can help support that man financially and the men in turn have become more understanding and taller and here in the country it's actually not customary that women contribute to the family's livelihood so that's why i always encourage all of the women here to participate in the project the good news but i don't know who did you get when you would get the us enjoy it creates got the boring four years ago they invested almost thirty thousand who are getting together with the women average double from tension almost the size of two football fields with on us tomatoes benefit but they have you know manual labor is performed by younger women the older ones are responsible for their end quote. you can only share the proceeds if you play hard to.
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get what you're going to need. i didn't know how to vote on your hands other vegetables when we needed vegetables we used to walk to other villages and buy them there now it's completely the other way around we have more than enough and residents from other villages come to us to buy vegetables. them going to bed like . this is what it looks like outside the plantation road as he lies in this i have ridges for fresh water here you have to drill deep the biggest investment was a solar plant that provided the energy for the interrogation system and the dry season wind blowing desert sand has to be cleaned off the planet.
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the heart of the facility is the deep concrete plant where from here the water is pumped into the plantations six holding tanks. so we just we have restored the seventy meter deep well so that we don't want to feed into it again they want to table is only seven meters down and the water quality is very good that you would reduce what we get a book or diversion and there are tentative financial instruments the project is intended to help so the seed for this authentic and equality go development to enjoy will move on in a year's time. the women of the village are now self-sufficient the plantation yields enough produce to fundamentally change life indo d.g. for to grow a few the benefits every single day with the help of create she has constructed to place toves that feeds her cooking pots exactly. that saves time and energy
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the food costs quickly and fewer trees are cut around the village. if we need a lot less would be i used to spend how i was in the woods looking for fireworks with the news told this little bit of food here last for several days i save an awful lot of time with alex and what. women now have. time sometimes they move ahead to the past time to do things they enjoy. now about homes like those ones we've just seen in santa go off and built in a traditional fashion using clay as the main material well can you imagine that this caught it plastic bottles can be used as a main construction material even make sense of how this well some people here in
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nigeria are using that let's have a look at a construction site near the federal capital territory. nigeria's house of bottles. this is africa's largest house built from plastic bottles to date over two hundred thousand of them have gone into the structure near the capital. in nigeria plastic regularly clogs drainage systems. madge wanted to make something useful with the bottles. they're filled with sand and stabilized with nylon cord. before being stocked up and cemented in place with clay or mortar. the houses don't absorb any heat so they don't need air conditioning. i decided. big house here where yesterday
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i'm out to see what the town but i'm going to use it as a fishbowl people who. have a hard to get us just. mad also wants to train more bottle layers to build more houses like this one. you know like that. if you're also doing your job you tell us about. visit our website or send us a tweet. doing you would be sharing your stories. oh what an ingenious idea i want to what it's like to live in a bottle house well plastic waste is certainly of curse throughout africa it's even played a big part in degrading lake victoria in kenya more than thirty million people live in victoria shores and that also has drastic effects on the environment yes anti
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other fishing has left more than three quarters of the fish species unique to africa's largest inland body of water and the threat of extinction but new kinds of fish farms could help turn the situation around. this vision took took is arriving in nairobi with the fish delicacy that was never so freshly available here . it's brought a load of four hundred kilometers from lake victoria and. a new type of cooling box in the cargo hold makes it possible. for what we had. to use the back kind of basket you could carry from time to get british. the fresh to lafayette comes from these fish cages in lake victoria. five years ago just off the island of gano brother and sister team gilbert and michelle
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in bayeux began to farm fish. they were the first to implement cage aquaculture here now they're harvesting some two hundred tons of fish annually which is put directly on ice. we want to make sure that less species wasted as it is right now almost sixty percent forty to sixty percent of all fish that is quote. lost because if so what we're doing is we're creating a fish and unbroken cold chain stretching all the way from boat to consumer rights that. this way it's. lakeview fisheries uses the latest technology. like this transportable cooler made by a finnish startup. it has a cooling mechanism which is patented we're using our technology partners. that keeps the box cool. the senses that able to
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detect when the box is open and when it's closed and send messages to us and it isn't all the time for some. the whole time so at any time we're very aware of the freshness of the fish. the tilapia are hatched and grown in ponds on the island before being transferred to their floating cages. most of the people on them fung kano rely on fishing for their livelihood. during the one nine hundred eighty s. in lake victoria perch exports were booming. sustainability wasn't a widely known concept back then and the lake was fished clean. michelle and gilbert embryo turn a profit with their farms and want to expand their operation. with support from
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germany's g.r.i.z. development agency they're building a new sustainably operating refrigerated warehouse to freeze their fish and. the sun is very abundant over here so what really makes sense is to be able to power the cauldron using using the sun and so we restart do i not be affected by the politicians the embryos want to turn their fish farm into africa's biggest and they're hoping to win the people of them from going over to fish farming. will stay for a moment at the water's edge the this time in west africa a century around the black hole to revel in northwest and gonna is the only natural habitat for pygmy hippos in that country a couple of years ago there were only two left but conservation efforts by the local community have helped them bounce back today activists count almost forty hippos. those hoping to catch sight of the rare
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reclusive animals have a good chance here in northeastern ghana near the border with ivory coast from picking a faster you'll often see their heads bobbing in the waters of the black belt a river. pygmy hippos are viewed as totems by people in the area they're especially important as cultural symbols for the wall or a low b. tripes. have to lie it's a high school is one of the chief ranges of the web community here. he recalls how local village chiefs founded the conservation program twenty years ago. the reson for protecting the people and the environment is to keep the poor life and with turn it into a corner so that children in the next generation more power to hippo
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and the. poor also use the. opportunity for the all. the tourist season has started up again but the roads leading to the area are bad and the journey is difficult. chore guy gibby anyhow leader says that prevents many tourists from making the trip thanks to the conservation initiative the number of pygmy hippos here is increased from two to almost forty the project has also been boosted by the number of visitors who come. in creston because. people all over the world and we receive this randi in thousand eight hundred nine hundred every year so the numbers increase and because of that where we are i work for my community and we get benefits from the court and my community people are reported. to visitors pay around six euros for
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a tool that's a week's wages for many people in ghana a large part of this income is divided among the villages in the protected area. as a result these women and girls no longer have to walk all the way to the river to fetch water all the residential areas now have their own wells co financed by the century. the center also runs an alternative livelihood project in beekeeping the beehives attended by local people sales of the honey will provide additional income for five communities here. so what is going to happen most of the harvest and they have a deal they can sell and then use the proces to put more hives into the fence and also they get profit out of it they use their money to send the children to school to buy
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a cross for the children one of the local people who has benefited from the hippo protection an initiative is some ability. his teacher training paid for by donations. for the twenty four year old has been back here for several years and now teaches children in one of the villages in the protected area. language teaching them because most of them are british fluent when it comes to spoken and there was a pretty much attention to whatever residence order ordered be adopted was good or quality less than most girls right now and july is the haiku it's busy assigning his people to the new safari routes this century success over the past decades has motivated neighboring communities to several villages further up the river now want
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to join the initiative to benefit from protecting me. caring for the environment can lead to success as we've just seen in ghana take action and do it now that student message to world leaders the sixteen year old has been on school strike on fridays for months to fight for effective climate protection thousands of schoolkids and students from all over the world have joined her demonstrating outside parliament under their motto fridays for future instead of going to school germany students have joined them take a look. oh. it's friday afternoon these teenagers should actually be at school the weather is cold and miserable but they're still gathering here in the center of men to prepare
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a protest. fourteen year old francisco vessel has been involved from the start she likely other people see it wants to see the government take swift action to come back climate change. it isn't actually our job to protest for a better future it's the politicians job and they're the ones who should have been changing things long ago that's what they're getting paid for so it doesn't really make sense for us to go out on the street but i think it's important or nothing will happen. to me. in recent months tens of thousands of children of taken to the streets to protest in a range of countries including australia sweetened belgium switzerland and now in germany the government here has committed to phase out coal by twenty thirty eight but these young people want to see that happen by twenty thirty the action is known globally as school strikes for climate care it's called friday's feature just an
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excuse to skip school. by stabbing i don't see it like that if i wanted to skip school i'd have better things to do than stand out here in the cold. for us to go on strike to show politicians that it's pointless to go to class if we have no future what it would be to collaborate what we want to show that we need to change and that's why we're striking on friday is. that the digital generation is protesting on the streets rather than just using online means like petitions have come as a surprise to klaus her he's a prominent german research on youth and schooling. it's an x. and there are x. and stench all threats connected to the environmental issue that's why it plays such a big role. anyone who's fourteen fifteen or sixteen years old today knows that in seventy years if things continue as they are existence on this planet will be
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difficult and that worries young people a lot because after fifty two zero. francisco it's not a temporary face taking action to protect the environment has become a lifestyle choice for family. they try to buy local have stopped flying and have even given up the car. they hope to reduce their carbon footprint. that might not be so we were all areas but cycling infrastructure and public transport make it simple here and. i think everyone should start fighting for their future now because it's also my future and the future of humanity on this planet this planet that will either be destroyed or that we try to hold onto. the love of money i'm incredibly proud of my daughter. that she doesn't spend her afternoons in shopping
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malls. but does something to make the world better something to preserve it so that it remains a beautiful for my grandchildren and i'm really proud looking for. buying clothes new ones second times getting the latest mobile phone those will be the day the test they encounter outside of friday's future. reducing your carbon footprint is a one way to help fight climate change using electric bikes instead of cars can be a first step that's what namibian company sun cycles promotes it's based in the capsule vent hook and as the name suggests the firm produces bicycles powered by the sun. felicia it's a very promising concept in a country where the sun shines three hundred days out of three hundred sixty five days a year sounds like rolls tails bikes with different uses with the aim of promoting
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sustainable and affordable mobility. denzel my envies job is to deliver medicine to pharmacies around the namibian capital vin talk he does one one of the country's first bikes. his deliveries need to arrive at the pharmacies early in the morning this way he gets to avoid traffic. so. this one. this story. all day. so for each bike saw the rare exception on the maybe as roads a return bernhard walter introduced them in twenty forty their social enterprise sun cycles is based on a converted shipping container in a backyard close to the city. some cycles not only manufacture the bikes made in the media but company also builds recharging stations powered by
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solar cells the bikes run on clean energy that's part of a concept so our main aim is to provide an alternative in a stable form of transport to specifically low income commuters but also private customers game gods health care workers kindergarten teachers anywhere where normal bicycle is limited in its usefulness and way a car can be substituted. more than one hundred sun cycle bikes are already in use around the country including here at the sun umballa community conservancy the reserve is situated in the north east of namibia where the job a river forms a natural border to botswana the wildlife here not only attracts tourists but also bush meat hunters and ivory poaches for a long time the rangers have to patrol the area on bikes with just one gear. thanks to donations they now have eight e-books which allow them to work far more
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efficiently. on a normal day the ranges cover up to twenty five kilometers of a bush. seen. by. the rangers wouldn't want to trade their bikes for a car the bikes may not be as strong as a four by four but they're much more agile they need to be recharged after every sixty kilometers. or in the daytime we charge the car battery and in the evening we can take the cable and charge the battery of the bicycle with the car battery to do so with this so we can still charge the battery when it's dark. you know. the
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robust and simple design of the bikes is well suited to working in the bush and allows the rangers to do most repairs themselves. the vision is that high sales will allow the company to lower the bike price from about six hundred euros to three hundred fifty. the team are hoping that a crowd funding campaign will bring in the necessary capital to get the project off the ground while it may take some convincing to make commuters switch from car to bike the ranges of the conservancy have already been well and truly want to over. and that's it for today our journey across the african continent is over for this week for now it's good bye for me in johannesburg south africa and i'll see you next time thank you felicia i'm signing off as well but please check out our content on our website and on all social media and i'll be happy to have you tune
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was the yourself up by a long long it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about why should i let him do this because we can't stay on as well or i lag on almost a point that because. global news that matters d.w. made for mines. in africa. coming presidential runoff and had a bonding major out in front of. the rebel army and in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide wasn't when in the room there wasn't when trust of the un thought out need to reinforce the controversial leader who success is beyond question a good time coming and the london tragedy starts abel fifth on t.w.
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. a city in ruins maro a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslim and the christian population . last. five years occupied the city center seventeen president detergents response was told. by hitler it will never again football game of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did not become a gateway to islamist terror i think now they say sorry can't any more sitting as the result of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sun. starts april eleventh on g.w. .
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this is d.w. news live from berlin give us another people's vote hundreds of thousands of protesters filled the streets of london calling on lawmakers to hold a second referendum on the u.k.'s departure from the. pulse of coming up press t.v. agency's evacuated crew ship bound for it loses power in bad weather off norway's coast the vikings sky has entered two kilometers off shore crews are air lifting some thirteen hundred people to safety. and.
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