tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle March 25, 2019 2:15am-3:01am CET
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didn't deter just response was little. by little it will never be. the reconquest turned into tragedy this is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did morality become a gateway to islamist terror. an exclusive report from a destroyed city. from in the sights of fire starts april eleventh on t.w. . and. the jimmy real estate developer and multimillionaire cost of cleanup has an appointment with a disorder of city mayor. limits frequently with local politicians because they're the ones who have ordered building contracts. with your political politicians meet
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frequently with people like christopher guna. sometimes the real estate tycoon has four meetings like this in a day. how much influence do the super rich wield. we sought to answer that question by looking at guna and many others in germany at first glance it seems to be a wealthy powerful country brimming with opportunities but on closer examination germany is among those industrialized countries with the widest gap between rich and poor success is often dependent on social background why is economic mobility so you know in germany is social inequality threatening social cohesion to find answers we traveled the world we spoke to a nobel laureates and other leading researchers all experts on the dynamics of inequality. crossroads agree people sense that the control of their nation is being stolen from the good of quality goods be most crossings. problem
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facing us today. welcome to the land of inequality. christof cleena has four children and multiple millions for six months he let out cameras follow him at public appearances you know if we're the ones with opportunity time and money we have to get involved we are the state and ours is one of the best nations in the world. and the scenes of his business one of germany's biggest construction companies. i love all these were all derelict trash. he got rich with real estate. and looked his way to the top. if there's no better society than ours here in germany. i mean i just we have a new seating plan let's go to cry here on the right you there that's great.
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he's leading property market investor generating millions of square metres of living space. does his wealth lend him power. christopher on his way to another meeting today he wants to personally ensure that a project to construct a new neighborhood doesn't get bogged down in red tape. it's a bit scary when you realise how easily you achieve your goals that correlation as i think i become i have a vision of what i want to achieve and bang it works and when you go a step further and that works to its powerful. you learn to be tough as you pursue your goals or rather your company's goals. here in cologne cost of couldna has acquired half of an entire street in the district of mit. he plans to build a new neighborhood called coal. neo to the tune of three hundred and fifty million
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euros today he and his cologne team are discussing the pending building permit. for the i don't. thinks things are moving too slowly. around mr hoffman is on top of the project and will be submitting a building up patient in november. starting construction july first is a bit late isn't it. but first processing the application generally takes twelve months. should have the right still try to speed things up. i mean you know wherever we can but the city has said clearly they need to prioritize tusks because they're under stuff to our rules. because that's not good enough because that will have to meet the mayor i want that permit by spring storm.
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i want to march thirtieth to break ground april first i want to move in eighteen months later but i'm saying experience has shown. in this case i'm not bothered by experience has been. clean as cologne project illustrates a common dilemma companies want to build apartments that maximize profits tenants want apartments they can afford. the city government has invited residents of cologne to a local gym for a meeting to discuss the future of their city and identify the issues that are important to them. although i can't afford tenure as a square meter for. the evening's host is colognes my. resume of the four hour wait time. current back.
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to. him he doesn't play at. my little. kid two conversation centers on the divide between rich and poor he's come to london will not understand your position but we can tell people when to live all when to move everyone has to decide them for themselves doesn't try to do. you know that. for many years local governments were to ensure the supply of affordable housing by building themselves then a wave of privatization swept across germany in the one nine hundred ninety s. and investors took over but the city needs thousands of flats which is why mayor take a neat schooner on the studs is also the city hasn't she wanted to provide the space and the building permits needed to ensure sustainability in the housing market is our stock to be out there is about one can we haven't yet managed to attract enough
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investors for one hundred so how do you respond to investors who say either you let us have our way over we'll take our project elsewhere does money invesco insist do that i was a vision but they let into negotiations. and what about mr grunow and that building permit his waiting for. is tough and i may ask why such a concern are several times a year and we trying to reach agreement and lay out the next steps that will go on these vitamins are you guys satisfied now so minister where at least argument at. the meeting in the gym reveals that in the struggle against rising rents many residents feel abandoned by politicians. who decides today what the germany of tomorrow will look like who really wields power in germany. we host residents induced book and life says.
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this is what members of the german parliament thought their answers would be. back on. politicians political i think people would say politicians because they know politicians don't hold any power goes a hunch or too few said that they're the ones who have the power. because big business the one percent do corporations i'm guessing i said corporations sold it off for just be the people but it's capital comes out of corporations. not politicians they're just figureheads the ones with the money. do you find these answers frustrating understood no because it's true they're right but that's a problem for democracy i see it worries me even steve you would rather they believe that politicians could take the responsibility you find far too tired after i think we need to do something to show that we're not running after the money so
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to speak and yesternight into. near the parliament building the best power and influence also plays out on the real estate market. jovian schmidt is on his way home and he's not looking forward to the evening ahead. tonight his own home is a rink for the round of the real estate power find. somebody was. nice enough to come in to see the flat. like stereo typical angle for hipsters from abroad if you. think it's a visit is interested in buying the flat that fuel in schmidt rents. so they'll come in and then. you can take a look at. it should be a brief affair. it's
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a small apartment only sixty square metre. the parents sleep on the pull out in the living room their seven year old son and four year old daughter sleep next door. this is where the kids sleep while my little desk is there to. fill in smith moved in here when he was still a student now the flat is up for sale to potential buyers have a right. here from the real estate agency. yes. the agent to arrange the appointment his clients wish to remain anonymous they are from abroad and want to invest in berlin's property market. florian schmidt as a member of the green party and the counsellor responsible for urban development public space and facility management in his district courts back.
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mr schmidt are you surprised that being a politician doesn't exempt you from the danger of being driven out of your rental no. that wouldn't be good either. being a politician shouldn't guarantee preferential treatment. he holds no grudge against the prospective buyer is the problem lies elsewhere. so i just want to try to clear to you it's not against you it's more against not against you it's. the conditions what. you think if you. as a tim smith knows he'll probably be the loser in this round. but as a politician schmidt has a different opponent. who wants to build in his district many local residents oppose the path me. of course i'm somewhat wary of such people because they produce
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a kind of urban environment that doesn't correspond to the type of environment we want to live in. we say that it would be best if buildings were owned by the people who live in that mostly duty and not by people looking to extract to crawford from them i just meant the same applies to new buildings. we want people who live in the buildings to only buildings as co-ops. we're working for the people in this while mr kreiner works for his shareholders. julian schmidt dreams of a city where real estate is in the hands of housing corporative and small property owners. this form a post office tower in smith's district with the intention of installing hundreds of apartments at the time of filming this report he had locked horns over the development with schmidt he believed voters and politicians should have a say. in
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a complaint the district was delaying the building permit he found a lucrative interim solution though by renting a few floors out as office space. on this day he was using that space to host a new year's event. was his plans for sort of luxury apartments in the tower with welfare housing relegated to a chase and buildings. nice to see you he's become my secret weapon. i didn't hear every day each of the individual standing up here go that extra mile. since it's not a sacrifice but cation time i was present get in trouble with their partners at home because they can't explain why. or because they're suspected of having joined
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a second movement and as active as i'm. so i'd like to say a big thank you to you my colleagues. but there's no please return to the audience so that everyone can see me. please another round of applause for the. council of fluffy and schmidt was also invited to the reception. i have a hard enough. i got a message from florian schmidt last night telling me he wouldn't be able to make it mainly because of family reasons and maybe another opportunity to meet can be arranged. i'm ready and willing to serve i'd be happy to have a chance to talk ploy on schmidt as a representative of the people sent by his political party so basically he's just a prisoner of his own circumstances his party and his district. i wouldn't want to be in his shoes but if i were my do things differently.
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this is the district courts back fully and schmidt's district. because i don't know where things stand. mr groner is meeting the urban planning committee next week. so maybe that will be a good time. and. it was once an activist who attended demonstrations against big business and its representatives people like luna. today he uses his role in city government to steer development in an equitable direction but he can't build the needed living space himself the district has acquired a few buildings but its budget is small so he needs investors this is a gas station by the canal. today the department is discussing a different project for a longer two year we're talking about closing
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a gap with the hotel. as a misery guts those five say ok well we need to put a big question mark behind that applies and make music and tearing down houses that people live in it's just the kind of things we don't want to be doing so for me to go with the news so i'd ask you to not give any recommendations of how this could work to receive them from none at all gawker tips ok. and smith planned to meet soon to discuss how to move forward with a formal postal office building it's unclear how that conversation will go. is wealth power. we are absolutely at a crossroads right now in the twenty first century in this very year given the socio political forces that are operating on
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a global scale and of course that leads into the political issue political and equality that stems from wealth inequality you hear a lot about how wealthy people seek to influence elections and that is certainly a very real and serious problem but it's much bigger than that the. studies in the u.s. have shown that the wealthy still have the direction of the country if the rich elites has a policy objective it very often gets what it wants whatever the elite doesn't favor is likely to fall through. even if it's backed by the low income majority. is the same sure in germany. is a political scientist who's investigated this question. given of us we were surprised to find that the situation in germany is skewed in much the same way as described in the us study bundestag lawmakers have consistently geared their
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decisions to the interests of higher income earners and higher tier jobs and the interests of people who are less or belong to socially disadvantaged groups are systematically given less consideration. and. that. what policies did this impact the research is conducted hundreds of surveys on topics ranging from the economy and environment to foreign infest and finance. they critz subjects into rich and poor and asked each to define their desired policy outcomes. in what area was a divergence most noticeable. is an obvious example the higher an individual's income the less likely they will be to support a reintroduction of the wealth tax whereas lower income earners definitely want it back to this day we haven't seen the return of such a wealth tax. we're winding up with the government of the one percent for the one percent and by the one percent. at the football stadium
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a night say she has rented a books for a single seat costs ten thousand here especially as an it's a chance to cut business deals. oh i think i know. the game is on. cleaner uses the time to network. how are you oh i can't complain. he's often schooled goals himself up here. like recently with another major project that had hit a snag risen in finance we bumped into the city finance minister and had a very polite but firm conversation with him and if there's a different i wasn't on the fence in the first two weeks later not we met at his
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office and found a solution that was for three hundred fifty million euro investment in research or . in the end politicians know that it's here and these faults that they'll meet the decision makers from the business world. alternately have a say in and are responsible for urban development. and become best are found voters and. yes i mean right now we still have more than a billion to place. in the land of inequality ordinary people who sit in the bleaches while the movers and shakers seal their deals in private boxes. was i here in the stadium nights this will end up losing this game. but the deal that counts focused of cloon a takes place at another venue the third
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in district office of people assigned. spec. clue no one has an appointment with counselor schmidt. closed door talks have been going on for hours once his building permit schmidt one spouse has to have his say. we talked to his current president and we don't have a deal yet but we took a first step today. it's come out recently how do you see it. you pretty much summed it up for us. the meeting is over but christopher influence mitt stay behind for a one on one. colognes carnival is the ice breaker the business mendonsa costume in the annual parade it brings back memories for the politician. my mother would dress the whole family up as a dying trees in the eighty's. now it's time to cut to the chase. my problems with mr schmidt arise when he gets
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a building permit that he has to sign and he doesn't sign it he just doesn't sign. i don't think that's ok i think that's when he should have the guts to say yes i'm a politician and i'm in the green party right now mr grunow has a right to his building permit so whether i like it or not i'm going to sign now then i say there are at least two ways to see that other people would say i have guts precisely because i'm not signing the building permit people to feel frustrated and i sort of do too even though now i make a decent living i live in a small apartment and i'm looking to move and there's simply nothing on the market . or if there is something one hundred people are waiting in line. they would be welcome to rent one of our flats. so we'll see. but i do feel that ultimately what's happening here is a struggle for power and attention for you to your bed and i don't think we'll be assessed by how well we played our hands. at some point someone is going to count
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apartments and i'd like to be assessed on those merits. does money change people's behavior. it's a question social psychologist pulpits has been researching for years one of his experiments he enlisted hundreds of people to play wreaked a game of monopoly. we did in this game of monopoly was just manipulate with the flip of a coin whether some people were rich or other people were poor and we randomly assigned one person to be this rich player in this rigged game so they got two times the money to play the game they got to roll both dice instead of one to move around the board and what we found is that across all of these different sessions
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richer players made more noise as they moved around the board. they took up more space in the room with their bodies. we had a bowl of pretzels the richer players took more pretzels. and they were more likely to be talking to the other person with their mouths foals when we asked them to describe why they'd won they were way less likely to talk about those external forces those features of the environment their luck that random flip of a coin that had gotten them into that privileged position in the first place and they were more likely far more likely to talk about what they did their own skills their own talents their own successes their own where with all their own aqim and the decisions they made in the game. the world as a bullet came. just of cluedo is flying to france for one of the most important
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events on his annual calendar the real estate exhibition in cannes. a little bit i could cut to the front was my very self-important person past but i won't. be tickets to the thick us two thousand. then investors pledge hundreds of billions of euros. many politicians depend on business than likely you know now he's about to meet the people he depends on. the property market takes place right next to the yachts home to. investors from all over the world attend it's then money that decides which cities will get new buildings and revive districts and when. many two models
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seeking big invest is. the mayor of cologne himalaya to the is also here. the issue of the building permits. focused of neo is settled he says he'll have it by the beginning of july he satisfied. in can him later is meeting other investors one every half hour. raise him is the biggest property fair in the world. view or as acquiring a city we were in my own investors to build our property. invest so we have to showcase ourselves. we have to show what cologne has to offer. because cologne pitch is directed at a list investors sovereign wealth fund managers and pension fund executives and
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also operate in the premier of the. cost of cloon and does not want his meetings at the fair to be filmed. here in cannes it's evident that there's no longer such a thing as the economy today this is the real economy where for example people build houses in which other people live and then there's the financial economy where property is just another asset to turn money into more money. the business journalist. spent years creating a who's who of the world's richest investors and found out who showed the world. very good do you know the world belongs to those who have mastered the art of using other people's money to turn a profit for themselves in the most efficient way possible. this is how the asymmetrical ratio between the real and the financial economies has
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developed in the early seventy's the two were still equal but by nine hundred ninety that ratio stood at two to one in two thousand it was three to one in twenty seventeen the world's financial assets amount. to approximately three hundred trillion dollars the real economy is with just eighty trillion dollars meaning the ratio is now almost four to one. like banks asset managers have grown increasingly powerful the biggest investment firm blackrock black rocks holdings for example include six percent of siemens almost equal to the amount held by the siemens family. in fact blackrock holds shares in every company listed on the german stock exchange and major global companies. in total assets amounting to some six trillion dollars. meaning it manages more capital than
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the combined state revenues of the us britain and germany. something has shifted if investors control more money than the world's wealthiest nations they have power power that politicians can no longer rein in. in the research i know. it's over to a certain extent it's an artificial world in new york the people in new york chicago or los angeles who control international finance capitalism have virtually no contact with the realities of a company. or consumer market leap which developed this courage you know i don't fuck over mark they're juggling abstract astronomically high figures and trying to meet abstract targets. that's the world they live in.
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d.c. and all is well in their world as long as the numbers look good and. bring a. it's evening and kind of cleaner is hosting a policy in the young tom. good to finances his multi-billion euro projects with bank loans but he also needs investors' money. as a very warm welcome to everyone thank you for coming tonight here and of course and now it's his turn to pitch was that when i'm john this into office when it comes to bidding we're often at a disadvantage because sometimes we don't land the contract for a really big project. because there are other parties with dubious intentions so they buy it divide it up and somehow make a few extra euro's selling the pieces point and the result is a scattering of overpriced properties what we need is vast financing we need cheap
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money and for that i need you esteem to bank managers and investors i need your support for this instance ministers to be. honest it concerns me that there are more and more parties who aren't interested in creating added value they just want to do business. and there's nothing illegal about that percent. but they're stronger than we are. i would. stare guys. really. pissed of clinton has made millions in property development but investors bankrolled billions. he has to defend his decisions before politicians as well. as. the investors who control the money of the invisible. tonight not one agrees to an interview. it's a new world order. back in berlin.
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sunday before and. sure not. just of clinton is jumping to keep up with the global competition he's just arrived from talks with an investor. the one where you were in london today and shook things up earth to shrink and laughed. and we didn't very well with our partners. sorry i can't stop smiling at that point but you know it's always a tough game i'm heartless fear. again in which only a select few get a share of the price. people sense correctly that the control of their nation is being stolen from them they sense this all over the world and they're not wrong to do some gifts making people feel like they've been left behind like they no longer belong and they view the
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future with despair. we see it in the drop in party membership as well as in the election results and i think it's a very dangerous development this is and between here folk to think. and property prices are rising salaries for the most part are not. there is a nagging suspicion that politicians are no longer the ones writing the rules opting out of the democratic system is one form of protest. here in lives and induce book residents were asked if they vote. kind of what does that mean. you know it depends on the situation. i didn't vote last time because honestly the system is too corrupt.
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to course my guns my whole life i went to vote if i was even in a political party for thirty years time. in recent years i felt really let down by politicians for not fully q why did you vote last time you know . why not. all time unfortunately i know because nothing gets done no matter who is up there. nothing gets done says alexander her mother of baby bella and an older daughter in school alexandra hospital is a single mother. together with her friend marcos she shows us their life safe neighborhood of clean. world our. so it's nice here it's. hard i wouldn't say it's nice what's not nice here prefabs are nice in the garden yes the prefabs defined the neighborhood and i agree
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that's a car so pros cons even if. we do have quiet trams. one out of three residents here didn't vote in the twenty seventeen general election one of the lowest turnout in germany the majority of those who did custom ballot voted for the far right party. right on xander when was the last time you voted. that. he's been caught after it was just after my eighteenth birthday. because my older daughter had just been born and this fall i was so proud to be allowed to vote for the first time and i voted. and in the last election now. i've seen i've completely stopped yes. come clean to because there's no point.
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more than anything i think some of her husband once her children to grow up to have a better life and more opportunities than she's had. she's trained as a theory a trick nurse mark who suck works in a large furniture store. they have differing political views. to memorable because in ordinary people are heard and seen but the rich hold more sway over political parties called in the potomac and there are basically no rich single moms. there are they just have nannies right now as i just still have faith in the political system i do believe that i can change something with my little vote with money that's why i vote and if i thought there was no possibility of changing anything at all i wouldn't go vote either.
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bugs me the most is the kindergarten and school situation. there's no acknowledgement that it's harder for a single parent to have a proper job that feeds the family then it is for couples. it's among its writers and as long as those conditions for a single moms don't change i won't go vote. in. the can to mock lucy work if people don't participate. clovis i think will be a new order if people stop participating in. most polls and what happens then. so instead of democracy will have what. tater ship. what can happen if too many people believe they and their elected representatives no longer have any power. yes shamoun is from
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munich and teaches political science at harvard university. he studied the impact of inequality on democracy. and a lot has shifted in germany. twenty years ago only sixteen percent of germans favored having a strong leader who didn't bother with elections and parliament by parliament. that now stands at thirty three percent who. researches younger and older generations across the world how important it is to them to be living in a country that is governed democratically. the results show that whether a person is from the us poland the netherlands all spain the younger they are the less importance they attach to democracy. in germany two thirds of people over fifty approve of democratic governance not even a third of subjects under thirty feel the same.
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this matter illustrates the number of people who did not vote in germany's last general election the darker the red the more nonvoters the second map shows how many people voted for the far right. the darker the blue the more a fifty voted. to forms of protest. beautiful mention as i listen for younger people it's all very abstract from the idea that we can one day lose our democracy and end up with communism or fascism is unimaginable to them. so they're willing to experiment. would they think ok these people trump from the f.d.a. and even some of the far left parties time sure they're partially attacking things i actually support but it can't get too bad i was a constant see what they do on my bus a tune that. in germany populists are seizing the moment and echoing voters' concerns like here and get it and saxony when many are scared of losing their jobs
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. or are even under. the believe it or lower than the f.t. has organized this rally the main political parties have stayed away so i got to it's an period in which museum ins closes plans hears and moves them into the czech republic i was in darfur and we're sick of being a cheap labor region. how many of you work from morning till night and still can't make ends meet. the free to mention a lot of people are asking what about us glitch where are our fates being decided.
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to do we still have an identity and sky high or are those decisions being made somewhere else entirely of people who are angry and they're angry for good reason and a lot of european and north american countries. but their attention has been diverted to things that aren't really the source of their anger and frustration and that's the dangerous part i think we have learned lessons from the past dead that we should not lead to this inequality to go out of bounds were the only solution is really a destructive one. solutions are needed before populism years voters with the false promise of a quick fix but here can offer such solutions would it help to wrestle off a few seats in the german parliament among ordinary citizens. should cities be building a food. well housing without the help of investments. should wealth be taxed after room. cost of glue now
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wants to continue pulling the strings that shape gemini's future maybe even more openly than he is today. things as we stand do you feel powerful. yes. yes who's more powerful but you a politician's and i was and i guess business managers are more powerful isn't or more powerful because we're independent i'd like to enter politics some day you see dems do you already have a plan for the houses of climate founding a party right now and really just as i think it will soon reach a point when it will be important for actors currently working behind the scenes to step out on to the stage and.
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a day we shall go to the article to go along with your. next d.w. . good shape. it's the silence of two tennis courts and home to ten billion microorganisms the intestine is an extraordinary organ with a huge impact on our well being as dr caster neck attack finds out did you ever hear about a gut feeling that small intimate. good shape and thirty minutes on t w. look closely. carefully i don't know who is soon going to live to do
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a good. deal. to discover the old. place. subscribe to delete documentary on you tube. you know to state's attorney general william ball has given nor make his his summary of special counsel robert miller's probe into russian interference in the two thousand and sixteen election he said mulla found no evidence that the trump campaign committed in. the crime but democratic lawmakers stress that the report also does not exonerate the president over possible obstruction of justice the
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