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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2019 8:00am-8:30am CET

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present campaign did not conspire with russia that's according to a summary a long awaited. complete. exoneration. no president is wrong this report does not amount to a total exoneration. to interpret the findings and demand to see the full report but he's been vindicated also coming up.
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with the party of the country's military taking. breaks and. trying to take charge of the situation. gets back in the game and strolling style in a tight match a new look keeps its cool to. the. football crisis of recent months finally over. hello i'm good to have you with us he called it a witch hunt and said it was pulled. motivated noel u.s.
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president altro claims he spent only vindicated after the report failed to establish that he or his campaign conspired with russia to influence the twenty sixteen elections but democrats say some of the findings such as whether the president obstructed justice are not so clear cut across to washington in a moment but first this report. clearly happy u.s. president donald trump returned to washington on sunday after the u.s. attorney general released the first summary of robert miller's report. that a. great place on earth. great place thank you for. the investigation into whether trump and his aides colluded with russia during the twenty sixteen presidential election campaign had become a political thriller in a letter to congress attorney general william barr said the report had not found enough evidence to prove that the trump campaign conspired with the russian
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government bar also said the report could not establish that the president of structed muller's investigation. for president trump the message is clear there was no collusion with the russian there was no ups truck here and none whatsoever. and it was a complete and total exoneration. so is it all over well no not for the democrats. president trump is wrong this report there's not amounts to a so-called total exoneration special counsel muller was clear that his report quote does not exonerate close quote the president. highly anticipated the news caused mixed reactions some american spoke of a turning point in trump's presidency but others remain skeptical i don't trust him
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to be honest. i don't want i don't trust anything he said and i don't trust anybody who's investigating him i think now we can you know sleep well and i think. that will of course complete. president trump doesn't need to be impeached by any means while republicans consider muller's report a victory democrats say the attorney general's four page summary does not offer sufficient closure they're calling for the department of justice to release the full reports expect the partisan fight over that issue now as the american public remains as divided as ever. a washington correspondent helen humphrey has been following this for helena tell us is donald trump now off the hook.
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i think it depends on how you define the reach of that hook if you're talking about this weekend and certainly it was a moment of vindication for the president and he says this is a win but i think it's important to take a look at the language in this both from the attorney general william vonne special counsel robert muller no collusion is one thing that said miller said that he did not have enough evidence to rule that there was no obstruction of justice one of the reasons for this likely is due to the fact that he was not able to sit down for a one on one interview with the president during the course of his investigation so what it did was essentially people will say is pos the buck to attorney general william barr who then ruled that no crime had been committed remember of course bar was handpicked for the post by the president himself certainly the president faces many of the legal battles any not gets which. uncovered during the course of his investigation he then distribute it to other course across the country including
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the southern district of new york which is currently investigating the president on a number of other issues so those legal battles go on shore you can say that a sitting president under a justice department policy is not recommended to be indicted that does not rule out sealed indictments being filed which can be unsealed the day a president walks out of the white house when it always seems so for four page summary of the report is there any chance that the full report is going to be released. potentially yes and previously we have seen calls coming from both sides of the aisles for that to be released to the general public now those calls are essentially coming from the democratic party we've heard from senators councilor harris and elizabeth warren two women of course who are running for the presidential ticket and they've said this must be released him of the democrats are also saying is not only do they want to see the mother report in
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full they want to see all the documents supporting it they're saying tell us how you reached your conclusion how you did your arithmetic how you did your math so that you could come to the end of this equation we've also heard from jerry nadler the chairman of the judiciary committee in the house who has said that you know do you remember that which is impeachable is not necessarily a crime that which is a crime is not necessarily impeachable so they will be looking to dig into this another issue i do want to raise though is that many americans will want to see this is well at the end of the day this investigation is about foreign interference into an election process not just about the president himself and whether there was collusion and of course in a democracy elections hopefully happen on a regular basis there's one in twenty twenty so people will want to know what that report have to say. donald trump responding to it least this summary of the report he suggested that he would like to turn the tables on those behind the miller investigation is the president going to seek some sort of revenge.
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well we did hear from the president standing on the tarmac in palm springs just before boarding at force one he did seem rather angry he said that there was no comings and this was a total exoneration which was not actually what was said in the report i'm sure we often we received that letter we then heard from the presidential campaign by text message a text message campaign saying do constitute to the campaign financing now by texting which chunks we broke or drupal any donations made do not rule out as well intentioned pardons for michael flynn for example in poor manifolds. telling the thank you so much for bringing us up to date helena home for there in washington. time is expected to announce the unofficial results of the country's general election in the next hour a number of major political parties or already poising suspicion about the outcome after a party linked to the country's military dictatorship appeared to take the lead in
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the popular vote it was the country's first vote since the military took power in a coup five years ago. well joining us now with the latest from bangkok is pretty rich poor from the german business daily hundreds blood frederick the pro-military party in this election has done in expectedly well apparently winning the popular vote any idea how they managed to do that. well it's not completely clear that they will actually win the popular vote but they have a good chance it's still a very tight race between the party and the poor thai party which is dominated or controlled by taxing but they did very well and surprisingly well i think only a few people really expected the outcome the reason i think there are different reasons. the first point is that they ramped up the social policy they really cared
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for the rule of law which is the problem with having government they didn't do it they concentrated on the south and bangkok which are the richer area now this government did some kind of social policy to the rule areas however this would have been the legal measures but there are some reports that it also might have been some vote buying and of course this wasn't a completely free and fair democratic election. they put a lot of pressure to some candidate they were threatening candidness some people some candidates even believe in candidates parties are facing bans because they were criticizing the you know to directly and too harshly didn't tolerate that so the race wasn't really fair i would say. the ruling military junta revise the electoral system ahead a vis vote what impact did those changes those revisions have on the selection.
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well the military government they change the constitution before the election and this enable them to form a government even though they don't win in the parliament this is because they completely select the senate and the. prime minister is elected by the senate and the parliament together so when you control the senate it's you already. have the half mile that you that you can. put your prime minister in power so that was. an advantage that had military government in advance and of course this has been criticised but this has been. this has been criticised already for years and the constitution was presented to the public. briefly if you can what's the mood in the streets we've seen in past years bottom line confrontations how are things looking right now. right now the streets very calm everything is running
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quite loosely people go to work there is no protest or something like this but you can see a lot of. i'm confidence and even rage in the social networks because there have been some reports about election fraud and to be honest some numbers they don't sum up that has been presented by the election commission so in the in the social networks you really see a lot of anger and rage but right now this is not being transformed on the street for thank you very much for bringing us up to date from the hundreds but the german business daily home in bangkok thanks a lot. now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. mali government officials have business at the site of a massacre targeting villagers belonging to the people at least one hundred thirty
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four polani murderers were killed by gunmen on saturday survivors of the attack claimed ethnic togo on hunters carried out the killings which come amid a surge in terribly violence in the country. at least six people have been wounded by rocket fire on a home northeast of tel aviv in israel officials say the rocket was fired from the gaza strip no one has claimed responsibility for the attack but israel's prime minister binyamin netanyahu has vowed to retaliate for the strike. british prime minister theresa may faces a crunch cabinet meeting today ahead of a crucial week in parliamentary votes on brags that may's chances of getting a break through on a third vote in parliament look remote after a crisis meeting at the prime minister's country residence checkers broke up without agreement the meeting was held among reports that members of her own government were planning to oust her under
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a new timetable agreed with european leaders last week may has until april twelfth to win parliament's backing for her deal or find a viable alternative. and let's bring in our london correspondent big bigot's reisa may face is enormous pressure if faced enormous pressure over the weekend with the speculation of members of her own government we're going to oust her how are things looking for her today. things are not looking great i have to say we didn't really know whether she's still in place at the end of this week so it's really speculation mounting day by day the prime ministers of thora to draining away we've also had some of her own previously loyal and loyal conservative party colleagues have said that she really needs to go but then again time is short you mention and it's just a few weeks until the u.k. leaves the european union if it doesn't get its act together and agree on this deal
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say to change your prime minister and this crucial point of time is also the lender will know that so it's open and the reason may has weathered many storms so far so here we are again the break that ball is back in the u.k. scorch you agreed to give it a bit more time what happens next. well we don't even know whether it's a reason may bring this. to palm and because they're still finding out whether there is a chance of getting through this is the withdrawal agreement that the u.k. and the you have agreed on separation from the european union which then opens the path to the future negotiations about the future relationship so this needs to be signed by a parliament but we don't know whether this is actually going to happen or whether there will be some how a plan b.
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parliament has been trying to take control parliamentarians are working behind the scenes to form some sort of consensus an alternative to the private business plan that they think that they hope could have the backing of the parliament so all eyes at the moment are on the parliamentarians over the weekend big as you know million people marched against breaks in london and elsewhere in the u.k. and there's an online petition to cancel brags it's gained more than five million signatures is momentum going to actually breaks it all together. this is what the pro europeans like to believe and indeed the macho was massive full time for long it was phil filled with protesters several m.p.'s were at the march as well and i think this is also the only line petition all over five million
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is an enormous number that somehow sets the mood. for what's going on in london and it's an indication that some people might have changed their minds we also see in the polls that remain has been over the last month or so it will given these some of the hardcore brits it is but some others would have reason to believe that maybe the country would change its mind big thank you to w.'s biggest us there in london. it's ten days now since cyc loan dies struck mozambique and zimbabwe at least seven hundred fifty people there are now reported dead thousands more still unaccounted for authorities across the region are battling to prevent disease breaking out and to restore power and water to communities. privily funnier he filed this report from one township in zimbabwe still trying to cope with the aftermath of suster. a once bustling village
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reduced to a rocky field coppa was home to more than three hundred residents and government facilities when disaster struck on the night of march fifteenth residents were sleeping. very few of them survived those who did have recounted the horror they experienced. because i was asleep and suddenly woke up to the house destroyed but the house was full of water. the first thing we thought was to rescue the kids then we realized our eldest child was already dead. after that moment is when we all got swept away by the raging floods some. take this right here used to be a town that is now under rubble stones came up from the mountains and swept through the city and now a lot of people are believed to be under these stones and residents tell me that
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more than three hundred people could be under this rubble a lot of people want closure of knowing whether they had relatives are still in this place or they were washed away by the river downstream the relatives of the victims have been using whatever tools are tanned to sort through the rocks and rubble they're hoping to recover their loved ones many still don't have final answers about the fate of their families what we're looking for right now is a scorcher if we know we our relatives are like it would be it will be somehow because right now we don't know we still have that feeling maybe there's a phrase in the somewhere. but recovering bodies can be extremely difficult and the emotional toll is a men's families with as many as ten members were swept away by the floods leaving few survivors. some of them discovered right t v boards are now on leave if
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you're in the region you know so we are feeling you begin as soon as. the we have some d.n.a. just a few hours at least then just you're being buried you know and they didn't fight there has been extensive damage to the country's infrastructure and there have even been geographical shifts rivers have formed in residential areas a further sign of how much time recovery is likely to take. well to brazil work concerns are growing about the future of that country's rain forest brazil's new government has promised to loosen restrictions on logging and open up indigenous areas to mining and farming environmentalist say the impact could be devastating. the destruction of brazil's rain forests appears unstoppable it goes on year after year the tribal lands of brazil's indigenous people are getting smaller and smaller
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more out hunting with the watch ripe the hunters have gathered around a large log their dogs lead them to the spot they don't. think you are one of the hunters calls and a native rodent out of along with it all. up in the tree tops is where nutrient rich assigned berries grow the law live in and from the primeval forest. form. if you got more uniform nothing without the jungle we would starve to death only in the rain forest can we find monkeys fruit and nuts you forgot the camino the ouattara tory is about is because berlin you are it's one of the last pockets of virgin rain forest left in the region no not from brazil's indigenous authority is in charge of protecting the tribe members look up the phone laugh when i accuse. without error protection agency food i this
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group would no longer exist. back years ago larders and farmers invaded would argue about that mine when they were kicked out of the area they were just two kilometers away from the tribal village quite often much more often lucky that the protected areas borders are a thorn in the side of many farmers they want their cattle to be able to penetrate the reserve. is a cattle farmer who wants to expand he wants to grow manioc using life hosting it inside the protected area. you could prevent or making deals first of all i believe in god and then the words of our president also not hold he promised we would soon be able to enter the reserve he. book ready. brazilian president on our own weekend the indigenous people's
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protection authority when he talked office he wants to open up the rain forests to mining and agriculture that would include expanding cotton and soybean farms so the agriculture industry can keep its promise to export to china. also. more than double soybean acreage we could soon produce two hundred forty million tonnes up from one hundred twenty million tonnes today brazil's environment police ensure that won't happen at the expense of the indigenous people but for how much longer. we made the decision to come forth so we worry about what would happen if we were to soon lose this protection we are afraid for ourselves and for the in due course. we had in that care and with good reason their tribal territory has long been coveted by farmers and loggers. sports their journeys national football team beat the netherlands three two in
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amsterdam on sunday it was their first match in qualifying for the two thousand and twenty european championship and mccambridge from sports is here to talk us through this exciting game good morning ed so would you make it much well terry who said international football outside of major it's one of its comedy fun this was a thrilling three two win as you've said against two fierce local rivals on the world stage and they go off to the perfect start courtesy of leroy sonnie now sonny was actually the forgotten man at russia twenty eighteen he wasn't taken to the world cup but he's a key part of the squad plans going forward gnabry scored an absolute peach to give germany a two nil lead early in the first half but the dutch came out fighting in the second memphis the pi actually scored the equaliser and it looked like the dutch are going to win but the unlikeliest of heroes nico schildt popped up with a winning goal. of side a crucial victory in the europe european qualification campaign but just a lovely win over local rivals like i've said there is a really big changes to the german squad they had
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a very disappointing one one friendly against serbia last week before looking that what's your impression of this new look team well i think firstly it is worth pointing out this really does look like a new look tame often coaches salmon to mix things up and then it turns out they don't really but actually played with two strikers last night which isn't something he normally does and he left big hits a team of an on the bench and actually paper to play as a normally wingers so he really is experiments in trying something a little new and it could be the way they look going going forward into the rest of the year but i have to say less impressive were the other areas of the pitch the midfield certainly still needs a little bit of work and at the back they're lacking a little bit of experience and leadership having said that it was very happy with his team's performance and we're actually going to hear from him right now. i'm fucking it's in for an unfunny from the start of the week when we first met up i had a feeling the team could go out and show their strength on the pitch. we did that.
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of course i felt really good at the end of the game not. so you're going to feeling good going forward what awaits his team in the rest of this year well i've got a busy year of qualifications come up so they going to face bellerose and estonia in june for the netherlands come back for a visit in germany instead some as i've got a lot going on here now it's going to be interesting going forward i think to see how they really get on without the likes of homilies i'm saying and most of because i think it's easier to get team fired up for a big game against the netherlands but how are they going to fare against the sort of meat and potatoes teams in that european qualification group are going to be is going to be an interesting topic. even further down the road here i mean how do you think after all these big changes in the team with with ditching so many big names do you think you'll be vindicated for this and at the end of it all so that was the right move well i think it's kind of hard to already what i would say is he's possibly already been vindicated by the by the exclusion of thomas muller we can
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see last night he does have a wealth of attacking options at his disposal i put a fantastic performance going forward but like i did say a little earlier there the defense does look a little shaky and i would be surprised if he may have to cool in either homo's or putting back into the score a little later in the year ed thank you so much ed mccambridge from d.w. sports. you're watching g.w. news up next two more today stay with us.
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nobody can escape it. now body clocks. recent lab studies have shown a sense of time is removed from. what happens if we just get. this week's edition is devoted to the upcoming switch to daylight savings time. to get us to talk to you go cut.
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just couldn't get this song out of his head. musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. deep in the rain forest in central africa. the biography. i handed him the thing i must say i must say let's eliminate leaving. the enemy a one. minute. he was needed by their culture that he stayed. only a promise to his son who was a son only the jungle and returned to the concrete and glass john. the result
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reversed culture shock. for. you realize how strange artificial. really connected to life. the prize winning documentary from the forest starts april first on t w. hello and welcome to tamara today signed shots coming out of. the time inside as an internal clock takes in every one of our selves how do the bodies time keep us we're. getting out of sync with our by rhythms can brought us.


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