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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2019 3:02am-3:30am CET

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the european parliament has approved a controversial copyright wall designed to tame the wild west of the internet opponents call it a dark day for internet freedom supporters say it's time for giants such as google and youtube to stop freeloading and in britain the prime minister losing control of brecht's it overnight parliament voted to put itself in charge of taking the country out of the european union lawmakers telling the executive if you can't lead then we will go off in berlin this is the day. time. to the right three hundred twenty nine. three hundred and i would like to congratulate the house for taking control of the government's approach has been an abject failure and this house must now find
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a solution theresa may is just as close to mine she's just only interested in the future of her own coffee when. we are about national interest is one lesson that we have learned recently that if you look. in it really easy to factor in what's called first thing. this government has failed this house must not believe will succeed. also coming up tonight algeria as president has held power for two decades but refuses to step aside completely a political powder keg and now the military has stepped in claiming the president is unfit to serve. we must find a solution that respects the constitution as well as to soften to give a country a solution that's agreeable to all and. except
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a bill to do with policies. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with europe's attempt to thrust the internet into the twenty first century that is how lawmakers in the european parliament describe the controversial internet copyright legislation which they passed today in short it requires online platforms such as google and you tube to pay a fair price to content creators now supporters of the legislation say giant platforms have been freeloading by not paying for the content the content that they use to generate advertising revenue but opponents including google say this is poison for creativity and that it will serve as a gatekeeper snuffing out individuals and small companies who would like to use the internet to grow their brand. four years of intense argument came to
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a head in strasburg on cheese day when the european parliament debated copyright reform german law maker x. of fast negotiated the deal on behalf of the parliament thank you. start this is about the rule of law it's all one we're talking about is protecting a fundamental right it's about property and about the right to intellectual property and finally it's about fair payment for content creators it's up to us to save european cultural products and not to hand them over to tech monopolies for them to plunder. was. the aim of this reform is to require those who profit from content shared on the internet to obtain permission to do so and if necessary to pay the originators. of . people like musician alexander dommage who currently find it almost impossible to benefit when their creative work is uploaded to the internet.
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this is about a fundamental right to creators who want to live from their efforts composers photographers whatever have a right to share in the commercial exploitation of their work that means to receive payment. critics fear the change will make the internet less free and lead to de facto censorship as legitimate content is mistakenly kept offline they also worry that small platforms will struggle to chase down all the licenses to use content. tens of thousands of people across europe have demonstrated against the plans many feel strongly regulation of the internet should be as light as possible although others say the protests were part of a managed campaign by big corporations like google. with european elections just weeks away the issue of copyright on the internet has become intensely
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controversial. opponents of the reform say that change means content will be checked by automatic filters rather than human being. what the politicians expect algorithms to be able to do is to tell the difference between a copyright infringement and satire as long as artificial intelligence does not develop a sense of humor this is something that's going to remain impossible i think we should not trust the block black box of an algorithm to tell us what we can and cannot post online. in the end the strasberg parliament voted in favor of the full package of copyright reforms by three hundred forty eight to two hundred seventy four. you member states must now formally approved the legislation before it can take effect. or both sides of this issue and to do that to my right is called asking from our social media desk into my far right is my colleague a musician as well warner paul and gentlemen it's good to have you here the big
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desk that we start here with the musician so if you consider what was passed today then that would imply that for years you have been short changed by these online platforms. and many others. these companies like you to google facebook they've been using a lot of content of creative content and really been bursting us properly and i mean that. they. are paying a lot less and even competitors like spotify and i mean it's really quite a dire situation you know able to demand a fair price what we will now we will now i mean they've had it they've had a deal in place with the german collection it's game a but it's not been a very good one and this will now force them to actually properly license this material that they want to use and it will be kind of like a blanket license where they make make deals with the whole industry so that.
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gives us a better. of getting a fair or maybe possibly even close to a fair munition course is that the situation here that they need the european union to come in and force these big platforms to you know to pay for what they're using let me take platforms are not going to evolve on their own we've seen that with facebook with all the legislation with go around that company however you know i think a lot of the protesters who don't support article three or thirteen would still support an artist's right to make money and that's not really the issue here in terms of who is protesting what they say is they just don't like this law it's too broad it covers so much content not just music we're talking about movies images text anything that could be copyrighted but it's yet very vague it doesn't say how should a company like you tube or even a smaller company detect a copyrighted information from the billions of bits of information uploaded online every day they say they don't have the technology to do that so there is technology out there but it's just not very good you have you might need something like an upload filter they call it which automatically scans the content before it's
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uploaded and will block it if it's copyrighted it's not good enough yet it's imperfect you have false positives and what the protesters say is it will catch copyrighted material that is being used legally maybe it's a remix maybe it's a piece of art or or what have you that we could be stopped and that could stop freedom of expression on the internet is that a valid argument partially i think over you know there's so many there's so many instances where if you if you want to publish something you want to get something online or make a movie you have to do due diligence you can't just use old material and so i mean i think it's for me it's a bit of a cop out argument because you know there are rules and there are you know and then you can't just take off and right now we're all content creators like we all tweet something we all upload upload to facebook and you know you could take a picture or you could turn it into something funny and that would be then your own content so it's not just hard as it's really everyone everyone that uses the internet it is a mindset that has to be changed i can remember there was this gentleman who said.
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if you go into a bookstore and you take a book without paying for that stealing but if the book is online and someone gives you the data a copy of the book and you take it do you consider that stealing and i think a lot of people would say well actually i don't but it is stealing at least for the author isn't it well tell them in there that it's completely the music industry has suffered greatly it's not the same industry that was twenty years ago you know in news news media's running you know i mean the print is fighting down now battle against this is well they're getting that you know it's an article eleven which was going to put this link tax in there as well you know i mean which might be the saving grace for some media. this leak tax what is that exactly this is saying that google should no longer be able to take news from other platforms and put it into its google news search results without paying for and some companies are ok with that they say great we should get a little bit of money others say we want that reach we want to show up and google news results because we get
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a much bigger audience and maybe google would just say this is too much effort we don't even have sort of the threat that if we don't accept no pay or low pay google will just not allow us to be shown i mean this just shows you how but how many problems really are with the internet that cannot be fixed with with one e.t.u. directive i mean that of worms it is you open up a can of worms and you end up with more problem or we got ten seconds left where do you expect to get the the money that is owed to you unfortunately it will take them at least twelve years for the european countries to. grow two years not twelve. like twelve well as they say is better than joining with are called assman gentlemen thank you very much. it was late last night when the british house of commons became the scene of a legal power grab parliamentarians voted to take control of wednesday's session which means the prime minister and her government will have no say in what can be debated and in what can be voted upon a move rarely seen in british politics. and even more significant because it means
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parliament not the prime minister is now directing how the u.k. will leave the european union tomorrow lawmakers plan to debate and vote on numerous breaks it possibilities none of these will be what the prime minister has spent the past two years advocating here is a look at what was said late last night when theresa may lost control of rights. mr speaker this is the first chance i've had to address the house since my remarks last wednesday evening. to the house was coming so the prime minister's addressing the house the prime minister. i expressed my frustration with our collective failure to take a decision but i know. i unless this house agrees to it no deal would not happen no great six must not happen and just slow breaths it is not a great sit that will bring the british people together mr speaker the government's
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approach to brecht's it has now become a national embarrassment we now have an extension until mid april all nighter trying to second and despite the clearly expressed will of this house we will still face the prospect of a disastrous no deal breck's it. be nice to the right three hundred twenty now i know to the last three hundred two so the oh yes i mean these guys have a lot of stuff with a bit. like we'll be having dates on wednesday and we'll pick up that this is the weather although i missed in the same town and its negation down south of here. at the moment it may be entirely on difficult thinking. now let's go to charlotte apart she is standing by in london on the story for us can even see you show i mean i want you to take a listen to what people in the u.k.
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and here on the continent what they have been saying about prime minister theresa may and parliament's move to take control of. the fed up with it. i think you know a little bit similar to the way that when you're in a. quite good nightclub in the front of your you know come on and i said where else to go and you will leave but then you realize you can't get into the other club there was a very tightly. the outline and. now we're stuck in the story. i'm still very confused of in trying to keep track of which i'm sort of losing the will will to live so much to show the employees on stage one lesson that we have learned from therese i mean that if you look east or inability to factor in what authors think that beauty to forge bones off trusts within a cabinet to be totally devoid of the basic human skills that you need to be a political leader so other that i mean those are scathing words about theresa may
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by philip i mean he sits on the brakes at steering committee in the european parliament he has been present at each step of the brits process so when he issues that kind of indictment i mean it has to ring true for a lot of people doesn't. well it's certainly a view brant that many here many members of parliament here in britain share it's actually quite remarkable what happened over the past twenty four hours here it's the first time in one hundred years sort of british prime minister has been stripped of control over what happens and parliament so. losing control of the brakes of process she is facing more and more criticism from within her own tory party and she's really clinging on to her premiership at this point and trying to still get her a deal through parliament for a time on wednesday she will meet with the hardliners within her tory party with
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the hot tears again and we're hearing that she could offer them a deal and the deal would look like she would say look i will announce a date for my part i will make it official i will i will resign at some point but therefore you will have to vote for my deal and she could bring it back at some point this week so the question though is is it really sensible for the tory party to get rid of their leadership at this point in the bracks of process and i was talking to steve bryan before who is a member of parliament and was up to yesterday a minister of the government he quit to basically help parliament to force softer brecht's that and here is what he had to say i think the last thing this country needs right now is the name. of a leadership election the only place with the same polling as we've got right now
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it wouldn't think it would do is cause i mean that we have to take the european elections probably lead us back in the same situation in six months time. so will we see a conservative rebellion here in the next few days will theresa may go or will she stay it's definitely is shaping up to be a very crucial week here and london and can we say tonight. you know what is the thinking about what will indeed happen tomorrow or people predicting. so tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day here in london because what happened essentially is that palm and took control of the process they are in the driving seat now and tomorrow they will hold a series of vote indicative votes on a different options on how to move forward they have basically trying to find a new consensus and a majority on how to move forward and the options that are on the table for example another referendum
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a second referendum on whether to stay in the european union or whether to vote for it to resign may steal another option is do they want a no deal that doesn't look very likely another option would be a softer brick said for example remaining close relationship to the customs union so members of parliament are going to vote on seventy seven options tomorrow they're going to get a ballot paper where they can basically make their cross at yes or no on how many however many options they want to and then in the end they are hoping to find a majority and a way forward if that doesn't happen if a majority is not moving forward then we are back to square one and then it's between two he's a maze deal and no deal breck's it on april twelfth and i just want to make another point i was talking to a lot of people on the streets here in london today and and over the last couple of days and people have very very tired of those process at this point they found telling me whether they voted for remain or leave in the referendum three years ago
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that they basically fed up with it and that they just want the country to move on whatever the outcome i mean i think a lot of people would share that sentiment and say that for email from greg to the team of correspondents to other parts on the story for us tonight in london on the eve of what promises to be another exciting bricks and session in parliament tomorrow for a lot of thank you. now if you are where the army chief has demanded that the president be declared unfit to rule the army is calling for the start of a constitutional process that would put a caretaker leader in place. these beautiful ego has been in power for two decades and is now in failing help on syria has seen weeks of peaceful mass protests calling for the president to resign the army says it's acting in the country's best interest. we must find
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a solution that respects the constitution as well as the sovereignty of a country a solution that's agreeable to all and except a bill to all parties. i'm joined now at the big table by isabel vera films from the german institute for international in security affairs right here in berlin she's a senior fellow specializing in north africa and the middle east it's good to have you on the show let's talk about what we're seeing right now i want to begin by asking how surprised are you at this move by the military stepping in i mean it's almost counterintuitive that an army chief would want to protect the constitution in the country well this is not the first time this is happening either now darian are nor in the arab world but i wasn't that surprised given the level of protest but also given the level of rumors in the past days i think everyone knew that the one person that could push beautifully out would be the the chief of staff however
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i would have not expected him to do this so openly i would have thought that that he would try to nudge him out of the now the army is clearly position itself and has gone beyond its parag. and that by asking the constitutional council to step in so in a way if the constitutional council follows this law following army in the army chief says something like this in the open in public. does that mean that he has the the backing of the entire military of algeria well i think one of the reasons why he had to do this is because he lost some of the backing because he stuck to bill to flake and the military is very have to a genius put a flake of put one of the very important generals head of intelligence into retirement probably forced retirement so there were quite a few splits within the army but the chief of staff was standing by the side of put to sleep until now so i guess it's internal pressure internal pressure what about all of these people we've been seeing for the past few weeks protesting. they're
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getting what they want and it's being delivered by the military you're getting what they want because i know you see a broad spectrum of reactions because we see those that say this is none of the business of the army there's people that are speaking about a coup which i wouldn't i wouldn't call this a coup but they're speaking of a hijacking of the transition proposals they made so this is this is part of the civil society activists and then yes there are those that are reacting the way you just described and say we would have had a constitutional vacuum had you know beautifully stayed on and especially after the end of his term on which it's biased twenty eight april so i so that those think that now it's important to concentrate on free elections then there is the traditional opposition where you already see some people kind of aspiring to two to the presidency so they're positioning themselves cautiously and then you have all those that in the past days change the camp and they have not said
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a word so far so i do think that it will there will be a certain demobilisation but people will still be out in the streets where you would have the jury being basically connected to the wife beautifully does he have to i mean i hate to put it in such mccollum terms but does he have to before real political change because i don't think it's going to be up to flicka we have a system of. cliental this networks and beautifully come managed to kind of maneuver or marginalize over some of these other networks and i think now we have the other networks struggling to come back so i think this is what some of the protesters very well understand that if they want system change. because leaving or being forced to leave is not going to to change the system at all and you have a very young population right that one would think that that would be a good omen for the future of the country is well you have economic
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you have of course the problem of unemployment that you have everywhere but you see you see a very mature and very interesting young population that has the collective experience or memory of the civil war they didn't experience themself but it is in the collective memory so this is also one of the reasons they have been so constructive in a way in these protests so creative so so peaceful and i think that's a chance but at the same time algeria has massive faces massive economic challenges i mean this is a country dependent almost entirely on oil and gas and dust on you know volatile global energy markets so what. they haven't managed to diversify so i think this is the challenge is that it's good if we could because you can hold everything back i don't think it's so much with a flick i think there's many in the system that are profiting from
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a fairly in transparent informal system you know rule of law very very partial only so i think there is there is a lot of resistance by the elites to reform there's a lot of protectionism also foreign investment very difficult you cannot have more than forty nine percent so it's not very attractive for investors either to go what about europe where to europe looking across the mediterranean and seeing that well of course you're. i think that they're not saying a word because they have a very high sense of sovereignty which lies in their history historic stuff in the . struggle so there everyone has been quiet reticent to say something except the french eventually did say that. election was good which. got them into trouble in algeria. so i think europe is quite worried but the interesting thing is europeans are worried
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about migration but what i hear from algerians all the time now is this is a point where we don't want to leave because. we want to we we can construct our future now sure here in the country so i think this is a positive sign is a builder feels from the german is jude for international and security affairs here in berlin we appreciate you coming in and sharing your insights thank you thank you . well the day is almost over the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at g.w. news or you can follow me abroad go off t.v. don't forget to use you see right there the hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day.
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