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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2019 12:30am-12:46am CET

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this he was so fascinated by their culture that he stayed. only a promise to. the jungle and return to the concrete and glass jungle but. the result reverse culture shock. the prize winning documentary from the forest starts first on t w. bracing for braggs it but for what kind of break that how and until when german companies doing business in the u.k. say they're struggling to get ready. also on the show a big bill for wajir millions of dollars have been awarded to a gardener who says buyer owned weed killer roundup caused his council. and
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turning trash into treasure we meet a woman and gone on to is making jewelry and furniture give a chronic waste. welcome to the business i'm on in berlin thanks for joining us as the u.k. grapples with how best to leave the e.u. businesses all over the block have to prepare themselves for whatever form it may take if it happens at all a new report from germany suggests that's easier said than done. putting aside talk of having one's cake and eating it german confection is it just some of the european traders who want they could struggle with a disorder of the brics it the result of a survey published on thursday suggests forty seven percent of german firms with interests in the u.k. are under prepared for what its departure from the you could bring. was this position and that's alarming certainly it also reflects the uncertainty of
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a situation in which all scenarios is still on the table as of today that it stiff occult for companies to prepare for all of those scenarios and therefore hoping for a political solution and in particular that there will be a long of transition period in which companies can prepare for specific scenarios as far as a call it is it will move forward. not one of the one hundred one companies questioned for the survey said it was planning to increase its presence in britain thirteen percent said if the u.k. left the. without a deal they would move operations to germany that's one of many ifs that have left him in trade is desperate for answers when will be the break suit what shall we do in between what will happen with the european parliament election what will happen with the daily business of intrapreneur rows of exporters but also for all the three million european continental people working on the u.k.
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side the results with the british parliament apparently still some distance from answering those questions thinks aspiration of european businesses was perhaps summed up by german m.e.p. yen sky exit sorry your board of directors or to death. an american jury has awarded eighty million dollars to a man who says the weed killer roundup caused his counsellor roundups manufacturing one song was recently bought by germany's buyer it's not the first time the seed agri chemicals giant has lost a major claim involving the product and an avalanche of other lawsuits to follow it's a great victory for edwin hard in that he took on one of the most powerful agro chemical companies in the world and one the jury said round up was defective and the company deceptive today the jury sent a message loud and clear. that company should no longer put
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products on the market for anyone to buy without being truthful without testing their product and without warning if it causes cancer in the jurors said the agro chemicals giant had been negligent by not using reasonable care in warning hardiman about its products potential risks last year a court in san francisco also found in favor of a groundskeeper who said life was saved had given him known hodgkin's lymphoma this is the second case where the jury is shamelessly help that round up causes cancer and monsanto and they are need to take note of that and they need to change their business model and their business practices they are bought monsanto in mid twenty eighteen for sixty three billion dollars it continues to insist the herbicide is safe when used as directed but was share prices sliding almost forty percent since the acquisition the purchase came at a higher than expected cost it isn't we know today that because of the american
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securities laws about your couldn't look into the charges against monsanto nor into its books so is buying a black box and the risk in buying an unknown entity is being shown right now hundreds of studies have shown life is eight to be safe while many others have found it a health risk after two years of fierce debate the e.u. decided in twenty seventeen to renew the weed killers license for use in the block for another five years but now they are faces more than eleven thousand lawsuits involving round up in the u.s. alone earlier today buyers he. and his company that appeal the verdict we are convinced of the safety of life was safe as are regulatory authorities around the worked and if you continue to defend this product rigorously life will say it has also an immense importance for the global food supply. we intend to appeal hardiman case and i'm confident that the different position would
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be taken in the next instance for more on this i'm joined now by the end score to our financial correspondent now buyer seems pretty committed there to descending round up do investors think that's wise rover on top of his spin the main if not the only reason why buyer acquired monsanto in the first place that if they would get rid of roundup now all that would have been left from monsanto basically would be those you would be lawsuits to maybe to exaggerated a little bit so but certainly there is the big question of buyer might have underestimated their legal risk in connection with the monsanto and acquisition and as far as i know it's been the biggest acquisition ever that german company did overseas so maybe. quite a costly mistake. while i have you on the line and let's pivot to another markets
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moving topic now the stock of right healing company lift begins trading friday as we know notable also because it hasn't made any money yet is profitability really not that important to investors anymore. well in general investors are looking at the future and not at the cost but you're right because the management of live to make chile said themselves that lift is not going to be profitable and the time soon i'm having that said to have been quite successful in the past two years said just last year they more than doubled their revenue in the past two years them more than doubled the amount of riders even if they're still the number two in the gym industry here in the united states behind jim over it's a huge hype that we're going to see on a friday and it's not just the biology of this industry it's will also be the first
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of the so-called corns to go public this year unicorns meaning companies that are not traded in the changes yet but already have a valuation of more than a billion dollars and starting friday list will have a valuation of more than twenty billion dollars almost the same as the european american common your factory or a few of chrysler so certainly a quite healthy value a physician if it's going to be justified so well future will top. the view from wall street there courtesy of dan's carter thank you very much the world trade organization says the u.s. provided a legal state supports boeing that's after it ruled last year that governments had also illegally subsidized airbus the rivalry between the world's two biggest plane makers as one of the authority is transatlantic trade disputes both sides have threatened to not have sanctions over the subsidies the decision comes as boeing faces its first lawsuit over the deadly crash of
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a seven three seven max airliner in ethiopia earlier this month. and now we take you to the outskirts of the good man capital across that's where you'll find one of the world's biggest dogs for electronic leftovers our correspondent daniel a spade caught up with one woman sifting through the waste to create works of art. pretty cool earrings right well they're made from you west these comfy chairs are also up cycled just like these funky coffee table and designer paint turns trash into treasure she finds her room experience and both proceed dumpsite for electronic waste it's a place where old computers and keyboards wind up along with stocks of car tires the smell of burning rubber fills the air a lot of people here upon the trash to recover pieces of coal power that they can
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sell on. pain it's not hunting. she's on the lookout for inspiration the worst. for you so would the final solution problems so not all small we need to get climate change we decided to come here for we use. uses forwards. like kill those projects require time and teamwork check the tight chair for example to make just one chair a team of five people to travel to a hot workshop two hours north of our crop and then a whole day it can be frustrating knowing that a lot of resources is stopping the project from growing space is our biggest challenge we don't have a bigger space so we cannot employ more and we cannot do more. for us on the second one is missing as you can see around we have just simple tools that work with. us
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if we are able to have your machines will be able to produce more in faster as well. matilda pain regularly exhibits have designs at conferences objects not only. make our eye opening to. from me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and features check out www dot com slash business or follow us on facebook and on twitter for a quick check on global markets thank you so much for watching.
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to w. . what secrets lie behind me. find. to be experience and explore. needing brute cultural heritage sites. d.w. world heritage three sixty get the. african. economy president the long. end of the rwandan patriotic front in. the rebel army and in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide wasn't when total in the router's there wasn't going to be you. need to reinforce to them that they needed this but does that mean he was not. a controversial leader whose
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success is beyond question. time. in the london tragedy starts people for long t.w. is no. manager today. you know the banks. and so watch the language of the bank. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for minds. hello welcome to news from the world of arts and culture the hard rock band ramstein have made a career out of controversy but have they now gone too far my colleague david leavitt's is here because people are saying they've crossed a red line this time their way to start is a video that involves concentration camps. we'll have more about that in
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a minute but also coming up. we're in the gulf state of qatar for the opening of this spectacular national museum. and we meet german chef tim roth who is an honest restaurant in and is ranked among the best in the world. not bad for a one time game in. ramstein germany's biggest rock group internationally finning stadiums around the world with the stink of visceral brand a very hard rock mag going to release their first new album in ten years and david the promotion has already started with sort of their first music video from that album came out today it sparked a huge controversy a huge debate in the press and online it features members of the band's dressed as holocaust victims. as a constant.


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