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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2019 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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much and i will. do top. of. the back. this is news coming to you live from berlin a bridge to break the brig's of deadlock lawmakers in westminster are about to vote on a lot of theories enemies from trix's deep it's a last ditch effort to secure the country's orderly withdrawal from the e.u. . was on the program a grieving nation remembers the victims of the new zealand terrorist attack.
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are coming. from the measurement. nearly sixty countries are dead to honor the fifty people gunned down during friday prayers the fortnight ago. under st ish teenager who spoke out about climate change and galvanized young people with the fridays of future protest today she's in berlin to join the student walkout the german capital. color of a warm welcome to you i'm under attack cheema today march twenty ninth twenty nineteen was the day britain was shuttled to leave the european union but the british parliament has now failed to agree on how or even if they want to do this in just a. few minutes time parliamentarians inside westminster we begin voting for
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a third time on the begs the deal and negotiated by prime minister to resign me this time she's asking parliament to vote only on the withdrawal agreement not on the future relationship with the e.u. there is a me has promised to resign if a deal does go through but it's too close to call labor and the democratic unionist party said they will not sign off on it. joining me now for more i have in the studio briggs it and this alex forrest whiting and in london correspondent bigot master would welcome to both of you begin let me start with you march twenty ninth is here and britain is still in the e.u. what's the atmosphere there like where you are. where they were supposed to be independence day to day in the eyes of the people who fought for gregson and many
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of them are very unhappy that this is not happening today so what we're seeing here are quite a lot of protesters coming into london was a march descending on london still on its way i believe people are coming here and they're venting their frustration they feel betrayed they feel that the palm and parliamentarians have not fought for breaks that they feel that out too many in palm and who don't really anyone's rx it to actually go through so just right here where we are is a lot of frustration but we also of course nerf the other side we've had hundreds of thousands of people protesting for the european union wanting to stay inside the e.u. and so we've got these both of these sides and in the course of this whole. post referendum we haven't seen any coming together in fact the country's more polarized
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when it comes to europe than ever one gets a sense of that because when you listen to the people behind you tempers obviously getting fried as i mentioned the u.k. parliament is voting once again on the brakes a deal they've already rejected twice except this time they're only voting on part of it that would draw agreement can you explain this to us please. yes this is on a sort of technical know if they were to reason may and her government were not allowed to put the same motion in front of parliament for a. time twice her deal that she fought so hard with the european union. to exit from the e.u. this so-called withdrawal deal plus a political declaration that's been negotiated and she has twice tried to put this in front of parliament and she has failed to get it through so now this is a slightly smaller version of it without a political declaration that deals with a future relationship so it's the divorce agreement if you want and she's trying
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and really last through of the dice to get this agreed by parliament and as we speak parliamentarians will really sorry will really be really wrestling with their own conscience and with what they think is right for the country i've spoken to many of them and and they know that this is a grave decision and they know about the implications of what they are doing namely also the threat that there might be no deal that the u.k. could just leave the european union without any plan for the future just crash out with all its implications for business for security so they know about the consequences also for generations to come with in terms of the future scenario the future relationship with the european union and they are just about in a few minutes going to make this final vote on three's a maze withdraw the and at the moment we don't think that she's going to get
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a tree but it's really on the night is that say it is a very very tense and very exciting moment also in and british modern history absolutely as you said be getting a lot at stake here the voice that you mentioned is expected to take this in about twenty five minutes from now it will turn to you alex through the numbers for two reasons me because we know they have been some to change of heart with some of the members just today dominic rob the former. that minister has said he's going to vote in favor of the redraw agreement that's right so there are these key cities in her party hardcore euro skeptics who have force against this deal all the way through even though the likes of dominic robb were of course in her own government and they have been wrestling with their consciences over the past few days so on wednesday night we heard that the former foreign secretary boris johnson has decided he will support this deal we had to the former
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a conservative leader in duncan smith saying the same and then as you say today a dominic rob so she is beginning to win over some of those hardcore euro skeptics however probably not enough and that is because there was there is still a hard core group of brick cities who will not under any circumstances support this deal and she has the issue of these ten northern irish and p. m.p.'s they propped up a minority government and they have ruled out supporting the deal time and time again so at the moment it does not know like she has those numbers i was listening to a do you remember talking just a short while ago and he said he rejected the deal once he rejected it the second time and they would reject it again this time but what about the labor party can i'm looking at live pictures from parliament germany corben the leader of the labor party is addressing a members of the house can one expect some scritches to perhaps take place from within the labor party that look at the last time that she put this deal including
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the political declaration to parliament a few weeks ago only three labor m.p.'s supported her deal then maybe there will be a few more because they are very worried that if they don't get the go ahead to day breaks it may not happen a tool and they their constituents voted to leave in big numbers but i do not think at the moment you are going to see the numbers that she needs remember to get a majority she needs three hundred twenty six m.p.'s to vote. for the deal it could be tight but i think it doesn't look like she is going to get those numbers even if some labor m.p.'s do come come over labor as a whole is saying they will not support the deal so it's a very tight at the moment returning to not be good you said too close to call people are using words like disaster shambolic chaotic to describe what's been happening over bricks and water are you hearing out there.
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i hear. i hear behind me a lot of people really really agitated but also people that i've been talking to in the last days that are not maybe protesting but they voted for braggs it and they are really very unhappy about the pro says they're very frustrated that politicians are not doing what they told them to do that the process seems to be in some sort of deadlock and that there is no way forward and maybe even a chance of gregg's it not happening in the end or facing a very long extension that's something that they're you steeple once and leave most of them don't really want at all. right to be just kind of you know if you're listening or watching looking at live pictures in a monitor to just remind of us that's generally cool been speaking in parliament
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and he's a leader of the labor party and lit another labor member spoke a short while ago when he described his vote as ashanti give me now we've heard alex saying that not enough people from labor i expected to switch how do you see it. would really know is that many and the labor party think that this is the so-called blindfold bracks this is what they this is how they call it they think that without the political declaration they're voting for a future. said that's highly unsound and that will might be shaved by another tory prime minister possibly to the right of ceres i may. say the kind of pranks that that they don't want labor ones and rank said that sees the u.k. much closer to the european union much closer aligned possibly in the customs union some form of access to the single market so they are feeling just into that you briefly let's have a look look at what jeremy called them is saying and fundament to act in the best
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interests of their constituents and to vote down this on an acceptable to you. there are many people who fear for their jobs fear for their industry all whether they are their friends have a future in this country and that is causing immense stress to many people however they voted in the referendum in two thousand and sixteen they're united in their stress and concern about their future and their communities future we need to rebuild our country and invest in our communities too many of which have been neglected ignored and underfunded for years a bush and a half baked deal like the one before us today and would only deepen those problems and those divisions mr speaker this steel even the half of what we
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have to force today is bad for our g bowker say bad for our economy and bad for this country and the house not to make a jolt on this third time lucky strategy and coach it down. right there. mr. mr speaker this is been another impassioned debate on breaks it i've told you on many occasions over the past few months on string questions and taking interventions from right honorable and honorable members what i want to do in the minutes remaining is to set out to the serious choice that faces us. today should have been the day that the united kingdom that's the european union that we
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are not leaving today is a matter of deep personal regret to me but i remain committed to the united kingdom leaving the european union and that is why i brought this motion to the house today there are those who will say the houses rejected every option so far you'll probably do so why bother i bother because this is the last opportunity to guarantee rexx it and i say to all those who campaigned to leave who voted to leave who represent constituencies that voted to leave indeed all of us who want to deliver on the vote to lean if we do not vote for this motion today people will ask why did you not vote for bret say. by voting for this motion today we can send a message to the public and to the european union that britain stands by its word
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and that we will leave the european union on the twenty second of may and this is the reason i really. just listened very carefully to her message to all those who were voted to leave the course because she used how she possibly saved the forty eight percent actually voted to me here yeah seriously i will gentleman the do you look we have agreed the arrangements in the proposals that we have put forward absolutely applying to the forty eight percent who vote. it remains because they recognize they recognize the necessary balance between delivering on the results of the referendum while doing that in a way that protects jobs protects livelihoods and. mr speaker last week the e.u. council agreed to this article fifty eight could be extended to the twenty second of may if the house approves the withdrawal agreement this week. that would give us
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enough time to take the withdrawal agreement bill through parliament we would not have to hold european parliamentary elections and we would leave the european union but they also agreed that if we did not approve the withdrawal agreement by tonight the extension would only be to the twelfth of april not long enough to ratify a deal so anyone who wants to leave with a deal would have to support seeking a further extension any such extension would probably be a long one and that would certainly mean holding european elections so approving the withdrawal agreement today avoids a cliff edge in two weeks' time. it avoids european elections it avoids a long extension which would at least to may and could destroy rex it. but mr speaker to secure this extension to give us a firm exit date we do not need to agree the whole deal today just the withdrawal
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agreement. i believe. i believe there's an overwhelming majority in this house for the withdrawal agreement three quarters of conservative m.p.'s backed it in the last meaningful vote. and opposition m.p.'s i've spoken to tell me their problem is not with the withdrawal agreement it's with the political decoration. so i want to address the central argument put forward by the leader of the opposition again this afternoon that voting for the motion when unable to blind breaks it it will not and for three reasons. first if you want to leave with a deal then most ever future relationship you want it needs to sit alongside this withdrawal agreement withdrawal agreement is fixed it is part of any deal second agreeing this motion today is not ratifying the whole. deal that will only
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happen once withdrawal agreement bill has passed through all of its stages in this house and the other place and has received one dissent. what this motion today does is give us the time we need to pass the necessary legislation and complete the current debate which the house is considering about our future relationship now the government stands by the current political declaration but we're not asking the house to approve it today nor does today's vote prejudge or preempt the outcome of the process run by my watch honorable friend the member for west dorset in fact for those options being considered approval of this with drawl agreement is a pre requisite. and third in the next phase of negotiations we've committed to give parliament a significant and ongoing role in the eyes of. the speaker. mr
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speaker if you had selected it if you had selected the amendment in the name of the honorable member for so-called trent central and others the government would have accepted it and. if this motion carries today we will bring forward a withdrawal agreement bill that will include commitments to implement that amendment i will discuss the specific drafting of that with those who supported the amendment . so by voting for this motion members are not closing any dogs they will still have the ability through the withdrawal agreement bill to influence that future relationship. today's motion is not about a blind grex it it is about a guaranteed. today we can give the public and businesses the certain. today we can give the public and businesses the certainty they need to. say we can show we stand by it today we
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can show that we can come together in the national interest. today. oh too much noise in the chamber the prime minister is addressing the house and must be heard the prime minister. today we can show we can come together in the national interest today we can take a step forward together. this is a difficult day for members right across the house. i'm asking members to take a hard decision and i know that. i'm asking some honorable members. guy. came out hearts of hearts when she accent that this spring church will make britain poor weak more by all i swear to you until she should
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not show if you could told democracy she should allow the peoples of the final say if they want this. because the only visit my area certainly joe. thank you mr speaker i say to the honorable gentleman as i've said to the house before he looks at the economic analysis and he looks at the different types of threats it could take place he will see the cracks at the deal that delivers on the results of the referendum and has the best economic outcome for this country is the deal the government says. mr speaker as i said i know this is a difficult day for members right across the house i'm asking them sake a hard decision and i know that. i'm asking some of the members to vote for bret's it is less than one hundred four and that's not easy. i'm asking all the honorable members on the opposition benches to help me deliver on the instruction the british
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people and that's not easy i think. there are good labor members opposite to us to turn a desire to deliver the bracks it is that constituency. as willing as i am to make a compromise in order to move our country forward and this historic moment. at this is storage moment for our country and his rights to put aside self and party right to it so. it is right to accept the responsibility given to us by the british people and that is what i have done is to speak out. i. know. that is what i have done is to speak out i have said i am prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended. i. otoh
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all proceedings are being widely watched please let's treat each other with respect the prime minister is winding up the debate and must be her prime minister. i have said that i am prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended to secure the right outcome for our country and when the division bell rings in a few moments time every one of us will have to look into our hearts and decide what is best for our constituents and my tree i get away from the jet i'm quite for the i'm grateful to the prime minister giving way and she's right to say of that she has sacrificed her own positions trying to deal for a change but does she appreciate in doing so she's asking us to place our trust in who will follow i'm looking at the likely candidates i've got to say sincerely
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to her she may have sacrificed her career it's put the country first it but there are plenty of people who and to follow her always put themselves first about becoming a. and i say my just say to the can i just say see all of the gentleman. the numbers in this house will not change the numbers across this house will be the same the desire of this house the desire of this house to be able to have a greater role in the future will not change i've given i've made the commitment that i have in relation to the legislation in the withdrawal agreement bill in relation to the amendment from the honorable member for stoke on trent central. this in the next stage it will be important that there is a greater involvement of parliament to be able to ensure that as we move forward to that thought as we move forward to get out we get that right results for our
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country but this is about our country it is about our national interest. as i say everybody will have to i'll give my will and one one last time i'll give way to the honorable lady. i thank the prime minister for giving way the prime minister to say this is about the country but with this spent prime minister that he's not having seen their exit we do i would agree much of a friend whom has always been about the conservatives not. this. this house this house across all parties voted for a referendum to do. this now it's across all parties voted to trigger. the right i'm so sorry i forgot your rules of the scottish national party always
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have a different view on this because they want to stay in the news they want to stay in the common agricultural policy they want to stand on a. good discussion no good for scottish fishermen to study from as i had. i had said i would get one last time with us i just referenced the s.n.p. on a way to. pull it so we to bill compromise mr speaker but why did she never come forward to the scottish government and scottish national party offer why it should we think reforms devolution for employment all on welfare for example in order to give scotland the code it needs to protect itself from the measures in our deal that it doesn't like instead she stuck her head in the. sound and that's why she's got nowhere with the scottish government or the scottish national. appeal to gentlemen the government has given the scottish government extra powers and i know you.
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think so. except of course the power to increase taxes. so i say to members this. if you want to deliver bricks it this is the moment if you're passionate about making sure that the united kingdom leaves the european union backed this motion if you care about a union and want to deal with protect sit by the motion if you want to honor the referendum but want parliament to shape our future relationship. this motion. is the right thing for our country it's the right thing for our constituents and with all my hoss i commenced this motion to. the question is are is only owed a paper as well as are going to be answered by our. country
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narrowing. them over. if you've just joined us here watching live coverage of the british parliament the vote is set to take place we just heard the british prime minister talking and making from her perspective a very strong and compelling case to parliament is that this should not be doing a dream and she faced fierce questioning in a very loud and a raucous session of parliament minutes before before the speaker of the house scored for what he described as a division which need. i have alex forrest whiting she is a briggs analyst and in london i have been good martha correspondent but let me first start with alex don't the speaker talked about division explain that to us so division means it's time to vote which is why you can see now on the screen that
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m.p.'s are leaving that chamber and they will be walking through. the ice which is yes all the knows so it's a literally one by one they walk through which indicates which way they are voting whether they are voting for the prime minister and the government's motion on this deal or whether they are voting against and this takes around about fifteen minutes in about seven minutes the speaker will shout knock the doors and that is the time you have eight minutes if you're a member of parliament to get that vote if you haven't got there within the eight minutes the doors are locked and you can't vote so it's it's a very key part this whole timing process but all in all it would take around about fifteen minutes for them to vote for then the so-called tellers to come back to the speaker stand in front of him tell him how many of voted on by yes how many have voted no so we would then know what the number is and then the speaker will repeat
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that and we will then know whether finally the prime minister has got to deal through parliament or not to the last few minutes of drama in the british parliament on the spiritual day which is meant to be break so the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen will be built we're listening to prime minister there is a machine. there if there's one word i think you can describe this little refer to the tenacity is mind boggling do you think she had enough in her comments today to sway m.p.'s who are maybe undecided or even make people change their minds too good for her withdrawal agree well look it was a very passionate speech by her and i would say this week she has shown her true self showing water good parliamentarian she is a. now she is still trying to do her duty here so she certainly put the pressure on you know and in response to labor these accusations that this is a blind directed this is not a blind brix she said it's a guaranteed opportunity
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a guarantee to actually pos bricks if this is the last opportunity and this is where parliament can come together in the national interest she said absolutely putting it to both sides that if you want if you want to ensure there is not a no deal which is still very much on the cards for the twelfth of april or if you want to ensure the brics it is not to laden definitely if the european union allows that if you want to ensure that we're not the u.k. not going to have to field candidates for those european parliamentary elections coming up at the end of may you have to vote for this deal and that was her last chance to say to them look i have done everything i can it is this deal or it is who knows what exactly and but we mention national interest every time too it is a mere mention national interest to be huge sneers engineers and because blue.


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