tv DW News Deutsche Welle March 29, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CET
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six votes off a majority was kools for a softer bret's it said the u.k. staying in a in a customs union which i can explain to you if there's time but that is important because if the whole of the u.k. including northern ireland from mainz in a customs union that could possibly get the support of those ten unionist m.p.'s the de u.p. bought on monday again they talk about those and vote on them again to see if they can be whittled down and perhaps now that this tale as been defeated for a third time more people more m.p.'s may decide that they have to vote because not all of them did vote all of government ministers were forced to stay in a many m.p.'s did decide not to vote atolls and maybe on monday we will see more m.p.'s voting and then might possibly be a clearer way forward ok you know be you mentioned the do you plead the democratic party that twelve members who are propping up essentially to me is government island has been based important in this whole mix because of the backstop yes so
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the backstop is to prevent a haunted border from repairing between island and northern ireland northern ireland as part of the u.k. island is not and will remain part of the new they used to be a hard border between the two and it was they were cheering these so-called troubles more than three and a half thousand people lost their lives nobody on the island of ireland wants to see a return to that and that is what the concern is this backstop was pushed in by the european union and agreed by to raise the may that if the u.k. could not agree a way forward a future trade agreement with the e.u. this backstop would kick in to prevent a hard border and that is what the right wing cities in particular did not like and the do you peel are concerned that if there isn't a whole border between islands in the northern ireland northern ireland that could be one affectively in the i received. so between mainland britain and northern
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ireland and they do not want that because they say that they are part of the u.k. and that is where they feel stronger since that is almost more important to them than bricks it and that is one way of saying that they will not support to resume a state at the moment because of that possibility but i thank you for explaining back so i think that has challenged many of our viewers overseas what does it mean and why is it so important thank you for give us a very good explanation on that and you are watching a d.-w. news coming to you live from berlin let me just recap the result which has just come out from the british parliament bottom until it is they were voting on the draw agreement that terrorism it wanted them to vote on and get a majority she did not get a majority the results were people who voted in favor two hundred eighty six those who voted against three hundred forty four a discrepancy of fifty eight votes a huge setback for tourism me but the coverage continues i'm going to leave you with a sound bite from tourism is speaking just
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a short while ago after that my colleague will join you in yours. bespeak rising pictured be a matter of profound regret to every member of this house the once again we have been unable to support even to your appearing in. the implications of the house's decision of grave the legal default now is that united kingdom is due to leave the european union on the twelfth of april in just fourteen days time that is not enough time to agree that just late for in russia fire deal and yet the house is being clear it will not permit leaving without a deal and so we would have to agree an alternative way forward the european union has been clear that any further extension will need to have a clear purpose and will need to be agreed unanimously by the heads of the other twenty seven member states ahead of the twelfth of april it is almost certain to involve the united kingdom being required to hold european parliamentary elections
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parliament's vote on may's e.u. withdrawal a deal or just moments ago as you might have been watching as well british m.p.'s rejected her briggs's deal resoundingly for a thirty and now well m.p.'s inside westminster rejected her breaks a deal that was negotiated of course with the e.u. by the prime minister with brussels and this time she was actually asking parliament to only vote for one part of that it would draw agreement not the future relationship that the u.k. will have with the e.u. but no matter it was to no avail made a promise to resign if her deal goes through but as we have started the brock this broadcast to tell you it was soundly defeated by three hundred forty four votes to
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two hundred eighty six. well we are tracking at this these a very dramatic developments for us minute by minute and i'd like to now welcome while standing by for this big announcement to dissect it and to be more exact is our d w a briggs it's analyst alex force waiting with me here in the studio in london it's is bridget must who is tracking those developments for you and in brussels we have just at the h q one is sort of course with bereket where the story is currently beget she gambled and she wost what next. what next is the million dollar question ray we know that on monday and then peace here in london are going to try and. infectivity takeover to reason may has failed a fat time to get the deal that she and the e.u.
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have agreed on in very detailed occasions she has failed to get it through parliament and parliamentarians are now saying that they want to take charge there calls for a general election already because of the deadlock effectively of the regs of process but in parallel and as the next that on monday parliamentarians will have a second round of the so-called indicative vote process effectively parliamentarians trying to find their breaks it's their consensus is what they're hoping for a way forward that's an alternative to its reason mase deal and most likely this will be a softer form of breaks it may be staying within the customs union some form of close relationship with the even staying in the single market possibly also a second referendum on whichever deal will finally be agreed on however if this fails. then we are looking at the twelfth of april which is the day that the u.k.
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if there is no other way forward and if the e.u. doesn't agree to another extension so if nothing is agreed the u.k. will leave on the twelve the faithful will leave the european union without any deal where this new deal scenario which is shared by businesses which will have grave consequences for medical supply for borders for travel food for food security that will be the new deal scenario now many people here behind me are don't really feel the scenario very much they want to leave these are leave us that feel betrayed they feel that it has not gone the way that it should have been after the referendum and they want to leave at any cause they don't feel the you know deal but a lot of other people and many here in parliament want to avoid that at any cost. we're gets a very rowdy crowd there behind you alex with me here in the studio i mean let's be
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honest this deal was doomed from the get go i mean did you really expect her to for garner the support for people to climb down from their positions and back her well some did climb down this week and some significant names did climb down even today we saw the form of brick that secretary dominic robb who has vehemently opposed that deal decided that he had to back it today earlier in the week former foreign secretary boris johnson a former conservative leader in duncan smith jacob three small to the head of the european research group so that you're a skeptic right wing a group within the conservative party also today was seen voting in support however that she did not to resume did not get the votes that she needed from what was saying only five labor m.p.'s voted with the government to labor m.p.'s didn't vote to troll twenty eight of those year opin research group members so those hardcore bricks it is voted against in total thirty four conservatives voted against the
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government so will though she has reduced the numbers of those voting against the government it clearly is still not enough and that is why we have seen this defeat again and to be honest it isn't a surprise because labor will whipping so that means they were demanding that their m.p.'s voted against the deal they are you know hefty number of them two hundred forty five labor m.p.'s so the majority of those voted against the deal plus the other opposition parties within parliament and just remember to raise amazed government they do not have a majority they were relying on these ten northern irish d p m.p.'s to prop up the government and they did not support on this they walked through the no lobby right and basically the she didn't manage to get them to line up behind her absolutely not because as i've explained earlier. they cannot support the deal because they all worried about what will happen to northern ireland if this so-called irish stop
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kicks in which they believe will separate them from the rest of the u.k. and they do not want that to happen so that's a red line and that is the red line all right want to go back to london the standby please alex and go back to london to have a beer good masa if i may are going to ask you to read the tea leaves for us to get to if i may what will happen now will snap elections be called. well this is what the labor party once they really are have been hoping for it to a long that they in the end there will be a deadlock which could result in a general election so there's that many calls for it also cerys a may have to remember she has said if the deal did go through as a prize kind of ironically she would step down and this was to get those people on board to one for the next phase of the negotiations somebody from their own side from the brics it side somebody who they want to be tough on the e.u.
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so dreesen may has already raised this prospect of past that being down. but now the deal didn't go. she hasn't sat what she what she will do so general election is not on likely but we will see as of next week how this process is going to take shape. today the winds are above weren't the u.k. is headed no we are absolutely not any the wiser apart from today was supposed to be the day that the u.k. exit to the you that is now being put back two weeks of the twelfth of april is the first time the u.k. could possibly leave and if they did so the way it's looking at the moment it would be without a deal and less to resume a swallow's ho words and has to beg the e.u. brussels for another extension and that would then be out to brussels and there's
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twenty seven other member states to agree and they are not all agreed on this and whether that is a good idea or not when they know that the u.k. is so divided and doesn't at the moment have a way forward will they be receptive to this last minute please let's go to brussels and let's find out my colleague. i'm told is standing by garrick are you there yet on their mail or yes hi there any reaction. a very swift reaction here from brussels from the european institutions basically the european commission send out the message that they do regret this vote is that the deal they worked so hard on me and michel barnier the chief negotiator and his team worked so hard on failed a third time and they basically said this makes no deal breck's it more likely and so you will see within the next couple of days it within the next two weeks preparations for a no deal breck's it in full swing here in brussels and then you have the head of the european council donald tusk who already set
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a date for the next summit where your leaders have to discuss the situations and that is two days before the current breaks a date on the tenth of april all right on the tenth of april so that's two days before that other crucial day april twelfth not a coincidence i imagine. no certainly not a coincidence and brussels has pretty much been brute preparing for this i mean i remember the french president on the last summit who gave the steel to pass a third star and total chance of five percent so they have pretty much been preparing for a scenario like that they have discussed a quite a long time if they should give to resign may that second extension but because the strain the second of may basically is now off the table the deal did not pass and so we have this deadline now which is in two weeks' time when until when the u.k. can decide if they want a longer extension and then participate in the european elections now the french president making made no secret he's not
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a big fan but at the end all member states where on the same page to say if the u.k. would want that extension participating in the european you'll hang on i thought we were going to leave so they would be surprised with somebody who doesn't follow the ins and outs of office so breaks it saga they probably wouldn't dream we understand why this is necessary i think for for several of the m.p.'s that might be the lesser evil to get a little bit more time to find a solution to the problem and find a deal that they can agree on and as i said most likely some softer bragg's it than the one that series i'm a had in mind with had all right let me give thanks with me here the final word. what is their best option now i mean they have to play for time i would say that they have to play for time because the majority of parliamentarians do not want to be a no deal breaks it or that it doesn't mean that it is off the table because we've
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seen the mess that's going on within british parliament so there are you know various options that is still available to the government and primarily it does rest on asking for more time and as we've said fielding people in these european elections which is not certainly not what the conservative party. wants to happen but and i think many people will now be focusing on what's going to happen on monday with these votes and whether that might be a clear way towards a soft brick say it but really all i can say to you dana is everything is often the angry thing is up in the air we've been saying that since how long are right alex for stuff or widing thank you so much and in london of course my colleague and in brussels i guess to some that concludes our special coverage of this very dramatic development in the house of commons they have given teresa mayes deal the thumbs down we'll continue our coverage at the top of the hour.
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investors fear turkey's recession could deepen the lira swings wildly stocks and there's a cute lection this we can't. get excited about a breakthrough in china's trade with you where spot where is the deal. and swapping motorbikes for each binds taiwan experiences and exports to them in the global market. and in physical and let's do business the turkish economy is taking a beating volatility has wiped eleven billion dollars off the market value of companies analysts blame richard typepad one and his harsh campaign rhetoric in the lead up to import municipal elections this sunday the ruling party is in danger of losing its majority that has the president all riled up during campaign stops at one talks shots of the us government criticizing its middle east policy and other perceived
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attacks on his country the lira immediately plummeted investors fear the united states to batavia with sanctions as they did a year ago adding to its economic plight and pushing it deeper into recession it once appeals to the central bank to stabilize the county as well as threats to investors to stick to the lira and avoid the best thing in two other currencies have failed to convince the market. joins us from rob a bank international got her a bit of background first it wasn't that long ago that turkey was posting still low growth numbers what's gone wrong. good afternoon yes. in the first half of last year. one of the fastest growing economies but there's growth was mainly fueled by substantial fiscal stimulus injected ahead of crucial parliamentary and presidential elections in the
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middle of. the first half of last year and then in the second half of last year everything went wrong one of the factors that contribute to sell off in turkey and local. unorthodox policy is favored by president of the one who claims that in order to bring inflation lower the country needs to cut interest rates obviously this is quite an orthodox view on monetary policy and there were other factors concerns about trade between china and u.s. so essentially. external backdrop for risky assets and the turkeys that you are when risk of recession increases is usually the most vulnerable currency and now there's another key election coming up what do you make of better ones attempts to steer central bank policy. response from. the outcome of those local elections on sunday
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is going to be absolutely crucial i think that they have three options to choose from first one would be the most market friendly which is to implement economic reforms the second option is to try to muddle through and they've tried to do that over the past six eight months when they announce very use short term solutions providing for example lending to small and middle sized companies trying to bring food prices lower but those are really short term solutions would return need to structural structural solutions and the third one would be to focus on unorthodox policies which would be quite damaging for the euro and local assets ok obviously there would choose option number one. as the forms what's the likelihood the economic reforms. for this scenario to
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materialize you have to adopt a hefty dose of optimism and trust in wall treasury and finance minister barak by the way son. in law of prison out of the one has been saying over the past few months he's been he's been tried this in trying to reassure investors stop after those local elections the pace of economic reforms is going to accelerate time is running out and he will have to make a very quick progress over the next now even weeks and even months but they are to restore confidence amongst investors which has been shattered by events over the past few days straight just because from others thank you very much for the analysis thank you for having. american and chinese trade negotiations have been meeting in beijing to try to end their trade
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dispute friday was the second and last day of the talks want to iron out their differences over u.s. accusations that china has been using unfair trade practices for years heavily subsidizing its companies while snatching the technological know how of foreign firms. what they discussed the night before is unknown but equity markets shot higher after negotiators exchanged smiles as they resumed talks on friday. then treasury secretary steve minucci joined chinese vice premier luke a and u.s. trade representative robert light eyes a for a photo and perhaps a chance to rearrange their negotiating positions before starting the day's talks the chinese commerce ministry says the two teams will spin no effort in the negotiations to end the months long trade war u.s. president donald trump said the two sides were close to
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a deal but officials have played down expectations of an imminent agreement u.s. insistence on keeping the first tranche of twenty five percent tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese imports could be a sticking point for a deal you is scheduled to travel to washington next week for the next round. the chinese tech giant by the way has found itself in the crosshairs of the trade war a british government report adding to western pressure on the company accusing it of failing to repair dangerous flaws in its telecom technology our way has defended its commitment to security while announcing that sales topped one hundred billion dollars last year. huawei revenues topped one hundred billion dollars in twenty eighteen positive figures with the last thing on the agenda a news conference in beijing journalist wanted was taken washington urging allies not to use the firm's networks u.s. government doesn't trust the chinese government not assert that doesn't trust hallway. i think the us is the most powerful country in the world the us has been
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the leader in many domains and the u.s. government has the attitude of a loser i hope the american people the u.s. government can adjust its own attitude. to rao escalation with the arrest of monk one joe weiwei c.f.o. and daughter of group founder of enjoying faith in canada in december while ways taken legal steps filing a lawsuit against the u.s. over a ban on government agencies using its products always lawyer said fears beijing might compel it to spy were baseless and. if we install back doors or collect intelligence on behalf of others it's tantamount to committing suicide and we've no intention of committing suicide. as for the chinese government i believe they also hope continue to pay tax create employment and drive growth in the whole industry i don't think they prefer to use weiwei as a tool to attack others. while we are uninsured off the road with the usa income from its network business at the center of the espionage was down
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while we said it was a long term business and the effects will be felt in a few years' time. cliff couldn't is following this story for us cliff it weighs chair's cold the u.s. government loses it is is that what all of this comes down to basically a competition between the top two economies in the world i think it is i mean if you look at the language it's a strong word loser is we're talking about trade war and in a way after all ways at the front line of this trade war between the u.s. and china so it's definitely more than just a private company in this particular context it's it's a national champion as it seen in china and in some ways it's representing chinese interests in the in the trade war that's ongoing a national champion but it's also is it a victim of this trade war i mean are it's is it a victim in this case or is it a case that its security standards are too lax and its ties to the state are too close well we have two sides in this and we've always saying that it isn't them that it is a victim and the u.s.
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is saying that it knows exactly what it's doing and that should be put into a position where we will have to release the information or do you think i think that i think that possibly huawei is playing a little bit naïve i think it knows what it's doing and i think that it's links the chinese government are very strong at the same time i do think that it is you know the best provider of this five g. equipment for example that we've spoken about so i think on the in that context i think probably while we have a case as well there are many german industry experts who say we need way in this next rollout of this technology what do you think will the chinese tech giant become a minnow with some stage you know is it going to survive this onslaught i think i think the figures today show it will survive it's got so many other products as well with the smart phones and all this other business on and says networks only a small part i think though looking ahead i think we're always probably in a good position it knows that it's better doing this five g. technology than anyone else so ultimately people are probably going to have to buy
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it if they want the five g. tech at the same time they're going to have to come up with some compromise where they can reassure people about the security concerns so the end of the day is more about the trade war and not this chinese company i think ultimately i mean i was a while way has a strong links but ultimately this is about a bigger issue of opinion thank you very much for coming in. now is everyone going green all of a sudden taiwan is experiencing a global boom in demand for it see bikes at the start of the show of one of asia's biggest bike expos type a cycle a couple of clicks and that's it all you need for a more leisure lee cycle the time when his government says its exports of electric bikes have increased by fifty percent over the past two years one company at the show says it's down to a desire to be greener. the reason why you guys going to get more and more popular is because the people they are concerned about air pollution right now because some
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of the countries like taiwan in thailand the people they are writing the moral cycle to get going version of motorcycle and the police will air pollution is really serious one point one million taiwanese bikes were sent around the world last year more than half of those went to the e.u. . we export to germany and france and holland more because their peoples are really used to riding evolves all the day electric models may have stolen the show at this year's taipei cycle but there are still plenty of other bikes on offer including for those who prefer their right to come with a bit of a struggle. and just updating our top stories for you investors fear turkey's recession could deep in the lira is swinging wildly stocks of flopping and there's
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