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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  March 29, 2019 7:15pm-7:31pm CET

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all of us nation coming to get it right working every day so it's very different see interesting mr sill philip schultz thank you so much for joining us for making ukraine with that greatly appreciate it all right. next to me is a business and i will rock a moment if this happens to be that we can't i wish you fabulous at the weekend you know something. which of it can be. sure linked to news from africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of easy town while with saintly debbie to come smash efficacy join us on facebook at g.w. africa. go to
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college. keep learning merged realises wait a second we want the whole picture out facts instead of make ideas shift deliver us . from a commercial reality to cryptocurrency your topics for live in an ever changing digital world let's talk a bit to devise a sure fire shift. on d w. a report shows a huge number of africans want to leave their countries could this be the next wave of mass migration. zambia finds itself in a death trap how's it going to get out. and more bad news for boeing reports the end he still system was on when that ethiopian airlines flight crashed . i've been fizzling let's do business four out of ten africans
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a considering emigration that's according to the pan african research institute afro barometer it conducted a survey of forty six thousand people across thirty four countries and these are the results twenty nine percent of those who said they wanted to leave said they'd choose another country in the region they're already living in twenty seven percent are considering europe twenty two percent wish to go to north america the reasons given for wanting to emigrate were also diverse forty four percent said they wished to look for work elsewhere twenty nine percent indicated that they'd like to escape poverty but most of the african surveyed who wanted to leave their countries tended to be from cities with higher educational backgrounds so brain drain could be on the cards for governments but not all migrants actually get so they hope for destination many from west and central africa refugee camps in morocco.
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behind these walls here in casablanca a makeshift refugee camp built by these migrants from africa over two thousand people have been living here for months illegally nobody wants to give their name. for. the whole of africa is here their francophones. speakers and even portuguese speakers they come from everywhere i don't know exactly how many. they all want to do go to europe but their journey ends at the coast which is to have a guarded. same thing with the border to libya where human smugglers are waiting now they're stuck here in this makeshift camp rocco's government shut down all the other temporary camps in march. at the beginning it wasn't crowded like this but now we can cross the border of the sea most of the camps have been destroyed and i confess that's why there are so many of us here.
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now they want to stay in recent years morocco has naturalized fifty thousand illegal immigrants. zambia was one of the world's fastest growing economies between two thousand and two thousand and ten it averaged over seven i said but the tide is turning from africa rising poster child is now struggling with debt and bail reports. zambia's main international airport is getting a new look and it's not the only one there's also construction workers for an upgrade in sam just third largest city. experts aren't impressed. should we be spending. your new year's dollars building an airport in donna how much traffic will that stimulate that going to be that isn't already. trucked additional traffic if there are no investment activity is taking place in the economy you know it's despite an economic slowdown crane still dot one of
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africa's fastest growing cities. capital has had a major facelift in recent years a lot of money has been spent by the government on improving infrastructure here and in other parts across the country but despite the progress life is becoming harder for a lot of people. our cost of living just to have a people have no money people are struggling i mean graduates haven't got a job so a lot of people young ones are seeking opportunities and they can't find them. for three years the economy has just been getting worse and worse. zambia's external debt is now just above ten billion dollars that's slightly more than forty percent of its g.d.p. most of that money is all to china and western investors and that is already affecting the country's budget. we're seeing something like sixty percent of your
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salary goes towards servicing debt and forty percent goes towards sustaining operation which means that you can't really grow your operation because what you have is almost just enough to survive and therein lies the problem zambia needs to grow its economy to pay back its debt we have a in a situation where they can help to engender confidence investor confidence and also provide a dame because for the government to be a lot more disciplined in how it manages expenditure how it makes expenditure what does it call me commute expenditure or in mid twenty eight hundred zambia's government reportedly demanded the removal of the i.m.f. country representative but the situation is getting dire zambia may now need to mend its relationship with the institution and change its spending ways. and she's going to joins us in the studio now to ponder it sounds like someone has done the
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math and that it's more. just a problem of discipline is zambia going to change its spending ways any time soon it's really right someone has been doing their math and it looks like they were unwilling to do their homework either at least when the i.m.f. tried to give it to them last time it was in talks with the i.m.f. and as we heard reportedly that wasn't confirmed they did kick the i.m.f. representative out of the country they haven't gotten back to the table with the i.m.f. it looks like zambia will carry on spending for now because as long as there is money to be borrowed from somewhere they will go and invest in infrastructure there's a lot of need for infrastructure there is a need for that so that's something that needs to be said and as long as someone is willing to give it perhaps china then they will carry on spending why did they kick the i.m.f. out why because they couldn't come to an agreement supposedly on restructuring their debt and that was the major issue and of course the governor wanted to keep
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on spending point in the i.m.f. wanted them to rein in their spending so that's something they couldn't agree on at least according to reports so you mentioned china in that report as being a big investor and other western countries which which western countries well in terms of western investors we're talking about private entities and there's one in the netherlands cold and in and investment partners which was rather bullish actually in zombie of this year because it was performing really badly on the bond market last year it was one of the worst performers in january and in february it was one of the best performances so for anyone with a huge risk appetite apparently something that's running slightly above junk status is a good investment because obviously the returns could be higher and the investors are going from a perspective that there won't be full on its debt and they're looking at perhaps them getting back to the table and speaking with the i.m.f. that's something they're hoping for and that's the one reason why they're still
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buying. what exam bia is aiming for does it want to get back to the table and get on board with the i'm if not yet we don't know actual talks i think things are slightly much better in terms of where i'm going the i.m.f. stands together but they haven't really gotten back on the table to discuss what's going to happen next so what is the way out for zambia what is the way out for them they're well written in spending that's the way out and hopefully someone will try to get them to do that it looks highly unlikely because the finance minister margaret on a cot we did say last year when presenting the country's budget that they would carry on with infrastructure projects that are in process there's a lot of projects that going on and they still intend to carry on with them but with what money is the question because of course a lot of it is going to debt servicing as we heard so it is kind of a weird situation and it's sort of like. you know if someone's going to keep the tap you know running and you're thirsty you keep on drinking and i think that's
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kind of the problem that has if we keep on drinking as well as that happens open just really briefly of course that is not the only african economy stuck in this debt trap it is and isn't it isn't the worst you know neighboring mozambique which has had floods they want the i.m.f. warned that they would default and that is mozambique would default on two billion dollars of debt so that's one bad case another neighboring country and gold has twenty five billion dollars of debt to china only that's just in china so that is definitely the two neighboring countries as well in what is a really bad situation on the chin bill thank you very much for coming. in and the doctor reportedly shows the ante still system was activated shortly before the crash of an ethiopian airlines flight investigation is still underway there's been no comment from the u.s. federal aviation administration all the plane make a boeing this would be another blow to the aviation giant which continues to insist the max series is safe. the wall street journal reports the m.
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cas software aboard ethiopian airlines flight three hundred two bound for nairobi activated automatically before the plane nose dived into the ground while one hundred fifty seven people on board died the family of one passenger from rwanda has filed a lawsuit in chicago federal court alleging boeing defectively designed the automated flight control system the cas flight control feature has also been implicated in a fatal crash by a lion air flight in indonesia last year many analysts suspect that in both cases the software repeatedly pushed the nose of the plane down despite the pilots' attempts to correct the news of the world's largest tourism company is under pressure following the grounding of all those boeing seven three seven max aides after two deadly crashes germany's two we expect profits the fall by seventeen percent this year it's expecting a lot of cancellations and warns its forecast will be even worse if the planes
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aren't back in here by july that's he sees a plane make a boeing is working on a software patch to eliminate technical glitches that led to the crashers. american and chinese trade negotiators have been meeting in beijing to try to end their trade dispute friday was the second and last day of the talks they want to iron out their differences over u.s. accusations that china has been using unfair trade practices for years now heavily subsidizing its companies of snatching the technological know how of foreign firms . what they discussed the night before is unknown but equity markets shot higher after negotiators exchanged smiles as they resumed talks on friday. then treasury secretary steve minucci joined chinese vice premier luke a and u.s. trade representative robert light eyes a for a photo and perhaps
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a chance to rearrange their negotiating positions before starting the day's talks the chinese commerce ministry says the two teams will spin no effort in the negotiations to end the months long trade war u.s. president donald trump said the two sides were close to a deal but officials have played down expectations of an imminent agreement u.s. insistence on keeping the first tranche of twenty five percent tariffs on fifty billion dollars worth of chinese imports could be a sticking point for a deal you is scheduled to travel to washington next week for the next round. very nice doing business with you and have a nice weekend away. small
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cuts in small groups be changing the people making it possible to go to africa. fantastic right. as they set out to save your foreigner. to learn from one another. to gather for a better future.
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earth. for saving google to those tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas protect the climate and boost green energy solutions. the blue series of global three thousand on g.w. and on line. this is state of the news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes adding value to africa's resources. most of kaunas cocoa is exported rule we'd need the women making bars from the beat. the swiss you think chocolate you think donna you think cool you think gold chocolate never comes to mind fifty seven chocolate is changing that referencing the gun of became the free nation.


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