tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle April 1, 2019 3:15am-4:01am CEST
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spots just completely quiet for you see things you know animals come up to you find you have encounters but they're the ones that encounter you you know encounter then you know you're already there seen lots of encounters with animals including with a gorilla though and gorilla day to day this was a into congo maybe i didn't know if humans were over the school is a sad thing twenty twenty five feet away from me for half an hour for that any kind of reaction is like a one company first came on up to sell it and trailing it was like no undergrowth and you're in in there i was and i was scared i would have run away but i will let michael holmes around everything in the i know you're not supposed to run away i probably wouldn't third. thing said stay there for half an hour without any kind of reaction stan got up and just seems really strange so.
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i remember him coming back out about the person a long period of time on the buyout. i was so i changed my mind when i. was obsessive love people and it was a it was interesting what culture of a place i could tell you from so. i didn't know it would be endured there's a whole lot about how to. move so i was a friend. i just feel very very close to him and it's funny no matter how long where we don't see each other it's mediately always the same feeling we're right back where we're you know we don't there's no really acquaintance required ever in our friendship so. he was not like all of us there was we didn't
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quite know where we belong yet and we were not. you know we're kind of outsiders and always will be not trusting economic system the political system the social system even the infrastructure seeing how ridiculously greedy and self-centered people with power are being young and not wanting people telling you what to do not wanting parental authorities or police authorities or governments or. borders or territories or nationalism hard you know. i like to run. my favorite crawl being a bit well said yes. that's the situation a most. remarkable example of not being in touch with the world was when i was in
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the force once for like three months and i came out i didn't have a radio back then but one of the back i was working for the project he had bought a boom box and he had a radio and he was sitting in front of my house which which was up at the end of it there and twiddling the knobs and it just happened to stop at the at the b.b.c. and it was like you know in english and so i simply heard it was the end of a news report and the sentence i heard was mr corbett choice was the president of the former soviet union. you know i didn't hear or know that there was a former soviet union i got into the force there was still the soviet union times what it is what it was like then he twirled the knobs again i'll go back go back but then i thought they were in the news program was over it was something else like outlook or some stupid program like that in the. us so i didn't know i didn't hear from like another hour and then i and then i didn't refer to because it was something that happened already it was a while ago so there wasn't like any news item about it. became clear to me that you know the soviet union didn't exist.
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that i name i have among the book i'm a team book going out more i did my good with the guy yeah i don't know mind on one visit thing about blizzard to vote and elect and the number two was even back to him why only to bump up money and. i asked him ok gamble talking about the bugaboo fire. yeah. yeah yeah. yeah. yeah yeah right i did. and i'm glad. you. do. you see i've been down that i've got to.
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the cambium simply because of music you've heard the top admissable the people. siteman because we're both hot things being with the child in the mud. but. the whole thing was. now knows how much longer this kind of life of a man love feel privileged to have been living in a lived but but a problem my life in this world the to. help this is not the end of. her. we're slow. hut i.
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remember you. were good to go this is. be led. to believe it. a record a lot of flute news. there were a few players we had originally. one by one they died and there's no more food it is really beautiful here and i like it good that's how they play it you know would be like it too in the morning i would get up and just wander around the camp or the village playing the food. distance when it sounds like a yodeling woman and it comes in and it goes in the distance again do it every couple hours or two hours every day i used to be like that was great.
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a sound not to be here again. a very contemplative music for me it helps me just write recent times i just like to sit and think to it in a think about the things still. when i'm playing this music and i sometimes i'm just listening to it so this is so very beautiful. and i love i love polyphony and biograph their style of foolish for them this is the. european. political renaissance of this period of it in the european history when. in europe was kind of waking up to the war the world was this beautiful music being composed in this deep faith in a way in god and in that it has a kind of a remote time in for the bike it was like a hole in the world also kind of
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a ring that was time. for and i think it's you know the bottom also seeking in a way serenity is spirituals or any other thing that i do get that from the forests or anything is and i get that when i hear that by families as well. because there's something special that happens when they perform these it's a communal thing it's their role so. together they can create this beautiful thing that is creating the spirit. the rehearsals except that they've always sung together. the whole community. there's a. god gives you a sense of not just surrendering but a loss. transcendence sucks. being with other. nothing but a fake. good
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number. fifty but. feel that i did but that he. floated you know you did get it for good or good for the floor mayor it's not the same coming into the force and i don't like to go off in the cabin because i just wanted to touch it just breaks my heart feel that it's the below and then buy a gun for things that have guns and wires as in they just now they've just been wiping out then and. it's become an existential threat to the back of. the they need an abundance of wildlife for their hunting the third to be viable feel i've been warning them doubly ws for a few years none of that this place has been depleted and they haven't. as far as i'm concerned responded at all adequately. i mean yes can't comes here with good intentions but you gotta watch it so for your own good intentions. it's the black
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as a culture that allows the w d b f two to have a choice gorillas and only then without the block if they stopped working tomorrow there would be no where a girl of the two ation would be finished definitely there'd have to be given something in return at least give them the link with conservation and then it is their land and it's wrong to think that this is some virgin untouched wilderness an eden you know untouched and touched by humans. as a whole my fav asian it's just wild nature sun this forest has been shaped by the back of the bed for generations you know that they have shaped this place in that the ecology here in alabama by they're hunting and they're exploiting it i mean they've affected have it is now they've managed it in and as much as a farmer manages his craw for something like that they have managed this environment so it is their environment for.
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all my father and certainly thought my my interest in music was a waste of time. because you know his his idea of good music was like you know as well as i you know the kind of stuff they claim elevator that's kind of easy but listen. i was interested in classical music since i was a child and i wanted to be a composer and still i wish i had the the real talent or genius to be a composer because that's still what i would have liked to be more than anything. i liked enough to from been still connected with music i like you know the fact that i made so many records of such beautiful views with sort of disappearing you know and. really you can still hear the music but i mean i got some great performances with the baikal just doing it for themselves and the role so into it five years from just. my parents of course were who are opposed
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to me i mean who's that. so i didn't have that kind of support behind doing music. for. when my father was dying i asked a couple months there is sort of looking after him we died in our arms all my brothers came on the day the morning he died those were all around his bed. and so you know it was a. nice bit of closure for me because my towards the end my father was accepting my my life and africa. and it was finally like you know he had accepted. the stuff that has. you.
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held him in my arms all night and day he was having like just diarrhea and just an incredibly high fever of terrifying and i was putting what cloth on his head and then join in cool them down and three times he stopped breathing. in the middle lot of promises to him that night and told my children in a world. just how to keep breathing and in bike i just said i'd show him lots of ground lots of places this trip now going to america is a bit you know fulfilling that promise that i gave the famous and i will fight as a local thing in the film. a lot but interests are all barca when they stop robbers who don't know where we are this are your control boarding will control every underground parking was a marker for murder who are stronger if you are white by the ocean on them or do
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a lot when you know about it i mean all the delavan on these old one and gullible crawl up the roof room was done bending. over on them why them and it will be about midday and one of them and at the end i will go on to believe that the eyes of the moment almost all of them will die of a mystery my don't want them i am i meant to write with them and then being tossed overboard might be by john and will begin on mars not coming from the wall of the big one believe them to be made then the whole big. summers this is just part of the sea but part of it's broken off. and us just along the sea part in the world the species it comes with. and each one has one of those just going to run for it will see its ready for us to see that sometimes we get them really long and. leave this for them as well and will use it musically and now they don't use us for anything with mao i love the seeds. it's fantastic to have
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somebody here and now and for him to see this and have this kind of experience here but also it must be some mind blowing form to see this for all this in these none for us for the told the reasons he's more impressed by like people people's behavior like we saw some guy down the street and he was like on the corner there and he's like combing his hair and then he was like doing a kind of dancing where you know you have to push the movement go one arm and down the other and but he was also like a little crazy because he was also going into the garbage can and the trash can and so if i mean he was doing and so somebody was really fascinating watching there guys.
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so much noise from the traffic. well you know there's nice things too but it is it is a strange world when you're away from and then you come back you realize how strange an artificial little everything is marching in this kind of fake account of me everybody doing these tasks that really have no intrinsic importance to their lives you know it's just something they do to to to make a living it's not really connected to life. like it's not quite real or something.
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or you know part of me is here that part has as not is not here to come up holograph or something. in a real person space. in two thousand and six i got sick and i thought it was malaria you know then the term have to pay for and that's where it was i came back to the states anyhow for brake . the other one went to the national institutes of health and they did gnosis and they found antibodies for hepatitis in the ways that i have heard that is the sort of guys do you something that you can only get if you have an idea every second as
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a comparison i don't have that as being. you know i don't want to do interferon if i'm living an active lifestyle and there's no guarantee that it does it's going to do anything on its own like they say it can cure me it's not going to make my the hepatitis in the act of what i thought the hepatitis b. was an act or you know for one it's all there all their options to one who couldn't when they really said no exe you know then with the dating i mean you know you read about some of those states and it's really scary it confounds to some extent the effects of hepatitis b. so in people who are caught in fact it becomes all the more complicated in terms of the potential effects an exacerbation of the you know chronic liver disease perhaps an acceleration of the of the changes in the liver that lead to cirrhosis and the potential perhaps from the a cancer. cut
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i want to tell you that this is one of my. hopes that i have that you want to talk to accomplish was it was meet insanity and watching my son playing yeah it's kind of neat so it's you know it's something i always wanted never really thought was was going to ever happen but you know you made big brother going to meet your kids right and that it's difficult i didn't know how you did go and if you know it certainly did. like to visit you know over there sometimes. i talk to bed before i don't know i'm trying to encourage too much because i don't want to you know if something happens and i would feel responsible so it's like i leave it up to the person to if you want something happens well like if you've got some disease where you've had so many things that they've actually thought you were like your
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science experiments and the basic you have to washington they give you all kinds of you because you have people like you this is interested in this look anytime someone tells you they want to study you tell me that i have a doctor told me he said just let me don't tell him i told us telling you this in confidence but they're very interested in liver.
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remaining with a minimum. of one more bob bob with the hour long running moment for all of it what really. is that is the idea of local mayor valeri. and tell me that i'm going solo or building your own member when we know when the moon will have a demand. by me knowing i've been around only. one way too long and the minutes are long gone were common with the broom monger on the monkey anywhere you've been. in there mon barber one knows it. is some mumbling no one knows oh my. love where that is as long as i want to love you as is your song when i was a lot jungle i don't know when i was so damned us on the run when i was. buffalo on
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. my back you look more more no more or well more now before she was born a while meanwhile will walk will need to move money. to myself a willow and i mean a new tom de lay i was all over the limo my first show my blood my stride many wanted to know called. to. i woke up at four o'clock in the morning i couldn't sleep because i have this big bed partly because of. the school because i you know last year i made a huge debt to supply all the kids with. bills for school notebooks and. hens and little black boards and i paid the school insurance and i still have debts from that i never made any money from since then to pay back those debts and my debts
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keep creeping up because you know every day i have to get things from the mauritanian shop and it was a period. for like two months when i didn't meant there wasn't even i didn't even make you know a dollar to know tourists or the torso came they didn't stop by us i couldn't sell a single cd nothing you know we're going to go back and i'm going to have very little. you know very little cash and then i'm going to have these people coming bothering me thinking i'm like all you know you know i hate when i say look i don't have a laugh you know the thing of course i have money and i'm loaded you know because i'm a white person and i just came back from america really where's your pennies i'm going to get for like a week and have people coming to my drawer people below buy office coming and coming in not believing anything i say and thinking i'm i'm holding out on them that i. have the stuff and. i mean i can deal with that but what's for me is depressing is the fact that. i don't seem to have any kind of. source for
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see and how do we still come from. my name is dr carson the i talk to medical experts. watch them at work. and then discuss what you can do to improve your health. state use and let's all try to stay in touch and thirty minutes. with him how to be done to go sunday as well lions how you know if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on a trip to cuba i would not have put myself and my heritage so much danger to the bottom of the theme of the open a beautifully it would. love one funky bit but that one little bit of that is the
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one i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. want to know their story for migrants terrified and reliable information for margaret's. turkish president. has suffered a major blow in local elections with nearly all the votes counted the main opposition party was set to seize control of the capital ankara for the first time in twenty five years the elections are being seen as a key test for add one image an economic time to. exit polls in ukraine's presidential election show comedian bernardine is the landscape has taken the lead in the first round and.
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