tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 1, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST
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leaders who successes beyond the worst are. going to. london tragedy starts in the t w. this is d w news life from her alleged turkey's president suffers a blow in local elections the opposition celebrates as he gains control of the capital ankara the commercial capital is still involved looks set to follow what does this mean for president and a long and for the future of the country. also coming up no laughing matter comedian followed him there's a lengthy wins the first round of voting in ukraine's presidential election he's
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coming well ahead of incumbent president petro poroshenko and it's a perfect. disaster for ferrari in charlotte clare is loses engine power in the closing laps allowing his hamilton to win his first race of the season at the bahrain grand prix. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program it's being called a stunning setback for turkey's president branch of taipei or to watch for the first time in eighty years his party has lost control of the capital ankara a local election in an even greater blow air to one's main rivals the secularist c.h.p. party are also claiming victory in the country's economic hub istanbul. the elections are being seen as a test of everyone's leadership many voters say that they are unhappy with the way
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that he is handling the country's economic downturn. now the main opposition candidate for istanbul. has meanwhile declared victory in the city he thanked istanbul's voters in his speech and boom bust out from today on we will run the city of a transparent fashion at all times and go through this gladly because i know that every part of the city belongs to sixteen million people. in this now we're joined by our very own doria jones who is standing by in istanbul so joining just walk us through the significance of the outcome of these local elections not only for the opposition who we just heard from but also for the country's president wretch of type out of one. well president one has built a reputation of being invincible the electro electro box he seen in fifteen
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years of successive election victories that has crushed all opposition challenges tonight on the election reputation severely damaged not only has he lost in the capital ankara does appear now that he will be set to lose his stumble his hometown his backyard something that was seen as an impregnable castle. that looks like to a full on the top of that several other key provincial cities of course also fall into the main opposition c.h.p. who until these polls was largely seen as a marginal party only based support on the fringes of turkey on its own jeanne coast now it has a presence all across turkey so many ways are the one reputation of being unstoppable the polls has been damaged and this will open the door to many challenges not only from the opposition but possibly even within his own ranks voices of growing discontent over the way he's running the country are now expected to become more to the forth given the fact that he's the it is no longer beatable
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and given that you know very new very unprecedented reality for the turkish president at a time to watch how is he likely to deal with that that fall in support that we are now seeing. well there really is the major challenge and he will be concerned that now that and possibly now is found will be in the hands of the main opposition he will be aware that they will use this now as a possible springboard to challenge his will these large cities are home to fifteen million it's a size of a medium sized country this will provide the opposition as a way of presenting an alternative to running the country they'll say that there is a real plan the way to walk until now is that there is only my way and he will be alarmed about going forward certainly the opposition will be looking to build a platform to challenge old ones in the future jorian just briefly before we go how would you assess the political climate in the country right now i think everyone will be looking to see whether it is
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a key people will accept the verdict of the voters in the stamboul if they do accept that and i think neuer huge sigh of relief and an expectation of possibly the situation forward can be reconciled that the country can't won't tear itself apart if heard one toss challenge through the results in istanbul that opens a very dangerous way for turkey and there will be a lot of concerns about what that will mean for the country everything is hanging on the balance about what will happen in istanbul daryn jones in istanbul thank you huge. let's get a quick check now some other stories making news around the world rescuers and appall are working to reach villages in the south of the country cut off by a powerful storm officials say that at least twenty seven people were killed and hundreds more injured when rains and gale force winds tore down houses it flipped over cars and trucks. japan has announced the name of the era of the incoming emperor now repeats with the japanese word. brave means pursuing harmony in
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english the name was kept secret ahead of time is nonsense the current emperor is to abdicate in a month it will be the first time that a japanese emperor has kept out of centuries of the rapper nipsey hussle has been shot and killed outside of his own clothing store in los angeles the grammy nominated artist was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital two others were injured a former gang member hustle later became a community organizer and enjoyed widespread so you respect in the city it's international pressure is mounting on the oil rich kingdom of brunei to withholds new laws that would allow death by stoning as punishment for gay sex and adultery for nial muslim majority former british protectorate on the southeast asian island of borneo has been rolling out strict islamic laws since two thousand and fourteen the latest phase including the brutal new provisions is due to take place on wednesday the un is calling for to halt their implementation.
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let's get more on this we are joined by d.w. reporter here in the studio hank levy to tell us a little bit more about these laws so what's going on here so the laws of the laws are actually about an intimate implementation of a strict islamic penal code code sharia now the slowest are not just targeting the community but as they actually go much wider for example if you call for theft your parts of your limbs could now be amputated so that's card bordeaux but then the most controversial part of that now being gay could actually cost one's life so now muslims now courts cutesie of homosexuality homosexual activities could now be stilled which to death now it's important to mention that word with sexuality has been illegal in brunei absence british colonial rule but now with these laws it's really taking things to the next level and given that it's taken to the next level
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i mean people organizations they must be reacting yeah exactly so there has been international outrage just today the u.n. decried. lent calling it very cruel and inhuman it's that it's marked a serious setback for human rights protection and has cold overnight to hold back these laws and also some of the human rights groups and celebrities also joined the outcry for example holywood star george clooney. has called for a boycott of a series of luxury hotels that has been there is linking to upper ninety's. the hotels out in the u.s. in france and the u.k. and italy so he says he doesn't want to help pay for human rights violations and some of some of the celebrities also joined this campaign for example. elton john he has been gay openly gay since the eighty's and she's on her twitter he wrote
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that a comment my friend george clue. me for taking a stand against the n.c. gay discrimination and bigotry taking place in a nation of for night event edit my husband david and i decided to be treated with dignity and respect as to each and every one of the millions of the q people around the world and also actress jamie lee curtis also endorsed the cole and so in general we have seen that the hash tag for cobra night like a trending with some prominent voices saying that these laws have no place in today's society and burn eyes government how is it responding to the backlash well despite mounting international pressure seems surprised given this law does not plan to reconsider its plans on saturday the prime minister's office has released a statement saying that bernard as if we independent country and it should be able to endorse its. in force its own rule of laws it also. says that
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it can help the country to remain like the peace and order now it's important to say that the voice would introduce had already been introduced in twenty fourteen but it had already been delayed ones as mentioned before. because of international outcry already that time and this time it seems up and i will just keep would just stick with this plans quite a long back story there when we did a reporter on the story for us thank you so much. well now the british parliament is set to meet again shortly to try and resolve the brig's a crisis lawmakers plan to vote on a number of options to try to reach a consensus on the way forward cabinet ministers arrive to prime minister teresa mayes residence at ten downing street for the talks ahead of the vote i do similar vote last week parliament failed to unite around a single alternative although most support was given to a second referendum or
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a customs. now european commission president jiang called younger says that the e.u. was losing patience with london's inability to seal the deal. to be able to be done but actually we have yet another brick city the fourth boat if a county correctly and nobody knows where we are going. to pose nude we now know what the british parliament does not want but we don't yet know what it does want understand brings us things is an open book in comparison with the british parliament. we need to get the strings to talk now and. you must listen these things it's the silence has gone on long enough medium long and a lot like patients wearing thin there let's head now to london where w. charlotte potts has the perspective from there in charlotte i'd just like to begin by you know addressing what we just hard to her heard john claude are saying and i mean those messages from brussels they seem to be getting grimmer and grammar is
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london listening or are the british just too occupied with their own internal discussions. so i think that government and members of parliament are hearing what is said but they're not really listening the motto here seems to be keep calling and carry on throughout this whole mess and today a parliament and government faced a lot of criticism amongst them from the head of siemens u.k. who said that the government had that the whole process indeed had turned the country into a laughing stock so it seems like the government is pretty much on face by that a government spokes person off to reason may said they understand the uncertainty of businesses and that they are trying very hard to bring forth the deal for a fourth time so as i say government is very and faced by this and rather focused on domestic political infighting at the moment so let's talk a little bit more about what is ahead today in parliament because we have another
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row another potentially indicative vote coming up what can we expect today. so parliament today is first of all debating a petition that reached over six million signatures that's the highest rate of signatures in british history and that petition is asking basically to revoke fifty so essentially to remain in the european union that doesn't have a lot of chance to go through but they are debating it and then later on they are going to hold so-called indicative of the speaker of parliament choosing amongst eight options and they for example include a second referendum remaining in a customs union or remaining in the single market and no deal for exit or no breaks at all and parliament will vote on that later tonight in the hope that there will be a majority although they've tried last week and they could not find a majority on that absolutely i mean you really get the sense there that the
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parliament is just so fragmented that they have they are not deciding which direction to go in. you know we have this deadline now charlotte of mid april set by brussels when you're gauging the mood there i mean what do you make of that deadline and the ability to reach a decision before about right now. so parliament tonight if they find a majority could come up with the idea of a soft of bricks but theresa may would have to sign up for that and it seems very unlikely that she's going to do so because she's always followed the course of a harder break so to please the hardliners in her tory party so theresa may could try again to bring back a vote or head deal i'm sorry for the fourth time this week but it remains that the parliament is extremely divided on the issue of the government in itself is divided and it seems very it seems more and more likely that there could actually be
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a no deal breaks it so a chaotic breck's it on april twelfth that is the deadline at the moment or is the other option is that a reason make goes back to brussels and asks for a very long extension and the european union would have to sign up for that charlotte pots in london thank you. it's volodymyr selenski the dark horse candidate celebrated his big win with a party at a trendy kiev nightclub a location that underscores his popularity with young voters. the forty one year old capitalized on frustration over rampant corruption and a faltering economy but he has yet to spell out what he would do in power one of his campaign slogans was no promises no apologies zelinsky is basically a screen under which many ukrainians project their expectations he didn't make strong policy stance at the point so it's very difficult to say who actually it will be should he be elected. selenski came to the candidacy by way of a hit t.v.
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show called servant of the people where he plays an outsider elevated to the presidency. offscreen he may not be entirely outside the system critics say he's in the pocket of an oligarchy who owns the t.v. channel that era selenski program and who opposes president petro poroshenko to many the incumbent has failed to fix everything that's wrong about ukraine corruption and low living standards. if you will to me this election is like another made on protest the third mass protest concur for deciding where country will be in ten to fifteen years time we're choosing the country or children and grandchildren will be looking at it now she did you. say isn't it a wonderful course i'm satisfied we voted for selenski everything is cool though we didn't expect poroshenko to make it into the second round and everyone thought the runner up would be. everyone including yulia timoshenko herself the former
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prime minister is a heroine of the country's pro western movement she spent years in jail on what she says were politically motivated charges she called the exit polls dishonest and asked supporters to wait for final results. the central election commission said no systematic violations. been registered to ring the poll despite allegations of widespread vote buying acknowledging more than two thousand complaints the body said reports of irregularities would be reviewed but none required immediate action . germany begins a one month term chairing the united nations security council survey it takes over from france but the two states pledging to continue close coordination all states want to focus on crisis prevention in africa and securing support for the un mission in mali there will also be issues in the middle east to deal with after the united states unilaterally recognizes occupied golan heights as israeli territory is
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a political correspondent thomas sparrow is on the story for us so i mean germany really wants to set out its own course here what are the issues that it wants to focus on you mentioned already some of those issues but if we could put them let's say under water headline that will be a crisis prevention initiatives talking about chiquita about crisis for venture initiatives in africa and that's a hell region germany specifically wants some measures in mali where there's a very big and also very dangerous u.n. mission also in work enough aso a country that worries germany as well this is by the way not something new germany has already said in the past that it is particularly concerned about the situation does a hell region but there are also other issues that it wants to focus on part of this decision to chair the un security council for example helping to stop sexual violence in conflict or boosting the role of humanitarian aid workers peacekeeping missions all arms trade so those are the key issues that germany wants to work on in the next few weeks and also i mean they they also want stronger cooperation with
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france what's that about if we look at german leadership follow that that leadership has always been hand in hand with other countries it's not a leadership that germany wants to have on its own and in particular they always view france as a key partner when it comes to sharing values to presenting the. it is internationalism when germany and france signed a deal this year the so-called often treaty they set out to work hand in hand internationally to try and precisely show these values and work on the issues that both france and germany want to focus on and one of the key areas where they can do so is precisely the u.n. the u.n. security council on the fact that france has chatted for a month germany's chair and now for another it wants to chair at for much longer or at least it wants to get a permanent seat i have to correct myself on the security council what are what are its chances germany for a very long time as you say sara has tried to have a permanent seat on the security council some of the arguments that it has said is that is one of the sort of key dodos a major contributor to the u.n.
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budget to does also keep provider of troops within the u.n. framework those are those are arguments that germany has a time and time again germany is not the only country that wants a permanent seat in the in the u.n. security council as part of a wide u.n. reform other countries just brazil or india also want the same thing so their goal is clear whether they will reach that goal that is something more difficult analysts said that it's a very slow process and that it is very unlikely they will happen any time soon ok well in the meantime though it's going to be an interesting month indeed something of our our political correspondent thank you always a pleasure. well let's take a peek now at what could be the factories of the future of the largest industrial technology fair in the world has opened in the german city of hanover much of the focus this year has been on the new five telecom standard and experts believe that it will transform the world of work. look don't touch
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simplify contact controls this machine is this hands off robotic arm the future of automation the latest technologies like this one here on display at the heart of what trade fair technology is a very powerful and a.t.m. but only if you use them to the right purpose. and the purpose for example in this example by deploying. visual control i control technology is to make life easier for the work activity. within a year or two five cheat acknowledge e.a. is set to change the way manufacturing is done and hand over prototypes show how the faster flow of data improves production processes and makes factories more efficient. five hundred times faster than the actual technology we have and we will use this in our production for for at and also for quality systems that
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means we can get closer to real time data connection and real time intelligence systems five g. is on everyone's mind not only engineers but also politicians german chancellor angela merkel is against excluding companies like who away from infrastructure updates in the industry are often i don't think we should exclude anyone per se but we should rather make sure we set the right standards for our networks and make companies that here to them. be prudent machines working together in harmony reality might not look much like this performance but still robots are getting ever closer to the human coworkers. and how sweet it is poised to become a cashless society within the next few years with swedes before and cards to cash the central bank plans to take things a step further and launch
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a digital currency equal now following a two year pilot projects the goal is to introduce the new digital catch a twenty twenty one. here on the streets of stock takes a while to find someone who still carries cash the swedish currency the crane is disappearing at least. physical form. i mean hospitality sector and cash the crowd isn't around anymore. so to report it's again that against the why i think it's great that we don't have to carry cash anymore and that everything functions digitally. shopping in sweden today usually requires payment by coddle smart phone app signs warn that physical currency is no longer accepted among the biggest winners of the shift to cash payments other private banks who control the infrastructure now sweden central bank is planning to enter the field with its own official digital currency. so one possibility is
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a kind of digital corn instead of cash in a physical form it would function entirely digitally something that consumers and companies could download via an app the other option would be a digital account with the central bank where customers can store prepaid credit and also download it. after much planning the idea is about to become a reality this year the central bank will launch a two year trial software companies like this one in stockholm will operate the pilot system at its core will be a crypto currency that is both secure and easy to use. it functions like a normal after a less transfer money order to make online payments but you don't have to enter any credit card information instead you simply click a button to confirm a cryptosystem collects and verifies all the data. for. anonymous payments using sweden's new eco now also being tested for some mostly older people
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who still prefer old fashioned money the change is too fast here in malmo one community group is trying to help them understand the digital world. is simpler and more convenient it's terrible the banks don't want it anymore a real catastrophe at the bank going to sleep but this year it's easy to make a mistake way typing what happens then i think it's really unsafe but. a complete shift away from cash isn't part of the central bank's plan in case it's needed during emergencies for those here in malmo cash remains a clever idea. now to formula one racing lewis hamilton has won the bahrain grand prix his first victory of the new season but the reigning world champion was given a real scare by a twenty one year old ferrari driver whose car briefly lost power within a few laps of victory. thirty charlotte broke the law record in bahrain to secure
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his first pole and he looked like topping not with a maiden grand prix when until a faulty engine saw his chance his sponsor wrote with just a few laps to go. looking behind him was lewis hamilton the briton to full advantage of misfortune to ease home and first with teammates making intimacies one to the clear a to make do with third very hard one to take but thanks to the team for the amazing call we can and i'm pretty sure will come back stronger you know i'm sure it is a devastating result for him obviously because he had done the job to win the race so we were definitely lucky today a first win of the season for a clearly grateful hamilton but a warning shot from his young man a gust rival that will keep the briton on his toes as he seeks a sixth championship. and that now you're up to date on news coming up next a global three thousand including chinese protests in siberia i'm sorry kelly in
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climate change. sustainability. environmental. factors biodiversity species conservation exploitation equality. human rights displace mum told the global and current local archie bunker three thousand and sixty minutes on w. . sometimes books are more exciting than real life. raring to go. long layoff the big one is there's no escape.
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list the german must create. and gemini. at any time five on a place easy names. yeah i don't like the first song to sing along to see this to come from soup but let's see oktoberfest type interactive exercises. everything is online via an interactive learn german to frame a fifty w. . what's the connection between bret brown and the european union dinos gilberto d.w. correspondent alan baker can stretch to see him live with the rules set by the new teachers. talks. stepping recipes for success
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the strategies that make a difference. baking bread on the d.w.i. . this is deja vu news asia coming up on the program when assassination plots and secret raid see the light of day we'll look at two shadowy incidents involving north korea that could have been lifted right from a spy novel also coming up. thailand's chaotic election means voters confused and angry we'll see how young people's hopes for political change are turning into frustration and. can't your card is need to stop playing nice congestion in the traffic choked into.
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