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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 1, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST

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this is g w news from berlin tonight time against them like never before british lawmakers yet again trying to find a way forward on brits britain's parliament is preparing to vote on for alternatives to the government's divorce deal with the european union pressure on lawmakers to find a majority is intense with just eleven days before the new kate is set to crash out of europe also coming up as president resigns. well into weeks of protests calling for an end to his twenty year rule eighty two year old says he
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will step down before the end of the month and thailand's chaotic election leaves voters confused and angry we'll see how young people's hopes for political change are completely turning into frustration. i'm good to have you with this we begin tonight in a new month but with the same breaks it blocking with the u.k. divided over how when or even if the country should leave the european union parliament is about to have another go it breaking the bricks that law lawmakers are voting on for alternative scenarios tonight the results are expected in about two hours time if the u.k. does not come up with a new plan it will crash out of the university is union in just eleven days. i'm
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going to surgeries from a zone brought suit deal was rejected for a third time. last friday believe it or not such well makes sense because all of. our we've got team coverage of what is happening tonight in the house of commons here at the table with me is our very own voice of analyst alex forrest whiting and correspondent beer good must is in london let me start with you another day another series of bright should vote i mean what kind of options are lawmakers tonight. well these options are the so-called options for a softer breaks it because it's being clear the trees a maze deal that she has struck with the european union which would take the u.k. out of the customs union and also out of the single market they have not found agreement with p.c. or london so now the idea is that they could maybe unite behind a soft form of bricks and it's interesting following the debate some m.p.'s have
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said that even though they had voted or advocated for brags that they would now come around one of these options one also was to put any deal that parliament would strike to the people again so a second referendum and so the m.p.'s really clearly said well there is no other way forward we just have to everywhere we even if it's not what we originally wanted but we just have to find a way out of this mess so we really interesting to see whether there will be a majority for any of these options that the speaker is putting in front of them and wants to know what sort of support these options have to not yes well we know that labor is supporting three of those options the only one they're not supporting is this call for to revoke article fifty two to say to scrap it altogether as a last resort they can support that one and the s.n.p. the scottish nationalists also seem to be supporting them also there is the
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possibility that the i the customs union or this norway plus idea the common market too as it's called could get the most votes in the customs union a lot of votes last week though none of them got a majority but to reason may's not allowing own company to vote for any of these options she is they were allowing a free vote to the junior ministers in government and to backbenchers so it be very interesting to see if they pile in behind some of these and it appears that they are public publicly saying they will. if one of these options receives a majority tonight what is that going to mean for the prime minister and her plan well remember that none of these a binding on the prime minister she can ignore everything but she's in a very precarious position has self because she hasn't got any support for how to deal with them but it's been as we said defeated three times already and had cabinet is completely split so if she moves one while the other he's going to
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accept that she's going to upset her office that in fact they could resign she had her redlines she did not want to customs union she did not want a single market you know that was because she wanted the u.k. to strike is and trade deals and she wanted to put a halt on immigration so would be something to brics it options those red lines could be cross which would make it very difficult perhaps that perhaps she could protest. up against one of those options as a possibility and that's a waiting to see if she might do that this for me but even with the customs union that option really begs the question why even bother with bricks at them because you're not going to be in charge of trade policy for example and this is what many in her own government is saying you know if they're bigots sublists talk about where we're headed now we've got this new bridge that deadline which is basically a week from this coming friday and there is still no deal on the table right so i mean the crash out of the e.u. that possibility is probably as realistic as it's ever been. it really
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is because if there is no agreement here in palm and and then also no new agreement with the european union it is what's going to happen this is the new exit date so the u.k. will then leave the e.u. without any plan for the future and no this is what m.p.'s really don't want and this is also why this option is not being put in front of them on the table because it's the default option thought parliamentarians that is cleo regarded as extremely damaging for the for the u.k. economy damaging also or. really bad signal for the future relationship with the e.u. so they want to prevent it will cause prevented at all because the question is will they be successful and because are you hearing much talk about the possibility of just calling a general election and saying this parliament can't do the job we need to choose a new parliament well really this has been played with all we
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can get him and speculation that for to reason may it might be the only way out now others are saying well what is this going to change really at the moment we don't have salute leigh the old talent to have positions from from the main party so what is that going to change and they are advocating a referendum as a way out of this mess and as a way of giving it back to the people and letting the people decide if and when palm and con find a solution for this bricks in case i think you have to say that we're all in a big mosque right there in the middle of the chaos in london and here at the big table with me a bunch of analysts alex forced one to both of you thank you. are now staying with politics but moving to algeria that country's president would have legal has announced that he will step down before his fourth mandate expires on april twenty eighth this comes after six weeks of mass protests demanding an end to
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his two decades of ruling younger jury and prove the driving force in the protests they are frustrated by the country's economic stagnation and they say the ailing eighty two year old is simply out of touch with their generation we have this look now at sort of think is lengthy over the cookery. by the mid nine hundred seventy s. abdelaziz bouteflika had been a member of the national liberation front the f.l.n. for two decades he played a prominent role in the fight against colonial french ruled beautifully to was born in morocco in one nine hundred thirty seven he got into politics early inspired by algerian revolutionary and later president wahid the media and when i'll gie area gained independence in one thousand nine hundred sixty two beautifully to became ministers the youth sports and tourism he went on to work for many years as foreign minister in one thousand nine hundred one he was ousted from the f.l.n. and went into exile when he returned in one thousand nine hundred ninety he was
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again given a leading role. in one thousand nine hundred nine beautifully he was elected president to this day it remains unclear if the military had an influence on the vote he had a reputation for being a strong but flexible eda the former military officer pushed for an end to the country's decade long bloody civil war which killed some two hundred thousand people one of his greatest successes was granting amnesty to rebel forces. algeria then went through a period of peace with a flick of was criticized by many as being a puppet of the military he sought to rebuild ties with algeria's former colonial rulers france. and with the rest of the world. he. is accused of human rights violations in his harsh response to domestic terrorist attacks which had also claimed the lives of foreign nationals.
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but bush of legal also showed foresight in contrast to other north african leaders he declared democratic reforms early on during the arab spring uprisings of twenty eleven live on algerian t.v. the unrest within his own country quickly subsided he was rewarded for his actions in twenty fourteen by being reelected as president for a third term but what algeria celebrated as democratic progress only became possible through a constitutional reforms beautifully kept himself initiated algerians responded in equal measures of indifference and frustration poverty continue to plague the nation. earlier this year beautifully can announce he would seek a fifth term as president the response from algerians was outraged millions of people joined weekly nationwide protests demanding beautifully and leave office.
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for more on this we want to bring in journalist. she joins us from our gere's going to you you know last week the head of the army said it was time for the president to go that he was unfit so did many people in our jury did they see this move tonight coming. yes these need not come as a surprise we were expecting that because this is what we think i can read their own has been abandoned by a new york he's the longtime supporters of the best week in his mini open closed the lights turned his back. on the chief to make a plan that calls for the difficult to do take years and feed the poor a large oh yes we can quote former prime minister michael young yet who are commanded to do things the recognition of the criticism in order to question thankfully this country should period we can only go to a group of if he is this politician in the really incompetent if and then we trim back because of going around and by public if you get to them and do we know
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tonight he was going to take over from the president and will be postponed elections will they now be scheduled but according to all one hundred and two took a constitution to the president to resign because the head of the home who takes over it could mean that i've been that i've been president because i asked who would be the head of. the how to go there and then to win those here as a particular president for transitional period that would that make them back to normal thinking date night ok and do you think it was new and they didn't. have a delay there i'm sorry to ask you do you think that what we've seen today is this going to satisfy the protesters demands i mean we've seen these protests now for weeks. i don't think that the president because it wouldn't be happy with the
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announcement i believe that they would think they've actually again thanks for a gave the go down was only asking for i didn't i think that they could get to cling to that pro-war they want people go through these and during that phrase they put their lives and we heard slogan to begin to have been that that they haven't found last week like me to take over because we got to put the prickly pears they wanted to really change it and down the growing and so are journalist jamila joining us tonight with the latest from algiers i mean i think you will hear some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world the number of confirmed cholera he says in mozambique cycling his city of barrow has now passed one thousand one death has been reported aid workers are working to contain the outbreak of this after cycling e.j. caused at least eight hundred deaths in mozambique and neighboring countries authorities warn that the figures good rock. iranian authorities have ordered the
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immediate evacuation of several cities in the south west after severe flooding it's the third time that the country has been hit by major floods in the last two weeks province is currently worst hit rivers there burst their banks meaning stations and dams have burst to show that japan has announced the name of the era of the incoming emperor hirohito the japanese word. means for suing harmony in english and the name was kept secret ahead of today's announcement the current in for he is due to abdicate in a month it will be the first time a japanese emperor has stepped down into centuries germany begins a one term or one month term chairing the united nations security council today it takes over from france with record two states pledging to continue close coordination influence both states want to focus on crisis prevention in africa and securing support for the un mission in mali. now to turkey that country's local
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elections on sunday have resulted in a stunning setback for the country's president richard. is ruling party is poised to lose control of both unger were and is stamboul to the main opposition party the secularist republican people's party known as the c h p a many voters say they are unhappy with the way the president has been handling the country's economic downturn. is celebrating the end of an era with his electoral victory the republican people's party candidate month puts an end to twenty five years of islamist party dominance over the turkish capital who would all come out the card that is today the loser in ankara is the k.p.s. movement is the second. yes this is sick he and his dirty politics have lost. there is our democracy and all other parties. are. not their loser of the night president have tell you
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turkey's local election was largely seen as a test of the president's support amid a sharp economic downturn the nation of eighty one million faces a daunting recession with double digit inflation rising food prices and high unemployment the loss of ankara sends a strong signal to turkey's leader which you turkey's shown it's joyous didn't want to change in many places i think it one of the old to go and the new to come in for new things to happen and as a result of this it became clear in the votes in the election has been clear in the capital not so much in other cities across the country the ruling party held fifty one point six percent of the overall vote while the opposition alliance to thirty seven point six percent assembled turkey's biggest city is still too close to call . thirty one had framed the local election as
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a matter of national survival. but now it seems that some of his party's candidates are the ones holding on for dear life. is stumble the n.k.p. is denouncing irregularities and has announced it will challenge the results expected in the outcome to shift in its favor in the event. you're watching the news still to come thailand's chaotic election these voters confused and angry how young people's hopes for political change turning into frustration that's coming up in just a moment there's going to stay with politics now. in the first round of ukraine's presidential election a comedian with no political experience has won a strong lead over incumbent president petro poroshenko forty one year old t.v. star. garnered over thirty percent of the vote but he still faces a runoff. on april twenty first the former prime minister yulia timoshenko she trailed behind in third. well i'm joined
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here by martin fund marshall he is a member of the german bundestag and he was also an election observer in ukraine on behalf of the european council mr marshall's good to have you on the show so you were there and you saw the process take place you know what grade would you give it what's your assessment yeah i went there for the council of europe together with the clique from italy from the audience and that that's basically how it works to members of parliament go they have different countries and different parties and we went. to see ten bowling stations we we we left livy phlegm bag in the very morning and went to the countryside and i must praise the your cranium people they have a really high commitment to democracy they they really appreciate their right of voting it's not that normal for them than it is for us. and i think they did
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a pretty good job i mean all the election committees i've seen they did a really good work and but well how do you explain to me did you hear people talking about the candidates of you did you get any idea of how they could be so supportive of a of a comedian who has no political experience i would say most people are frustrated about the expectations they had after twenty fourteen. they thought they would come into a new era where these oligarchs wouldn't have that dominant role they have today where corruption would be less where reforms would would would go faster and this process is relatively slow poroshenko hasn't done really enough to to push it there where we forms and there is important reforms especially the decentralization reforms which we'd germans look at very carefully. former prime minister of sex on you is is working on that to strengthen local communities because i think that's
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very important. you know the corruption though is still rampant in the country yeah it's dominant but whole the political area is dominated by those oligarchs they do financing of all the political and also the media i mean you could say there is a certain variety of vote of because because the media by several of the has on a guardian but i mean it's not their interest to have plurality in a political sense but to follow their own ends do you get the feeling that mr zelinsky that he's going to win the runoff i'm not sure because i mean that's a crucial point people are in a difficult situation in ukraine i mean they're threatening all of russia's very presence i was in the west of the country but still there i visited the used on so i mean we have not only have the annexation of crimea but also the let's say occupation of the donbas area now the escalation in the eyes of sea so probably
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people on the twenty first of april when the second round will will take place. think again whether even if they don't like poroshenko he not might probably be the man they know at least to be this guy that they don't know they know that he's a good comedian he plays a president on t.v. but we don't really know what he thinks about vladimir putin we don't know if he is a committed europhile the way poor shingo is. he just really he's a tabula rasa isn't it we don't know we don't know and i've been talking this morning and lemberg and even to several people and they said we have to ask him now what really is his position because he voided public division yet he didn't we don't know anything about him but now these weeks to come might be a chance to find out what he really wants but there is and that is what you mentioned the fear that he might be manipulated even for. russia people simply
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don't know when and on the day to come. they probably think ok what is what is the less the less difficult the lower of the two of the two evils as it leaves less obvious evils the other is true i mean i think a lot of voters estimate selves that what about the country in the voters being still being pro europe but what we saw with the mind on revolution i mean is it still strong oh there's it's absolutely pro european and i really i really. you know you are warmly welcome as an observer that. they they appreciate a lot that people from europe from the european union do come and see that they are really committed to democracy and i think we should support them as good as we can all right much of an marshall member of the german vote this time we appreciate you
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coming in tonight and telling us about your experiences as an election observer in ukraine thank you thank you so much. for confusion still surrounds the outcome of last week's election in thailand the first since a coup back in twenty fourteen over the weekend protesters accuse the election commission of cheating after a series of counting errors and phony results will not be ready until may ninth believe it or not meanwhile parties supporting and opposing the military junta are both claiming the right to form a government boston heartier spoke with young voters disillusioned with the system . that's twice a month when you won't see what i walked in not to honk in the take to you tube with their popular political parody show shallow news in-depth whole topic this week of course was the elections on tammy there's another type of ghost the take they don't even want in hell it's called the popular vote ghost. the program is as
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popular as ever says when you want what i want especially with young viewers and black. younger generation kids right now. starting to notice what is going on and so i'm just doing my best and trying to do my best to like show them that if we're going on for soul many years so many decades. so if you want change you guys need to step up. there was hope that with this election things might change in thailand but that hope now seems to be turning into frustration. we basically we the younger generation is the new generation we have the fourth quarter i basically sick sad and wasted and wasted into nothingness about and answering questions as well as the uncertainty of the thai politics i
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some say patience among thailand's younger people is wearing thin a situation that can jurors up sinister memories this is the site of one of the darkest chapters in modern thai history some forty three years ago around one hundred students were shot and beaten to death on this very field at bangkok's thomas at university they were among the thousands who had taken to the streets to protest because they were unhappy with the direction in which the country was headed. a sentiment that's not at all unlike the one spreading among young people in thailand today. at this bar across town the patrons are trying to take things with a pinch of salt. when on election night the election commission said they couldn't continue to count the votes because they didn't have a calculator co-owners gun leo has offered free drinks to anyone who stopped by to donate one his form of protest. we are educated people so we know what
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is right what is wrong but it's visit wrong so you're wrong this cannot happen to me i literally feel sad about my generation that i don't want to have a kid because a the one that you're growing up it is. it is the young who will eventually be responsible for thailand's future but it seems that more and more of them are giving up on their country. and here's a reminder of the top stories that we're following for you britain's parliament is trying once again to break the deadlock over bread so lawmakers are currently voting on four alternatives to the government's divorce deal with the european union if the u.k. dissolving from the planned it will crash out of the e.u. in eleven days and algeria is invalid president lincoln says that he will step down before the end of his fourth term on april twenty eighth the ailing eighty two year old has faced weeks of protests demanding an end to his twenty year his office says
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he will ensure government continuity during the transition period. you're watching news from berlin up next close up and israel's upcoming election i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day reports from wanting to see the.
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israel goes to the polls it could be a close race for many netanyahu israel's prime minister is still favored in the upcoming election coming out you say she's on russian and ongoing conflicts have split the voters' bloc is a political opponents of abortion law from the law. comes up next want to blame.
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for the trouble of technology. catches. up with the. markets. the momentum of the morning world. made in germany. your business magazine d w. that people the world over w. on facebook and twitter to date and in touch. what's the connection between bread flour and the european union dinos guild monta
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e.w. correspondent alan baker can stretch this killing line with the rules set by the teamsters. stamping recipes for success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on d w. yet i was feeling here in tel aviv covering the national primary election of israel's conservative liquid funds if they had one hundred twenty party members on choosing candidates of the list that liquid will run in the countries parliamentary elections on april ninth on the party need an incumbent prime minister binyamin netanyahu is nick coots top candidates and he also has a good chance of winning the parliamentary election.


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