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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 2, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST

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this is g w news live from berlin tonight a last ditch effort to break the breaks it deadlock and it involves a plan that we all know very well british prime minister to resign me he says that she will seek a further extension from brussels and she offers to work with the opposition labor party to find an agreement on the u.k.'s departure from the european union also coming up tonight nato secretary general u.n. stilton bag is in washington to mark nato's seventieth anniversary but first
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a meeting with one of nato's biggest critics u.s. president donald trump and smiles and selfies as a decades long feud is laid to rest greek prime minister alexis tsipras pays a first historic visit to his counterparts in the newly renamed north macedonia. i bring golf it's good to have you with this we're going to get to those stories in just a moment but we have breaking news to report algerian state media is reporting that the president. has stepped down this after the head of the army today called on him to quit immediately the eighty two year old has been in office for twenty years after weeks of mass protests said it just yesterday that he would. resigned before
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his term ends on april twenty eighth but hundreds of students once more hit the streets of the capital today they've been calling for the entire political elite to be removed we're going to bring you more on this story as it develops again the president in algeria has stepped down all right we have more developments to report tonight but in enter the turmoil seems no closer prime minister theresa may says that she will ask the european union for yet another delay her statements came after a marathon seven hour meeting with her cabinet members and it seems to put pressure on the opposition leader germy corben britain will crash out of the european union in just ten days if no progress is made here's the british prime minister theresa may speaking just a few moments ago leaving with a deal is the best solution so we will need a further extension of article fifty one that is as short as possible and which
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ends when we pass a deal and we need to be clear what such an extension is for to ensure we leave in a timely and or jimmy way this debate this division cannot drag on much longer it is pushing members of parliament and everyone else under immense pressure as it is doing damage to our politics despite the best efforts of m.p.'s the process that the house of commons has tried to lead has not come up with an answer so today i'm taking action to break the logjam i've offering to sit down with the leader of the opposition and to try to agree a plan that we would both stick to to ensure that we leave the european union and that we do so with a deal. any plan would have to agree the current withdrawal agreement is already being negotiated with the twenty seven other members of the e.u. has repeatedly said that it can also and will not be reopened our that was theresa
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may there speaking just a few moments ago let's take the story now to london our correspondent there in moscow she is standing by. the prime minister definitely putting pressure on the head of labor jeremy corbyn to meet with her and to sign off on her brakes that withdrawal deal is that going to happen if we have any reaction from cork. we've had reports that he said that he would be happy to sit down with the prime minister i haven't seen anything more detail from jeremy called and now we know that he will that probably conflicting advice from his own party there are some that. afraid that he might dirtiest hands that labor would be tarnished so far they could say well this is a tour of bragg's it and they didn't have much to do with it now this could change when three's a maze trying to. get him to to back her out on the other hand you have to assume
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that jeremy coburn also wants the best for the country and that's he and the most of the labor policy you don't want to see the u.k. crashing out without any deal in just over a week's time without any. any plan for the future with all the implications that has for security for business so that he will do everything he can and owed it to to make it happen and prevent this notice so dalia you know because we're getting reports right now that jeremy corbyn has reportedly said he will meet with theresa may with no conditions and that would be a first in this long breaks and saga if that is indeed the case what about parliament the parliament is trying to form its own deal independent of government what will they say to this. well palm end is having this parallel process really because they also want to move don't want to see the
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u.k. leaving without any deal and this is why. labor a position politicians on trying to prevent or no deal in their and their own mind so they are trying to take control of the whole breadth of process and they were going to start with that tomorrow and effectively force a prime minister to us for an extension from brussels now she's a may with a new announcement has has had out have used so we'll have to see how that influences parliament palm and surprises but with the time running so short everyone here is trying to do whatever they can to influence the breaks of course and we've sort of see that it's heating up over the last weeks because just it's getting so close to the two did to this the age where the u.k. will leave and and everybody is trying. to to do would they think is the best for the country all right our correspondent there good moss in london they're good
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thank you. well before the british prime minister made her statement today france's president emmanuel spoke he said that the british government could not assume that it will automatically be granted any extension to take a listen. unique to whom get a long extension on here involving the united kingdom participation in european elections and institutions is neither clear nor automatic and like to repeat that now with conviction not really our priority must be the effect of working with the european union and the common market the e.u. cannot forever be hostage to the resolution of a political crisis in the united kingdom william and i very strong language there coming from the french president let's take the story now to our brussels bureau chief max hoffmann good evening to you max it is that the feeling among e.u.
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leaders that they are now being held hostage to the blockade in the british parliament over brock's hostage might be a very strong word brant for what they're feeling at the moment but they are certainly feeling that brags it is overshadowing everything else including the european elections and the campaign for the european elections you have your parliamentarians that would like to talk about their topics and not necessarily be asked every day of the week at the moment about the latest developments of bragg's hostages too much overshadowing everything yes. earlier today the e.u. council president donald tusk he answered the british prime minister with a tweet let's take a look at what he wrote. tweeted even if after today we don't know what the end result will be let us be patient. who is he talking to there specifically max i mean who are the most impatient governments right now in the
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e.u. when it comes to bricks. in appearance i would say it's probably francis emanuel in my call that we heard earlier who was taken at least publicly the tough line but you have to be careful with that because i mean i remember my call is also the one who has the most to lose almost maybe apart from the irish of course that have the troubles with the possible hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland but it might do in my car has his fisheries and they wouldn't be able to fish in british waters anymore if there were to be a no deal bragg's it and he already has a lot of trouble on the streets with the yellow vests for example and you can count on the fisheries the fishermen to be up in arms if they can't fish and u.k. waters anymore so even if he has this tough rhetoric he is probably the one who has the most to lose and it is not necessarily as tough as many think behind closed doors you know earlier today the. bricks and getting cheated michel barnier
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a bit he said that a no deal breaks it is looking more and more likely with every passing day and he said that the european union is prepared for it but you get the impression that as time has passed the e.u. is more worried about a new deal brags that they in the u.k. is would you agree with that i mean it's almost like the thiers of the crash out have switched from london to brussels. i think the fear as you call it or definitely the emotions are much higher in the u.k. than they are in the european union but of course many industries are now warning about the effects of a possible no deal brags but the u.s. certainly prepared more than the u.k. especially of course the e.u. commission that was their job you can only prepare so much though they were going to try to keep the planes up in the air for example after a no deal brags that they're going to try to provide medicine that is needed on the
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british isles especially in the u.k. further that's coming from the continent that would be another example here but i think what's really important to remember here is that nobody really knows what's going to happen so the scenario is unclear and if you ask any person here in brussels they still go with that line that we've heard over the years now it would hurt the e.u. no deal breaks it but it would hurt the u.k. much more we are already getting reports that boris johnson in the u.k. he's criticizing this plan that was announced by theresa may tonight we know the board's johnson is considered a front runner if there were to be new elections if the reason they were to resign as prime minister what's the feeling there in brussels with the e.u. prefer to work with a different prime minister moving forward on bricks and. they you twenty seven would like to work with the british prime minister that has
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a majority in the house of commons in the u.k. so somebody who could actually back up what they agree on here in brussels at the summits back home in the parliament with a majority vote that's what they want and they have realised. quite some time ago that's recent may is not that person at the moment with the way things stand in the house of commons that's why at the last big summit here in brussels they took matters in their own hand and they stablished this new timetable that we're dealing with now which would have an automatic no deal bragg's it at the end of next week and if the house of commons doesn't manage to agree to that withdrawal agreement that was negotiated with you until then then they would have another extension until the twenty second of may so you can see they don't trust series that may any longer to really get things done which is not surprising given her track record in the past but it's not a question about which person actually is there which politician is that they just want someone they can talk to and who has a majority of the brussels bureau chief max altman on the story tonight match as
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always thank you. all right here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world senegal's president macky sall has been sworn in for a second term presidents all won the votes in late february with fifty eight percent of the vote he became the front runner after two prominent opposition figures were excluded from the race over convictions for misuse of public funds eleven people accused of helping organize the deadly twenty seventeen attack on the st petersburg metro have gone on trial the bombing left fifteen people dead a small group believed to be linked to al qaida claimed responsibility the only woman suspect on trial says the russian security service planted a grenade in explosives at her home. germany has sent a diplomatic protest to brunei over new islamic laws that will introduce the death penalty for homosexual acts the foreign office has said that it had appealed to
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brunei to quote at here two existing international human rights obligations the laws are due to take effect on wednesday. you're watching d.w. new still to come the islamic state with women from the west and we meet one mother desperate to return to germany with her son but can she convince authorities here that she's not a security threat to her home country. right now the washington u.s. president trump says that he's happy to see an increase in nato member spending but he adds he still wants to see some countries such as germany spend more he made the comments while meeting with nato secretary general hugh shelton bag visiting washington for events to commemorate natives seventieth anniversary they're not paying what they should be paying it paying close to one percent and is supposed to
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be paying two percent then the united states over the years got to a point where it's paying four point three percent which is very unfair and the u.s. g.d.p. especially under me because the g.d.p. is going up so much because it's one point three of a much larger g.d.p. so we're paying for a big proportion of nato which basically is protecting europe so we're protecting europe are that was donald trump there saying the u.s. is paying to protect europe so how much are nato members spending on defense so as of twenty eight thousand just five countries are at or above the two percent of g.d.p. which was agreed upon as you see right there back in twenty four to see the u.s. greece asone of the u.k. and lot thea. you see right there now another four countries. close by in lots via poland lithuania and romania the two percent benchmark is required either by national law or by
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a political agreement the other nineteen members however well they have quite a ways to go for example germany and croatia they've their spin on defense less then you see right there at less than two percent last places like simberg has committed just zero point five five percent of its budget on defense spending levels have been a major bone of contention for the us president ever since he took office straining ties with nato and the alliance marks seventy years since its founding. you got to think of bill's rarely has a u.s. president had such an antagonistic relationship with nato trumps criticism of the n.i. and span on the campaign trail as he had to put america first by the time he took office he condemns nato as opes elite many countries are not paying their fair share that means we are protecting them and they're getting all sorts of military
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protection and other things and they're ripping off the united states and they're ripping you off i don't care i don't want to do that either they pay up including for past deficiencies or they have to get out and if it breaks up nato it breaks up nato chum's comments caused consternation among allies and diplomats at last year's nato summit trump reportedly said behind closed doors that the u.s. would go it alone if other member states failed to raise that defense spending. very few countries have met the self-imposed target of two percent of g.d.p. by twenty twenty four most still far below that including germany even with a plan to raise this year the country will still be spending just one point five percent on defense it's been a bone of contention at every meeting between chancellor i'm going to mackerel and donald trump. the only consequence didn't think us president demanded something
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we've been discussing for months a change in the burden sharing. and we have made clear i have personally me clear as have others that we are on the right track and that this is in our own interests and will make us all stronger. because on the model. but patience is wearing thin and not just in washington seventy years after it was founded nato must now find its way through a new era of uncertainty as the anniversary approaches more voices within nato according for a strategic rethink and from member states to step up that commitment. it's all about the money it seems. he is in washington on the story for us good evening to you. so we've got double trawl praising the groves and spending that we've seen of some nato members but now am i getting this right even for the members who are spending at least two percent of their g.d.p. on defense he wants them to spend more. well president trump always
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wants nato members to spend more but he'll likely know is that this is a negotiating tactic the price of self as being a great deal maker so he's surely aware that many nato members are not even close to the reaching the two percent mark that has been slated for nato members to achieve by two thousand and twenty four so a lot of countries are not even making that that two percent mark so it's totally unrealistic to even think of contemplate that nato members could even go beyond the two percent when a lot of them are not even meeting the two percent that has been slated to be reached by twenty twenty four and we also know there are some politicians here in germany who have said that they want to spend their money on other things such as social security payments here in the country again today he singled out germany's defense spending as not being good enough what do you think he's going to make then of the insurance is that he received from nato secretary-general ban.
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well he'll probably appreciate those assurances because trump and stilton park are on the same page on this issue which is not always the case obviously but trump has been hammering germany's defense spending for a long time he singled out germany repeatedly and said that a country as rich and powerful as germany should should spend more clearly more on defense and should let the u.s. basically. defend germany and europe. but the germany and europe should do that themselves so so it's really remains to be seen how how this will play out over the next couple of days but he will certainly appreciate your short answer is made by by stoltenberg but whether he really takes them at face value is recently or you know it's a very good points our correspondent on the story corps in washington michelle thank you. i want to go back now to that breaking news story there are reports that
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the algerian president has stepped down will pull in journalist so mean it can tumble in algiers. can you hear me. the i think in the next you know what more can you tell as i mean first of all can you confirm these reports that the president of lincoln has indeed resigned. yes it's now official i've been to does look like i no longer the president of algeria he has just resigned putting an end of these twenty year long grueling days and this man came only two hours after the army chief general gates said last again look if you get to lead in egypt lead the color then use it correctly revolted by yelling in prague mainstream media but not to get on the public media with if you could did not announce his resignation by him and say it was a non vi a press release signed by the president office attorney but they can not given a speech seem to be so third stroke in two thousand and thirteen and what do we
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know about what will happen next we know that the elections have been postponed will they be held as scheduled and we know that there was also talk about reforming the constitution do we know what's going to happen when according to the all taken one hundred and two of the constitution it's likely that the the head of the of the house i've been less have been cut down than side that will take over for the interior in the area the transitional period that will last no longer than ninety days and during this transition period that was the presidential election. find the who will really take over and then as the biggest leak of all right journalist emilio to top with the latest on this announcement from algiers that the
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president of syria has resigned thank you. well what is in a name apparently a lot that brings us to our next story greek prime minister alexis tsipras today paid a historic first visit to his counterpart in the republic of north macedonia two neighbors who celebrated a new start after resolving a bitter decades long dispute that was all about a name. twenty first century diplomacy at its best to heads of state making history with the selfie alexis tsipras is the first greek prime minister to visit the north macedonia and capital scope the neighboring countries were at odds for three decades their main bone of contention the name of the country where they're now meeting in the city is not only an important day for us but for the entire balkan peninsula today we're creating a different kind of dialogue one little you know it's our country's history is. the
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meeting between zero and alexis tsipras is so important because it marks the first peaceful resolution of a conflict in the former yugoslavia something that was not accomplished in bosnia and herzegovina or kosovo. the decisive step came in june of twenty eighteen with the e.u. brokered press but agreement named after a late shared by the two countries after an intense tug of war the accord was approved by both parliaments by a narrow margin. since then the country has changed its name to north macedonia for decades athens refused to normalize relations out of fear macedonia could claim its namesake province in greece north macedonia now hopes for significant investments from its newly gained ally the balkan state is currently in the process of joining nato and in the long run aspires to become a member of the e.u. . well the embattled head of germany's football federation reinhard rendell has resigned after it emerged that he accepted a gift of an expensive watch from
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a ukrainian football official his three years in charge of the d.f.t. were marked by scandal and controversy. brought down by a wristwatch reinhard grendel came under pressure after news reports that he accepted the expensive gift from the ukrainian other guard who served with him on the executive committee of european football's governing body. i resigned as german football federation president. and i apologize for confirming prejudices against football officials with my less than exemplary action of accepting a watch. grendel was put on the defensive more and more recently germany's disastrous twenty eighteen world cup campaign one such example but some of the criticism hit much closer to home last week it came to light that grendel failed to
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declare income of seventy eight thousand euros earned for being chairman of the federation subsidiary media company questions over grendel's leadership style never went away especially his handling of the mesut ozil affair when the now retired international met and appeared to endorse turkish president ratchet tie affair to one that overshadowed the build up to the world cup and though it was judgment came under the spotlight grindle was accused of scapegoating the player for germany's failure. i night last month grendel who is also a fee for vice president walked out of a d w interview refusing to discuss funding for a fee for his controversial global nations league. in the tunnel comes just walk in. the former journalists now clear what it's like to feel the heat. all right here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you
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a jury as president. has stepped down after twenty years in power the head of the army today called on him to quit immediately it follows weeks of unrest. you're watching news kick off is up next year old e.w. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day i hope to see that.
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kick off. wasted all but unity comes from the top spot. manages a draw against tribal control to second spot on the take. on trade could stall monday may be home spoke with two goals and stoppage time. next on d w.
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a city in ruins. morocco a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when finance fighters occupied the city center two thousand and seventeen president of church's response was told. by hitler it will never again will call him of. the reconquest turned into tragedy. the debris should at all this is not the kind of freedom that leon. how did we become a gateway to islamist terror. until now the so-called animosity as the
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result. of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of bias which starts april eleventh on d w. what could you do with eighty million euros you could fly around the world seventy five thousand times all go into outer space with three friends.


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