tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 3, 2019 12:02am-12:31am CEST
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with just over a week before the u.k. crashes out of the european union theresa may is betting that parliament will suddenly learn to like the brakes it plan it already hates it will require a miracle from her political nemesis and more time from the european union and there's a big question mark over whether either is probable tonight the reason maze breaks a plan it remains the only plan that britain has got from berlin this is the day. this debate this division cannot strike all she's doing damage to our politics we will need a further extension of article fifty and we need to be clear what such an extension is for so today i'm taking action to break the law i've offering to sit down at the
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beach with the opposition and to try to agree a plant that we would stick to we would want to agree a timetable for this bill to ensure it is passed before the twenty second. this is a decisive vote in the story of the sign. and it requires a national unity to deliver the national interest. also coming up to mind accusations of corruption at the top of german soccer d.w. trying to get answers during an interview recently but this is what we got instead . i knight does have people enough not to say no has been fucked up all night again at the out of the don't listen to me stuff i didn't hear at the end of the country gets a cut on it then if i. had to then i'd get in the hunt for katana guns just walk.
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on to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all the around the world welcome we begin the day with to recent days plan to save breaks it before it's too late and you will die we have seen it all before today after a record seven hour emergency cabinet meeting which we understand was full of conservatives accusing each other of monumental failures the prime minister emerged with a monumental task she's asking her political enemy the leader of labor to meet with her and to give his support for her breaks it withdrawal deal the deal that parliament has already rejected three times she didn't plans to go to brussels and ask the european union one more time for more time breaks it means breaks it tonight it means going from impossible to maybe improbable i know there are some who are so fed up with today and then disagreements that they would like to be with no deal next week i've always been clear that we could make
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a success if no deal in the long term but leaving with a deal is the best solution we can and must find the compromises that will to live the british people they teach full. this is a decisive moment in the story of these islands and it requires national unity to lift up the national interest labor leader jeremy corbett has agreed to meet with theresa may he says he'll set no conditions before the meeting which in itself would be a first since brecht talks began two years ago before the british prime minister announced that she will ask the european union for yet another brics an extension the president of france sent a harsh message to the u.k. uniques will soon get a long extension on involving the united kingdom participation in european elections and institutions is neither clear nor automatic and i'd like to repeat
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that now with conviction not really our priority must be the effect of working with the european union and the common market the e.u. cannot forever be hostage to the resolution of a political crisis in the united kingdom will you mean by very strong language there coming from the french president let's take the story now to our brussels bureau chief max hoffmann good evening to you max it is that the feeling among the leaders that they are now being held hostage to the blockade in the british parliament over. hostage might be a very strong word brant for what they're feeling at the moment but they are certainly feeling that brags it is overshadowing everything else including the european elections and the campaign so the european elections you have your apartment areas that would like to talk about their topics and not necessarily be asked every day of the week at the moment about the latest developments of bragg's
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hostages too much overshadowing everything yes. earlier today the e.u. council president donald tusk he answered the british prime minister with a tweet let's take a look at what he wrote. tweeted even if after today we don't know what the end result will be let us be patient who is he talking to there specifically i mean who are the most impatient governments right now in the e.u. when it comes to bragg's. in appearance i would say it's probably france's a man who i might call that we heard earlier who was taken at least publicly the tough line but you have to be careful with that because i mean i remember my call is also the one who has the most to lose almost maybe apart from the irish of course that have troubles with the possible hard border between northern ireland and the republic of ireland but it might do in my car has his fisheries and they wouldn't be able to fish in british waters anymore if there were to be
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a no deal brags that he already has a lot of trouble on the streets with the yellow vests for example and you can count on the fisheries fisherman to be up in arms if they can't fish and u.k. waters anymore so even if he has this tough rhetoric he is probably the one who has the most to lose and is not necessarily as tough as many think behind closed doors you know earlier today the. briggs and go sheet of michel barnier he said that a no deal bragg's is looking more and more likely with every passing day and he said that the european union is prepared for it but you get the impression that as time has passed the e.u. is more worried about a new deal breaks that then the u.k. is would you agree with that i mean it's almost like the thiers of a crash out have switched from london to brussels. i think the fear as you call it or definitely the emotions are much higher in the
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u.k. than there are in the european union but of course many industries are now warning about the effects of a possible no deal brags but the u.s. certainly prepared more than the u.k. especially of course the e.u. commission that was their job you can only prepare so much though they were going to try to keep the planes up in the air for example after a no deal brags that they're going to try to provide medicine that is needed on the british isles especially in the u.k. further that's coming from the continent that would be another example here but i think what's really important to remember here is that nobody really knows what's going to happen so the scenario is unclear and if you ask any person here in brussels they still go with that line that we've heard over the years now it would hurt the e.u. no deal breaks it but it would hurt the u.k. much more we are already getting reports that boris johnson in the u.k.
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he's criticizing this plan that was announced by theresa may tonight we know that boris johnson is considered a front runner if there were to be elections if the reason they were to resign as prime minister what's the feeling there in brussels with the e.u. prefer to work with a different prime minister moving forward on bricks and. they you twenty seven would like to work with the british prime minister that has a majority in the house of commons in the u.k. so somebody who could actually back up what they agree on here in brussels at the summits back home in the parliament with a majority vote that's what they want and they have realised. quite some time ago that's recent maybe is not that person at the moment with the way things stand in the house of commons that's why at the last big summit here in brussels they took matters in their own hand and they stablished this new timetable that we're dealing with that which would have an automatic no deal bragg's it at the end of next week
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and if the house of commons doesn't manage to agree to that withdrawal agreement that was negotiated with the e.u. until then then they would have another extension until the twenty second of may so you can see they don't trust series i mean any longer to really get things done which is not surprising given her track record in the past but it's not a question about which person actually is there which politician is that they just want someone they can talk to and who has a majority right of brussels bureau chief max often on the story for us tonight max as always thank you. well the head of german soccer resigned today and he is not leaving on the best of terms reinhard grindle the head of the german football federation was no stranger to criticism but the controversy over that expensive timepiece it proved too much. brought down by a wristwatch reinhard came under pressure after news reports that he accepted the
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expensive gift from the ukrainian other guard who served with him on the executive committee of european football's governing body. i resign as german football federation president. and i apologize for confirming prejudices against football officials with my less than exemplary action of accepting a watch. grendel was put on the defensive more and more recently germany's disastrous twenty eighteen world cup campaign one such example but some of the criticism hit much closer to home last week it came to light that grendel failed to declare income of seventy eight thousand euros earned for being chairman of the federation subsidiary media company questions over grendel's leadership style never went away especially his handling of the measure as
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a lift fare when the narrow tired international met and appeared to endorse turkish president ratchet tie affair to one that overshadowed the build up to the world cup and judgment came under the spotlight grindle was accused of scapegoating the player for germany's failure. i knight last month grendel who is also a fee for vice president walked out of a d.w.i. interview refusing to discuss funding for a fee for his controversial global nations league. get in the tunnel guns just walk and saluting the former journalist and now clear what it's like to feel the heat. yeah you just saw a clip there of the interview that reinhart grindle walked out of the journalist he was interviewing griddle at the time where he joins me now he is florian by our good evening to you florian i mean that's a lot of drama for a interview related to sports did you know during that interview that grindle
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was a man headed for big trouble. i mean. i knew him very well over the last couple of years of a dozen interviews with him and it was really out of the blue to be honest that he exit at that interview that he broke that interview and it was really no explanation for it either so i mean it came out of the believe but but now we know that this interview part was i think one of the most of his resignation today for our viewers tell us what you were trying to do to get him to answer when he walked out on you. the question i asked were about qatar in the world cup twenty twenty two but i don't really think brant that that was really the point of why he actually left that interview if you want to understand wanted grendel he has always thought that he is in power of everything and we speak to people within the
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d. of p. if you get an image of him you know people told me that he reigned the d. of b. as a king reigned his kingdom and i think with that interview of l n d w i think that showed the whole will a little bit of piece of run of going to one of the pieces and the public asked the question how is it possible that a person like that who is heading one of the biggest sporting organizations in the world with about seven million members how could someone like him actually behave like that yeah it's a good question you know a similar question is how could a person. behaves that way become head of the german football federation is that question now being posed and discussed within the organization. you know i don't know i don't think and what i hear it it hasn't been
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a question really the looking for would the main question is like how does for german football actually look at that resignation of run it grindle bit because if they want to make it easy they will actually you know keep it on windell but i want to i want to raise the bigger question you know german football in general has to change you know the public i think has the perception that football in german general in germany in europe but worldwide now is all about money over the last couple of years at least and i think german football has a responsibility to the emma cheers to the thousands of plays to the thousands of clubs out there in the country playing the sport using the sports you know to actually change something and to change the pacific's and the perception of sport i think as well and i'm not quite sure if german football is ready for that yet well what would be in your opinion for me though about half a minute left what would be the best thing that could happen to german football as
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a result of this resignation. i think it's really asking questions about the structure of football also within the d. of b. and i think these these questions will will raise but i think the person in the personality in germany who could really lead german football in a new kind of era i think that person has still to be found all right sports journalist for him bar fans always for and we appreciate your insights good to see you thank you thank you brant. well it's been more than a week since international forces declared that they had retaken the islamic state group's last holdout in syria now the caliph it is no more but the people or the people remain and that is a problem for many western countries which are debating what to do with their citizens who were captured while fighting for or supporting us now among the
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captured are women many claim they were forced to join the militants and they say that they carried out believe it or not housekeeping duties rather than acts of terror berlin estimates that around fifty women with german citizenship are either in prison or live in refugee camps in syria and iraq authorities there want them out as quickly as possible but germany is reluctant to take them back saying that it's difficult to determine whether they are citizens and whether they pose a security threat or d.w. visited a syrian refugee camp and spoke with one german woman who is desperate to come back . stranded in the middle of nowhere seventy four thousand people live in the al whole camp in northern syria it was made to hold only ten thousand the conditions on acceptable especially for children most people
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want to leave as soon as possible they want to return to their former homes which they left years ago so they could live under the rule of the jehad this group islamic state out of conviction callousness well compulsion. they now gergen studied psychology and berlin and married a turkish man during a trip to turkey he took her to syria where he joined us at least that is how the twenty three year old describes it. calls them as often terrible things happen there. that women and children should not have any value. women are terribly abused and beaten by us mine among my former husband died about two years ago. he locked us up and abused us in horrible ways. i couldn't recognize myself one day in day out talk i can't talk also. it's her son was born during the chaos of war the two of
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them suffered years of hardship and now she hopes she has survived the worst and things will get better. shop i inspire i have a two year old son but the poor boy has a right to a safe life and. thankfully we could flee from those i as terrorists. we were just trashed their. women and children are worth nothing to them. it's horrible what i asked does in the name of islam. i'm happy that i can return to my beloved homeland times germany. and. the kurdish authorities would like to get rid of foreigners like saying that as quickly as possible but hardly any country wants them back the local authorities
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are overburdened with investigating securing evidence clarifying guilt and international court is now supposed to solve the issue but the west is treating this initiative with great caution. presence of thousands of fighters and their families is a major problem for the autonomy's authorities in northeastern syria. we do not have the possibility of bringing them to justice here if they have committed crimes against syrians or iraqis now they spend their days waiting to go back home but their fate remains uncertain as long as they are not welcome in the film homelands . well my next guest tonight says that the home countries of these isis wives these home countries have a responsibility to take them back in to make them face justice now he's honeyed is a social psychologist of terrorism and radicalization he has spoken extensively with men and women from western countries that have joined terror groups and he joins me tonight from london it's good to have you on the program let me begin by
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asking you what you think should happen to the wives of these isis fighters who's responsible for these women. well first of all i think it's questionable whether we should even be talking about them separately in terms of why or not wives really we should be talking about combatants versus noncombatants they were men who were noncombatants they were all elder men for example who went to join a says because they wanted to live in their vision of what they thought was in the slum mixtape they remembered disabilities who went there none of those people participated citing women on the other hand some of them participated in maybe not fun flying fighting but they were part of the brigade which is the female police force of isis so they were part of the infrastructure of the organization and some of them even helped the silicate terrorist attacks her husband's actually carried out so really the question is what do we do with these adults people over the age of eighteen who went over there and who may or may not have actually produced
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a paid income but the truth is we can't prove whether they did or whether they didn't and most of the information that you get from battlefield is questionable. but the thing is there is no there is no setting in either syria or iraq for these people to face justice yes yes don't have the resources to do that the syrian regime certainly doesn't have the credibility to carry out any of these trials anywhere judgment form so therefore it becomes incumbent on either international court or the host countries of these countries those countries of these individuals who went to to bring them back and make them face justice an international court is probably not going to be the best option only because well under chapter seven of the u.n. charter there is a legal precedent for creating an international court you may not get all the approval of the u.n. security council members for doing that and moreover the question is whether whether there's any credibility there and whether they have the information and what happens though let's say if they do get to go back to their home country uses
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these these men or women how do we know that they are not a threat to others i mean do they do they need to be quarantined if you will to make sure that they don't radicalize other people. absolutely i mean that and that needs to be done on a case by case basis there's no one size fits all some of these people are completely traumatized when they want to come back they're they're disillusioned they went there in a very naive state they didn't really know what they were getting involved with and so you need good risk assessment tools for when they come back to be able to categorize them as someone who potentially can be rehabilitated and reintegrated and in some of these cases these people can actually become actively part of can't counter radicalization strategies that's happened in the past or some president for the people who went and joined al qaeda in iraq or afghanistan and when they came back they actually realized what they did was so wrong they d. radicalized and they were helping authorities they were up at colleges agencies police agencies but even social services to intervene and stop other people from
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joining on the other hand here people who are so radical is that there's no way to actually ensure the public safety so you do have to either put them in life imprisonment or you have to quarantine them somewhere you can put them under probation as a variety of tools that are available and not only is it greater sick if you leave them out there what about what about the children that they bring back with film i mean you know you mentioned social services do you think western countries will dedicate the necessary social services to these children to rehabilitate them or to treat them if they've been traumatized i mean there's the fear that the children could be future terrorists. well if we leave them out there then there's an even greater chance that they'll be future terrorists because there's really no rehabilitation center and the probably will just release them or they could police them and in which case the best hope for them will be another pieces like organization that will take them in and continue grooming them at least if you bring in the president as a moral obligation for bringing back young chicks were brought over by their
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parents at the age of six or seven really didn't know what they were doing but at least we have the resources especially western countries have the resources and the knowledge of the skill set to actually begin the process of rehabilitation we pop the question is are you rehabilitating them to make sure that they're just mentally fit individuals to get over their trauma their p.t.s.d. yeah i mean maybe we can do that right maybe they'll be severely damaged but it's a bit of a logical fallacy that instance they're necessarily going to become terrorists just because they were without experience that will depend on how we treat them when we get a hold of them again if we bring them back if a greater chance of rehabilitation. nothing to me joining us tonight from one in talking about the people the men and women who are coming back to western countries after being a part of isis what should be done i think we appreciate your insights tonight thank you thank you.
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what they say a picture is worth a thousand words so when the prime ministers of greece and north macedonia snapped a historic selfie together today it spoke boy the two leaders got together for the photo during the first official visit by a greek leader to the country's balkan neighbor in decades the former yugoslav republic of macedonia changed its name to north macedonia earlier this year ending a thirty year territorial feud with greece as other pictures showed both leaders are positively embracing this new chapter in relations look at that good news. on the day. the day is almost over but the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at u.w. news follow me a t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody.
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global three thousand next on d w. a city. morrow week. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when i asked fighters aka the city center two thousand and seventeen president church's response was. i. will never again look over. the reconquest turn to tragedy. that's not liberation at all this is not the kind of freedom that we
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want. how did it become a gateway to islamist terror. the so-called under my city has. an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of bias starts april eleventh on d w. welcome to global three thousand. today we visit afghanistan where forty years of war terror and oppression and left the country's women deeply traumatized . we go to georgia where a techno club is that the heart of a struggle for the soul of the nation. but first we head to siberia where the
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