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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2019 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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the rhetoric holding the fossil to account that's the problem. conflict zone with tim sebastian. t.w. . that people vote for facebook and twitter. to date and in touch. follow us. welcome to global three thousand. today we visit afghanistan where forty years of war terror and oppression left the country's women deeply traumatized and . we go to georgia where a techno club is at the heart of a struggle for the soul of the nation. but first we had to siberia where the growing chinese presence is leading to resentment and protest.
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when she jinping pays state visits business matters tend to top the agenda on his recent visit to europe several trade deals worth billions of euros were signed the contracts are part of the new silk road project china is planning to invest more than eight hundred billion euros in the global trade route linking europe russia and asia. the network will also include maritime routes between africa and the middle east all of which requires new roads rail lines and port facilities built with the help of the chinese but beijing's growing influence is controversial. but the fact i'm tired i am god or god. forbid a. lot. here and loathing in siberia the
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fear of thousands of chinese workers coming to live and work here with the backing of the state. if you leave now. i'm not leaving i'm going in. this public hearing at a cultural center was held to reassure people upset about a new housing project for chinese workers. some three thousand of them are set to come to omsk but many people can't even get through the door and they're angry. among them get not he divorced off. would you do we go in or stay silent. the chinese workers will live on former farmland local zoning laws forbid development here but the project has political support so now excavators and cranes are busy behind high fences to keep curious locals from seeing in residents are
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suspicious. but you why should i let the chinese take over my country this is my land the land of my ancestors' light might be a cover with almost no new salutes they're building little chinese republics here if you will to this you know they're taking out a lot and. not for germany in the local must not on you how come they are allowed to work here why is our government allowing it expecting us to stay silent pushing us around why have they taken all men's jobs from the embassy in europe it was a camera crew thing chinese workers from far away they are living while we're treated like feel. good not he tossed off is furious a former soldier he's married and a grandfather he used to serve as a communist party representative in the municipal council and till he was voted out of office. but he still politically active and like many here still misses the soviet union and clings to the old traditions. i'm
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a pensioner i could just sit around at home but it hurts my heart and so when i see what's happening in my country. corruption is flourishing and thanks to corruption that's slowly but surely taking over our country if the land i live in no longer belongs to me i'll end up a slave a so. that when there's a meeting in my usual year two years i lose but i won't get personal with. representatives of the powerful petro chemical industry and say these fears are exaggerated and that people will soon get over them but they don't want to go on camera. unlike the chinese engineers and specialists who work for an industrial construction firm that has a multi-year contract with russian oil and gas company gas problem next to modernize siberia's gas industry. right now about five hundred specialists are here. thousands of workers will come soon.
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yes. on the throne notion there's a new one you believe the chinese work as a friendly. they've just come here to work and eventually down leave all no go back home. they're not here to settle down and start families. they just don't have the time. that taken to work at six in the morning and they come back home at eleven o'clock at night. they just don't have the time to get to know the locals. did not he draws doff is skeptical he takes us along to the taiga a seven hour drive north of. russia is home to the largest forested regions on earth nearly half the country is covered with birch pine oak and other types of trees. these forests play a vital role in stabilizing the global climate. there's not much work to be had
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here and what there is is often badly paid no one's keeping a close eye on what goes on the world wide fund for nature estimates that around thirty million cubic meters of timber are felled illegally in russia every year and usually sold to china in collusion with corrupt politicians and officials. droste of wants to show us how that works in the village of noble your country you know he meets an old friend alexandra. he's a forester and knows the region like the back of his hand he leads us to a clearing where he says the chinese recently cut down trees it's the size of six football pitches it. used to be a pine forest now it's just to show you. the deforestation was illegal he says he can't prove it but there are several indications the job wasn't done properly. well. this was done by the chinese
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they should have pulled up the tree stump by the roots and planted a sapling in its place. and always did. what angers him most is that no one will be held to account. back in arms cannot he draws da feels the same. but the principle is quite simple look people in a position to do something about this to make sure things are done according to the law have their own financial interests the. corruption is hard to prove locals are convinced the chinese are playing a role or at the very least profiting from it. afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world for forty years the population has lived in the shadow of conflict and war in twenty eight thousand alone nearly eleven thousand civilians were killed or injured. of the three
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point seven million children who don't go to school three quarters are girls. many young girls become child brides further reducing their chances and leaving self-determined lives. they are also at risk of falling victim to honor killings domestic and sexual violence. the result entire generations of women in afghanistan are deeply traumatized. now johnny is a doctor at one of the main hospitals in kabul she's an oncologist. this morning she's seeing a patient called who has lung cancer. have you been since we last spoke. the pain hasn't gotten worse but i've been having trouble sleeping recently and i have terrible nightmares i dream there are heavily armed taliban fighters banging on the door threatening us and demanding food i lie there in the dark my heart racing and all the old fears come back. when i
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began treating zarif a lung cancer i realized she was deeply traumatised i advised her to leave her village so that should at least be able to find some peace of mind but she's from a poor family and can't afford to leave. women in afghanistan are victims not only of war and terror but also patriarchal traditions docked in the us he estimates that about seventy percent of her patients are traumatized by war. in a country mired in violence their suffering often goes unnoticed. i think i'm the only doctor in afghanistan who pays attention to my patient psychological problems . men are waging war regardless of the fact it's their own women who bad the brunt of it and who are completely defenseless. as a referral lives surrounded by bombed out houses and streets
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a blanket of snow covers up the worst of the damage. the taliban are active in the area and began attacking the village several weeks ago. this is where she and her children seek refuge from the gunfire and exploding bombs. sometimes we spent days and nights here we'd have a bit of bread and a jug of water that's all. villages one hundred fifty kilometers from kabul the afghan army and the taliban have been fighting for control of the area people are hungry and frightened and afraid to leave their homes. i always ask the women who come and see me what problems they're struggling with poverty sickness fears related to the war most of them feel a deep sense of hopelessness. many of the women she sees can't read or write down from the idea of their illness being connected to the war. many of these women body
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and mind behaviors and physiological symptoms are interlinked. shoulder was injured in a rocket strike she now suffers from acute anxiety. i got up a bit of my share to mr jack so i just whenever i hear a loud noise. i think it's another message. sometimes a faint and when i wake up again i can't remember anything to make an awareness believe there's no awareness in afghanistan of these problems. anyone who seeks psychological help tends to be stigmatized. and that is why many people suffer alone behind closed doors. he often wonders if women's mental health issues are more of a burden than their physical ailments. afghan society is written by war men bring the violence they've experienced back home with them and often vent their
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aggression on their families the hospital inherit in western afghanistan many of the girls and young women being treated here are maimed or burned beyond recognition they say they had an accident at home or fell. john is just thirteen years old he said. they're still there was a part of boiling water on the stove. but my legs. and. the girls are afraid to tell the truth says dr hi gary. harmed and why because of their domestic situation they've been forced into marriages and their husbands are violent. so i have john's husband bought her for the equivalent of one thousand euros he used her as cheap labor to milk cows and feed sheep she lived in a cramped and filthy room and was given leftovers to eat. i didn't know what it
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would be like to be married and i'm just a child and. many young girls end up pouring petrol on themselves and setting themselves on fire an act of sheer desperation their families forbid them to tell anyone. back in the hospital in kabul is a reefer has brought along photos of her wedding day and her family it's as though she wants to prove there's nothing wrong with her but in her village people know she has psychological problems and treat her like a pariah. zarif has cancer has spread but i will to live wasn't destroyed by disease but by war well. dr n.e.r.c. listens to her she's one of the few who understand what women like serif are going through. today in global
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ideas we have a report from kenya. bio gas made of cal manure reduces reliance on firewood and charcoal which helps tackle deforestation our reporter julie ahead much money met with farmers who've been stalled by a gas plants and found out how they're not only saving money but also protecting the environment. it takes a week to build a plant like this one soon it will be ready to accommodate cow manure. and after two more weeks these dairy farmers will have their own supply of bio gas the plant was a major investment for the couple. well it did. cause . and that i. think at the. end it will help you afford it. and they managed to get that money.
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at german n.-g. o. called atmosphere and its local partner sustainable energy strategies helped set up this bio gas plant and eight hundred more across campbell county near the kenyan capital nairobi. but if you've got an hour with such facilities we can make use of the cow dung that's produced every day in gardens like this to generate clean bio gas and if there's no smoke in the kitchen there are no c o two emissions either so each bio gas plant means four times less c o two each year. the biggest problem for people here is finding the money to pay for a plant or the smallest model or custody hundred years. that's too much for most farming families who also have to pay school fees for their children and the market is huge in this county but the problem is
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a lot of people are not typically afford it so. they don't have the money to finance it. even though we get that subsidy from artmosphere. there are hundreds of smallholder farms in cambodia they grow manes cattle feed and vegetables they yield is often just enough to feed the families farming the land so adding a bio gas plant is a big deal. when dewey was able to afford one should save some of the money she makes with her six hundred eggs laying hens and her cows and she was able to get a micro-loan. the plant is fed with manure mixed with water up. a pipe under the ground takes the gas produced hackett's in.
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the. corner. because i wanted a plant after i had seen one at my neighbors we get it all. being is so easy now. i used to have to gather firewood and go and buy charcoal and it was very expensive with. now i have no problems i come home late and cook supper in ten minutes then you are they could be looked at with a good mulligan learning. a byproduct of the bio gas plant is a nutritious ferment which can be used as organic fertilizer to enhance crappy holds. the farmers can use it themselves all sell it through to the theme really there is a system in place for collecting produce from farms but there's no certification here for organically grown fruit and vegetables and gone shipping it would be great if there were and if growers could claim they use no chemical fertilizers or
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pesticides. and bring up another kind of attitude of i'm not. another problem facing farmers here is that the rainy season is at least four weeks late this year . that worry that with the soil parched their crops won't grow. these men are on their way to buy water that well has dried up. massive deforestation has transformed the water cycle the land is literally drying up just since the year two thousand almost ten percent of kenya's forests have been felled illegal logging remains a major problem. phillis when buoys crops and not doing well. it live in a move that only. we're suffering because of the drought we have to buy water now it's very expensive it's hard for us we need water for
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a vegetable and our animals were killed. but now that she has a bio gas plant at least she doesn't have to buy firewood any more. crying eggs for the children off to school takes just a moment. phyllis will have paid off her loan in one year's time. she doesn't regret the investment in the slightest the buy a gas plant has changed her life for the better. word has it that night life in the georgian capital tbilisi is among the best in europe for the country's young people the city's clubs are islands of freedom. but far right groups the orthodox church and reactionary elements in the government disapprove. the party scene is feeling the heat with frequent drug raids and the
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threat of lengthy jail sentences. into blue sea the situation is escalating into a culture clash between traditionalist and a more liberal younger generation. sally crew charlie is getting ready for a night out clubbing into blysse. closure and also i value freedom above all else a place where you feel free means you also feel at home also offered. her room resembles one big art installation a collage of mementos from her favorite club she stuck tickets from the first five a vents held there on the wall. to blysse has transformed itself into a hub of exciting nightlife it's repurposed factory is now home to a hostel workshops and studios bars and cafes day or night there's always activity
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of some sort going on at the fabric of sally and her friends stop the night here she's one acquainted with a new music scene modest in size but with a growing international reputation for techno fans across europe georgia is very much on the map. oh i'll be there georgian d.j.'s who are in big demand abroad which makes me proud the georgian pub scene has evolved immensely. but has spread and that also includes baths yani which people are now calling one of the best clubs anywhere if it's out by. bus the army is a rave cave located underneath tbilisi's main soccer stadium cameras are only allowed in outside opening hours privacy is closely guarded. tight or get a co-founder of the club in twenty fourteen i don't seem to see an injustice
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there's a name and there's a club i think. this is a young generation awful awful awful for georgia. people this is a movement which tribe use this country for freedom or for for better or for better future. a movement that celebrates a liberal lifestyle including more rights for gays and lesbians and blacks a laws on drug use a police raid on bus siani and other major clubs in may twenty eight hundred was seen as an attack on that lifestyle. two hundred special forces armed was a machine guns raided the club and yahoo started shouting turn your music go i go up as a warble the. people who were arrested and then prosecuted on charges of selling drugs be then triggered a protest march with thousands taking to the streets in defense of the clubs was the only moment which. against the years took to bring fifty thousand people
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to protest and protest not just like a radical idea such as change the government or something but the ideas which made her ideas for for human rights ideas for women rights i'd ideas for for for abuse. but this liberal movement only has the backing of a minority over eighty percent of people in georgia off the docks christians and the church has been protesting against the potential liberalization of drug legislation constantine more cautious is a right wing political activist who makes serious accusations against the liberal club seem. to be his new york she was very aggressive they began to insult our culture they danced on sites we consider sacred. they've attacked police officers and ended up insulting everybody says the orthodox christian faith is very important to more goetia he goes to church every sunday if he can and once
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a year he goes on a fast he lives his life he says in accordance with religious doctrine but it's a kind of life he. he sees under threat. they attack our religion every day and every day they insult our patriarch. so they set up entire groups on social media for that sole aim. he's one of the leaders of the georgian march movement which has contacts with other right wing nationalist groups across europe . lives on the outskirts of tbilisi. he and his wife want to see their five children grow up in a ga with conservative values. or they think. they're going to seminary is like the church when you come home to your family you have to leave all your negative emotions at the door so that you're in a good mood and everyone's happy to see you. family is the most important thing in
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our lives so. rushing. around midnight. makes their way over to buy siani. tells. smart inside you can just be yourself nobody will criticize you want to count of your sexual orientation or your parents. that any way you can be free. sally will be celebrating that freedom for the rest of the night she's often one of the last to emerge from the underground pleasure dome. for more inspiring stories check out our new facebook pages d w women. everyone determined to fight repression and discrimination. for everyone who believes in gender equality d.w.
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women gives a voice to the women of our world. that's all from us this week we are always happy to hear from you though so write us at global three thousand and d w dot com or follow us on facebook d w women. see you next time take care.
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of. us can inspire the change of. people making it possible to go africa. fantastic right. as they. sent out to safety environment. to learn from one another. and gather for a better future. w. . hy in the years of the world at their feet but success can be
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a film do this because we can't stay on venezuela. the place that. closely global news that matters d. w. made for mines. extravagant gifts to clearly know their stuff. they curbs with boeing and shifting. the burden check with musicians from around the world. groups every week calling to. w. . frankfurt airport international gateway to the best connections of air road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the own world.
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experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying our services. be our guest at frankfurt airport city managed by from. thousands are filled with streets of the algerian capital algiers to celebrate her resignation of president abdelaziz bouteflika the army had urged the eighty two year old to step down after weeks of protests against his rule beautifully again had been in office for two decades. venezuelan lawmakers loyal to president nicolas maduro have stripped opposition leader one of his immunity it means why don't could now.


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