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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  April 5, 2019 3:45pm-4:00pm CEST

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samsung reported its worst drop in profits in more than four years the plunge was due to falling memory chip prices and slowing smartphone sales profit tumbled more than sixty percent in the first quarter to five point five billion dollars on a positive for the south korean technology from former it was a bigger than expected demand for its new flagship device the galaxy s ten smartphone however that increase in sales was not enough to compensate for the steep decline in the semiconductor business on a more positive note today samsung rolls out its first five g. capable smartphone just in time for the launch of south korea's five g. network the first first in the world. it's being compared to the moon landings s.k. telecom's c.e.o. park junko describes the advent of five g. mobile networking technology as a giant leap for mankind analysts say the new super fast highly reactive networking technology would change the way we live. just it has potential to
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transform a range of industries from autos to factory production to media to agriculture to health care yes eventually as transfer made to potential will become apparent to to everyone in next five years or so one of the most talked about applications five g. will enable is autonomous driving the new network standard will be capable of handling and responding to vast quantities of data in real time south korea's early launch of five g. is also a symbolic step for the country to maintain its lead as a high tech nation for the newest generation of mobile internet to reach its full capacity experts expected to take several more years whether five g. is indeed a technological revolution or more often evolution is still to be seen. well south korea's five g. network let's bring in our financial correspondent for saudis asia and to hang in singapore and south korea with the world's first that what about the rest of asia's
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five g. coming to other countries. well china and japan of course are the big obvious players in the race for five g. singapore is pressing on with its own developments in fact we just had well first of all meant to reality five g. phone call with australia end to end and this is of course on top of the numerous projects testing projects that are being run at the moment and over in thailand tell cause of bending to give to run collaborative test bits and they are doing so by going against the grain using the much talked about while we take to support them. the u.s. is pressing its allies to not use war way infrastructure in their five g. networks. asian governments handling this is it hurting wise business in asia
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well in the case of south korea the head of s.k. telecom publican whole says they don't they don't seem to be worried about any security concerns that being said it is worth noting that the three telcos in south three of the telcos in south korea including s.k. telecom they are not using the while we get only one small a plea is now here in singapore there doesn't seem to be a high level of along regarding five g. security concerns and they are looking into multiple vendors in order to do so in the meantime while way as business in asia seems to be status quo in fact the company is going to be a headline sponsor for the upcoming five g. asia conference here in singapore this september. under a brief if you can other any viable solutions other than war with. well in the case of singapore yes they are going to be other possibilities other than huawei in fact singapore is already talking to multiple vendors to support their
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five g. networks and on top of that observe us do say that other top tier markets such as japan will likely follow suit and to hang in singapore thank you very much the u.s. and china are continuing their talks on trade in washington and u.s. president donald trump says the quote pick trade deal with china could be just weeks away but he stopped short of mentioning. some a day when any such agreement would be signed to the announcement was sent on details but it's thought the question of when the united states will lift tariffs on china remains a major sticking point. months of wrangling hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tyrants and a u.s. pledge to radically change china does business now u.s. president donald trump is indicating that the trade conflict between the world's
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top two economies is nearing an end we've agreed to far more than we have left. and in fact i would say i think i can say that some of the toughest things have been if we just we have some things that are actually easier right now that we're we're doing but it's a very very using a word that i don't like using too often but it's a very very comprehensive deal on the chinese side some flattery others will caution and even less detail. because if you go right. to. the steel from beneath. you would go for a good result to treat conflict began early last year when the u.s. voted to crack down on what it called unfair chinese trade practices these include station to invention in markets and the handling of foreign intellectual property china is already committed to buying more u.s.
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goods and to opening its markets but questions remain over how such changes would be enforced there are still some major major issues like. we should be taking over all this it would have thought to start i think that there's a. characteristic confidence from u.s. president donald trump and the more cautious optimism from those who've been doing most of the negotiations the world's biggest economies may be close to a deal but getting there may take longer than expected. more trouble for germany's top carmakers. charged with colluding to prevent competition on emissions cleaning technology european regulators are accusing the car makers of working together to. limit the development and introduction of technology that would clean up emissions the allegations of a diesel and petrol cars sold in the european economic area the period between two thousand and six and two thousand and fourteen companies could face penalties of up to ten percent of their annual turnover. in pakistan inflation
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is at its highest for over five years imran khan's government was elected in twenty eighteen with a promise to eradicate poverty it's not even been a year but patients amongst average pakistani voters is now wearing thin. inflation is killing us reads this sign is currently running at nine point four percent in pakistan not since november twenty third teen has it been they say high with hefty increases in the costs of food and energy essential is now becoming luxuries for some. for the public be able to survive this inflation or not we can't even purchase bread with what we have got alone knows what'll become of the poor this has to stop that there's no control anyone. really. many pakistanis would hope that control would come from imran khan the party swept to victory last july on a promise to make poverty a thing of the past are wrestling with a ballooning deficit and seeking
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a thirteenth international bailout has left the government needing to make tough choices at the start of a full fuel prices went up by six rupees to ninety eight per liter hitting low skilled workers who can end as little as six hundred rupees less than four euro's a day. the word in a bank account was saying big things about providing employment and getting rid of poverty these are raising polity is a raising the poor. so is nine point four percent the limit for inflation in pakistan facing trajectory now from now on would depend on what extent the government has been a dispy said the prices so if they want to go to the full extent to what extent it is to what extent they need to plug the gap then inflation in a few months it will go into double digits. economists believe pakistan has no choice but to cut public spending and raise prices but for a public that was expecting to be getting richer patience is wearing thin.
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let's look closer at pakistan's economic problems. with the w.'s asia desk and joins us from bond now has anyone can deliver on his election promise to tackle the economic problems no certainly not i believe i was in pakistan last month and i spoke with a number of people the common people in experts most people believe especially the experts that the gulf. government is directionless. his team has no clue how to deal how to remedy the economy is finance minister also the most pretty clueless so people are pretty disappointed with this government's performance so far. remember the previous government prime minister nawaz sharif the former prime minister. during his tenure or baucus tangy d.p. was close to six person now a u.n. report predicts that good fall behind that of the maldivian the balls in going to
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twenty so it's a very grim and very difficult situation for pakistan for the dismal picture that you're painting there what are you hearing from pakistan how are the prices affecting everyday lives. it's very difficult for the common person to make good both ends meet you have to understand that the buggiest on is a poor country most people don't much or a lot of the country's population live in the areas even the middle class is suffering no report mentioned about the hike so it's becoming increasingly difficult increasingly difficult for even the business people to run the businesses inflation is a spiking and it could be very difficult for a prime minister funds government when the government is all also going to the i.m.f. to seek
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a financial loan in the coming months and years things will get more difficult for pakistan and more grim the picture is pretty disciplined and might be sometimes that has entered the us thank you very much. thanks for having me thank you and turkey allies have begun moving their operations to istanbul's new mega airports the move it's being described as the biggest transport operation in aviation history schedules take forty five hours and is due to be completed by sunday. and that's its own business.
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fresh vegetable growing wish list more or less space and no pesticides. hydroponic farming in mumbai. but on these greens really help me what about the costs and can farmers afford the equipment to. comments on w. thanks. to. my song choice also to. some more to do w. . your link times from africa the
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world in the song facebook d w africa. i'm scared that the war that's hard and in the end it's a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. the smugglers would lie and say. what's your story. i'm with i was a women especially a victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. are not a visitor not the guests you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information.
4:00 pm
this is d w news live from by land and. to bret's it proposes a flexible twelve month delay for the u.k. to leave the bloc to reason that he wants it soon enough by june thirtieth the possibilities also coming up fears of carnage his militia troops reach the outskirts of the libyan capital tripoli but the regional war the war preparing to drive out the international government the u.n. security council needs to discuss the crisis.


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