tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle April 7, 2019 7:30am-8:01am CEST
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finally they gave up and mentored by young guys like that but returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for girls than writing advice as now i want to meet charles indorse woman back home who are bones about her duties and social norms and inform them about deadbeats and rights my name is the about of people homes and i work as leader. of the welcome to in good shape coming up. strain and pain are the best ways to avoid sore muscles. sites medication news why patient instructions are so crucial and viking versus smoking just how dangerous are in
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the dangerous in the long term side of this just unknown so far and it's obviously not a device to stop smoking eating or it's dangerous just recently a twenty four year old died in the united states because an easier it exploded in his hands but the real risks of the cigarettes they elsewhere. while there's been a slight decrease in the number of regular smoker since two thousand the number of vapors has been rising rapidly the cigarettes are widely viewed as less harmful plus vaporing is banned in far fewer places. the institute for therapy and health research in germany recently conducted a new survey about the impact on tenth graders. teenagers who have tried an isa gerad are twice as likely to start smoking regular cigarettes later on on end we find that very troubling. it's proven that isa gretz contain far fewer
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toxins than conventional tobacco cigarettes. but as they're relatively recent products their long term effects are unknown and. this is a moment you could call that the biggest field study that's taking place in the health sector worldwide in time that's up to give. vapors can choose from hundreds. the additives that give them their flavor however. substances. for example has a buttery taste but. the vapor produced by the heating device of an isa. the results.
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could result in long term damage such as cancer. the lesser evil. three years ago he used to smoke thirty cigarettes a day. when it came to kicking the tobacco habit. no i mean after a couple of weeks or months i noticed that my smoker's cough was gone when we do plus my nose isn't so stuffed up anymore. i can smell and taste things a lot better so things have definitely changed you can feel. very being is less harmful than regular cigarettes and is a way of cutting down on or quitting smoking. but the cigarettes also impact health and may induce users especially youngsters to turn to tobacco cigarettes as well.
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she said counsellor of the tool because his agent and smoking convention center here at the event this clinic pulling things happened today only today we're talking about smoking and very pain so what actually is in the paper well it's difficult to answer because is dependent on the substances in the liquid of the secrets so we have about a thousand different flavors which makes it very difficult to find out what exactly is in there way but you know the main ingredient is a proper link recall which is for some patients difficult and dangerous because they might have an asthmatic allergic reaction to it ok so and this is different to normal cigarettes then yes absolutely in other grieving and so to speak is
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formaldehyde so what's dangerous about that it's a cause you know genic substance and you may know it from your colors or home. from wallpaper and you should awarded whenever you can tell me something about the different kinds of flavors like herbs or fruits other dangerous as well. well substances to have various strange names and they aim to get children hooked to eat . secrets if you hear the names you know what i mean it's called gummy bear all cherry banana flavors which would attract children children are actually sounds quite healthy exactly this is what they try to pretend that this is the less harmful variation of smoking but do those vapors actually harm the smoker or are they just more addictive we don't know yet especially since we don't have long term
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data so far. so we try to be you know careful and a little bit hesitant about recommending that those devices or at least the addictive exactly and they do harm your health this much we know can you give me an update on the nicotine levels the nicotine levels depend on each country and the problem is the nicotine level doesn't tell the whole truth because it's also important which temperature your device can allow you to use so if it allows very high temperatures you may inhale much more nicotine then through normal cigarettes and this is obviously more dangerous than but you could turn down the nicotine level as well so you could promote suspension well the concentration might decline yes but then your smoking patterns might adapt to the lower levels so we don't
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have a control because all those devices they have not been through security control or anything like that so it's really difficult you know from a scientific point to few to decide what to think about those devices. i think they're very deep to young people because they come with the u.s.b. port they come with an app and it's all so modern so young people are not smoking and longer they had julie. although jewel is a relative newcomer on the market for babying products it's already doing great business in the u.s. it's cartridges contain very highest levels of nicotine and young people find the brand especially appealing. i lean hard nosed just how attractive you cigarettes are for many teenagers. not to seem to after the seventh and eighth grade is extreme it's like you're young thirteen or fourteen and you have something that not everyone can afford so of course others
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a curious and gentle tastes. dr martin kasten is also concerned about the development. it's you give it you cigarettes are a disaster for young people they have a high nicotine content which can be harmful to their cardiovascular system. and it can lead to addiction. coming up and get you cigarettes are marketed as a way to come off regular cigarettes. some young people actually think there's a problem with a little flavor of a riot or uses that you don't actually taste the nicotine and that's the dangerous part of it all but the appeal of the cigarettes continues to grow even though it's impossible to determine what kind of long term effect they've been products could have on young people. on a worldwide victory much does this fascination come from well the numbers have doubled in the last two years and i think it's part of the. development
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progress which has been made for chill it's also been invented by two young guys in the back room of you know the flat and yeah it's just a little device looks like and you spin stick and it has a little tank full of nicotine and it makes you very easy very fast that to nicotine looks very fancy but it's still dangerous isn't it absolutely because what we can see from the united states now is that many teenagers have switched from julian to normal cigarettes so what do you think of those fancy devices just gateway drug to real cigarettes this is what we observe now from countries which have started with these secrets much earlier than like germany and we can see many young people switching from cigarettes back to normal tobacco and normal cigarettes yes speaking about tobacco there's some eve isis that he dump regular tobacco so
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how do you judge this yeah well it's called he will burn products and they also dangerous because there's also an effect on human cell. also so the risk to gether trumbo sis or something is higher with those devices but what we can see the second hand smoke seems to be less harmful but we have to say all the published data is about two thirds just from the tobacco industry so we need some more time to go somewhere and yes. what would she shows even if she shows up. well she says they come from the orient and vary on one style now and we have increase our nontrivial bars here in germany i don't know about five hundred percent each day kind of and especially the shisha heating process is very dangerous because of the carbon monoxide which is released and many toxic which is
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absolutely toxic exactly and there's many young people just fainting in the cafes and be delivered to the emergency rooms and a good lot of patients who want to stop smoking some of them did cigarettes so they just switched is a good idea well what we can see from the data for germany many of those patients stay just you know do it like for three four months and then go back to their normal cigarettes some of those states even use those secrets and normal cigarettes as a dual use or so it's just not the right way to do it ok so if you want to kick the habit you should opt for the real way there are certain some ways to quit smoking. they are two of the most common aids for quitting smoking nicotine gum and to make a teen patches both provide the body with nicotine as a way of minimizing withdrawal symptoms and they can really help you kick the habit
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says addiction expert to be as hotel. replacement therapy. in the proper dose used for around two months can double your chances of quitting was there also prescription medicines meant to help with withdrawal their active ingredients is supposed to curb your appetite for cigarettes. the idea was that these drugs would make people quit but the habit so powerful that people just continue smoking. tobacco. other approaches don't involve active substances among them quit smoking apps you're meant to put in your daily cigarette consumption the app then shows you how stopping will improve your health over time as well as how much money you'll say it also allows you to share your withdrawal experiences with others going through the same process. and if you give one hundred people
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a map and another hundred of brochures it's the ones with the up that are much more likely to quit the concept needs a bit of refining but i already use apps of lot of if this is a yes. but the most effective way to stop smoking is with the course and preferably one in a group then you get competent advice and have a support network in place. mommies and course of course professional help and a group makes it fun a year on success rates are nearly fifty percent reports and. so it is possible to stop smoking you just have to go about it in the right way. studies show that causes for smoking cessation have the best results in the long term so i said well the social support is a very effective tool in those courses and also the medical support but also to learn techniques how to deal with stress and other triggers for smoking so you
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offer such kind of courses as well sort of what's in the course well we talk about you know special patterns each person has for smoking clues or we also do relaxation techniques bill to do self suggesting methods to help to sustain from smoking and what about drugs i mean pills for smoking cessation yeah in some cases when people are very dependent we also command medical support and there is a few products on the market which are very helpful in your opinion what are the biggest obstacles smoking cessation. well difficult to say sometimes it's the fear of starting to stop and it's also sometimes you know the fear to be unsuccessful again because usually people are not used to it it's a little bit like riding a bike you know the children they start to learn how to ride a bike by falling from it but later on in life it's not so common. that so you
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would suggest be courageous and don't fall for the words minutes of the cigarettes company absolutely so that's what you say yeah and also look for some help out there and look for some professional great thanks so much for having me today is smoking is a waste of time so don't smoke but use the time you gain go to your computer and go to sleep. on an upcoming show we'll be looking at fertile a change some couple struggle to have a baby what can stand in the way of conception and what treatments are there if you have a question send it to him in good shape. dot com just right for to lety treatment in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you. you cannot get enough of the show because you cannot overdose on it and it's a totally different story when it comes to sport because if you exercise too much
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you will get muscle aches no problem we've got some tips for you. the gym is full you've started your workout so it's hard to stay motivated you over did it yesterday and your muscles a stiff and sore so if you give a guy lifted too much weight and started too soon after training break so sore muscles it's just even walking up the stairs hurt or doing normal things like sitting down on a chair. the first time when i was training for a half marathon i sometimes couldn't climb the stairs afterwards i pulled myself up on the high and my legs really hurt a lot of them. but what's causing your muscles to ache hence habit fatah is a sports medicine specialist he says that contrary to common belief it's not down to a build up of excess acids as a. muscle soreness occurs when muscles are overstressed when they're forced to
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cope with loads they aren't used to or have to do something at a higher level of intensity than usual so it is sort of over. the soreness has caused fine micro injuries that occur in the muscle tissue so the micro trauma often occurs around areas where the muscles are attached and. what's the best way to relieve soreness if the aches the severe should you keep exercising or take a break. right of people working out but carefully lower exertion levels i'm sure i could if i were really sore i'd take a break to avoid making it worse and irritating the muscle even more it helps to take the dog out for. walk after like exercise the experts agree no matter how bad it takes don't take a complete break from your exercise regime you need some moderate muscle strain to accelerate the breakdown of oyster products and promote circulation don't just take it too easy get your heart beat up to about sixty to sixty five percent of your
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maximum pulse frequency or moderate jogging is good to get active recuperation go on the body tolerate start kind of activity much better than being passive. and right after exercise can heat prevent soreness or cold i don't take a cold shower after exercise that helps a bit so i don't use heat or cold it has to go away on its own to take a hot shower. they say heat encourages relaxation but i don't know if a hot water bottle on my legs would help after run. directly after exercise cold makes sense as a stimulus for halting the inflammation process longer term treating soreness with moderate heat makes more sense because that stimulates metabolic processes to. the heat can be applied around ten to twelve hours after exertion visiting a so what ever is one option and what about all the point minutes that is supposed
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to help finish called plodded i think they're good especially when you have back problems because they relax the muscles i think they can help if it's really the new horse liniment. no use pain stuff sometimes muscle bombs have a limited effect because they don't penetrate deeply enough into the tissue can help but be cautious with bombs containing pain relief as. you have to understand that substances like. and. stop the inflammation process and the desired muscle adaptations along with it so that's why you have to strike a balance between this adaptation. if you want the dose of painkiller take a voice well it's a process and process where it's in the but. in other words it limits the read growth of muscle tissue faster also recommends avoiding pain relievers in tablet form he's observed mounting misuse of common pain killers among people participating in events like marathons so how does pain medication relieve soreness
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. you have these micro injury and the pain reliever masks the pain but pain is a warning signal for the body to take notice to take something seriously. the moment that i mask the facts and continue to stress the muscles i can damage the commission to be sure to muscular to sheridan what about stretching before or after exercise. stretching is really important although i hate it didn't miss it been doing before workout i always stretch to warm up sometimes other instructors much as i should. be stretching is fundamentally important in the run up to your workout as well as in the cooldown phase it prepares your muscles for the workout gets them ready to perform. and then in the cooldown phase they should be stretched out again was couldn't be any fun so also recommends drinking
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a protein rich shake around forty five minutes after a workout that gives the muscles the building blocks they need to regenerate literally to. lead to a light sand trace elements they also play a key role. mineral water contains those substances and it makes sense to mix it with fruit juices to replace fluids to consume. so to summarize to avoid muscle soreness stretch before and after sport listen to your body and don't push yourself too hot. if you're sick you go and see your g.p. . prescribe you some pills and then the problems start when do you have to take the pills before a meal after meal instead of a meal with milk with water. come on just ask your family doctor. some medications should be taken on an empty stomach or before eating. that means
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thirty minutes to an hour before a meal this is when the ph value of stomach acid rises that makes it easier for the active ingredients to be absorbed enabling them to work faster. other drugs should be taken with a meal the partly digested food protects the stomach sensitive mucous membrane from the active ingredients. and there are also medications which should be taken after eating that's because some food types can actually prevent some active ingredients being absorbed in such cases you should wait for two hours after eating to take your dose. it's also important to take the correct dose that enables the active ingredients to reach the correct strength in the body. if you forget to take
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a dose never try and compensate by taking double the amount then there'd be too much of the drug in the bloodstream. coming off medications should also only be done in agreement with your doctor even if you feel fit again you should for example always complete a course of antibiotics. if pathogens are not fought for the correct amount of time they can become resistant. to antidepressants too should never be stopped abruptly doing so can make the depressive symptoms far worse always phase them out gently under the careful supervision of your doctor. milk and dairy products contain calcium. combine two components in drugs and create non soluble complexes in the stomach. these in turn can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics and treatments for osteoporosis.
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grapefruit juice meanwhile can block enzymes in the digestive tract that help to breakdown drugs like heart and blood pressure tablets cholesterol lowering drugs sleeping tablets and painkillers this can alter the effect of the medicines or raise the risk of side effects alcohol can inhibit or boost the effectiveness and side effects of antidepressants sleeping tablets and allergy medications even if a sip of wine doesn't usually affect your ability to drive if you're on medication and have that sip you might be unfit to get behind the wheel. occasionally medications can cause dangerous side effects these can range from breathing problems to severe skin rashes loss of consciousness dizziness or seizures if you experience any of these it's important to call an ambulance immediately. as
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of the cross. coming up w o. n trends in building and living. tiny houses. with high rises. and furniture from a three d. printer. a view into the future includes a look at the past. texture and design timeless and future oriented. to be mr double. i was fifteen when i arrived here i slept with people in a room very similar it was hard i was fit. i even got white hair.
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that hit my language head not a lot so this gives me a little bunch of nicky to intrust lymphocyte you want to know their story. it's her fighting and reliable information for margaret. stuff an extravagant vision. to. really know their stuff. i think curves with the good morning stephanie stole. the party and chats with musicians from around the world to. make grooves every week on t.w. . when the water starts rising people fight for survival and i'm going to hasten up and gets me but if i get when there's a flood water comes up to our waist by good flows fast to everyone and me but. the
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lack of water is equally dangerous. based on keep to see people move south so they can plant crops and find food stamps. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any kind of peace not if you want and probably most of them to come to. a climate exodus starts thirty s. on t w. israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has promised to begin annexing jewish settlements in the occupied west bank every elected the policy u. turn is being seen as a last minute bid to rally right wing supporters ahead of next week's election under international law the settlements are viewed as illegal. in venezuela.
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